Tag:railway=tram stop

A tram stop is a place where a passenger can embark / disembark a tram. 
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: Railways
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: approved

This tag is one way to mark a tram stop. It is used on tram tracks (railway=tram) and also on light rail tracks (railway=light_rail) where the halt resembles more a tram stop than a railway halt (railway=halt).

How to map

Insert a node with railway=tram_stop and name=* on the tram track (railway=tram) at the position where the stop is located.

In contrast to highway=bus_stop this tag is tagged on the track because tram tracks are usually one-way and different directions don't have to be considered.

Optional tags:

Tag Usage Description
railway=tram_stopMandatoryIndicating that it is a tram stop.
name=*RecommendedName of the tram stop.
public_transport=stop_positionOptionalIndicating that it is a public transport stop.
tram=yesOptionalSee the Public Transport Schema.
network=*OptionalName of the network if exists.
operator=*OptionalName of the operator if exists.
shelter=*Optional'yes' if there is a shelter on the stop.

Use with light rail systems

This tag can also be used on light rail tracks (railway=light_rail) where "the halt resembles more a tram stop than a railway halt (railway=halt)."

See also

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