Georgia (U.S. state)

Georgia (U.S. state), United States
latitude: 32.9, longitude: -83.3
Browse map of Georgia (U.S. state) 32°54′00.00″ N, 83°18′00.00″ W
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Georgia (U.S. state) is a state in the United States at latitude 32°54′00.00″ North, longitude 83°18′00.00″ West.

See the 'Talk' page for a proposal to update this page.


As of Jan 2022, Georgia has tagged

  • 227.000 miles of road (including highway=service and highway=track
  • 2.000.000 buildings (covering an area of around 250 sqare miles)
  • 70.000 amenity=*
  • 11.000 shop=*
  • 7000 miles of railroad track
  • 13.300 miles of high voltage power lines
  • 4000 miles of pipelines
  • 425 sqare miles of water
  • 64.100 miles of waterway=stream
  • 280.000 adresses
  • 8000 place=*

Tagging Guidelines for Georgia

Highway Classification

In 2009, it was proposed that the Highway Functional Classification System maps created by GADOT be utilized so that there be consistent classification of roads across the state.
Further information:Highway Functional Classification System
Further information:Key:highway
Further information:United States roads tagging

KeyValueHFCS ValueDescriptionExamples
highway motorway
  • Rural Interstates
  • Urban Interstates
  • Other Freeways & Expressways
Interstate highways, including loops and spurs; significant portions of US and state routes built to Interstate standards (high-speed, fully access-controlled).
  • I 75
  • I 285
  • GA 400
  • GA 166/Lakewood Freeway
  • Expressways
Selected U.S. and state routes not built to Interstate standards, but extremely close with only few intersections. High-speed highways, sometimes divided with limited-access. May have occasional traffic lights and unlit street-level crossings.
  • Fall Line Freeway and US 441 Intersection in Wilkinson County
  • Rural Minor Arterial Road
  • Urban Principle Arterials excluding Interstates and Other Freeways & Expressways
Major U.S. and state routes, such as those that link cities and larger towns and other traffic generators, such as major resort areas, that are capable of attracting travel over similarly long distances and form an integrated network providing interstate and intercounty service. These routes have relatively high overall travel speeds and minimum interference to through traffic. In urban areas, these highways serve the major traffic movements connecting central business districts, outlying residential areas, major intercity communities, and major suburban centers. They serve a major portion of the trips entering and leaving the urban area, as well as the majority of the through traffic desiring to bypass the central city.
  • US 78 in Atlanta
  • GA 166 in western Douglas and eastern Carroll Counties
  • Rural Major Collector Roads
  • Urban Minor Arterial Streets
Other U.S. and state routes, major county and city streets; Serve trips of moderate length at a somewhat lower level of travel mobility than principal arterials (primary highways). Provide access to geographic areas smaller than those served by the higher system. Provide intracommunity continuity but do not penetrate identifiable neighborhoods. In a rural setting, these roads provide service to any county seat not on an arterial route, to the larger towns not directly served by the higher systems, and to other traffic generators of equivalent intracounty importance, such as consolidated schools, shipping points, county parks, important mining and agricultural areas, etc, and link these places with nearby larger towns or cities, or with routes of higher classification. They serve the more important intracounty travel.
  • 10th Street
  • 14th Street
  • Auburn Ave
  • Edgewood Ave, in Atlanta
  • Austell Rd.
  • US 41 in Cobb County
  • Braswell Mountain Rd in north Paulding County
  • Rural Minor Collector Roads
  • Urban Collector Streets
County, city routes, and other major local roads. These collect traffic from local streets in residential neighborhoods and channels it into the arterial system. Provide both land access service and traffic circulation within commercial areas, industrial areas, and residential neighborhoods. Provide service to remaining smaller rural communities.
  • Simpson Rd
  • Highland Ave in Atlanta
  • Hog Mountain Rd. in Oconee County
unclassifiedRural Local RoadsRural or non residential roads, serve primarily to provide access to adjacent land with little to no value as through routes.
residentialUrban Local StreetsCity/neighborhood streets not qualifying as tertiary or higher, or rural roads which have become lined with houses. Provide direct access to land and to higher road systems. Through traffic usage is discouraged.

Avoid upgrading and downgrading roads over short distances (a few miles) where they may leave and enter an urban area. However, roads can and do change class type as they enter or leave urban and rural areas or intersect with other roads.


