
Feature : Bicycle
Bicycle and cycleway features



This page lists some possible options for how to enter and tag bicycle and cycleway related data into OSM. Having good quality cycleway data allows routing software to choose the way that best suits cyclists.

Cycle features

OSM distinguishes between cycle lanes and cycle tracks. A cycle lane lies within the roadway itself (on-road), whereas a cycle track is separate from the road (off-road). Tracks are typically separated from the road by e.g. curbs, parking lots, grass verges, trees, etc.

There are two ways to model cycle tracks. One possibility is to draw separate ways along the roadway which are tagged as highway=cycleway. The alternative is to add a cycleway=track tag to the existing way. Both methods each have their pros and cons. Notably, a separately tagged cycleway generally allows to capture more detail, while adding a single tag to an existing way takes much less time and in many cases can be as accurate. Both methods are in use today, and there is discussion about when to prefer which method.

The tables below with many examples and pictures are for right-hand drive countries.

Cycle lanes in bidirectional motor car roads

A lane marked on a portion of a carriageway (UK), roadway or shoulder (USA), designated for cyclist use.

Ref Context Photo OSM Description
L1a Cycle lanes on left and right sides of the road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway=lane


Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:left=lane + cycleway:right=lane


Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:both=lane

L1b Bidirectional cycle lane on right side of the road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:right=lane + cycleway:right:oneway=no


Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway=lane (note this can't be distinguished from L1a)

L2 Oneway cycle lane on right side of the road only.

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:right=lane

(nb: bikes can use the normal highway on the left side)

Cycle lanes in oneway motor car roads

Ref Context Photo OSM Description Example
M1 Cycle lanes on left and right sides of the oneway road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + cycleway=lane + oneway:bicycle=no


Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + cycleway:left=lane + cycleway:right=lane + oneway:bicycle=no

M2a Oneway cycle lane on right side and same direction of the oneway road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + cycleway:right=lane


Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + cycleway=lane

M2b Oneway cycle lane on left side and same direction of the oneway road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + cycleway:left=lane


Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + cycleway=lane

M2c Oneway cycle lane in the direction as the oneway road, between driving lanes.

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + lanes=2 + cycleway=lane (note that this tagging is ambiguous with a cycle lane that is on the right or left side of the road)

M2d Bidirectional cycle lane on left side of the oneway road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=lane + cycleway:left:oneway=no

M3a Oneway contraflow cycle lane on left side and opposite direction of the oneway road. Cyclists in one direction use lane together with other vehicles, in opposite one they have a dedicated lane.

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=lane + cycleway:left:oneway=-1

or older less specific style, missing info about side of the lane

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway=opposite_lane

M3b Oneway contraflow cycle lane on right side and opposite direction of the oneway road. Cyclists in one direction use lane together with other vehicles, in opposite one they have a dedicated lane.

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:right=lane + cycleway:right:oneway=-1

or older less specific style, missing info about side of the lane

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway=opposite_lane

M4 Oneway cycle lane on right side of separated oneway roads.

Way A: same as M2a

Way B: same as M2a

Alternative tagging for less accurate traces / aerials.

Way A: same as L1a

M5 Oneway cycle lane on right side of a separated oneway road.

Way A: same as M2a

Way B: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes

Alternative tagging for less accurate traces / aerials.

Way A: same as L2

Cycle tracks

Road (UK) or path (USA, Canada) dedicated to cyclists on separate right of way.

Ref Context Photo OSM Description

Cycle tracks on left and right sides of the road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + bicycle=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes

Way C: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes

(Alternative solution with a single way, also useful when the track position is not known)

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway=track

T2 Bidirectional cycle track right side of the road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + bicycle=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=no

(Alternative solution with a single way, also useful when the track position is not known)

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:right=track + cycleway:right:oneway=no

T3 Bidirectional cycle track right side of the one way road.

