
Questa guida di riparazione è stata redatta dallo staff di iFixit ma non è stata approvata da Google. Leggi di più sulle nostre guide di riparazione qui.

Questa guida mostra come rimuovere e sostituire la batteria usurata del tuo Pixel 3 XL.

Per la tua sicurezza, scarica la batteria da sostituire sotto il 25% prima di smontare il telefono. In questo modo si riduce il rischio di un pericoloso incendio se la batteria viene danneggiata accidentalmente nel corso della riparazione. Se la tua batteria è gonfia, prendi adeguate precauzioni.

La sostituzione della batteria richiede lo scollamento della bobina di ricarica attaccata alla cella e il trasferimento della bobina stessa sulla batteria di ricambio.

  1. wIigbvaXNQ1gCfa2
    • Scalda un iOpener e applicalo sul bordo destro del pannello posteriore per un minuto.

    • Puoi usare anche un asciugacapelli, una pistola termica o una piastra riscaldata, ma stai attento a non surriscaldare il telefono: sia lo schermo sia la batteria interna possono essere danneggiati da un eccesso di calore.

    • Mentre aspetti, prendi nota delle aree seguenti del pannello posteriore:

    • Adesivo tenace: ci sono aree di adesivo molto estese vicino alla parte inferiore del telefono.

    • Sensore cavo impronte digitali: stai attento a non tagliare il cavo mentre fai leva.

    • Applica una ventosa al lato riscaldato del pannello posteriore, il più vicino possibile al bordo.

    • Tira sulla ventosa con una forza elevata e costante per creare una fessura.

    • A seconda dell'età del tuo telefono, può essere richiesta una forza notevole. Se incontri dei problemi, applica dell'altro calore e riprova.

    • Inserisci un plettro di apertura nella fessura.

    Suction cup doesn’t work on severely cracked glass.

    Jeffrey Kongthong -

    Step 1 - 2 took me about 50 minutes. Back and forth with heat and trying with suction cup. I could get my finger nail in but not the pick. Took two people, but we finally got a pick in. 2 year old phone.

    Andrew Messier -

    Took about 15 minutes and three total attempts. On the third attempt, I also used a thinner, metal, pick to widen the gap just enough for the plastic pick to fit (Though be careful as you can easily break it with a metal pick). The phone is three years old.

    Hotohori -

    Could not get in with the pick or in from the side. Targeted the bottom of the phone with the iOpener and managed to gently create some space for the pick with the opener tool.

    Daniel R. -

    I also struggled here for a while. I ended up working my way around the entire edge of the phone until I found one spot where I could pry up the back panel. I used a jimmy instead of the opening pics. I also used a hairdryer on lower heat instead of the iopener. 3 year old phone.

    Bryan Wethington -

    Took 30 minutes + to get the back cover off. Used another suction cup to grip from the busted screen and the ifixit suction cup for the back. A thinner Acoustic guitar pick was required opposed to the standard Blues picks provided in the kit (har-har). Would HIGHLY suggest getting a pick into both the back and the front before removing the panels as it will give you more surfaces to pry from. Made that mistake...

    Brian Sommer -

    Over 2 hours of trying, I keep reheating the pouch and let it sit on the edge for sometimes up to 10 minutes since the directed 1 minute wasn't working. Physically cant get enough leverage on the back of the phone; picks are too thick to get under the crack, and the suction cup pops off before I can get enough force to see any gap open. Phone is 5 years old. I really need some help

    Grant Cooper -

    Hey Grant!
    I hear your pain—the adhesives on this phone are very strong. The initial gap is one of the hardest parts of the procedure. Here are some suggestions:
    * If you have a hair dryer, give that a shot. Heat the edge until it is slightly too hot to the touch.

    * These adhesives separate not with extreme force, but with constant steady force and time. Try heating the edge and pull on the suction cup with firm force for about a minute to let the adhesive separate.

    * If you have an opening tool, you can try this procedure to get the initial gap.

    Arthur Shi -

  3. ecDEBpnvfOTcMLZ2
    • Fai scorrere il plettro di apertura lungo il bordo destro per tagliare l'adesivo.

