
Route of a winter sports piste for skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, etc. 
Group: Sports
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: approved

A route relation with the subtype route=piste can be used to combine the ways that make a piste used for winter sports such as down-hill skiing, snow-shoeing, or XC-skiing. The exact type of this piste route is specified with piste:type=*.

Simple pistes can be mapped as ways tagged with piste:type=*.

Longer pistes often consist of multiple different (snow covered) ways that have various types, surfaces and uses in summer time. In some cases, the same way is shared by multiple pistes. In almost all cases, every underlying way has a different name than the piste. A Relation:route can be used to combine all relevant ways into a continuous route for the piste.


The tag route=ski is similar, but its use is limited to pistes with piste:type=nordic/downhill. Routes associated with skiing but also other winter sports like snowshoe trails, sledding pistes, or ski tours can use route=piste. This tag is more consistent with the Piste Maps Proposal, and proposes to use the key piste:type=* for any winter sports.


Members of the Relation:route of a piste may have (among others) the following roles:

Way or Node Role Recurrence? Comment
(blank)zero or morethe ways making up the route.
forward/backwardzero or moreif a piste should only be followed in one direction for some or all of its length, the "role" can indicate this for some or all of the constituent ways.
"forward" means the route follows this way only in the direction of the way
"backward" means the route runs only against the direction of the way
linkzero or morea way for the sole purpose of linking this route to the rest of a the network but not a primary part of this route itself.
shortcut/variantzero or moreshortcuts and variants
startzero or moreentry points

Tags in Relation:route

Key Value Comment
typeroutetype of the relation (mandatory)
routepistetype of the route relation (mandatory)
piste:typedownhill, nordic, sled, hike, snow_park etc.type of piste (mandatory)
namenamename of the piste
refnumberreference code for the piste
operatornameorganization that is responsible for the provision and maintenance of the route
networknamename of the network of routes of which this one is part
descriptiontextbrief additional information to assist someone intending to follow the route
distancenumberofficial length of the complete route; default unit km
colourcolourcolour normally associated with the route when presented on a map. Usually, depending on difficulity and/or purpose; e. g. links often carry a dedicated color.
symboltexttextual description
osmc:symbolCodemachine readable description
websiteurlurl of a website with additional information

Tags for the associated ways

These tags (among others) are properties of the underlying ways (i.e. elements of the relation):


  •  1180705 - Snowshoe trail Col du Mollendruz - Châtel
  •  1180278 - Snowshoe trail Le Molard
  •  1180878 - Snowshoe trail Montbrion
  •  1183548 - Snowshoe trail and ski tour Gd St Bernard
  •  1184156 - Ski run Tscholaire
  •  33361888 - Road segment that is part of the piste routes of a snowshoe trail, a ski tour and a ski run

See also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.