
Using this tag is discouraged, use Street parking instead.  
Group: Parking
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: deprecated

This feature has been labeled as deprecated. The recommended replacement is: Street parking.
The reason is documented in Deprecated features. You are still free to continue to use or interpret this tag as you see fit since OpenStreetMap does not have “banned features”.
Under no circumstances should you (semi-)automatically change “deprecated” tags to something else in the database on a large scale without conforming to the automated edits code of conduct. Any such change will be reverted.

This page documents the usage of the key parking:condition=* to indicate the legal properties of a parking lane or if parking is allowed on a road. It can be added to ways tagged with highway=*.

  • parking:condition=* describes the legal properties of the parking space. This tag is also the default value when used in combination with conditionals.
  • parking:lane=*, a similar but different tag, is used to describe the physical properties of the parking space.

Both can be used independently of each other, they do not necessarily require the other.

  • The key parking:condition=* should always be used with the appended subtags :both, :left, or :right; indicating the side of the street they apply to.[1]
  • The roadway needs to be split up where any of the parking condition changes.

Parking conditions

The parking:condition tag describes the legal properties of the parking space. This tag is also the default value when used in combination with conditionals.

Note: Do not confuse condition with conditional. The former is part of the parking:condition tag while the latter is for conditional restrictions and only added at the end of a key.

Key Value Description
parking:condition:side free The parking is free to use. If there is a time limit, add a parking:condition:side:maxstay=* tag
ticket A ticket is required. This can be a physical ticket, electronic ticket via SMS or through an app, etc. If possible add the location of the ticket machine(s) nearby using the amenity=vending_machine + vending=parking_tickets tags.
disc A parking disc is required. Add a parking:condition:side:maxstay=2 hours tag to describe the time limit, for example 2 hours.
residents Add a parking:condition:side:residents=A tag. This means "parking only for residents with permission A" (With A being the identification of the permission).
customers This means you are only allowed to park here if you are a customer of the shop that owns this parking space (or a visitor of a site, or a guest of a hotel, or similar). If additional restrictions apply, such as a time limit, add those.
private No additional information is required. This means you are only allowed to park here if you rented the parking space (or have a permission of the owner).
disabled Usually, this parking space is not about free or paid. It requires being related to disabled persons or to have such permission.
loading Parking is not allowed, but standing for loading or unloading is explicitly allowed. In contrast to no_parking, loading and unloading is explicitly designated, e.g. with a traffic sign, and depending on the legal situation, there is no or a different maxstay period.
no_parking No regular road user is allowed to park on the road. They may stop, though, to for example pick up/drop off a passenger, unload cargo or for other reasons as laid out in the local legislation.
no_standing No regular road user is allowed to park on the road. They may stop, as long as they remain in the vehicle, to for example pick up/drop off a passenger or for other reasons as laid out in the local legislation.
no_stopping No regular road user is allowed to stop their vehicle, except when traffic conditions require them to do so. In addition this also implies that neither standing nor parking is allowed.
no There is no explicit signage that prohibits parking, standing or stopping, but some of these are not allowed, and it is not possible to distinguish the exact conditions.

Type of vehicles

If the condition is valid only for some vehicles, use

If vehicles are only allowed at certain times, use conditional tags, like so


A total ban on lorries would be

Residential permits

Area based residential permits often carry some sort of letter or code identifying the area wherein they are valid; this can be recorded using the key: parking:condition:side:residents.

When parking requires either a ticket or a residential permit (named "A" in this example), specify both conditions in the main value and further describe the residential permit in another tag that is specific to that condition

Time dependence (conditional)

On many occasions, parking conditions are time limited, especially for disc and residents parking. This can be specified by using the conditional tag: parking:condition:side:conditional. It uses the same syntax for values as conditional restrictions.

In the simplest case you have free parking at night, and ticket parking at day on workdays; for example,

  • parking:condition:right=free (The default is free)
  • parking:condition:right:conditional=ticket @ (Mo-Fr 09:00-19:00) (But on workdays, paid parking)

Sometimes specifying one default condition is not enough. In these cases we end up with an abundance of tags, for example:

  • parking:lane:right=parallel
  • parking:condition:right=free (By default this is a free parking)
  • parking:condition:right:conditional=no_stopping @ (Mo-Fr 07:00-09:00); disc @ (Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00) (No stopping during morning rush hour. At daytime, disc parking only)
  • parking:condition:right:maxstay:conditional=30 minutes @ (Mo-Fr 09:00-18:00) (And only a 30 minute stay)

Note: The use of additional namespaces (:1, :2, etc.) is deprecated.

Maximum stay

Use parking:condition:side:maxstay to specify maximum stay limits; especially applicable for disc parking. It should take values precisely as per maxstay.

