
Abbiamo fatto a pezzi il nuovo MacBook Pro Retina da 15" nella speranza che Apple avesse reso più amica del riparatore la versione di esordio, il modello di metà 2012. Purtroppo le cose non sono girati in nostro favore; in effetti hanno svoltato verso il (lievemente) peggio.

Perfino il jack cuffie e ora saldato alla scheda logica ed ed è senz'altro un elemento che si consuma con il tempo. Gli utenti non devono essere violenti disattenti nell'usare questa porta: lo stress continuo può guastarlo.

Per quelli di noi che si preoccupano delle riparazioni, notate che questo rappresenta ora l'unica opzione per un 15"; Apple ha smesso di vendere il MacBook Pro da 15" non-Retina.

Volete saperne di più sulle riparazioni e trovare le motivazioni per aggiustare qualcosa? Date un'occhiata a

  1. EAPEmUgOPbcWbckO
    • Questa macchina al top di gamma Apple ha alcune specifiche notevoli:

    • Intel Core i7 quad-core da 2,0 GHz

    • 8 GB di memoria integrata DDR3L da 1600 MHz

    • 256 GB di bontà SSD con interfaccia PCIe

    • Grafica Intel Iris Pro

    • Fotocamera FaceTime HD 720 p

    • Supporto wireless 802.11ac

    • Bluetooth 4.0

    Does anyone noticed that the bottom cover and the bottom case is actually linked with the black plastic near the battery?! After the first time you open the cover, it will be impossible to put it back to the original place. Does the critical?! Thanks a lot for informing

    jamiegan835 -

  2. SDssM3DBqI4h3gvT
    • Facile miglioria n. 2: aggiungere una nuova scheda Airport che supporta il WiFi 802.11ac.

    • Il provider di fiducia di Apple per il supporto 802.11ac è di nuovo al lavoro. Il Broadcam BCM4360 di questa scheda AirPort consente di operare sulla banda a 5 GHz a velocità fino a 1,3 Gbps.

    • Un processore Bluetooth 4.0 su chip singolo Broadcom BCM20702 si occupa per te di tutto ciò che è Bluetooth.

    • Qui abitano anche un paio di Skyworks SE5516, moduli front-end WLAN dual-band 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac.

    where number one

    Meow Purr -

  3. 41qbWaL1wpDiM4Q5
    • Una delle poche differenze: il MBP da 15" ora ha un dissipatore dimagrito con un solo pad termico, grazie alla GPU meglio integrata. Cosa che attribuiamo al processo di "Haswellificazione", come lo chiamiamo noi.

    • Un altro effetto della Haswellificazione del vostro MacBook: questo modello dicdi consentire un'ora supplementare di autonomia della batteria a parità di capacità delle celle. Il processo di efficiente parente contribuisce molto a quell'ora supplementare disponibile per guardare foto di gattini su Internet.

    Hello, I want to ask about the screws model that use in the thermal pad. Do you know what types of screws this could be?

    Dale Lin -

    One of the housings for the screws has broken off. What can I do to repair this?

    Andy -

  4. Jxqp6l2cEQn4olWQ
    • Le modifiche più notevoli sono quelle della scheda logica e comprendono il nuovissimo processore Haswell Core i7, la Grafica Iris Pro e il supporto Thunderbolt due:

    • Processore quad-core da 2,0 GHz Intel Core i7 (Turbo Boost fino a 3,2 GHz) con 6 MB di cache L3 condivisa e grafica Iris Pro

    • 128 MB di cache eDRAM

    • SDRAM DDR3 da 512 MB (16 chip per 8 GB totali) Elpida J4208EFBG

    • Controller Thunderbolt 2 Intel DSL5520

    • Platform Controller Hub Intel

    • Codec Audio Cirrus 4208-CRZ, simile al Cirrus CS4207

    The chip marked by Orange is the Crystalwell eDRAM, 128MB in total. This can be used by both the CPU cores and The Iris Pro GPU that is still integrated in to the main core chip (the one marked by red).

    Magnus Rydningen -

    Yep, Magnus, tried to fix it, but edit was denied by Miroslav Djuric.

    Martin -

    Does anybody know what kind of SSD Apple uses for the MBP. Are this TLC, MLC or SLC cells SSDs?

    Paul -

    See step 2. The Part number of the Samsung chips has a link which leads to the spec. The third character is an H which leads to this conclusion: MLC.

