
A place where live theatrical performances are held. 
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: Amenities
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: approved

Used to tag a theatre where live performances occur, such as plays, musicals and formal concerts.

To tag cinemas, known as movie theaters in the United States, see amenity=cinema.

How to map

Set a node or draw as an area along the theatre outline. Tag it with amenity=theatre and name=*.

Tags used in combination


Picture/DescriptionTagsOSM CartoOSM Carto Symbol
Royal Opera House London
name=Royal Opera House

See London for a reference.

Theatrical genres

Theatres may specialize in a certain type of performance, or theatrical genre. Use theatre:genre=* - to describe these. Common genres are described below. Use theatre:type=* to describe the interior or layout.

Speech theatre

Music theatre

Figure or puppet theatre

Other types

See also

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