Way A: highway=*[1]+ oneway=yes + bicycle=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=no

(Alternative solution with a single way, also useful when the track position is not known)

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + cycleway:right=track + oneway:bicycle=no

T4 Oneway cycle track on right side of the road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + bicycle:forward=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes

(Alternative solution with a single way, also useful when the track position is not known)

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:right=track

(nb: bikes can use the normal highway on the left side)


Ref Context Photo OSM Description
S1 Cycling opposite to the oneway car traffic without dedicated lane/track (in some countries only).

Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + oneway:bicycle=no


Way A: highway=*[1] + oneway=yes + oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway=opposite

S2 Cycle track on left side and cycle lane on right side of the road.

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:right=lane + bicycle:backward=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:left=track + cycleway:right=lane
S3 If sidewalks are considered as implied:

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway=track + segregated=yes

Cycle tracks on left and right sides of the road and sidewalks.

If sidewalks are considered as implied with the main highway:

Way A: highway=*[1] + bicycle=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes

Way C: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes

If sidewalks are not considered as implied:

Way A: highway=*[1] + bicycle=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=path + bicycle=designated + oneway=yes + foot=designated + segregated=yes

Way C: highway=path + bicycle=designated + oneway=yes + foot=designated + segregated=yes

If sidewalks are not considered as implied, tagging without highway=path:

Way A: highway=*[1] + bicycle=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes + foot=designated + segregated=yes

Way C: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes + foot=designated + segregated=yes

S4 Easiest

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway=track + segregated=yes + foot=designated

Cycle tracks on left and right sides of the road and the sidewalks/footways.

Way A: highway=*[1] + bicycle=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes + foot=designated + segregated=yes

Way C: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes + foot=designated + segregated=yes

Alternative solution with 5 ways in OSM:

Note that this variant is controversial as there is no physical separation between the two ways. Use another variant if possible.

Way A: highway=*[1] + bicycle=use_sidepath if usage of cycle track is compulsory

Way B: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes

Way C: highway=footway

Way D: highway=cycleway + oneway=yes

Way E: highway=footway

S5 (footway + cycleway with different surfaces) Easiest, ignore differences in type of paved surface

highway=path + segregated=yes + foot=designated + bicycle=designated + surface=paved

Use cycleway:surface=* and footway:surface=*

highway=path + segregated=yes + foot=designated + bicycle=designated + surface=paved + cycleway:surface=asphalt and footway:surface=paving_stones

Tag it as two separate ways:

Note that this variant is controversial as there is no physical separation between the two ways. Use another variant if possible.

Way A: highway=footway + surface=paving_stones

Way B: highway=cycleway + surface=asphalt

S6 Steps with bicycle ramps can be tagged see ramp=*, possible bicycle friendly value can be:




S7 Way designated for both cyclists and pedestrians, without separate spaces. Such combined footway+cycleway can be standalone or a sidewalk next to a road (in such case also footway=sidewalk is applicable)

highway=footway/highway=cycleway/highway=path + bicycle=designated + foot=designated + segregated=no + surface=*

S8 Footway not designated as a cycleway but where cycling is legal (for example in a park where rules allow this)

highway=footway + bicycle=yes

ramp:bicycle=yes (with highway=steps)

Cycle lanes and bus/taxi lanes

Ref Context Photo OSM Description
B1 Cycle lanes on left and right sides of the road with a bus/taxi only lane.

Proposal (no consensus):

Using the suffix for Lanes:
Way A: highway=* + lanes=3 + lanes:forward=2 + access:lanes=*no|yes|yes|no|no + bicycle:lanes=*designated|yes|yes|designated|yes + bus:lanes=*no|yes|yes|no|designated + taxi:lanes=*no|yes|yes|no|designated

Note: the suffix :lanes could be used for all the other examples too, but is used usually only in situations where it is not possible to tag the layout of the lanes with other tags.

B2 Cycle lanes on left and right sides of the road after a bus/taxi only lane in right side.

