
Denmark, Europe
latitude: 55.99, longitude: 9.43
Browse map of Denmark 55°59′24.00″ N, 9°25′48.00″ E
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Denmark is a country in Europe at latitude 55°59′24.00″ North, longitude 9°25′48.00″ East.
Denmark Mapping Project,
the home of Denmark on the OpenStreetMap wiki.
Hello! Welcome to the project for mapping efforts in Denmark!
You can find here national events, ongoing projects, map status and mapping guidelines, as well as links to other pages directly related to the mapping of Denmark.
You may also find a list of contacts and mappers involved with the OpenStreetMap community in Denmark.

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This page contains information relating to mapping activity that is specific to Denmark. Please join the mailing list!!


These are tools specific for the Denmark, as they use Danish government data. They can be used to find problems in the Danish map.

+ Live update with all kinds of missing data. Check your own neighbourhood!

+ Uses info from health inspection to maintain a list of restaurants.

Country specific tags

The Danish government has a open data policy, which allows us to import government data into OSM. To keep track, country-specific tags can be added.

Tags (starting with) osak, AWS, are about the Danish address register. See

Tags starting with BBR are about the Danish building registry. See

Tags (starting with) CVR are about the Danish register of companies (CVR number= VAT number). See

Tags containing "FVST" are about the "Fødevarestyrelse", the food- and health inspection.

As of now (2021), all data is accessible in API form from

People involved in the start-up of this project

Here are the heroes of the early days...

  • Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen, Esbjerg
  • Mikkel Mondrup Kristensen
  • Jesper Sander, Køge
  • J.D. Schmidt
  • Bjorn Nicolaisen Jorgensen, Haslev
  • Nikolaj Brandt Jensen, København N
  • Jesper Henriksen, Lyngby
  • Henrik Joergensen, København N
  • Kent B. Hansen, Odense
  • Esben Damgaard, Odense
  • Anders Kvist, Aalborg
  • Jan Krümmel, Frederikshavn
  • Dan Faerch, Vejle
  • Olaf Vollmer, Århus, Brabrand
  • Frank Sørensen, Århus N
  • Kim Foder, Svendborg
  • Per Laustsen, Svendborg
  • Morten Bek Ditlevsen, Tvingstrup (v. Horsens)
  • Alexander Hunziker, København Ø
  • Tobias Tobiasen, Ølstykke
  • Johnny Carlsen, København
  • Janus Sandsgaard, København
  • Jens Winbladh, Kolding
  • Peter Brodersen, København
  • Martin Kruse Jensen, Grenaa
  • Erik Klausen, Løgten v. Århus
  • Ole Wolf, Nørresundby
  • Freek, Århus
  • Ole Nielsen
  • Jesper Enderleit, Næstved
  • Þórir Már, Malmö
  • Carsten Nielsen, Blans - Sønderjylland
  • Lars, Vejen
  • StefanG, Esbjerg
  • Morten Kjeldgaard, Århus C
  • Henrik Kirk, Århus C
  • Anders Rune Jensen, Nørresundby
  • Søren Schrøder, Bagsværd - København
  • Niels Elgaard Larsen, København Ø
  • Mikko Räsänen, Aalestrup

Discussion group

Danish discussions concerning the map happens at talk-dk. A searchable archive can be found here.

The formerly announced Google group is closed. The archive can be found here


A page with all the permissions given for data given to OSM. Check it out at Da:Permissions.

I (User:miki) have registered the domain. Do we want to use it, and for what? Right now it is just a shortcut to the map of Denmark on .org. I imagine we could have some more dedicated Danish community stuff there, and by time maybe mirror data (tiles, way db etc) related to Danish territory to speed up access for Danish users? Or maybe all mapping related stuff should be left at .org and .dk be used as entry point for ordinary non-mapping Danish users of OSM?

Inconsistent tagging of Danish roads

If I read the wiki correctly a Danish road can only be secondary if it has a route number such as 211. If this is true then the vast majority of secondary roads in Copenhagen and Nordsjælland should become tertiary. This ruleset is followed in many parts of the country but not everywhere. I have a feeling that the map of Copenhagen would look strange if all the secondary roads inside the ring road O2 became tertiary and perhaps the web interface to the map of Copenhagen would become less useful, so I don't know if this retagging is a good idea, but at least it would be helpful for new users if the entire country could agree on the same set of rules. nielsellegaard

The inconsistencies have been fixed. Maybe we should delete this section now nielsellegaard

There is another inconsistent tagging problem which concerns the Danish-German border because there are no Danish secondary routes connecting German Landesstraßen. Maybe the road planners in Copenhagen didn't see the necessity to establish border-crossing secondary roads but I do. So I am going to tag those roads which connect the Danish-German border with the Danish numbered network as secondary roads. --FK270673 12:45, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

Mapping parties

None planned for now

Useful Resources




Info about official Danish digital maps

INSPIRE project (European Union geodata)

OSM rendered maps for Danish areas

Printed maps for Danish areas

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.