< Overpass turbo

Overpass turbo/Polygon Features

As OpenStreetMap doesn't have an intrinsic area data type, an heuristic has to be applied to determine whether a way is a Line or a Polygon. For Overpass turbo and osmtogeojson I came up with the following (see here for a machine-readable JSON file of this table):

A way is considered a Polygon if

  1. It forms a closed loop, and
  2. it is not tagged area=no, and
  3. at least one of the following conditions is true:

This is mostly based on the information found in the OSM-wiki (namely the presence and absence of the / symbols on the individual key-pages). I used taginfo's wiki database for this task.

Unfortunately, the wiki doesn't include any information about whether or not a tag is categorizing (such as landuse=*) or descriptive (such as name=*). Therefore, this heuristic includes my own understanding and opinion about this. For the same reason, this list is surely quite incomplete! Please inform me about more tags that could imply areas.

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.