Tag:amenity=arts centre

An arts centre. A venue where a variety of arts are performed or conducted 
Rendering in OSM Carto
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: Amenities
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: de facto

Used to mark an arts centre. A venue at which a variety of arts are performed or conducted, and may well be involved with the creation of those works, and run occasional courses.

How to Map

Set a node or draw as an area along the object outline. Tag it with amenity=arts_centre

Useful combination tags

If you wish to supply extra information use these tags alongside amenity=arts_centre:

  • name=* - The primary name: in general, the most prominent signposted name or the most common name in the local language(s)
  • addr=* - "addr" is the prefix for several addr:* keys to describe addresses
  • website=* / contact:website=* - Specifying the link to the official website for a feature
  • phone=* / contact:phone=* - A telephone number associated with the object
  • operator=* - Сompany, corporation, person or any other entity who is directly in charge of the current operation of a map object
  • training=art - A tag for showing what type of training a place provides
  • wheelchair=* - Indicate if a special place can be used with wheelchairs
  • description=* - To provide additional information about the related element to the end map user

See also

  • tourism=gallery - An art gallery. Not so much to do with performing arts, or teaching of arts as compared to an arts centre.
  • shop=art - A shop which sells works of art.
  • amenity=nightclub - A place to dance and drink at night
  • amenity=community_centre - Community centres are used for local associations for events and festivities. Less focussed on arts.
  • amenity=theatre - A theatre where live performances, such as plays and formal concerts, occur.
  • tourism=museum - Exhibitions on scientific, historical, or cultural topics but not generally performances.
  • amenity=childcare + after_school=* – some after-school programs focus on art
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