    LetMeGoogleThatForYou -

    Yeah, "2.0 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.2 GHz) with 6 MB shared L3 cache

    Intel Iris Pro Graphics" is wrong, the larger die is actually the eDRAM for both processor and GPU, the smaller die is both the processor and the GPU.

    tipoo -

    Just edited it, then saw this comment. Been bugging me since this teardown was made. Unsure why they keep on disallowing the edits.

    simonhowes -

    i have a 15" MBP (recent one with GT 750m discreet graphic), and i MIGHT wanna open it up and change the thermal compound with a better one (arctic Mx-4), bcos the laptop get heats up quite abit. this teardown is gonna be my guide, but b4 opening it, whats ur thought of the thermal compound applied to it? is it too much like the previous MBP? need to know :) and IF i open it up, i might take a picture of the GT 750m, bcos everyone wan to look at it :D

    Shynn Ng -

    The bigger one in CPU is GPU+CPU, smaller one is eDRAM Crystalwell cache, not other way around.

    Jarno Matikainen -

    I wondered what's the model # of the intel i7 quad core cpu was used for this laptop? It's an i7-4702mq or other model? Why you mentioned the model # of cup, i5-4258u, in the Macbook pro 13" Teardown report, but not mentioned in this report?

    gwo jong -

  5. dDw1DsR3UbxJiGbS
    • Retro della scheda logica:

    • SDRAM DDR3 da 512 MB SK Hynix H5TC4G63AFR

    • Broadcom BCM15700A2

    • System-on-Chip programmabile Cypress Semiconductor CY8C24794-24LTXI

    • Texas Instruments TPS51980

    • La presa per il jack cuffie ora è saldata sulla scheda logica: prova a rompere la tua (facile che accada anche con un uso abbastanza normale) e dovrai far fronte a una riparazione da un migliaio di dollari.

    Just like the new 13" MBP, there's 512M of RAM hanging out near the GigE controller. Still no idea what it's for, and a GigE controller certainly doesn't need half a gigabyte of RAM.

    Scott Morrison -

    It is a packet buffer. Unsure why it is so large, is the controller capable of 10GigE? Just wondering if we may see some 10GigE Thunderbolt Ethernet adapters? I also think this is controller for USB3 as well.

    simonhowes -

    How does a soldered-down headphone jack equate to a thousand-dollar repair? Get me a sub-$5 headphone jack, 10 minutes with a soldering iron and all is well again.

    no1unorightnow -

    I have a black screen problem when I use my graphics application, where is the graphics card power supply?

    floryb -

  6. P1EcYIGkc6XgslKw
    • Il momento della verità sta arrivando: la batteria sarà più facile da estrarre rispetto al disastro orribilmente colloso visto in precedenza?

    • Tratteniamo il respiro mentre effettuiamo un assaggio con una scheda di plastica...

    • ...Mezz'ora e qualche nocca sbucciata più tardi, lanciamo un grande sospiro di delusione. La batteria ha lo stesso incollaggio eccessivo e, come in precedenza, è praticamente impossibile da rimuovere in sicurezza.

    • Tutta questa complicazione in nome dell'evoluzione progettuale.

    Why evolution of design? I as a design engineer would do the same thing. I would never make my products easy to be taken appart. So it might not be easy for none profesionals but the authorized repair 'handlers' will know how to remove the battery. It is surely not 'user' friendly for repairs yes that is true.

    Tibidor -

    That's probably the most important thing about that battery. An uncased battery such as what Apple uses can be very dangerous if damaged. The average consumer doesn't know exactly how delicate those are, so Apple tries to limit access with pentalobes. Also the adhesive is there to help the battery from moving around in the casing, further reducing the possibility of damage. Sure it's hard to repair, but it's much safer.

    Bryan Elliott -

    @Tibidor: the philosophy of making products easy to take apart (note spelling) worked for manufacturers like Citroen and Land Rover in the engineering domain. In the case of Land Rover, the primary reason that they won military contracts was that an untrained soldier could pull the damaged bits off, add replacements and get going without resort to authorised repairers. And these so-say authorised repairers are not immune from error - most of the time I've found that a generic skilled mechanic was a far better bet for servicing than main dealerships, who were over-priced and arrogant with it.

    An example: I lost a control dial; an authorised repairer told me I needed a new centre console at £200 plus £200 labour, the skilled and theoretically unqualified mechanic fixed the problem for £30 all-in.