Proposal (no consensus):

Way A: highway=*[1] + lanes=3 + lanes:forward=2 + lanes:bus:forward=1 + busway:right=lane + cycleway=lane

B3 Cycle lane on left side of the road and a shared cycle lane with a bus/taxi lane in right side.

Proposal (no consensus):

Way A: highway=*[1] + busway:right=lane + cycleway:left=lane + cycleway:right=share_busway



B4 Cycle track shared with a bus/taxi track in right side of the road.

Proposal (no consensus):

Way A: highway=service + service=bus + oneway=yes + cycleway:right=share_busway

Way B:
assuming for bicycle and buses there is an obligation to use Way A in forward directions (of way A):
highway=*[1] + oneway:bus=yes + oneway:bicycle=yes
assuming bicycles may use Way B in both directions:

B5 Cycle lane shared with a bus/taxi lane on right side of the road (in some countries only).

Proposal (no consensus):

Way A: highway=*[1] + lanes=4 + lanes:bus:forward=1 + busway:right=lane + cycleway:right=share_busway

B6 Cycle lane shared with a bus/taxi lane in opposite direction of the oneway road.

Proposal (no consensus):

Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:left=share_busway + busway=opposite_lane + oneway=yes + oneway:bicycle=no


Way A: highway=*[1] + cycleway:left=share_busway + busway=lane + oneway=yes + oneway:bus=no + oneway:bicycle=no

All pictures are available in both .png and .svg files in the wiki repository (use .png when text is present).

Cycle streets and bicycle roads

A cycle street is a street designed for bicycle with low motor traffic. Currently this exists only in Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and Finland. In all cases, there are specific traffic signs, each with their own implications. Have a look at the cyclestreet=* wiki page for more details.

The concept is closely related to bicycle_road=*, which only exist in Germany.

Add cyclestreet=yes, don't change highway=*.

Pedestrian streets

highway=pedestrian + (if needed) bicycle=yes

Off-road and outdoor

Outside of cities and dense populated areas most cycling routes are mapped using highway=track when the way is also used by large motorized vehicles (agricultural, forestry, emergency vehicles...) or highway=path when not intended for motorized vehicles (rather pedestrians, horses...). While both imply bicycle=yes in most areas of the world, it is difficult for bicycle routers to suggest them as routes because a wide range of conditions (path surface, incline,..) can make them unsuitable for some or all types of bicycles.

Some additional tags that should be used to indicate suitability of such ways for bicycles:

See also Mountain biking.

On-road cycling (cycle-friendly streets)

Consider using the following key/values to indicate cycle friendly streets. This tags are objective and useful for detecting ways friendly for cyclists.

Key Value Purpose
maxspeed speed limit Roads with lower speed limits tend to be less crowded by cars.
source:maxspeed country_code:rural/country_code:urban/sign/… Always tag the source of the maxspeed limit!

tracktype=* smoothness=*

For cyclists there is a very significant difference between surface=asphalt and surface=sand/surface=grass_paver/surface=unhewn_cobblestone, larger than for pedestrians or cars. Tagging for smoothness and track type quality is two other means to specify the surface quality of a road or a path.
traffic_calming=* Traffic calming features is a good way to limit the speed of motor vehicles and making the street safer for cyclists.
lanes=* total number of marked lanes making up the way Single lane wide roads with low speed limits tend to be low-stress routes (but may increase stress for cyclists that want to cycle fast)
width width of road in metres Indicate a wide single lane road or a squeeze point
shoulder no/yes/left/right/both Indicate the presence of a shoulder
shoulder:width width of shoulder in metres Shoulder width
cycleway asl Advanced stop line, also known as bike boxes in North America


Roads without heavy vehicles are more desirable to cyclists.
motor_vehicle=* destination/delivery/agricultural/etc. Roads which restrict motor traffic (for example to reach a destination/residents: motor_vehicle=destination) are more desireable to cyclists.

