
A barrier is a physical structure which blocks or impedes movement. 
Group: Restrictions
Used on these elements
Documented values: 64
  • Implied access differs by value (barrier type)
Useful combination
Status: approved

A barrier is a physical structure which blocks or impedes movement. The barrier tag only covers on-the-ground barriers. It does not cover typical waterway barriers (dams, waterfalls, etc.). However, barriers that are normally found on land (such as fences) can also be found (and thus tagged) in water.

How to map barrier nodes

Place on a highway or a barrier way or at the common node between a highway or a barrier way (if it's part of both). Do not place a barrier tag on a junction between highways.


Key Value Element Comment carto-Rendering Photo

Linear barriers (e.g. along a path or road)

barrier cable_barrier Also called guard cable. This is a road side or median barrier made of steel wire ropes mounted on weak posts. See also the more extensive wikipedia description.
barrier city_wall A fortification used to defend a city or settlement from potential aggressors.

From ancient to modern times, they are used to enclose settlements.

  • Right side is bottom, left side is top.
  • If both sides are same height then add "two_sided=yes".

See also historic=city_gate, historic=citywalls and defensive_works=*.

barrier ditch A trench, ditch or ravine, that is not easily crossed, especially not on foot. Possibly water can flow at the bottom, so it can be used in combination with waterway=stream or waterway=drain.
barrier fence A structure supported by posts driven into the ground and designed to prevent movement across a boundary. It is distinguished from a wall by the lightness of its construction. Use fence_type=* to add details.
barrier guard_rail A guard_rail, also called a crash barrier. Right side is inner, left side is outer.
barrier handrail Is designed to be grasped by the hand so as to provide stability or support.
barrier hedge Is a line of closely spaced shrubs and bushes, planted and trained in such a way as to form a barrier or to mark the boundary of an area.
barrier retaining_wall Retaining walls serve to retain the lateral pressure of soil. Right side is bottom, left side is top.
barrier wall A freestanding solid structure designed to restrict or prevent movement across a boundary. Usually made from solid brick, concrete or stone and almost always built so that it is opaque to vision. Add wall=noise_barrier to tag an acoustic screens located along streets or roads

Access control on highways (e.g. for blocking a path or road)

barrier block A large, solid, immobile block that can be moved only with heavy machinery or great effort.

Typically big solid things made of concrete for stopping larger vehicles.

Sometimes natural boulders are used for the same purpose.

barrier bollard One or more solid (usually concrete or metal) pillar(s) used to control traffic.
barrier border_control This is a control point at an international border between two countries. Passports or other forms of ID will be checked.
barrier bump_gate For description see wikipedia:Bump gate, for another photo see flickr example: .
barrier bus_trap See wikipedia:Bus trap.
barrier cattle_grid Bars in the road surface that allow wheeled vehicles but not animals to cross.

Sometimes known as a Texas Gate, even outside of Texas.

barrier coupure () A cut through a flood protection feature (e.g., (flood)wall, levee, or dyke) for a road or railway, that is readily made flood tight if required.
barrier cycle_barrier Barriers to bicycle traffic, most typically a pair of staggered steel bars perpendicular to the way itself whose gaps allow pedestrians to pass. Cyclists may pass, but only at very reduced speed. May be installed ahead of a hazard, such as a road or rail crossing.
barrier debris A road is blocked by debris with or without ground. This might be for short or long time. Often used as first step in blocking an abandoned road.
barrier entrance A gap in a linear barrier with nothing that limits passing through.

access=yes is implied.

The limitations are the same of the way that crosses it, if there is such.

barrier full-height_turnstile A full-height turnstile, also called HEET-turnstile (high entrance/exit turnstile), like the ones to access security areas. Note the mix of hyphen and underscore.
barrier gate () An entrance that can be opened or closed to get through the barrier. For a permanent opening in the barrier, see barrier=entrance.

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

barrier hampshire_gate A section of wire fence which can be removed temporarily.

