
Shinto religion 
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: Religion
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: de facto

 Shinto is a religion prevailing in Japan.

In this page, shinto shrine tagging standard will be described based on some discussions in talk-ja(ja). After general agreement is achieved in Japanese community, English page will be made.

(1) Jinja whole area (神社境内) Jinja whole area

Followed amenity=school and landuse=religious tagging scheme. You can use landuse=religious when several amenity=place_of_worship are in same area.

(2) Honden 本殿 A building where a Shinto god is enshrined.


It's better to draw Honden and Haiden separately.

(3) Haiden 拝殿 A building where you pray


(4) Ema-kake (絵馬掛け) A shelf to put a Ema (wish card) or Omikuji (paper fortune).

Proposal required.

(5) Shop 授与所 A shop selling Ema(wish card), Omikuji(paper fortune) and so on.

(6) Syamusho (社務所) A building Shinto priests working
(7) Sando (参道) Footway leading to Haiden

(8) Sessha or Massha (摂社、末社) Small shrines

Small ones

Large enough for person to enter

Needs discussion whether to map several amenity=place_of_worship in one area.

(9) Komainu (狛犬) A pair of guardian dogs
(10) Goshinboku (御神木) Shinto sacred tree

Mostly genus=Ginkgo

(11) Toro (灯篭) Stone lantern

See https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ja/2014-June/008334.html Note man_made=lamp is abandoned in Proposed features/Tag:man_made=lamp.

(12) Chozu (手水) Clean your hand here

(13) Torii (鳥居) Torii (Shinto gate)

See talk page(ja) and mailing list archive(ja) for discussion.


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