FOSS cycle Map

CyclOSM social media logo
Author: Phyks and Florimondable
Slippy map:
Tiles license: CC-BY-SA 2.0
Style website: cyclosm/cyclosm-cartocss-style
Version: 0.6 releases (2021-07-22)

CyclOSM is an OpenStreetMap rendering layer like the standard tile layer, but primarily aimed at showing information useful to cyclists. It is built thinking bicycle-first from the beginning.

The website offers a demonstration of this map style, over the full planet and with minute updates thanks to the support of the French local chapter Tiles are rendered up to zoom level 20.


CyclOSM is a new cycle-oriented render. Contrary to OpenCycleMap, this render is free and open-source software and aims at being more complete to take into account a wider diversity of cycling habits.

In urban areas, it renders the main different types of cycle tracks and lanes, on each side of the road, for helping you draw your bike to work route. It also features essential POIs as well as bicycle parking spots or spots shared with motorbikes, specific infrastructure (elevators / ramps), road speeds or surfaces to avoid streets with pavings, bumpers and bike boxes, etc.

The same render also lets you visualize main bicycle touring routes as well as essential POIs when touring (emergency services, shelters, tourism, shops).

Key to the Map

Here is a quick introduction to the principles used to design the map. A full detailed key is available at


  • Blue is for bikes
  • Green is for pedestrian and bikes
  • Brown is for pedestrian
  • Dark green is for agricultural roads
  • Red is forbidden or means danger

We then combine the colors for meaningful rendering. For instance, a shared bicycle / pedestrian path will be rendered in green + blue = cyan.

In the same way, directions of traffic are shown with arrows. A grey arrow for a one way street and a blue arrow in the other direction if bicycles can go counterflow.

Traffic and access

We want to provide information about motor vehicles traffic to be expected in some roads, having the assumption in mind that a side street with a low speed limit and very few motor vehicles can be a perfect fit for cycling, even though there is no dedicated infrastructure. Therefore, we render all the indications of traffic and access restrictions:

  • An highway with a maximum speed below 30 km/h will be drawn from cyan to green depending on the maximum speed.
  • A road with forbidden or limited motor vehicle access will be drawn in cyan or green as well.
  • Barriers and traffic calming infrastructure are rendered at high zooms.

Dashed lines for quality

We render the quality of an infrastructure with dashed lines.

Line Border of the road Fill overlay of the road
Solid line Cycle track (best cycleway infrastructure) Smooth surface (ok for road bikes)
Dashed line Cycle lane Solid surface (ok for trekking / gravel bikes)
Spaced dashed line Shared cycle lane (shared busway) Bad surface (mountain bikes)

Examples of ways are listed in a table here.

Misc features

  • We render bicycle touring routes at low zoom to help you plan holidays. As you zoom in, we fade them out to focus more on the underlying cycle infrastructure.
  • We try to fade out the main highway axes which can be useful to orient but cannot be used with a bicycle.
  • We render new features which were never rendered before, to help mappers tag. These include traffic calming infrastructure, bike boxes, bicycle-friendly elevators or steps with ramps, …

Contact info / Reporting problems

The source code is free and open-source (under a BSD-3 license) and hosted at

Bugs and requests can be reported in Github issues at

Use in editors


  • Click on menu Edit → Preferences → Imagery,
  • in Imagery providers select "CyclOSM", press button "Activate".
  • or, add a TMS layer:
    • Maximum zoom: 20
    • Generated TMS URL: tms[20]:https://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png
    • Layer name: CyclOSM


See also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.