Tag:amenity=community centre

A place mostly used for local events, festivities and group activities. 
Rendering in OSM Carto
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: Amenities
Used on these elements
Useful combination
See also
Status: approved

Community centres are public locations where members of a community tend to gather for group activities, social support, informal and formal meetings, public information, events and festivities, and other purposes.

Some of these can be targeted at specific age groups, such as juvenile leisure centres or meeting places for senior citizens, or even brace these generations.

See Community centre on Wikipedia.

Sometimes they can also be used for private or commercial events; use an operator=* tag in conjunction to indicate who operates the facility.

These facilities are not used for administration or government purposes, so do not mix them up with the "townhall".

How to map

Draw an area for the campus of the community centre, comprising buildings and outdoor areas. Apply the tag amenity=community_centre. If there are no outdoor areas, the tags are applied to the building. If the geometry of the building is not known yet, or when the centre occupies only a few rooms in a larger building, use a node .

Provide details

Often, a community centre has a specific type, and serves a particular audience or target group, distinguished by age, gender or special interest.

  • To specify the type with community_centre=*.
  • To specify the target group with community_centre:for=*. The singular form is preferred for the values. Several values can be semicolon-separated

Uses around the world

In Germany there are - with the focus on events - Bürgerhaus oder Dorfgemeinschaftshaus (in smaller village) or Stadthalle (in bigger towns). Almost every village or town in Germany has such a Community Centre. With activity focus, there are family centres, juvenile leisure homes (Jugendfreizeitheim) and multi-generational facilities.

In Canada, we call it a community centre in English, or centre communautaire in French, a public building in which community gatherings and/or sporting activities are held. (Natural Resources Canada - CanVec Map Features Definition Code 2010080 (node) & 2010082 (area))

In Bulgaria, they are called читалище and usually offer courses, a library and a theatre.

In Czechia, these are called Kulturní dům.

In France and Belgium, we call it Salle des fêtes. Almost all villages have one, and one can rent it for weddings or other festivities.

In the Netherlands, these are called dorpshuis.

In Italy there are centro sociale and centro anziano which correspond to this tag.

In India, places called kalyan mandap, wedding hall or function hall are run by public and private entities. These are available for rent for events.

In Japan, there are many Kominkan (公民館) for each community. They are owned and run by local governments. They have rooms for rent for local events or meetings of community. Sometimes they have also a small library and an exhibition room of local history. They often provides learning programs in arts, sports, handiwork and cultural activities.


Some forms of community centres might overlap with social facilities. When the centre is open to general audiences (sometimes of a specific age group or with specific interests), gathering for particular activities, it should be tagged amenity=community_centre. When it addresses an audience with specific problems, and/or is staffed with professional helpers (social workers, nurses), amenity=social_facility would be preferred.


The proposal has been submitted to review (and approved) with the American spelling 'center'. But tags are until now using the UK (and Canada) version. To keep consistency, the proposal has been renamed 'community_centre'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_centre

See also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.