    I honestly don't believe electronics is any different.

    James McLaren -

    I want one but the only thing that is holding me back is the evolution of design. I have a early 2011 13 inch Macbook pro that I have added a 1.5 TB drive and 16gb ram. Nice to be able to do that inexpensively and later. The $3K price tag for a machine with 1TB drive and 16gb soldered ram is also a key point. I need the machine for work but having to get the everything now and not being able to replace hardly anything myself is holding me back. Battery, Ram, SSD minimally should be user replaceable, processor would be nice but not as necessary. SSD should be the best you can afford and in a common format to keep down costs.

    abrahambloom -

    I've read somewhere that the batteries can be removed easily when pulled the glue stripes like Tesa power strips. have you tried this?

    Great job - doing all the tear downs and repair manuals. they are very helpful! Thank you!

    riessi -

    Ever thought of using Isopropyl Alcohol? It would dissolve the glue.

    cjmillsnun -

  7. tFHaDvvCPpY626UL
    • Punteggio di riparabilità del MacBook Pro con Retina display da 15" versione fine 2013: 1 su 10 (10 è il più facile da riparare).

    • Le viti di tipo proprietario Pentalobe ostacolano l'accesso ai componenti interni.

    • Come nel MacBook Air, la RAM è saldata alla scheda logica. Fai il salto a 16 GB fin da subito oppure rassegnati: non c'è verso di aumentare la memoria successivamente.

    • L'SSD di tipo proprietario è cambiato, ha formato PCIe, ma non è ancora un disco standard da 2,5". Ma è su una scheda secondaria separata e speriamo di poter offrire un aggiornamento alternativo in un prossimo futuro.

    • La batteria al litio-polimeri è incollata invece che avvitata nel case; questo aumenta la prossimità che si rompa durante lo smontaggio. La batteria copre anche il cavo del trackpad, cosa che aumenta terribilmente la possibilità che l'utente strappi il cavo durante la procedura di rimozione alla batteria.

    • Il gruppo display è completamente fuso in un pezzo unico e non c'è un vetro protettivo separato. Se qualsiasi cosa si guasterà all'interno del display, dovrai sostituire l'intero gruppo, estremamente costoso.

    Is the display assembly compatible with the early 2013?

    Tiago Ferreira -

    Does the circuitry change if i have the one with a higher-end graphics card? Mine has 16GB RAM, nVidia GeForce GT750M and a 2.6GHZ processor. Also, where is the battery located on this device? I have the exact same macbook, but with better specs

    Dhiren Sajjan -

    I have just taken my Macbook Pro 15" w retina late 2013 in for a repair and have been told I need to replace the logic board? Does anyone know if this is something I can do myself otherwise apple are charging $330. I'm frustrated that a laptop thats barely 14 months old has this kind of hardware issue. Of course I didn't buy the extended warranty.

    tracey -

    @Tracey: I had my 512GB SSD fail about 13 months after I bought my rMBP and was quoted 824 euro by the Dutch Apple store. Like you I did not have Applecare (and sorely regretted not getting it). So I called Apple USA, sweet-talked my way up the chain, got a new quote for $300 and eventually had it replaced for free!

    So definitely try calling Apple Customer Service, they might surprise you. Be polite, friendly and have patience. The first people you talk to probably can't do much for you, but their supervisors can. Good luck!

    appel78 -

Sam Goldheart

Membro da: 19/10/12

465140 Reputazione

33 commenti

Wow, that is insane! and scary at the same time. I just got the 16G model and 512HD. wow

John hale -

Hi all ! I have a one year old 15" retina MbP. Could it be possible, if the part becomes available somehow, to replace the Wifi card on my mac with an ac one like on the new model ? Or does the form factor change ?

Phil -

Would really like to know the same, except, I have a last gen 13" Retina MbP. Thx for answers. (if you already know where to buy these cards, any help would be appreciated!)

Marc Nunkesser -

You read my mind, I was wondering the same thing.

Joshua Ray -

yeah, it would be really nice to take advantage of the 802.11ac technology!

Gibran Malheiros -

So, why are we sad that this uses the new standard for SSD instead of a decades old format that makes zero sense for anything other than spinning disks? It's fair to complain about the non-standard cards in the old Macbook Airs, but this is just silly.

Jesper Monsted -

Probably because it is NOT a new standard, but rather a proprietary design only deployed in Apple devices.