    • Quando si raffredda, l'adesivo si indurisce e diventa difficile da tagliare.

    • Una volta che hai tagliato l'adesivo lungo il bordo, lascia un plettro di apertura nella giunzione per impedire che la colla possa riattaccarsi.

    • Applica un iOpener riscaldato sulla parte bassa del pannello posteriore per un minuto.

    • Usa un plettro di apertura per tagliare l'adesivo attorno all'angolo inferiore destro e continua lungo il bordo inferiore del telefono

    • Lavora lentamente mentre tagli l'adesivo attorno all'angolo per evitare che il pannello possa rompersi. Se diventa difficile tagliare la colla, applica nuovamente del calore.

    • Lascia un plettro nel bordo per impedire che la colla possa riattaccarsi.

  6. K1DNALhsFYem6WuY
    • Continua le operazioni di riscaldamento e taglio lungo i bordi rimanenti del telefono.

    • Fai attenzione mentre tagli lungo il bordo sinistro del telefono. Se il plettro sembra bloccarsi vicino alla parte superiore, potresti aver incontrato il sensore impronte digitali. Tira lievemente in fuori il plettro e riprova a passare.

    • Accertati di aver tagliato bene le parti dove l'adesivo è più spesso, vicino ai bordi inferiore e destro del telefono.

    The back cover is Glass!!!!. DO NOT PRY HARD, IT WILL BREAK!!!!!!!

    You must go slowly and let the heat do the work, if you force the cover off, it will shatter.

    Paul Bernstein -

  7. USkM2UJmmdDVnTmv
    • Solleva con delicatezza il bordo destro del pannello inferiore.

    • Usa un plettro di apertura per tagliare tutto l'adesivo rimasto attaccato lungo i bordi.

  8. 1nxmI4hs2Gymfag5
    • Solleva il bordo destro del pannello posteriore e ruotalo finché non si dispone sul lato sinistro del telefono, come se fosse un libro aperto.

    • Evita tensioni sul cavo del sensore impronte digitali e stai attento che non si impigli.

    • In fase di rimontaggio, questo è un buon momento per provare ad accendere il telefono e collaudare tutte le funzioni prima di sigillarlo nuovamente. Quindi ricordati di staccare completamente l'alimentazione prima di continuare a lavorare.

    • In fase di rimontaggio, segui questa guida per installare adesivo pretagliato e incollare nuovamente il pannello posteriore.

    Reassembly is way harder. The adhesive guide is generic and not super helpful, so don't be surprised if things went smoothly until you get to this step and then everything starts sticking to things its not supposed to.

    Christopher Trimby -

    This is great but how you address that fact that the phone is tied to a particular fingerprint sensor and after replacing, the new sensor is not recognized by the original phone?

    Dave -

    Hi Dave!

    There's a software calibration tool that you can use to calibrate your new fingerprint sensor. I've updated this step to include a link to the tool.

    Arthur Shi -

    I have a pixel 3 xl and I can't get the tool to work. I finally got the driver's installed after several hours and it says it's for pixel 6 and up basically. So I tried the other option and it's basically saying to do a factory reset? Did I mess something up on the install or what am I doing wrong here? Thanks

    Cody L Paulsell -


    So, apparently the connector on the motherboard for the fingerprint sensor is just ridiculously fragile, because after plugging and screwing everything in (pretty much reassembled except for the adhesive), I closed up the phone and powered it on to test if everything was working, and when I opened it back up and let the top hang off to the side, it just snapped off. I didn't even have it tensioned that much, it was just hanging off to the side and snapped. So now I've traded a non-functional camera with a non-functional and irreparable (unless I get a new motherboard) fingerprint sensor.

    The guide really ought to emphasize how delicate that connector really is. I have a google drive link here to a photo of the remnants of my poor fingerprint sensor connector :( link

    Mindle -

    Wasted a ton of time and effort (and money) trying to use this guide to repair my Pixel 3XL. Then I get to the software calibration tool and find:

    Unsupported device

    This is not a compatible device. Only Pixel 6, 6 Pro, 6a, 7, 7 Pro, 7a devices can install this software.