Further information:United_States_roads_tagging

ref I ##Interstate highways.I 75
I 285
US ##US highways.US 441
GA ##State routes. Also use network=US:GA and an unprefixed ref=* on route relations.GA 400

Max Speed

Further information:Key:maxspeed

mph to km/h conversion table
mph 5101520253035404550556065707580
=km/h 8.04616.09324.14032.18740.23448.28056.32764.37472.42080.46788.51496.561104.607112.654120.700128.748
~km/h 81624324048566472808896104112120128

Tag what you see the actual speed limit is on the road and not a guess based on the road type. Values are assumed to be in kilometres per hour (km/h) unless units are explicit. E.g. a speed limit of 30 miles per hour should be tagged as "30 mph".


Route Relations

Further information:Relation:route

Interstate Highways

Main article: Interstate Highways Relations

U.S. Routes

Main article: United States Numbered Highway Relations

Appalachian Development Highways

Main article: United_States_Numbered_Highway_Relations#Appalachian_Development_Highways

Forest Routes

Main article: United_States_roads_tagging#National_Forest_Road_System

State Routes

Main article: Georgia_(U.S._state)/State_Highway_Relations

Subway/Railway Routes

Further information:Relation:route#Railway_routes_.28light_rail.2C_metro.2C_mainline.2C_monorail_etc.29

Main article: Georgia/Railroads

U.S. Bike Routes

Further information:Relation:route#Cycle_routes_.28also_mountain_bike.29

Main article: wikipedia:United States Numbered Bicycle Routes
Main article: WikiProject_U.S._Bicycle_Route_System

State Bike Routes

Further information:Relation:route#Cycle_routes_.28also_mountain_bike.29

Main article: Georgia_(U.S._state)/Bicycle_Route_Relations

State/City Bus Routes

Further information:Relation:route#Bus_Routes_.28also_trolley_bus.29

Main article: Georgia_(U.S._state)/Bus_Route_Relations

Hiking/Walking Routes

Further information:Relation:route#Walking_routes_.28also_hiking_and_pilgimage.29

Main article: Georgia_(U.S._state)/Hiking_Route_Relations

e.g. wikipedia:Appalachian_Trail, wikipedia:Bartram_Trail, wikipedia:National_Trails_System

Boundary Relations

Further information:Relation:boundary


Main article: Georgia_(U.S._state)/County_Boundary_Relations


Main article: Georgia_(U.S._state)/City_Boundary_Relations

Land Use

Land Use data for Georgia from the USGS Land Use / Land Cover dataset has been uploaded to the OSM server. However, due to its ectremely bad quality, most of it has already been deleted. If you encounter remaining USGS Landuses, feel free to delete them. In metro Atlanta the ARC LandPro08 dataset has replaced the LULC dataset, but it is often outdated and needs fixing.

Data Sources

A number of Potential Datasources exist for Georgia.

County GIS data

GIS data suitable for inclusion

Athens-Clarke County

GIS server Useful:

Glynn County

GIS server Useful:


Most of the road data in Georgia was uploaded through a big Tiger import process in 2007/2008. Because of the very poor quality in places, this also needed a lot of work. Especially rural areas had many alignment issues and non-existing roads, missing bridges etc. Some of these issues may still remain. When you review a road and it is ok, you can remove all tags starting with "tiger:" (except tiger:county=*).

TIGER data is published yearly, in the iD editor it can be displayed under the imagery tab. This can be used to find out the names of roads that were built after the import.

To Do

  • Trace landuse&buildings
  • Add POIs like stores
  • Review and fix roads in rural areas
  • Classify roads
  • Fix thousands of errors reported by quality assurance tools
  • Cleanup imported water data (verify lake outlines, collect named rivers and streams in type=route relations)

Cities in Georgia

City Template

{{place|name=|type=city|area=Georgia (U.S. state)|image=|lat=|long=|zoom=}}
Fayetteville, Georgia (U.S. state)
latitude: 33.4502, longitude: -84.4536
Browse map of Fayetteville 33°27′00.72″ N, 84°27′12.96″ W
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External links:
Use this template for your city

Fayetteville is a City in Georgia (U.S. state) at latitude 33°27′00.72″ North, longitude 84°27′12.96″ West.


OSM extracts for the State of Georgia are available in various formats from Cloudmade at:

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.