Martin -

Well, as things are going increasingly wireless and solid state we have a curious mix of SS and old hardware like headphone jacks. If you were to break your headphone jack I presume you could get one of the zillions of USB sound cards with headphone jack that offer better sound anyway. I also presume you could still stream music via wi-fi with an Apple TV or AirPort Express or via AirPlay devices or bluetooth headphones. So much ado about nothing? Apple already gave up on user-replaceable batteries ages ago so this is nothing new. And the last generation had non-upgradeable RAM as well - nobody buys an iPad thinking they can upgrade the RAM later... this is how things are going. So the practical advice is: max this puppy out if you want one but don't lament the other stuff. AND BUY APPLECARE if you're going to invest the big bucks in one of these.

EvidenceBase -

How many wifi antennas are there? An Apple senior tech told me that this is not public info.

Tom R -

Is the Cypress Semiconductor CY8C24794-24LTXI Programmable System-on-Chip removable? I can't really tell from the picture. Where is the EFI chip? And is that removable? Thank you.

applecranberry -

Thanks for the teardown guys.

One question left. Why did you buy a 512 SSD Version but not the GeForce Graphics Model? Would've been nice to see where the Chip is located on the board.

Arne -

I did buy the 15" Macbook Pro with the 1TB SSD and 16GB Memory with the 2.6GHz QC i7. Would be great to see where they fit in the Graphics card in that compact space. I daren't open up my new rMBP when it does arrive on wednesday. I was really hoping that the iFixit guys would shed some light on how the added graphics card looks. Looks like I may have to buy the proprietary screw driver and open it up myself. I've had a 2011 MBP with the 2.4GHz Quad Core i7 and was manually able to upgrade the Memory to 16GB DDDR3 and added a 512GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD and a 1TB 7200RPM ssd in the CD Bay. I still couldnt get the performance I needed to run multiple VM's smoothly. I am hoping to get that kind of performance out of this new machine with 2 1920x1200 monitors in addition to the rDisplay. The 2011 MBP I have constantly runs the fan at high speed and its quite a conversation-starter. Lets hope that adding the nVidia 750m doesn't have the same problem... with an additional fan. Anybody?

Vikram Jairam -

Thanks for the good work guys!

Gabe -

i take mid 2012 mbp with my 16 gb ram , nvidia 650m , Apple is go out of mind , i hope they sell few this time , they are simple against ppl in tecnology, i so i ll go again in window , sorry

bob Desnos -

hello guys, happy new year to all and thanks for the guide !

i wanted to know, for people who want to replace the MBPr battery themselves if it is possible to get the battery as a spare part ?

i tried to do some researches about it but that was unsuccessful.


ipodede -

if this was truly good design, it would allow you to take it apart to upgrade when funds permit. Same with the iphone, it could look just as it does and still be able to open it without tools to swap out the battery when its flat by lunch time.

the 'form follows function' times of apple are well and truly over in favor of the biggest $.

Jayme Capurso -

I actually need to open up my new (late 2013) MBP 15" Retina.

The list of tools provided in this guide points to T5 Torx Screwdriver which currently shows a regular 6-point T5 torx. The screws for the bottom cover of my MBP requires the pentalobe (5-point) bit to unscrew.

How do you fit a regular 6-point T5 torx to open the MBP up? Or does the guide need to be updated to point to the correct tool?

Darth Vader -

Greetings from Cleveland,Ohio. This is my first comment,and it is in reference to my barely used,late 2013 Macbook Pro.15" Retina display,256,SSD,8gigs of Ram. The only thing that was used less than the laptop,was the Trackpad,that now needs to be replaced,and after seeing this Guide,I either pay Apple 300 bucks for a whole new top,which is what the Apple store people told me I would get with the repair.Obviously,that's the only way that the Trackpad can be replaced. I'm new here to this website,and very happy that I found it by mistake. Thank you very much for the info on this piece of !@#$ computer.My only regret is that I didn't find you before I bought the Macbook,because I never would have purchased one. I will never purchase another Apple product. Cheers!

Donny -

Hi, somebody can tell me if all the t5 screws of this rMBP are the same size?