    I cannot say how frustrating it is when a guide and website that tried to be so helpful ends up like this. Failure due to referencing tools not on the site and not suitable for the job.

    Ross Chesley -

  9. 66BxIa114CvPBDXF
    • Usa con delicatezza delle pinzette per staccare il nastro giallo disposto sul connettore del sensore impronte digitali.

    This step is utterly unnecessary. It achieves nothing, and the tape is there for a reason (I'm not sure why, maybe to prevent short circuits). I didn't remove this tape while disassembling and it didn't change anything.

    Krzeszny -

    The Kapton tape should adhere to both the cable and the connector. It helps prevent the cable from slipping out of the ZIF connector. You're right in that you don't have to completely remove the tape—I've adjusted the step to reflect this.

    Arthur Shi -

    I just finished this guide, thank you. It would be nice to have a "before ribbon removed" reference picture that's also without the Kapton tape in place if possible. I was no longer certain how far back into the ZIF connector I had to place the ribbon cable as I simply forgot what it looked like before removing it. Basically, it "felt" like it was out too far, but since I had no reference I couldn't compare. Step 10 has good close up pics, but the ribbon cable is already out a bit so a bad reference.

    teknomedic -

  10. sIaa2bIVcTWtgVNZ
    • Usa l'estremità a punta di uno spudger per sganciare l'aletta di bloccaggio nera dello zoccolo ZIF del sensore impronte digitali.

    • Afferra la linguetta del cavo con delle pinzette o le dita ed estrai delicatamente il cavo flessibile dallo zoccolo.

    • Per evitare cortocircuiti, stai attento non toccare con le pinzette i contatti metallici sul cavo flessibile.

    • Rimuovi il pannello posteriore.

  12. ZRoNSKDIlMf5W2Yh
    • Rimuovi le seguenti quattro viti T3 che fissano la staffa della cover metallica:

    • Tre viti lunghe 4 mm

    • Una vite lunga 3 mm

    • Durante questa riparazione, tieni traccia di ogni vite ed assicurati di riavvitarla esattamente dove era.

    Be careful when putting the screws back in that you do not over tighten. This will cause you to destroy some pixels on your screen.

    Brian Retterer -

    The long screw on my disassembly was adjacent to the lettering for the Qi inductive receiver, and not close to the silver exposed part of the battery as indicated

    Andrew Munro -

    In my case, all the screws are the same length.

    Krzeszny -

  13. iMjRoXXfrrJG6TTj
    • Inserisci l'estremità piatta di uno spudger sotto il bordo superiore destro della staffa della cover metallica e fai leva per liberarla.

    • Rimuovi la staffa della cover metallica.

    There is a small adhesive pad under the metal bracket, between the two middle screws that will provide some resistance when lifting the metal cover bracket

    Andrew Munro -

  14. 2FT5FhK5JAiFdDI6
    • Usa l'estremità punta di uno spudger per sollevare dal suo zoccolo e scollegare il connettore della batteria.

    • Non usare attrezzi metallici per disconnettere la batteria, per evitare il rischio di cortocircuitare la batteria stessa.

    • Ripiega da una parte il cavo della batteria in modo che il connettore non possa accidentalmente toccare lo zoccolo.

  15. FxnPXw2vGkLrtRQO
    • Usa l'estremità a punta di uno spudger per staccare dalla scheda madre e scollegare il connettore della bobina di ricarica, vicino al bordo destro del telefono.

  16. dFmoE2oZYbWXGgUf
    • Inserisci la punta di un plettro di apertura sotto uno dei bordi della bobina di ricarica.

    • Fai scorrere il plettro lungo il bordo per tagliare l'adesivo.

    • Taglia alla maggior profondità possibile e al tempo stesso cerca di non perforare la superficie della batteria.

    This step is completely not needed. The new battery already had a coil attached so i didn’t need to remove the coil from the old battery.