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

barrier height_restrictor Combine with maxheight=*.
barrier horse_stile A horse stile allows pedestrians and horses to cross a gap through a fence, but prevents or makes it very difficult for motorcycles and live stock to cross.
barrier kent_carriage_gap A Kent carriage gap is used by local authorities in the UK to prevent motorised vehicles from accessing public rights of way whilst allowing most horse drawn carriages to pass.

These are now becoming common on byways in the UK

barrier kissing_gate A gate which allows people to cross, but not livestock.
barrier lift_gate A lift gate (boom barrier) is a bar, or pole pivoted in such a way as to allow the boom to block vehicular access through a controlled point.

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

barrier motorcycle_barrier Barriers along paths that prevent access by motorcycles.
barrier planter A plant box, or simply a planter, is a structure containing plants for decoration, which (in this context) has the primary purpose of preventing large vehicles from passing.
barrier sally_port A sally port is used to pass through thick or city walls, and is a type of covered gate with two doors.
barrier sliding_beam Something between barrier=sliding_gate and barrier=lift_gate: it has a quite thin bar like in lift gate, but the bar slides aside to allow through.
barrier sliding_gate Gates open sideways. Usually automatic

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

barrier spikes Spikes on the ground that prevent unauthorized access. Can also be removable; e.g., after payment in a garage.
barrier stile A stile allows pedestrians to cross a wall or fence, but never actually "opens" the barrier

(Unlike a gate, a stile has few or no moving parts).

barrier sump_buster A sump buster is a concrete slab or steel structure that prevents passing of two-tracked vehicles with less than a minimum track and ground clearance. (Typically stops normal cars.)
barrier swing_gate Similar to a lift gate but rotates sidewards to open. It is usually made out of metal bars (wood or other material possible) and is intended to prevent cars from access but can usually be crossed by pedestrians and cyclists.
barrier toll_booth A road usage toll or fee is collected here. Used with toll=* and charge=*.
barrier turnstile A turnstile (also called baffle gate) is used to allow one person at a time to pass. Use this for small turnstiles like the ones in supermarkets or some subways.
barrier wedge A wedge-shaped barrier that rises out of the ground to block traffic.
barrier wicket_gate A wicket gate, or simply a wicket, is a pedestrian door or gate, particularly one built into a larger door or into a wall or fence.
barrier yes A barrier which nature cannot be determined; typically only used in mapping using aerial imagery. Should be replaced by a specific value.

Linear barriers or access control on highways (e.g. along or for blocking a path or road)

Key Value Element Comment Photo for along carto-Rendering Photo for blocking
barrier bar A fixed horizontal bar which blocks motor vehicles but can usually be bypassed on foot or bike. Often placed at trailheads.
barrier barrier_board A barrier board to restrict the passage of a way or to block off an area.
barrier bollard Solid (usually concrete or metal) pillar or pillars in the middle of the road to prevent passage by some traffic. See key bollard=*
barrier chain A chain used to prevent motorised vehicles.
barrier jersey_barrier A Jersey barrier consists of heavy prefabricated blocks to create a barrier. Use material=plastic or material=concrete to express the used material.
barrier kerb A kerb (or curb) is a short solid barrier, usually found at the edge of a road, path or sidewalk, which prevents entrance by vehicles and wheelchair users. The height of the kerb is tagged additionally as height=*, if available. Right side is bottom, left side is top.
barrier log Use this when the passage is closed by lumber (trunk of a tree). This kind of barrier is often useful to sit on. This barrier partially blocks cyclists but can be crossed by lifting the bike over.
barrier rope A flexible barrier made of fibres, twisted or braided together to improve strength. As a barrier it is often more symbolic than actually physically preventing pedestrians from accessing.
barrier tank_trap Static anti-tank obstacles that can take various forms, such as Czech hedgehog (barrier=tank_trap; tank_trap=czech_hedgehog).
barrier tyres A crash barrier made from tyres stacked on top of each other, commonly found at motor racing circuits.
barrier user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

See also

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