WikiProject Nepal

Nepal, Asia
latitude: 28.20997, longitude: 83.99162
Browse map of Nepal 28°12′35.89″ N, 83°59′29.83″ E
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Nepal is a country in Asia at latitude 28°12′35.89″ North, longitude 83°59′29.83″ East.

Project area


Administrative Boundaries of Nepal

admin_level Division Type Note
2 National borders of Nepal current use
3 Provinces current use
4 Development Regions in use till 2015
5 Zones in use till 2015
6 Districts current use
7 Municipalities current use
8 VDCs in use till 2015
9 Wards current use

OSM Communities in Nepal


  • OSM Nepal for staying updated with all information and updates about the works being done, the progress being made while mapping and also future plans.

OSM Forum

  • Mailing List for general information on mapping activities in Nepal.


Organizations involved in OSM in Nepal

Different organizations in Nepal engage digital volunteers in remote mapping OpenStreetMap in Nepal. They organize events, discussions, and trainings to support Digital Mapping in Nepal. MapBuds is currently most active organization in OpenStreetMap mapping.

  • OSM Nepal is a community of active mappers who are voluntarily contributing to the OpenStreetMap of Nepal.
  • Kathmandu Living Labs - a pioneer civic-tech enterprise providing humane data and technology solutions to improve the lives of people.
  • MapBuds - a Geotech volunteering organization which focuses on OpenStreetMap datasets and various Geospatial domains.
  • GESAN - a non-political organization established with the notion of making union of all geomatics students of Paschimanchal Campus and an active inagural chapter of YouthMappers
  • GES - a pioneering society of Nepal, established in 2008 A.D. by students of Geomatics Engineering at Kathmandu University.
  • YouthInnovationLab - focused on technology development, disaster risk reduction, climate change, open data, entrepreneurship, data driven advocacy, youth engagement, and volunteerism
  • NAXA - a Geo-ICT technology consulting that strives for innovation in geospatial technologies to provide solutions to contemporary problems of humanity.


Mapping Nepal


Imagery preferences


Users in Nepal

Active Mappers/Contributors

Name Usename Name Usename Name Usename
Amritkarma amritkarma (on osm) Anil Basnet Anil Basnet (on osm) Marek Kleciak marek kleciak (on osm)
Heinz_V Heinz_V (on osm) Seichter seichter (on osm) Adrie Sonke Adrie Sonke (on osm)
ManojThapa ManojThapa (on osm) Gaurav Parajuli Gaurav Parajuli (on osm) Rabi Shrestha frozenrabi (on osm)
JoeRichards JoeRichards (on osm) Lalit BC Lalit_IAAS (on osm) Saurav Gautam SauravGautam (on osm)
Sushma Ghimire SushmaGhimire (on osm) Sangeeta BC Sangeeta BC (on osm) Pragya Pant Pragya Pant (on osm)

Most Experienced Mappers contributing in Nepal

Users Mapping Days Countries Mapped Projects Contributed
Heinz_V 4500+ 150+
seichter 3400+ 60+
marek kleciak 2800+ 110+
Manoj Thapa 2000+ 80+
Anil Basnet 1500+ 40+
Adrie Sonke 1300+ 15
frozenrabi 900+ 60+
Gaurav Parajuli 800+ 35+
Ro Sun 900+ 90+
amritkarma 600+ 30+

Other Statistics


Route Distance Description Route relation(s) % Complete Notes
Annapurna Circuit250? kmTrek around the Annapurna Sanctuary1187310 route almost 100% complete (needs to be verified)
guess many POI (guesthouses, facilities, drinking water) are still missing
Wikipedia: Annapurna Region
Annapurna Base Camp ? kmTrek to Annapurna Base Campnot yetfootways almost 100% (needs to be verified), though not added to a relation yet
guess many POI (guesthouses, facilities, drinking water) are still missing
Wikipedia: Annapurna Region
Everest Base Camp ? kmTrek to Everest Base Camp (EBC)1189003 route almost 100% complete (needs to be verified)
guess many POI (guesthouses, facilities, drinking water) are still missing

Downloads for Nepal

Generating own extract for Nepal

Geofabrik provides extracts for Nepal in various formats, see

The idea is to download asia.osm extract from Geofabrik, polygon from Cloudmade, cut with Osmosis. Here are the steps:

./osmosis --read-binary file="asia.osm.pbf" --bounding-polygon file="nepal.poly" --write-xml file="nepal.osm"

In case of normal .osm file

./osmosis --read-xml file="asia.osm" --bounding-polygon file="nepal.poly" --write-xml file="nepal.osm"

Other sites for OSM data

See also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.