    Mike Moffit -

    ^ Not in my kit.

    Go slow, don't rush this one. It is harder than the case (at least for me)

    Christopher Trimby -

    My kit also did not come with a replacement coil or adhesive. Any suggestions on what to do here? Could I use adhesive strips to re attach the coil?

    Glendon sowder -

  17. mYxCHnqChuLsYPTC
    • Gira il telefono in modo che il bordo che hai appena tagliato resti in alto.

    • Mentre tieni il telefono in questa posizione, applica poche gocce di antiadesivo oppure alcol isopropilico ad alta concentrazione lungo il bordo tagliato.

    • Mantieni il telefono in questa posizione per uno o due minuti, in modo che l'adesivo possa ammorbidirsi.

  18. PFjAfwTW4SIxL1dc
    • Inserisci l'estremità piatta di un plettro di apertura sotto uno degli angoli della bobina di ricarica.

    • Spingi il plettro lentamente e costantemente sotto la bobina per staccare l'adesivo.

    • La colla è disposta soprattutto lungo il perimetro della bobina di ricarica. Usa il plettro di apertura per tagliare lentamente l'adesivo.

    • Se la colla diventa difficile da tagliare, giro nuovamente il telefono e applica delle altre gocce di solvente o di alcol.

  19. BRHvrJqJYPPYy2Sa
    • Rimuovi la bobina di ricarica wireless.

    • Per installare una bobina di ricambio:

    • Vedi di ripulire perfettamente la superficie della batteria da ogni residuo di adesivo. Stai molto attento a non perforare la batteria.

    • Collega il connettore della bobina wireless al suo zoccolo sulla scheda madre. In questo modo sei sicuro che la bobina sarà perfettamente allineata.

    • Stacca qualsiasi protezione dell'adesivo dalla bobina di ricambio.

    • Disponi la bobina sopra la batteria e premilo con fermezza nella sua posizione.

    This step is a bit out of place. It is only relevant if you are replacing the charging coil and keeping the old battery.

    Michael Stember -

    My kit did not come with adhesive for the coil. So check for that before you begin.

    Christopher Trimby -

    My kit also did not come with adhesive for the coil. Where can I buy the replacement coil or the adhesive to reinstall the old coil?

    Glendon sowder -

  20. bGIKNou5mW6rj2AP
    • I prossimi due passi mostrano come scollegare il connettore del gruppo dei tasti in modo da evitare di danneggiarlo durante la rimozione della batteria.

    • Svita le due viti Torx T3 da 3 mm che tengono ferma la copertura del connettore del gruppo dei tasti.

    • Rimuovi la copertura del connettore.

    This step is unnecessary if you don't use a bracing pick (step 24), and I didn't use one because I found it unhelpful.

    Krzeszny -

  21. tnfstShI1QkKZFKe
    • Usa la punta di uno spudger per fare leva e scollegare il connettore del gruppo dei tasti dalla sua presa sulla scheda madre.

    I don't see how it helps. Even if you use a bracing pick, this connector doesn't seem to block it in any way.

    Krzeszny -

    We recommend disconnecting this cable to reduce the chance of severing it when you pry on the battery.

    Arthur Shi -

  22. oJvhkIOMaQnEBSUX
    • Inserisci l'estremità a punta di uno spudger nella fessura lungo il bordo superiore della batteria.

    • Fai scorrere lentamente la punta lungo la fessura per sollevare e staccare dalla batteria il nastro adesivo.

    • Ripiega il nastro in modo che resti lontano dalla batteria.

    this photo shows the volume/power cable above the battery detached, but that step is not included in any of the instructions (including removing the metal cover). I highly recommend detaching that cable and being very careful, lest you sever it like I did.

    Ryan Yazel -

  23. rUMHP1wtWCB5EiZQ
    • Fai scorrere con delicatezza la punta di uno spudger sotto le linguette gialle di estrazione della batteria che sono ripiegate lungo il bordo superiore della cella.

    • Separa dalla batteria le linguette di estrazione.

