JA:Humanitarian OSM Team


OpenStreetMap の初期のころから、オープンでフリーの地図データは、人道支援や経済開発にとてつもない便益になると期待されてきました。この考えは2010年のハイチ地震において立証されました。それを受け直ちに2010年8月にHOT がアメリカの非営利組織として設置され、2013年に課税を免除される501(c)3団体として登録に至りました。 Tasking Manager を通して HOT の活動に協力してくださる方はどなたでも歓迎します。必要なものは OpenStreetMap のユーザーアカウントだけです。
参加する皆さんには何があっても、私たちのコミュニティの行動規範を守ってくださるようお願いします。HOT コミュニティ行動規範についてはHOT Code of Conduct を参照してください。


What's hot?

HOT の使命と目的


  • HOT(人道支援 OpenStreetMap チーム= Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) (HOT) applies the principles はオープンソースならびにオープンデータの共有を適用し、人道支援対応と経済開発にあたります。


  • 人道的活動とオープンマッピング団体の仲介
  • 危機時における遠隔地からのデータ作成支援
  • 既存のデータソースの収集と体系化
  • 見込みのあるフィールドへの展開
  • フリーなデータの配布
  • 開かれた知識 open knowledge の構築とツール開発



  • クラウドソーシングとデータ共有に関するシンプルなウェブ標準の普及
  • 現場の要求に対応するための OSM と OSGeo の技術的改善(オフラインサポート、検証、フォーマット適合、マルチマスター同期など)



Most of our volunteer needs are for remote mapping and project work. To find out more about what HOT does and how to get involved see the HOT Guide

Learning to Map

The largest volunteer need of HOT is for OpenStreetMap contributors. To get started contributing to OpenStreetMap, the community has developed a simple-to-use beginners guide called LearnOSM (learnosm.org). A series of quick lessons will guide any new user through setting up an account and beginning to map. New material is always being developed and added.

What to Work On?

Notice: A formal definition of various HOT Programs (humanitarian projects and activations) is being developed, see HOT activation for information regarding urgent response.

Humanitarian projects can be the immediate responses to natural disasters, political crises and other destructive events or projects designed to mitigate or plan for disaster risk or economic development. They are launched where up-to-date geographic data is needed and where OSM data currently is being used or will be used by local communities and/or responders. Generally, these projects are launched by active participants in the HOT community who will coordinate the remote mapping with the needs of humanitarian actors and other first responders, and with any local OSM community as guidance. If a situation becomes complex, individual(s), humanitarian actors or local communities are encouraged to reach out to the HOT Activation Working Group. If the working group decides that HOT currently has the resource and capacity to facilitate the request, it will announce an official "activation," which indicates that this crisis is a high priority for the organization. The team also may invite other NGOs to collaborate, make requests for needed resources and will document the progress and conclusion of the activation. These decisions take into account which humanitarian mapping projects and/or activations HOT currently is supporting or monitoring, as well as the potential impact on the project beneficiaries and our current capability to provide assistance.

Organised Editing Projects

Please see our dedicated wiki page for organised editing projects led by HOT. These include both remote digitising projects and community led projects on the ground.

The OSM Tasking Manager

The Tasking Manager is a tool that divides large mapping tasks into small sections to make them easier for volunteers to manage. The Tasking Manager also includes background information on the locale to be mapped, as well as information about what kind of data is needed (road, schools, etc., and how to recognize them). Volunteers can contribute directly to current activities through the OSM Tasking Manager.