Jose -

Hi, somebody can tell me if all the t5 screws of this rMBP are the same size? thanks

Jose -

Has anyone stopped to think the glued on top case/battery is actually one of the best ideas apple had-here is why: after paying the obscene price of 3+k for the top haswell-it supports 4k to ur expensive TV and that is 10+ years future-proof, sony at the world cup promised 4k and failed spectacularly. 8k is 2020+ out. 14nm 8 virtual cores is FAST, +no quantum issues. When you're done destroying the battery by running it through 1000 charging cycles, the keyboard will have been done in after 4 years of email !&&*. And the crumbs of the to-go meals while using the %#*@ thing's OS? They disappear into the key gaps like the bermuda triangle. Not to mention the unnecessary hard clicks on the track pad when you are reading something you don't like and are murdering the links like it's their fault. Enough said, the top case will be fukd w/o even considering the occasional drop. Even your prehistoric Rolex's metal band will have had a go and scratched the palm rest. A new top case for 200 dos will be welcome .

torr0073 -

Could anyone please tell me what the two rubber u-shaped structures that stick to the top of the heat sink and then onto the top of the fans, are? Mine is coming away from the heat sink and I'm wondering if that's why my computer is running warm... Thank you

Tweed Echidna -

Hi, is it possible to change the battery? Today I opened it to change the thermal paste and found that is kind of swollen, when you take the cover it pops out and the trackpad is stuck doesn't click.

ekagaurangadas -

I took my late 2014 to the apple store recently because the trackpad stopped clicking. it turned out to be a swollen battery pressing on the trackpad. They said that the battery was one unit with the keyboard and trackpad and that they would have to replace the entire unit. it would be about $500 but because it was caused by the swollen battery, they didn’t change anything. What a relief!

Trilobite -

I recently took my late 2014 to the Apple store because the trackpad had stopped clicking. they said that the battery was swollen and pressing on the trackpad causing it to not click. They have to replace the whole battery+keyboard+trackpad+casetop unit. It would be $500 but since it was caused by a swollen battery (and they are nervous about that) they decided to do the replacement and didn’t charge anything. What a relief!

Trilobite -

Hello guys, is it possible disassemble the display? An ant died inside my Retina display and I don't know what should I do :/

osmala -

how to remove the insulating material covering the backside of the feet on the backplate?

I have to replace the feet but the black plastic material stuck on the underside seems to be superglued and it appears I cant remove it without damaging it.

Toufeeq -

The 'CORRECT' screwdrivers needed for the MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display Late 2013

P5 Pentalobe Screwdriver _ Size 1.2 mm 

This fits the 5-point pentalobe screws found on the bottom of ALL MacBook Pro Laptops with a Retina Display.

'''P6 Pentalobe Screwdriver _ Size 1.5 mm''' 

For battery and fan screws.

You need 2 six-sided T5 Torx screws to attach the I/O board.

'''PH000 Phillips Screwdriver'''

For the smallest X shape screws.


F.Y.I. _ So you don’t buy the wrong one.


P2 Pentalobe Screwdriver _ Size 0.8 mm

This fits the 5-point pentalobe screws found on the bottom of iphone 4s 5, 5s, 5c , se, 6, 6 plus, 6s , 6s plus, iPhone 7, and iphone 7 plus.

Being clueless about computers I had zero idea which screwdriver was the one I needed to open and clean my MacBook Pro laptop.

I’m glad I read the Darth Vader - 05/23/2014 comment above and learned they were speciality 5 sided screws, as they are so small I didn’t notice.

After doing some research I found this info.

EruditeBirdy -

Hey EruditeBirdy, as in all our guides and teardowns, the required tools are listed at the top of the page! Listed is our P5 Pentalobe driver for Retina MacBook Pro and Air. If you’re looking to open your device, I suggest you look at our repair manual, rather than the teardown, which is not a repair guide. You probably just need to open the lower case if you’re hoping to clean out the dust!

Sam Goldheart -

Here is the best Disassembly video for A1398 with dedicated graphics with commentary for beginners:

martin.fialka10 -

Hey guys! I just pulled the HDMI cord out of my mac and then a 1/2” of the left side screen running vertically is blacked out. in the bottom of the screen 5 white lines are running horisontal. Besides that it looks like the screen has been pressed and broken in the bottom left corner. All this appeared just by removing the HDMI Cord. Do you guys have any ideas to why this is?

Hoping someone has an answer for me out there!


Daniel Jønsson -

Has anyone run into boot up late-2013 15” mbPro with no backlight but external monitor works? what’d you do and cost to fix it? I’d like to know, thanks….( something to do with VCore chip, based on my search)

MNgu -

Can I exchange the SSD of a MacBookPro Retina 2012 with this one, or is it different?

Night Breeze -