Oil and Gas Infrastructure

WikiProject Oil and Gas infrastructure (O&G) is a project to map oil and gas fields, individual wells and rigs, pipelines, transhipment centres and refineries.

Background Information

ABB Oil and Gas Production Handbook An introduction to the oil and gas production, transport, refining and petrochemical industry.

OSM oil & gas data

Data which is in the .o5m format. A list of all the tags present in each file is available here under "osmfilter scripts for "Index of /Industry".

Nominatim search phrase suggestions

  • Oil refinery, oil refineries, refinery, refineries
  • Oil pipeline(s), Gas pipeline(s)
  • Oil rig, oil well
  • Oil terminal, tanker facility, tanker terminal

O&G Data sources

shapefiles of many of the USA fields*
"U.S. Government publications are in the public domain and are not subject to copyright protection. You may use and/or distribute any of our data, files, databases, reports, graphs, charts, and other information products that are on our website or that you receive through our email distribution service. However, if you use or reproduce any of our information products, you should use an acknowledgement, which includes the publication date, such as: "Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration (Oct 2008)."
This dataset is from the AAPG Datapages Open Files Page Files from this page are "free to the public".
This map is from the University of Texas library. Unless clearly marked with a copyright logo their maps "are in the public domain. No permissions are needed to copy them. You may download them and use them as you wish."

Tags currently in use for Oil and Gas Infrastructure

General / all purpose tags

TagOther tagsUsageWikipageOil and Gas Infrastructure
Description from the tag's wikipageComment
  • The North Dakota "Bakken" cluster of well sites have been given this tag, which accounts for 3649 uses.
  • The oil pipeline points, pumping stations, valves etc in the eastern USA have been given this tag.
  • Apart from that it occasionally gets used on oil infrastructure sites worldwide.
name=*landuse=industrial4000 +
relating to O&G
YesNoname=* is the suggested combination tag for landuse=industrialBy scrolling through the data of closed ways tagged only with landuse=industrial, name=* it has been possible to identify 4,000 probable oil and gas infrastructure sites.
This data is available to download here in various GIS formats. (file does not update)
  • This tag has systematically been used for compressor stations, valves and points on the gas pipelines in the eastern USA.
  • Apart from that it gets used for gas wells and other gas infrastructure sites worldwide.

Oil and gas field tags

TagOther tagsUsageWikipageOil and Gas Infrastructure
Description from the tag's wikipageComment
waterway=offshore_fieldname=*YesYes"A center node or a closed way representing an offshore oil or gas field."Used to map the centre points of the Brazilian offshore fields.
man_made=oil_fieldLess than 5NoNo

Well tags

TagOther tagsUsageWikipageOil and Gas Infrastructure
Description from the tag's wikipageComment
man_made=petroleum_wellYesYes"A boring through the Earth's surface that is designed to find and acquire petroleum oil."
disused=yesabout 7,000 of the 23,000+Almost all uses of this combination are exploratory wells in the UK, from a DECC bulk upload.
man_made=pumping_rigYesYes"A tag for pumping platforms - gas, oil, etc. The rig may be on ground or water"This tag has been used for all the Persian Gulf and Los Angeles offshore platforms which accounts for 880 of the uses.
Other than that, it gets used almost entirely in Europe.
power=generatorpower_source=oilprobably about 1000.
View on ITO Map
Argentina. This is an out of date tagging scheme for oil powered electricity generation used in error
industrial=wellsitegasNoNoThis tag has been used only on 3 dense clusters of wellsites in Colorado USA
seamark:type=platformseamark:platform:category=productionYesYes"A term used to indicate a permanent offshore structure equipped to control the flow of oil or gas. It does not include entirely submarine structures."An OpenSeaMap tag Used 840 times in tandem with man_made=pumping_rig in the Persian Gulf, and 115 times in tandem with man_made=offshore_platform near Brazil.
man_made=offshore_platformYesYes"Offshore platforms, whether they are for production, drilling, observation, pumping, or any other purpose. This is to indicate the central position (Node) of a fixed installed platform."This tag has been used for the Norwegian, Danish and German North Sea platforms (not the UK's, which are tagged as petroleum_well), the Brazilian & Caspian offshore platforms and a couple of other sites, including onshore in south France.
landuse=wellsiteYesYesno definition availableThis tag has been used across only 8 sites worldwide.
man_made=oil_wellYesYesno definition available
industrial=well_clusterlanduse=industrialYesYesno definition availableUsed in northern Russia.
man_made=riglanduse=industrialNoNoUsed on wells over a small area in Germany
man_made=injection_wellNoNoOne field in south Germany.
man_made=oil_drillinglanduse=allotmentsNoNoOne field on Germany-France border
landuse=wellYesYesno definition available

