
A small shop on the pavement that sells magazines, tobacco, newspapers, sweets and stamps. 
Rendering in OSM Carto
Group: Shops
Used on these elements
Useful combination
Status: approved

A  kiosk is a shop selling products like cigarettes, newspapers, sweets, snacks and beverages. The shop is normally located in little stand-alone pavillon so small that customers cannot enter the shop. Kiosks are usually built on the pavement, or inside other buildings like train stations or shopping centres. Opening hours are often less restricted than other types of shops, and therefore kiosks sometimes provide basic groceries like butter, milk and the like. In some countries, they may also sell alcohol.

Note that kiosk is a type of shop, and is not meant for tagging building size or for tagging shop in a small separate building. A small shop in a separate building selling raw meat should be tagged as shop=butcher (and its building can be tagged as building=kiosk). A shop in a separate small building selling quickly-prepared food can be tagged as amenity=fast_food and so on. This is done this way because:

  • otherwise there would be no sane way to distinguish types of shops
  • classifying some shops based on what is sold in them and some based on their location in a specific building type is a silly orthogonal tagging
  • kiosk-type products are distinct type of shop, that is usually (but not always!) located in a small separate building, and is distinguished by what is sold there

How to map

Set a node or draw as an area along the shop outline. Tag it with shop=kiosk. Add name using name=* or use noname=yes to mark that shop has no name.

Tags used in combination

Similar tags

  • shop=newsagent is a very similar type of shop to a kiosk in terms of products sold (primarily newspapers & magazines). However a newsagent is a proper shop, so a slightly bigger building or a normal sized shop in a row of shops. Note that this even holds for shops with the word 'Kiosk' in the name, such as K Kiosk in Switzerland and Luxembourg. These should be tagged as shop=newsagent.
  • shop=convenience should be used for more general store type shops, which are focussed more on food than on newspapers & magazines. Again these are proper normal sized shops.
  • Do not tag kiosks such as flower kiosks that do not sell the typical kiosk goods as shop=kiosk. Tag these with the type of goods they sell, such as shop=florist.
  • shop=lottery is for a shop that mainly sells lottery tickets
  • building=kiosk - tag for building constructed to house a small shop, often shop=kiosk. Note that some building=kiosk may not include shop at all or shop of different type and that not all kiosk are in such small separate buildings.
  • vending=newspapers - tag for machine, stand or independent structure vending or giving out newspapers and magazines.
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