  24. NLMyuLPggbaTPsrJ
    • Vicino alla parte superiore della batteria ci sono dei bordi spigolosi e affilati, che potrebbero rompere facilmente la striscia adesiva mentre questa viene tirata.

    • Inserisci il lato in plettro di apertura nella fessura sopra la batteria, sotto a una delle linguette gialle.

    • Incunea il plettro con decisione sotto la batteria. Il plettro fungerà da scivolo per la striscia adesiva e anche da leva.

    I did it without using a bracing pick because it makes the angle less shallow due to adding more material in the way. Also, I didn't notice any "sharp edges near the top of the battery". The gold-colored antenna thing sticks out, but it's on the "easy" side of the battery, the one that only has adhesive half as long as the left side, so the angle doesn't have to be as shallow there.

    Krzeszny -

  25. B2WNy6nC3EgGYPc1
    • Tira la linguetta di estrazione gialla con lentezza e costanza. Fai del tuo meglio per tirare secondo un angolo il più ridotto possibile rispetto all'orizzontale.

    • Mentre tiri la linguetta della striscia adesiva, mantieni una certa pressione sull'plettro di apertura per incunearlo il più possibile sotto la batteria.

    • Se la striscia sembra rimanere bloccata, puoi colare nella fessura poche gocce di antiadesivo o alcol isopropilico ad alta concentrazione per favorire il distacco della batteria. Questa azione probabilmente aiuterà a liberare in un colpo solo entrambe le strisce adesive.

    • Ripeti la procedura con la seconda linguetta di estrazione.

    I used alcohol but this strip shown in the photo just wouldn't come out and it eventually broke due to tension. I suppose the Pixel 3 design team didn't care about the fact that using an adhesive strip as long as the battery makes taking it out imposible.

    Fortunately, once I removed the strip on the right side (which is much shorter), I was able to insert a spudger after I tilted the battery up and I cut through the remaining adhesive from the right side.

    Krzeszny -

  26. xHoPAsrBKWrSIAkQ
    • Rimuovi la batteria.

    • Non riutilizzare la batteria dopo che è stata rimossa, perché questo costituirebbe un rischio per la sicurezza. Sostituiscila con una batteria nuova.

    • Per installare una batteria di ricambio:

    • Rimuovi tutto l'adesivo rimasto nell'alloggiamento della batteria.

    • Riconnetti temporaneamente il connettore della batteria al suo zoccolo sulla scheda madre. In questo modo la batteria sarà perfettamente allineata.

    • Applica delle strisce adesive estensibili, dell'adesivo pretagliato o del nastro biadesivo nel vano della batteria.

    • Disponi la batteria all'interno del telefono e premila nella sua posizione esercitando una certa forza.

    • Scollega nuovamente il connettore della batteria dal suo zoccolo sulla scheda madre e riprendi il rimontaggio.

    While the nobel work of ifixit and the supporters goes unquestioned…. why only bring us halfway? Which pieces of the tesa for the battery, coil and….? Which direction does the adhesive template go on… a few more pictures and you walk us across the finish line.

    Thanks just the same

    Rod Romo -

    I'd recommend a generic stretch-release adhesive for the battery cut for size (best for future replacements) and I'd also use a smaller strip than original on the left side, because I found it impossible to remove the original long strip.

    Any kind of double-sided tape for the coil will work (best if it's one that can be unglued in the future, so you can use very small pieces, it doesn't have to be ultra-secure)..

    Krzeszny -

    Very helpful and managed to follow all the steps to the end (and back again). Battery shows up as charging (and holding charge) but the phone won't power on....

    ....any idea what I've missed or accidentally broken???

    CAT -

    I actually have the same issue. My phone died prior to the repair, but replacing the battery didn't change anything. I'm wondering if it is a reoccurring issue issue with this model.

    Jared -


Per rimontare il tuo dispositivo, segui queste istruzioni in ordine inverso.

Per prestazioni ottimali, calibra la batteria appena installata: caricala al 100% e poi mantienila sotto carica per almeno altre due ore. Quindi usa il telefono finché non si spegne a causa della batteria esaurita. Per finire, carica la batteria ininterrottamente fino al 100%.

