
Mozambique, Africa
Latitude: -19, Longitude: 35.5
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Mozambique is a country in Africa at latitude 19° 0′ 0″ South, longitude 35° 30′ 0″ East.{{#multimaps: |center=-19,35.5 |width=340px |height=430px |zoom=5 |service=Leaflet }}}}}}

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Communications channels

There is an OSM forum OpenStreetMap Forum.

Many discussions occur on the talk list too, though not specific to Mozambique. is a local mapping initiative. They are also on Facebook at

Provinces of Mozambique


This project aims to produce and distribute free maps with high quality of Mozambican territory.

You can visit the forum and the mailing list to join this community


Mozambique is a country located on the southeast coast of Africa bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east, Tanzania to the north, Malawi and Zambia to the northwest, Zimbabwe to the west and Swaziland and South Africa to the southwest. It has 309,475 sq mi (801,537 km2) and the population is 'about 22 milions ???'.

Mozambique has a tropical climate with two seasons, a wet season from October to March and a dry season from April to September. Climatic conditions, however, vary depending on altitude. Rainfall is heavy along the coast and decreases in the north and south. Annual precipitation varies from 500 to 900 mm (19.7 to 35.4 in) depending on the region with an average of 590 mm (23.2 in). Cyclones are also common during the wet season. Average temperature ranges in Maputo are from 13 to 24 °C (55.4 to 75.2 °F) in July to 22 to 31 °C (71.6 to 87.8 °F) in February.

Cities, Towns & Villages

Mozambique is divided into ten provinces (provincias) and one capital city (cidade capital) with provincial status. The provinces are subdivided into 129 districts (distritos). The districts are further divided in 405 "Postos Administrativos" (Administrative Posts) and then into Localidades (Localities), the lowest geographical level of the central state administration. Since 1998, 43 "Municípios" (Municipalities) have been created in Mozambique.

1. Cabo Delgado : is the northernmost province of Mozambique. It has an area of 77,867 km² and a population of 1,650,270 (2006).

2. Gaza : It has an area of 75,709 km² and a population of 1,333,106 (2006).

3. Inhambane : is a province of Mozambique located on the coast in the southern part of the country. It has an area of 68,615 km² and a population of 1.412.349 (2006).

4. Manica : It has an area of 61,661 km² and a population of 1,359,923 (2006).

5. Maputo (city) : is the capital and largest city of Mozambique. It has an official population of approximately 1,244,227 (2006), but the actual population is estimated to be much higher because of slums and other unofficial settlements.

6. Maputo : the province excludes the city of Maputo (which comprises a separate province). The province has an area of 26,058 km² and a population of 1,072,086 (2006).

7. Nampula : is a province with an area of 81,606 km² and a population of 3.985.285 (2007 Census).

8. Niassa : the province has an area of 129,056 km² and a population of 1.027.037 (2006).

9. Sofala : this province has an area of 68,018 km² and a population of 1.676.131 (2006).

10. Tete : It is a province with an area of 100,724 km² and a population of approximately 1.551.949 (2006).

11. Zambezia : the most-populous province of Mozambique, located in the central coastal region south of Nampula and north of Sofala. It has a population of 3,794,509 (2006).


In 2005 the classificaion and numbering of highways was changed by the Diploma Ministerial nº 103/2005 de 01 de Junho de 2005 . As of early 2013 the map contains a mix of both old and new road references.

People Involved

  • Zeferino Saugene
  • 4rch (talk)
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