< Un giorno a Madera
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Nota D - Bibliografia di Madera
Nota C


bibliografia di madera.

Heberden, Philosophical transaetions. X abr. 232, anno 1751.

Fothergill, On consumption medical observations, 1773.

Astley, General collection of voyages and travels, 1745.

Adams, A guide to Madeira with an account of the climate, 1810. Gourlavy W., Observations on the natural history, climate and disceses of Madeira during a period of 18 years. London 1811.

Kirwan, Températures des diversese latitudes, 1811.

Pitta, Accounto of Madeira, 1812.

Renton, Edimburg med. and surg. Journal, 1827.

Coleridge H. N., Six months in the West Indies, in 1825. Heinecken, Medical Reuository, 1824.

— Philosoph. Magazine, 1827, nov. a december.

Vaz. Thèses de Paris, 1832, N. 205.

Clark James, Climate and tubere, phtis. in Oycl. of pract. medic. 1834.

— On consumption and scrofula, 1835.

Clark James, The sanative influence of climate. 1846.

Bowdich T. E., Excursions in Madera and Port Santo during the autumn of 1823. London. 1825.

Mousinho d’Albuquerque, Memorias da Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, 1837.

Macaulay, Edimb. New. phil. Journ. 1840.

Smith J., Excursions in Madera, 1840—41 (Geologische Notizen).

— On the geology of Madera, Proveedings of the geology society. Vol. III, pag. 351, 1840—41.

Dana J. D., United States exploring Expedition. Vol. X. Chapt. XII. Geolog. Observations on the isl. of Madera, 1838.

Lowe, Synopsis of the fishes of Madera. Transact. of the Zoolog. society, 1837 with a suppl., 1839.

— Transact. of thè Zoolog. society. V. 2, p. 173, 1841.

— A fasciculus on a new genus of the family Lopkides; «les pectorales pediculés de Cuvier» discovered in Madera; communicated to the society, 1846.

— Supplem. to a Sinopsis of the fìshes of Madera. Transactions of the Zoolog. soc . Vol. III, pag. I, 1849.

— Notices of fishes newly observed or discovered in Madera from 1840 till 42, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. I Series, Vol. XIII, pag. 390, 1844.

— An account of fishes discovered or observed in Mad. sime, 1842. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 2 series V. X. pag. 49, 1852.

— Primitioe as novitiae faunae et florae Mad. et Portus Santi. London, 1851.

— Sinopsis diagnostica, sive species quaedam novae molluscorum terrestrium in insulis Madeirensibus detecta, notis diagnosticis suceintis breviter descriptae, 1852.

— Catalogus molluscorum pneumatorum insularum Madeirens. Procedings of the Zool. Society of London, 1854.

Lowe, A history of the fishes of Madera. London 1859.

Woodward, Manual of the mollusca, p. 386.

Wollaston T. V., Insecta Madeir. Beeing an account of the Insect. of the Isl. of the Mad. group. London 1859.

— On the variation of species, pag 127.

Darwin Ch., Geological observations on Volcan. Isl. pag. 146, 1844.

Bowdich D. E., On climates for consumption. London.

Humboldt A., Kosmos II, pag. 163, 483.

Kampeer, Oppenheimische Zeitschrift für die gesammte Medizin, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf Hospitalpraxis und ausländische Literatur. Band 34, tomo I und II. Hamburg, 1847.

Mason, A treatise on the climate and meteorol. of Madeira. London, 1856.

Harcourt E. V., Sketch of Mad. Chapt. VI. London, 1851.

— Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 1855, June.

Heer O., Die periodischen Erscheinungen der Pflanzenwelt in Madeira. Zürich, 1851.

— Ueber den Naturcharacter und das geologiche Alter von Madeira. Zeitschrift Helvetia, II. I. Zürich, 1852.

— Ueber die fossilen Pflanzen von Saò Jorge in Madeira, Zürich, 1854.

White R., Madeira, its climate and scenery. A handbook for visitors. London 1851.

Wite R. and Johnson I., Madeira, its climate and scenery. Edimburg, 1860.

Cotton, On consumption, London. 1852.

Vierra, Tèses de Montpellier. Pag. 16, 1852.

Burgers T. H., The climate of Italy in relation to pulmonar consumption with remarks on the influence of foreign climates upon invalids. London 1852.

— Ann. Med., Journ. London, 1853. November.

Lund. G., Associat. med. Journ. London. 1853. September.

— The climate of Madeira. London 1853.

Mackensie Bloxam I., The climate of the Island of Madeira. London, 1854—55.

Lady Emmelina Stuart Wortley. A visit to Portugal and Madeira, London, 1854.

M’Andrew R., On the geograph. distrib. of testaceous nollusca in tbe Nortb Atlantish and neighbouring seae 1854.

Albers I.E., Malacographia madeirenses sive enumeratio nolluscorum, quae in insulis Mad. et Portus Santo aut vix exiant, aút fossilia reperiuntur. Berlin 1854.

Lyell Ch., On the geology of some parts of Madeira. Quarterly Jonrn. of Geol. Soc. 1854.

— A manual of Elementi Geology. Edit. V., chapt 29. Pag. 516, 522. 1855.

Hartung, Geologiche Karten del Insel Madeira. Leipzig.

Barral F. A., Noticea sobra o clima de Funchal e sua influendo no tratamento da tisica polmonar. Lisboa. 1854. Tradotto in francese da....

Guarnier P., Le climat de Madère et son influence thérapeutique sur la phtizie pulmonaire. Paris. 1858.

Mittermayer K., Ueber Madeira, Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. Beilage N. 4, 5. 1861.

Bahr K. und Mittermayer K., Einwirkung Madeiras auf Brustkranke. Berlin, 1861.

Rambles N. N., In Madeira und Portugal. 1356. L’anonimo, secondo lo Schulze, dovrebbe essere un certo Lyall.

Mourào-Pitta G. A., Du climat de Madère et de son influence thérapeutique dans le traitement des in alaci ies chroniques en generai et en particulier de la phtisie polmonaire. Monipellier, 1859.

Ziegler I. M., Physical Map of the Island of Madeira. Maasstab 1/100000. Winterthur, 1856.

Reis, Die Diabasen-Formation auf Madeira. 1861.

Hochstetter F. V. Vortrag über Madeira. Wien. 1861.

Schultze P., Zur Klimatologie der Insel Madeira. Schwerin, 1862.

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