OpenStreetMap 1st Anniversary Birthday party

Email from SteveC:

From: SteveC
To: talk
Date: Wed Jul 6 10:06:40 BST 2005
Subject: [Openstreetmap] OSM 1 year party

  ___  ____  __  __   ____            _           _   ___  
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 \___/|____/|_|  |_| |_|   \__,_|_|   \__|\__, | |_(_)___/ 

Yes, its coming up to the one year anniversary of the arbitrarily chosen
domain registration timestamp! Fire up whois and behold 09-Aug-2004
18:47:25 UTC.

What:  OSM Party 1.0. Beer then food by popular vote (Brick Lane?) Good
       company, beer and mapping conversation. Special event at 18:47:25!

When:  9th Aug 2005, 6pm onward

Where: Strongroom Bar, 120-124 Curtain Road, LONDON, EC2A 3SQ


Reminder will be sent at one week and at one day beforehand.

have fun,

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