
Definiert den Typ eines Seezeichens als Navigationshilfe. 
Gruppe: Marine
Für diese Elemente
Dokumentierte Werte: 3
Status: de facto

seamark:type=* beschreibt den Typ eines Seezeichens oder einer anderen Navigationshilfe zur Verwendung in der Seekarte.

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Objekt S-101 OSM Element object key Valid Attributes IHOIHO Definition OpenSeaMap Rendering Bild
Ankerzone ACHARE anchorage category, restriction, danger_class Ein Bereich, in dem Schiffe ankern oder ankern können.
Ankerplatz ACHBRT anchor_berth category, radius, danger_class Ein ausgewiesener Wasserbereich, in dem ein einzelnes Schiff, ein Wasserflugzeug usw. ankern kann.
Kardinalbake BCNCAR beacon_cardinal category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, shape Eine Bake, die in Verbindung mit dem Kompass verwendet wird, um anzuzeigen, wo der Seefahrer das beste schiffbare Wasser finden kann.
Einzelgefahrenbake BCNISD beacon_isolated_danger colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, shape Eine Bake, die an oder über einer Einzelgefahrenstelle von begrenztem Ausmaß festgemacht ist und von schiffbarem Wasser umgeben ist.
Lateralbake BCNLAT beacon_lateral category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, impact, reflectivity, shape, system Eine Bake, die die Backbord- oder Steuerbordseite der zu befolgenden Route anzeigt.
Mitte-Fahrwasser-Bake BCNSAW beacon_safe_water colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, shape Eine Bake, die anzeigt, dass sich um die Marke herum schiffbares Wasser befindet.
Sonderbake BCNSPP beacon_special_purpose category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, shape Eine Bake, die hauptsächlich zur Anzeige eines Gebiets oder Merkmals verwendet wird, dessen Art sich aus der Bezugnahme auf eine Karte, Segelanweisungen oder Hinweise an Seefahrer ergibt.
Liegeplatz BERTHS berth minimum_depth, danger_class Ein benannter oder nummerierter Ort, an dem ein Schiff an einem Kai festgemacht hat.
Brücke BRIDGE bridge category, colour, colour_pattern, condition, clearance, construction, reflectivity, visibility, clearance_height, clearance_height_closed, clearance_height_open Ein Bauwerk, das einen Verkehrsweg o. Ä. über ein natürliches oder künstliches Hindernis führt.
Bunker station bunsta bunker_station category Eine Station, an der ein Schiff Kraftstoff, Wasser oder Ballast bunkern kann.
Gebäude BUISGL building colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, function, height, reflectivity, shape, visibility Eine relativ dauerhaftes Bauwerk, überdacht und normalerweise ummauert. Es ist für eine bestimmte Verwendung konzipiert, auf die möglicherweise hingewiesen werden muss.
Kardinalboje BOYCAR buoy_cardinal category, colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape Eine Boje, die in Verbindung mit dem Kompass verwendet wird, um anzuzeigen, wo der Seefahrer das beste schiffbare Wasser finden kann.
Buoy, installation BOYINB buoy_installation category, colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity Eine Boje zum Beladen von Tankschiffen mit Gas oder Öl.
Einzelgefahrenstellenboje BOYISD buoy_isolated_danger colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape Eine Boje, die an oder über einer Einzelgefahrenstelle von begrenztem Ausmaß festgemacht ist und von schiffbarem Wasser umgeben ist.
Lateralboje BOYLAT buoy_lateral category, colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape, system Eine Boje, die die Backbord- oder Steuerbordseite der zu befolgenden Route anzeigt.
Mitte-Fahrwasser-Boje BOYSAW buoy_safe_water colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape Die Boje bezeichnet jeweils die Mitte des Fahrwassers. Auch als Ansteuerungstonne den seeseitigen Beginn eines Fahrwassers.
Sonderboje BOYSPP buoy_special_purpose category, colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape Eine Boje, die hauptsächlich zur Anzeige eines Gebiets oder Merkmals verwendet wird, dessen Art sich aus der Bezugnahme auf eine Karte, Segelanweisungen oder Hinweise an Seefahrer ergibt.
Cable area CBLARE cable_area category, restriction Ein Bereich, in dem ein oder mehrere Unterseekabel liegen.
Hängende Kabel/Freileitungskabel CBLOHD cable_overhead category, clearance_height, clearance_height_safe Ein Freileitungskabel ist eine Anordnung von Drähten oder Fasern oder ein Drahtseil oder eine Drahtkette, die von Strukturen wie Stangen oder Pylonen getragen wird und über oder in der Nähe von schiffbaren Gewässern verläuft.
