
Prefix emergency:*
Namespace for features that describe their alternative, emergency use.
Group: Emergencies
Used on these elements
Status: in use
taginfo: emergency:*

This page describes a key prefix rather than a simple key.

The emergency namespace prefix is used to disambiguate multi-function facilities between their primary, and alternative emergency use. The emergency prefix is used in Japan, the Philippines, and Taiwan (where it was first used), for mapping designated emergency shelters that normally serve a different, primary function (e.g. school, community centre, place of worship, etcetera.)

Typically, a facility that exclusively serves as an emergency shelter is tagged as amenity=social_facility + social_facility=shelter, without the emergency prefix.

The emergency prefix is also added to additional attributes that are related to its emergency function (e.g. emergency:phone=+123456789), which could be different from the normal attribute (e.g. phone=+98765432100.)



How to map

Add the namespace emergency: as a prefix to all keys which are only relevant to its emergency-related features. Treat all the tags on an object as a set of facts about it, and prefix the keys of those facts which as applicable during emergency activation. For example, a school facility that becomes a emergency evacuation shelter during a storm may have at least, the following tags:

name=José Rizal Elementary School

In this example, a school designated as an emergency shelter includes a normal contact number, and another for their emergency shelter.

Common tags under this namespace

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