Storage tags

TagOther tagsUsageWikipageOil and Gas Infrastructure
Description from the tag's wikipageComment
man_made=gasometerYesNo"A  gas holder is a large container in which natural gas or town gas is stored near atmospheric pressure at ambient temperatures."
man_made=storage_tankAbout 1,660 of these are tagged as being O&G related (see below) Proposed (under way)No"A tank is a storage container for undifferentiated content. The most commonly noticed forms are fuel tanks in refineries or silos around farms"The storage_tank proposal that has been underway for 4 years suggests using content=* as a second tag.
However, if one discounts a Canadian bulk import of 28,500 storage_tank nodes which include content=* values, the man_made=storage_tank, content=* combination has been used by manual editors only about 1,500 times, which is a low proportion.
When the substance inside a storage tank is being tagged, there seems to be confusion about what second tag to use
content=oil240YesNo"This key can be added to features used to store materials to declare the contents of the feature"
type=oil55YesNo"The key type is commonly used to set a relation's type."
"The type key is occasionally also used as an add-on tag for "variants" of a feature category. This approach conflicts with the use of the key for a relation's type and should be avoided (it may also create conflicts on multiple tags for the same element)."
man_made=oil_tankNoNoQuite popular undocumented one-tag alternatives to
man_made=storage_tank, content=* <oil | fuel>
which avoid the content=*/contents=*/type=*/storage=* confusion.
man_made=fuel_tankNoNoA little-used duplicate of man_made=fuel_storage_tank which is detailed above.
man_made=gas_cavernoperator=eon Gas StorageNoNoGermany
man_made=floating_storageoperator=*YesYes"Floating Storage Units and Floating Production and Storage units (known as FSO, FSPO, and similar abbreviations), whether they are for production, storage, and offloading, of petroleum products.
This is to indicate the central position (Node) of a FPSO mooring. Note that the unit might circle around this position."
has been used in tandem with the OpenSeaMap tag
to map the Brazilian FPSO.
seamark:platform:category=fpsooperator=*YesNo"An offshore oil/gas facility consisting of a moored tanker/barge by which the product is extracted, stored and exported."
man_made=fuel storage_tanksNoNoSouth Africa
man_made=fuel_depotLess than 5NoNo

Refinery tags

TagOther tagsUsageWikipageOil and Gas Infrastructure
Description from the tag's wikipageComment
NoNoThis tag has been used to map the refineries in Europe
The product=gas tag has been used in a few cases to highlight natural gas processing plants. All those without a product=* tag are crude oil refineries.

man_made=works,product=* <oil | gas> This is not in use for O&G.

Pipeline tags

TagOther tagsUsageWikipageOil and Gas Infrastructure
Description from the tag's wikipageComment
man_made=pipelinesee tag pageYes
see also: PipelineExtension Proposal
No"The pipeline key is used for major pipelines carrying liquids, gases or slurry. The pipeline may be above ground, under water or underground."It is suggested on the man_made=pipeline wikipage only to use this tag on open ways.
Open ways relating to O&G only
substance=* key not used61.000 +
type=* key used32.000 +
seamark:type=pipeline_submarineseamark:pipeline_submarine:product=oilYesNoThis OpenSeaMap tagging scheme for pipelines covers most of the offshore pipelines traced into OSM and has been mostly used in tandem with the man_made=pipeline, location=underwater scheme above.

Pipeline surface feature tags

TagOther tagsUsageWikipageOil and Gas Infrastructure
Description from the tag's wikipageComment
pipeline=markersee tag pageYesNo"A tag used for pipeline markers, be it a separate pole sticking out of the ground, or a wall marker describing the distance to a pipeline valve or other feature. Used on nodes."Mostly Central Europe & UK.
natural_gas | cng | lng>3,950
type=* key not used4,000+
pipeline=valvesee tag pageYesNo"Möglicher Schlüssel für Schieber bzw. Schieberkästen im Gelände oder als Straßeneinbauarmatur. Diameter und Position kann man dem Hinweisschild entnehmen."
pipeline=substationdistribution | measuring | valve | valve_group | inspection_guage>See Pipeline Extension ProposalNo"defines the area as a facility where the flow of the medium inside the pipeline is controlled and/or altered."A new comprehensive scheme to replace quite a few of the tags below
Nodes only
Polygons only
landuse=industrialEndesa gas >about 95Northern Spain
pipeline=stationNoNoMainly used in Germany
oil=stationFound on the "WikiProject Power networks" page, but does not have a tag pageNo"a oil pumping / transport station"Used mainly in Germany and St. Petersburg.
gas=stationFound on the "WikiProject Power networks" page, but does not have a tag pageNo"a gas pumping / transport station"
gas=substationFound on the "WikiProject Power networks" page, but does not have a tag pageNo"a little station (for maintenance / inserting pigs)"
man_made=pumping_stationoccasionally with
Informally proposed tag from 2011, see OSM forum and talk pageNo"Pumping stations turns up every xx km along a Pipelines route and are necessary to increase the pressure."From the type=* values that do get entered it looks like this almost always gets used on water, wastewater & sewage infrastructure.
man_made=distribution_stationInformally proposed tag from 2011, see OSM forum and talk pageNo"für Verteilerstation / Schiebergruppen"
man_made=regulating_stationInformally proposed tag from 2011, see OSM forum and talk page"für Reglerstation"

Miscellaneous O&G tags

TagOther tagsUsageWikipageOil and Gas Infrastructure
Description from the tag's wikipageComment
amenity=fuelYesNo"The fuel tag is used to map a fuel station, also known as a filling station, petrol station, gas station and petrol garage. It is the retail-type facility where vehicles can be refueled."
man_made=flareYesNo"A flare is a tower constructed to burn off excess gas, either as a safety measure on a production oil or gas field, or on a refinery of petroleum products."
industrial=oil sandslanduse=industrialNoNoUsed in Canada
seamark:harbour:category=tankerNoNoThese two tags are used in the middle east & north Africa without much overlap.
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