
Using this tag is discouraged, use office=tutoring, amenity=driving_school, amenity=language_school or amenity=trade_school instead.
Group: Education
Used on these elements
See also
Status: deprecated

This feature has been labeled as deprecated. The recommended replacement is: office=tutoring, amenity=driving_school, amenity=language_school or amenity=trade_school.
The reason is documented in Deprecated features. You are still free to continue to use or interpret this tag as you see fit since OpenStreetMap does not have “banned features”.
Under no circumstances should you (semi-)automatically change “deprecated” tags to something else in the database on a large scale without conforming to the automated edits code of conduct. Any such change will be reverted.

An institution that provides various additional or specialized training, such as language schools, dance schools, courses, and more.

How to map

Set a node at the center of the facility or draw an area along its outline.

Add the tags education=centre and name=*.

See also

See Folk high school on Wikipedia
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.