Bicycle restrictions

Key Value When to use
bicycle yes Where bicycles are permitted, overriding default access (such as to motorways that permit bicycles as commonly found in western parts of North America)
bicycle designated Where a way has been specially designated (typically by a government) for bicycle use
bicycle use_sidepath Where cycling on the main road is legally discouraged because of a parallel compulsory cycle track. Check with local laws.
bicycle optional_sidepath Where cycling on the main road is legally allowed but a parallel (optional) cycle track exists.
bicycle no Where bicycles are not permitted, ensure this is indicated. Note that carrying or pushing bicycles may be still accepted[1][2].
bicycle permissive Where bicycles do not have a legal right-of-way, but the land owner has indicated that bicycles are allowed.
bicycle destination Where bicycles have a legal right-of-way, but only if their destination is within that street or area.
bicycle dismount Where cycling is not allowed on short sections of signposted cycle routes.
oneway:bicycle yes/no Instead of, or in addition to, using cycleway=opposite, you can use oneway:bicycle=* to identify roads where the oneway rules for cyclists differ from the general oneway restriction. If there is a contraflow lane, see ref M3a and M3b above. If tagging an object where bicycles are the only permitted vehicles, a simple oneway=* should be used instead.

See also OSM tags for routing/Access-Restrictions for the default restrictions by highway type (and country-specific rules).

All values: access=*.

For restrictions on speed pedelecs and electric bicycles, see the corresponding wiki pages.


Where there are facilities to lock up a bicycle or rent/hire bicycles, use:

Key Value
amenity bicycle_parking
amenity bicycle_rental
service:bicycle:rental yes

For shops that sell cycles and equipment:

Key Value
shop bicycle
service:bicycle:retail yes

For air pumps which can be used to refill bicycle tyres:

Key Value
amenity compressed_air
compressed_air yes
service:bicycle:pump yes

For a do-it-yourself (DIY), self repair station:

Key Value
amenity bicycle_repair_station
service:bicycle:diy yes

For bicycle counter with display in situ (totem/barometer with clock):

Key Value
amenity clock
display digital
man_made monitoring_station
monitoring:bicycle yes
name name of counted street
start_date year since starting counting
support pole
visibility street
website URL of online data state

Bicycle clubs and associations

There is multiple possibilities to tag an bicycle association or club, the distinction will be made on the main activities.

  • A meeting place for cyclists with activities like self repair bicycle workshop, cartoparty, expositions, meetings, ..., can be map with:

If the place is not managed by an association use only amenity=community_centre and precise the operator with operator=*.

To precise services you can add tags Proposed features/service:bicycle.

See also

Online maps

  • CyclOSM - a free rendering project for every cyclist
  • OpenCycleMap - a rendering project for bikers
  • OpenBicycleMap
  • CicloMapa - cycle maps, POIs and metrics for Brazilian cities
  • BBBike @ World - a cycle route planner for more than 200 cities worldwide
  • Bicycle tags map - slippy map with bicycle related OSM tags
  • 4UMaps - topographic outdoor map for hiking and cycling
  • Waymarked Trails - a map showing bicycle and mountain bike routes
  • Hike & Bike Map - hike and cycle map
  • flosm cycle map - cycle map with routes
  • Singletrail-map - map with highlighted single trails and difficulties for mountain biking
  • - Amenagements-cyclables by GeoVelo - provides local statistics for France and a global basemap clearly highlighting a broad definition of cycle paths

Bicycle routing

  • BRouter - routing for cyclists with different profiles, on mobile or online (world-wide)
  • CycleStreets - routing for cyclists (UK, much of Europe, various cities around the world)
  • - routing for cyclists (UK, Europe, North America, Australia+NZ)
  • GraphHopper - routing for cyclists (world-wide)
  • Komoot - routing for cycling and hiking (world-wide)
  • Naviki - routing for cyclists (world-wide)
  • Singletrail-map - routing for mountain bikers (Europe)
  • Trip4YouMaps - routing, navigation & tracking for cycling and hiking (world-wide)
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.