Porta i tuoi rifiuti elettronici a un riciclatore certificato R2 o e-Stewards.

La riparazione non è andata secondo i piani? Vai sulla nostra comunità Risposte Google Pixel 3 per trovare aiuto nella risoluzione dei problemi.

Arthur Shi

Membro da: 03/01/18

248254 Reputazione

44 commenti

Very helpful, thank you! I was able to replace my battery pretty easily thanks to this guide.

Gabriel Frederick -

Hey. After installing ney battery and new usb port my Pixel 3 has problems with microphones. Its only works with phoning via speakers. can you help me ?

kevin reiter -

Hi Kevin,

Assuming that you did not remove the motherboard (which houses a mic), it sounds like something may be off with the daughterboard, which surrounds the USB port and houses the other microphone. I would suggest carefully disconnecting and re-seating the daughterboard connectors, and making sure that the microphone is aligned to the port.

Arthur Shi -

Thanks for these great instructions.

I followed them, and managed to replace my old Pixel 3 XL battery without any problems.

Luis Ibanez -

What about re attaching the charging coil? The adhesive is now shot on the coil. What should you do to adhere the coil to the new battery?

Glendon sowder -

Hi Glenden,

You can use some strips from the pre-cut adhesive card to re-affix the coil onto the new battery.

Arthur Shi -

just use some of the old adhesive from the cover to tack down the four corners. It is still sticky enough. Once you put the back cover on, it will snug everything nice and tight

rjhv28 -

The kit came with much more adhesive strips than needed for securing the battery. I cut a few small pieces out, stuck them to the battery where the old adhesive was, not under the coil itself, and that worked well. Be sure to plug in the coil first for proper alignment. Then press down on the closest adhesive bit and work your way away from the connector keeping the coil flat.

Michael Stember -

any recommendation as to where i should buy a good battery?

thank you in advance!

Alessandro Alan Palumbo -

Hi Alessandro,

If you are in the US, we sell replacement batteries and battery kits for the Pixel 3 XL. We stand by the parts we sell and have great customer service if any issue arises.

Arthur Shi -

Used this to replace the back cover, battery and USB board on my Pixel 3xl. Very happy with the parts and tools I ordered from ifixit. Replaced my old elastic band pro tech tool kit with the new magnetic one, and all the other tools with it are a better quality it seems.

Mycahya Eggleston -

Very bummed, replaced battery and now I can not get phone to turn on at all. Have checked and rechecked everything, Ribbon cable from left side (that runs under battery) was cut :(

Any advice appreciated.

Eric Connely -

same. the picture shows that cable being disconnected in the process, but that instruction was not included. I had to order a new cable and will be attempting to replace mine.

Ryan Yazel -

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll add a step to disconnect that cable into this guide.

Arthur Shi -

hello i take the phone to a local store to replace battery and rear camera, all working good but then i notice a black dot on my screen he say that will vanish over time but im not sure whats that?

FooRuki -

how long am i supposed to leave the heating pad on the phone? it’s been around 30 minutes now, and it’s been impossible to insert any picks in the phone

Dimitri Nikolaou -

You should apply the iOpener for about a minute or two. After that, you’d need to reheat the iOpener for it to be hot enough.

If you’re using a heating pad, usually less than 10 minutes at a sufficient temperature should loosen the adhesive.

Arthur Shi -

After I replaced the battery, the system told me that “Plugged in, can’t charge right now”. What does it mean?

Rui Min -

Maybe it is only a bad connection: try to reconnect the battery connetor

Daniele Carminati -

Managed to replace the battery, but the fingerprint sensor stopped working afterwards, and the touchscreen became unresponsive the following day for some reason. A $40 upgrade seemed worthwhile, but $200 makes me feel like I should’ve bought a new phone instead (especially with the software annoyances that the phone had been having as of recent).

Alejandro Romero -

However, I would like to add that the guide was still helpful. I might have damaged some components because I was struggling in trying to remove the back panel.