If this applies only part of the day, use parking:condition:side:maxstay:conditional.

Reasons for the condition (optional)

It is often useful to indicate why certain conditions apply. This allows telling a fire lane from a loading zone or an implicit condition (e.g., no parking near a crossing) from an explicit condition (no stopping sign on a busy thoroughfare). Use the parking:condition:side:reason tag to describe the reason for prohibitions in the condition when needed.

Note: Tagging this is optional. The list of reasons below is not a complete list, just a collection of the most common ones.

Key Value Description
parking:condition:side:reason bus_stop This is a bus stop, where according to local legislation, certain rules apply.
crossing This is near a crossing, where according to local legislation, certain rules apply.
driveway This is near a driveway, where according to local legislation, certain rules apply.
dual_carriage This way is part of a dual carraigeway, wherer according to local legislation, certain rules apply.
fire_lane This is a fire lane that must be kept clear for possible fire engines, or other emergency vehicles.
junction This is part of a junction and according to local legislation, certain rules apply.
loading_zone This is a zone for loading and unloading of goods and/or passengers.
narrow This is a narrow street, influencing the ability to park here.
passenger_loading_zone This is a zone for loading and unloading of passengers only, not goods.
priority_road This is a priority road. According to local legislation certain rules apply.
street_cleaning This is a street cleaning zone where vehicles intermittently may not be allowed to park, stand or stop. This includes snow removal.
turnaround This is a zone for turning a vehicle around, typically at a cul-de-sac.
turn_lane This is part of a turn lane and according to local legislation, certain rules apply.

Separately mapped parking

parking:lane:both=separate / parking:lane:left=separate / parking:lane:right=separate are in use to mark that parking lane was separately mapped as an amenity=parking area.


Further information: Complex examples.

All examples below assume a parking lane on the right side of the road.

Sign Tags
parking:condition:right=free (This is a free parking with no other restrictions.)

parking:condition:right=free (By default, this is a free parking with no other restrictions.)
parking:condition:right:conditional=no_parking @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-18:00) (However, parking is prohibited on weekdays from 8 to 18.)

parking:condition:right=free (By default, this is a free parking with no other restrictions.)
parking:condition:right:conditional=disc @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00) (However, you must use a disc on weekdays from 8 to 17.)
parking:condition:right:maxstay:conditional=2 hours @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00) (There is also a time limit during the same hours.)

parking:condition:right=no_parking (No parking anytime.)

parking:condition:right=no_parking (By default, no parking.)
parking:condition:right:conditional=free @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-18:00) (However, you may park here on weekdays from 8 to 18.)
parking:condition:right:maxstay:conditional=30 minutes @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-18:00) (For a maximum of 30 minutes.)

parking:condition:right=no_stopping (No stopping anytime.)

parking:condition:right=free (When the conditional restriction is not in place, this is a free parking.)
parking:condition:right:conditional=no_stopping @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00, Sa 08:00-14:00, Su 08:00-13:00) (However, stopping is prohibited on weekdays 8-17, Saturdays 8-14 and Sundays 8-13.)

parking:condition:right:hgv=free (This is a free parking, but only for lorries and trucks.)

parking:condition:right:hgv=no_parking (Parking is prohibited, but only for lorries and trucks.)

parking:condition:right=no_parking (No parking anytime.)

parking:condition:right=no_parking (By default, no parking.)
parking:condition:right:conditional=free @ (Su, PH) (However, parking is allowed on Sundays and public holidays.)

parking:condition:right=ticket (Paid parking.)
parking:condition:right:maxstay=1 hour (For a maximum of 1 hour.)

parking:condition:right=free (This is a free parking.)
parking:condition:right:maxstay:conditional=2 hours @ (08:30-17:30) (However, there is a time limit from 8:30 to 17:30.)

parking:condition:right=free (By default, this is a free parking.)
parking:condition:right:conditional=no_parking @ (Mo-Sa 04:00-05:00) (However, you may not park here Mo-Sa 4-5.)
parking:condition:right:maxstay:conditional=2 hours @ (Mo-Sa 09:00-18:00) (There is also a time limit Mo-Sa 9-18.)



Road section within the junction

parking:both=no_stopping (No stopping anytime) or parking:both=no (No explicit signage, also OK but no_stopping is a bit more preferable)

parking:condition:both=no_stopping (No stopping anytime) or parking:condition:both=no (No explicit signage, also OK but no_stopping is a bit more preferable)

parking:condition:right:maxstay=5 minutes
parking:condition:left=no_stopping or parking:condition:left=no
(for road with oneway=yes)

See also


  1. It is intentional to use left and right instead of forward and backward, because parking is about location, not direction. E.g., a one-way sometimes has parking at the left and at the right hand side, but no "backward" parking. See Forward & backward, left & right.
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