直近のリモート活動の情報は こちらのページをご参照ください。


2018 Guinea Floods
... 2018 India Disaster Response Mapping
... Ebola DRC & Uganda
... Typhoon Ompong - Philippines
... Perú Friaje
... Laos Dam Collapse
... Indonesia Earthquakes
... Kilauea Volcano Eruption
... Ebola in DRC May-July
... Peru Flooding
... Colombia Dam Failure
... Fuego Volcano Eruption
... Somalia Flooding
... 2018 Cyclone Gita - Tonga
... 2018 Papua New Guinea Earthquake
... 2018 South America Flooding
... Acari Peru Earthquake
... Zambia Cholera Outbreak
... Veracruz, MX Floods
... Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami
... July Ebola Outbreak, DRC
... Japan Earthquake and Floods
... Sri Lanka Flooding
2017 2017 South Asian Floods
... 2017 Mexico Earthquakes
... Western Pacific Volcano Threats
... 2017 Iran-Iraq Earthquake
... 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria
... 2017 Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of Congo
... 2017 Floods in Peru
... Cyclone Enawo, Madagascar
2016 Hurricane Newton over Baja California, Mexico
... Hurricane Matthew over western Haiti
... Sri Lanka Flood Activation
... Ecuador Earthquake Support
... Japan Earthquake Support
... 2016 Cyclone Winston Support
2015 Eastern Afghanistan Earthquake
... Salgar Landslide
... Hurricane Patricia
... 2015 Nepal earthquake
... 2015 Vanuatu (Typhoon Pam Cyclone)
2014 West Africa Ebola Response 2014-2015
... Democratic Republic of Congo Ebola Response
... Southeast Europe Floods
... 2014 Paraguay floods
... Typhoon Hagupit (Ruby)
... Typhoon Haiyan Response (Philippines)
... Tharparkar Drought in Pakistan
2013 2013 Humanitarian Mapping Project for Uttarakhand, India
... Central Africa Republic (CAR) Crisis Response
... South Sudan Crisis Response
2012 2012-2013 Mali Crisis
... 2012 Activation for South and North-Kivu, DR Congo
... WikiProject Côte d'Ivoire
... May - Refugee Camps in Ethiopia & Kenya (Camp Roberts)
... 2012 Flooding in Senegal
2011 2011 Samoa Cyclone Simulation
... Horn of Africa Famine
... 2011 Richelieu river flooding
... リオデジャネイロ洪水
... クライストチャーチ地震
... リビア危機
... 2011年東日本大震災と津波
2010 ウォリス・フツナにおけるサイクロン・トマス被害
... シュコドラ洪水(アルバニア)
... コロンビア洪水
... フィリピン台風
... チリ地震
... 玉樹地震(中国青海省)
... 玉樹地震(中国青海省)
... アラゴア洪水(ブラジル)
... パキスタン洪水
... アラビア洪水
... 2010-01 Haitian Earthquake
2009 ガザ地区(イスラエル)
... イラン -- 大統領選挙後の抗議運動
... 2009年9月、フィリピン、オンドイ台風

Jobs, Internships and Contracts

  • Visit our website for current opportunities on how to get involved
  • For internship program see HOT Internship Programs
  • For tutorships see Tutorships SubPage

Academic Research & HOT

HOT welcomes academic and scholarly research on our activities. See Academic Partnerships for some best practices and Research Topics for some ideas from us on what to study.



There are many ways to contribute to the mission of HOT. See the HOT Guide for the basics. All we ask is that contributors govern themselves using our Code of Conduct, which is found on our website: HOT Code of Conduct

Voting Membership

Dedicated volunteers who have been elected and make up the voting community are listed here:

主な記事:Humanitarian OSM Team/Members


Our current board of directors, elected from the membership, as well as our leadership team and its history can be found at

主な記事:Humanitarian OSM Team/Board Elections

2013年3月、HOTは公式に 501(c)団体として認定されました

Community Activities

Community Types and Roles

HOT has many diverse community roles and ways to contribute to our mission. In a Community Sprint, we designed the following types:

  • Connectors/Teachers
    • Training and mentorship program to cross-train new leaders with the goal to have more leaders and less burnout.This role includes storytellers and communicators.
    • Outreach to share the OSM educational web site LearnOSM (www.learnosm.org) and to show the community how to get involved in HOT
    • Clean up general communication on the wiki and web sites to provide a clear path for those who want to get involved
    • Develop target communities for outreach
  • Mappers
    • Participate in, and help coordinate mapping activities.
    • Reach out to friends of OSM who might help with surge support in various areas (e.g. Mozilla, hubs, etc., as well as links with connectors/teachers regarding leaders).
    • Maintain a wider OSM outreach plan (coordinated with respect) to get active mappers more involved with HOT.
    • Identify new communities for outreach.
  • Partners/Mission Supporters
    • Develop a policy and guidance on how to establish mutual communication with partners, a W3 ( who does what when), there are some items in membership code of conduct.
    • This group includes researchers and liaisons.
  • Techies
    • Identify a process to get developers involved in the Tech Working Group (more outreach, clear tasks).
    • Develop and Promote technical tools.
    • Maintain and support existing tools.
  • Business of Mapping
    • Talking points for the membership to use with partners and potential funders.
    • Expand outreach strategy to get partners and potential supporters involved with HOT.