Alejandro Romero -

My fingerprint scanner also ceased working, but I'm positive I was too handy with the ribbon cable. I could never get the fingerprint unlock to recognize my prints for longer than 3 days after setting them, so no loss for me. sorry to hear about your touch screen though.

Nikolas Sanow -

Success! My 3XL was hit by a projectile and the damage to the battery was causing it to shut off randomly. Followed this guide and the back panel replacement and now I can wait to “upgrade”.

Nikolas Sanow -

Very helpful. Tedious job but very doable.

Randall Akers -

Helpful & great guide!

Albert Einstein -

Replaced the battery using the ifixit kit and this guide. Everything went swimmingly, however I still cannot boot my phone. It seemed that the battery was the clear failure, as it’s slightly ballooned and started rapidly dropping charge just prior to the phone failing completely. Testing the battery leads of the new battery shows 3.82 volts, the old battery shows 3.73 volts. This seems like the old battery is actually holding charge, but it somehow wasn’t making it to the phone properly.

Any ideas on what could be the failure?

Sean Hunter -

Great guide! I had successfully replaced my pixel 3xl battery. Keep it up! Would be pretty cool if the parts and replacement battery is available to Singapore too.

If you need a re-delivery here in SG, let me know!

Yiqiang Tan -

The hardest part of this job was getting the initial wedge under the adhesive. Once that first wedge is there its all about going slow and careful. Don't bury the wedge or else you'll take out the fingerprint sensor ribbon cable. I'm very handy but this guide made repairing it very simple. Just follow the guide and you'll be fine.

Fraz Kayani -

Thank you for the guide it helped me out a lot!

It’s my first time repairing a phone and everything went well except that I applied a little too much pressure when removing the old battery and I may have scratched up the screen from the back a bit and now I have a few dead pixels on one side. Totally on me for having clumsy hands and not knowing when to apply pressure.

Needless to say lesson learned and will keep it in mind for future repairs. That being said I’m happy to report that I’m currently cycling through the first couple of charges to make sure the battery gets properly calibrated.

I’ll have to live with the few dead pixels for a year or so before I think of switching phones.

Eugenio Curia -

Replaced the battery but now the power button does not work. I was able to get it to turn on eventually and the volume buttons do work but if I try to lock the phone or reset it nothing happens. Is there a ribbon that connects the power button to the motherboard in the back?

Brad Illig -

Hey Brad!

You'll want to check the button array connector shown in this step.

Arthur Shi -

Quelques semaines après avoir effectué cette répartition, mon téléphone fonctionne toujours très bien. Merci pour ce tutoriel.

N. Salvatore -

This guide was very good. The previous owner had said they replaced some parts prior to selling to me, so the battery tabs weren’t there. I used Goo-gone to soften the adhesive beneath it and very gently pried as lightly as I could. That part was sketchy! Couldn’t have done the replacement as easily without this. Thank you so much!

Scott P. -

Thanks Arthur

Good guide. Easy to understand. I did it in about 30 min.

Steve Benson -

Anyone want to buy a complete set from me? I can't even get past the first step to create the gap, tried for 2 hours already... Also the images dont cover what the "tesa" sheet is with all the pre-cut elements, event the secondary guides. Seems like what is shipping today doesn't align with what the guide is covering for a Pixel 3 XL

Todd Grayson -

Excellent guide, completed without any major issues. My Pixel battery expanded a bit during a flight and I was able to order the kit and have it delivered and the phone repaired within the week.

Context: I'm a novice at any kind of tech repairs, the most experience I had prior is replacing some Nintendo Switch joy cons.

Recommendations: If you're like me and only have a few torx and tri-point drivers, it's well worth it to order the kit for ~$5 more than the part alone. The iOpener is super useful (along with the 6 picks) as getting the back off is the most difficult and tedious part with all the adhesive. Also of note that others have mentioned, the kit does not come with a replacement charging coil or adhesive. So if, like me, you intend to reuse the coil, DON'T remove all the adhesive from the back as suggested in the guide.

All in all a solid and easy to follow guide.

