genomicist (Englisch)
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the genomicist
the genomicists
- ge·no·mi·cist, Plural: ge·no·mi·cist
- IPA: […]
- Hörbeispiele: —
- [1] akademisch, Biologie, Genetik: Wissenschaftler, der sich auf die Erforschung von Genomen spezialisiert hat
- [1] behavioral genomicist, computational genomicist, evolutionary genomicist
- [1] "If Darwin where a graduate student today, then he might well be tempted to quit his day job as a naturalist on the Beagle and rush into the lab and become a genomicist."[1]
- [1] "Venter did even better, and through it all he remained a genomicist, committed to the norms of the profession."[2]
- [1] "Today’s companies have moved on to other challenges, says Steven Brenner, a computational genomicist at the University of California, Berkeley."[3]
- [1] "Training as a geneticist or genomicist today involves mastering a lot more than the mendelian ratios, central dogma and population equations of times past."[4]
- [1] "But the distinction between geneticist and genomicist remains fuzzy and perhaps artificial, for the two titles represent a continuum that differs more in scope than skills."[5]
- [1] "But just organizing information into a useful form is a big step forward, says George Church, a genomicist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, and co-founder of Knome."[6]
- [1] "'The ultimate goal is to sequence a person's genome and make credible predictions just given the list of variants,' says Greg Cooper, a genomicist at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Huntsville, Alabama."[7]
Referenzen und weiterführende Informationen:
- [1] Englisch-Deutsch, Stichwort: „genomicist“
- Gene-analysis firms reach for the cloud. Abgerufen am 2. April 2013.
- You say genomics, I say genetics... Abgerufen am 2. April 2013.
- You say genomics, I say genetics... Abgerufen am 2. April 2013.
- Genome interpreter vies for place in clinical market. Abgerufen am 2. April 2013.
- Functional genomics: The changes that count. Abgerufen am 2. April 2013.
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