Participate in or Lead Working Groups

Our working groups perform the "business like" work of HOT. Currently there are working groups for:

  • Activation
  • Communication
  • Community
  • Fundraising
  • Governance
  • Technical
  • Training
  • Security

See Working Groups SubPage for a list and descriptions of the working groups and their contact information.

Attend Meetings

Meetings of the HOT Board and Membership

  • Visit Meetings for details. (includes announcements and previous meeting minutes)

Other (non-official) Meetings

Help Plant Grass-Roots OSM Communities

HOT is involved locally, working in areas vulnerable to natural disaster, recovering after a disaster, or in economic transition. HOT tries to develop a local OSM community and to create partnerships with local governments, academics and geographers who can use and contribute to OSM. These Initiatives on the ground include:

The Missing Maps Project

The Missing Maps Project is an open collaboration founded by HOT, Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors Without Borders (MSF), American and British Red Cross. It aims to map, within two years, the parts of the world where the most vulnerable people live. Building on the excellent work done by OpenStreetMap and others in emergency-response mapping, the Missing Maps Project aims to map in a proactive way. Instead of responding to a natural disaster, conflict or epidemic, it will identify regions vulnerable to crises will map them in anticipation of crises. This means that, when a crisis does occur, local people, NGOs and other responders can start using the maps and the data immediately, saving valuable time and, potentially, lives.

Visit the Missing Maps website for more details.



  • MapKibera プロジェクト
  • Map Kibera Import .. Map KiberaのOpenStreetMapへのインポートの支援
  • Humanitarian_OSM_Tags
  • Humanitarian OSM Team Logo (an artistic project)
  • ハイチにおけるハリケーン・ガスタフ被害に対する経路選択、データのインポート、GPSマッピング
  • 発展途上地域のマッパーへのState of the Map 2009参加奨励金(旅費給付)
  • Palestinian West Bank mappingにおける技術的アドバイス
  • UN and OSM
  • エジプト、ケニア、南アフリカ共和国における提言とマッピングパーティ
  • FreeMapIndia 2008 Workshop Tour
  • サイクロン・ナルギスにともなうOSMトレーニング
  • スーダンに関する国連地図データの公開とインポート
  • Humanitarian_OSM_Team/Knight News Challenge Proposal



  • Official:
    • To email HOT staff directly: info @ hotosm.org
    • Email the Communications working group: communications @ hotosm.org
    • HOT mailing list - Moderate traffic announcements and discussion; ~1850 subscribers as of 28 May 2016.
    • HOT Announce mailing list - Announcement only, low traffic; just being launched as of March 2015.
    • HOT Updates - Details of HOT activities (RSS). Feel free to contact us with a suggested text for blog posts.
    • JA:OSM Tasking Manager - HOT mapping coordination tool.
  • Social Media:
    • @hotosm - Twitter feed with messages and links related to HOT
    • hotosm Facebook Page
    • HOT LinkedIn Page
  • Live Chat:
    • IRC - live text chat for spontaneous discussion, many channels, use #hot to chat with us and intermittently scheduled HOT chats
    • Mumble - live voice and text running on HOT server, used for official HOT meetings as well as general discussion
  • Humanitarian OSM Team Logo


Presentations on HOT activities. Open-licensed slides are available for use in presentations.







  • Humanitarian Response Portal, Administrative Boundaries, Populated places
  • FAO, International and Administrative boundaries
  • UN Second level Administrative boundaries (1:1'000'000)
  • MapLibrary.org, Administrative boundaries in development countries (License?)
  • Administrative boundaries (Redistribution, or commercial use, is not allowed without prior permission)
  • NGIS Populated places Geographic name files by countries
  • FreeGisData List of GIS Ressources
  • oxfam recent emergencies - google map. boo!
  • Wikinews.org categories: politics & conflicts disasters & accidents- オープン・ライセンスのニュース
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.