Justin Perry -

So I just did this replacement and this really is a great kit and a outstanding product and it all worked BUT there are two critical components that I believe the instructions do not emphasize enough. I will order them from most important to least important but the most important one listed below comes at the end:

1) Cannot emphasize enough how careful you need to be putting the adhesive back on as the very last step. I think these kits should come with three sets of adhesive because unless you have experience in this you will mess it up. My kit's adhesive came all in red coloring but the linked instructions indicate there will be a clear component and a colored component and I got totally confused and just made a complete mess of the back adhesive. It still kinda worked but not ideal.

2) Cannot emphasize enough how delicate you need to be on step 9 & 10 above removing the fingerprint sensor. I tore the sensor off trying to remove it. Phone still works but be extremely slow and careful.

Brandon Collette -

I followed the guide but unfortunately severed the button array cable when prising the old battery off. Is there a fix for this?

Paul Gubbay -

Can't get pick under the adhesive after constant heating. The crack on my phone is so small that I cant find a single thing with an edge fine enough to get under the phone. The suction cup pops off before I can see enough of a gap (the back is clean, not cracked or scratched). Really struggling to get past step 1. Any suggestions?

Grant Cooper -

I ordered my Pixel 3 XL on October 12, 2018 from Google Project FI and the battery is now bulging. As I was traveling in Spain, I contacted them and asked them for the local service provider, yet they told me that the Google version was different from the one provided by carriers (T-Mobile/Sprint/T-Mobile/AT&T) and this meant it could only be serviced in U.S. ; this is somewhat of a catch-22 situation as taking a plane with a bulging battery might not be safe, so I did some research and found that my battery was made by Huizhou Desay Battery Co., LTD (mfg code DSB) from June 2018 (who in 2019 had a rev 01) whereas the battery you show in the 3 XL is a Sunwoda Electronic Co Ltd dated 05 May 2019 (mfg code COS). Besides the fact that the shelf life of a Li-Ion battery is limited, can you let me know what the batch date of the battery you provide and then the compatibility with the Project FI version of the Pixel 3 XL made by Foxconn. Thanks !


Excellent guide. Although I have worked on electronics before, I can safely say that even someone without any real experience should be able to follow the instructions, IF they read carefully and take their time. As for the kit, it is almost perfect for the task. However, I recommend iFixit consider for the future that they: 1) include extra adhesives as mistakes will be made as some are not as co-ordinated when laying down the adhesive on the first try and 2) offer the option of purchasing a charging coil along with the kit. In my case, I nearly tore the coil trying to remove it from the old battery despite using adhesive solvent.

As for any issues, my fingerprint sensor no longer works. I noted others had issues as well and so I took extra time with the cable. But despite my best efforts and making sure it was reseated properly etc I could not get it to work again. I suspect that the cable may have been affected by heat from charging the phone wirelessly which I did on a regular basis over the years.

John Lykos -

My Pixel 3XL has been relegated as my emergency backup phone, but I love having it available for the camera. I'm so glad I was able to replace the battery without any issues. IFixIt's kit is perfect--giving you everything you need to make the repair. I especially like the adhesive template that makes positioning it easy. I probably didn't do as good a job as when it was originally assembled, but I'm confident enough that it will survive a drop into a puddle. Thanks for a great product and service.


Bonjour à tous et à la team iFixit,

J'ai acheté un kit de remplacement de batterie pour Pixel 3 xl.

La batterie d'origine datais de 2018...

Mais je suis surpris de constater que la nouvelle batterie commandé via iFixit date elle aussi de 2018.

Dois-je continuer à tout nettoyer / remonter, où y a t il eu une erreur sur la batterie qui bien que reçu neuve date décembre 2018 ?

Merci pour réponses.

Et merci pour vos tutoriels.

Pierre Paineau -

Bonjour @pirodactyl, je vous conseille de prendre contact directement avec notre service client au (pour la boutique américaine) ou au (pour la boutique européenne et française). Ce sera un plaisir de vous aider ! Bien à vous, Claire

Claire Miesch -