Unterseekabel CBLSUB cable_submarine category, depth_buried Eine Anordnung von Drähten oder Fasern oder ein Drahtseil oder eine Kette, die unter Wasser gelegt oder unter dem Meeresboden vergraben wurden.
Damm CAUSWY causeway water_level Ein erhöhter Weg über niedrigen oder nassen Boden oder Wasser.
Checkpoint CHKPNT checkpoint category Ein offizieller Ort, um Waren und Personen zu registrieren, zu deklarieren oder zu überprüfen.
Coastguard station CGUSTA coastguard_station Wachposten, die immer oder nur zeitweise besetzt sind.
Communication area comare communication_area Gibt die Abdeckung eines Gebiets an, in dem ein Schiff Informationen melden muss oder anfordern kann.
Control point CTRPNT control_point category Ein Punkt auf dem Boden, an dem die Position (horizontal und vertikal) als Basis für eine abhängige Vermessung verwendet wird. Wird auch als Kontrollstation bezeichnet.
Daymark DAYMAR daymark category, colour, colour_pattern, shape Die identifizierenden Merkmale einer Navigationshilfe, die dazu dienen, ihre Erkennung vor einem Hintergrund bei Tageslicht zu erleichtern.
Kilometermarkierung DISMAR distance_mark category, distance, units Eine Abstandsmarkierung gibt die von einem Ursprung gemessene Entfernung an und besteht entweder aus einer festen sichtbaren Struktur oder einem bestimmten Ort ohne spezielle Installation.
Dredged area DRGARE dredged_area Ein Bereich am Boden eines Gewässers, der durch Ausbaggern vertieft wurde.
Dumping Ground DMPGRD dumping_ground category Ein Seegebiet, in dem Baggergut oder anderes potenziell schädlicheres Material, z. Sprengstoffe, chemische Abfälle, werden absichtlich abgelagert.
Exceptional navigation structure excnst exceptional_structure category Eine außergewöhnliche Navigationskonstruktion wie Aquädukt, Lift-Lock usw.
Fairway FAIRWY fairway restriction Der Teil eines Flusses, eines Hafens usw., in dem der Hauptschifffahrtskanal für größere Schiffe liegt.
Ferry route FERYRT ferry_route category Eine Route in einem Gewässer, auf der eine Fähre von einer Küste/Ufer zur anderen fährt.
Fence/Wall FNCLNE wall category Eine natürliche oder künstliche Barriere, die als Gehege oder Begrenzung oder zum Schutz verwendet wird.
Fog signal FOGSIG fog_signal category, frequency, generation, group, period, range, sequence Ein Warnsignal, das von einem Objekt gesendet wird oder die Navigation bei schlechten Sichtverhältnissen unterstützt.
Fortified structure FORSTC fortified_structure category A structure for the military defence of a site.
Fishing facility FSHFAC fishing_facility category A structure in shallow water for fishing purposes which can be an obstruction to ships in general.
Gate GATCON gate category A structure that may be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or passageway.
Gridiron GRIDRN gridiron water_level A structure in the intertidal zone serving as a support for vessels at low stages of the tide to permit work on the exposed portion of the vessel's hull.
Harbour basin hrbbsn harbour_basin An enclosed area of water surrounded by quay walls constructed to provide means for the transfer of cargos from and to ships.
Harbour facility HRBFAC harbour category A natural or artificially improved body of water providing protection for vessels, and providing anchoring and docking facilities.
Hulk HULKES hulk category Ein permanent festgemachtes Schiff.
Inshore traffic zone ISTZNE inshore_traffic_zone restriction Eine Routenmaßnahme, die ein ausgewiesenes Gebiet zwischen der Landgrenze eines Verkehrstrennungsschemas und der angrenzenden Küste umfasst und gemäß den Bestimmungen der Internationalen Vorschriften zur Verhinderung von Kollisionen auf See anzuwenden ist.
Landmark LNDMRK landmark category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, function, height, reflectivity, visibility Ein markantes Objekt an einem festen Ort an Land, das zur Bestimmung eines Ortes oder einer Richtung verwendet werden kann.
Light LIGHTS light category, character, colour, exhibition, group, height, multiple, orientation, period, range, sector_start, sector_end, sequence, visibility A luminous or lighted aid to navigation.
Major Light LIGHTS light_major category, character, colour, exhibition, group, height, multiple, orientation, period, range, sector_start, sector_end, sequence, visibility A luminous or lighted aid to navigation.
Minor Light LIGHTS light_minor category, character, colour, exhibition, group, height, multiple, orientation, period, range, sector_start, sector_end, sequence, visibility A luminous or lighted aid to navigation.
Light float LITFLT light_float colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity A boat-like structure used instead of a light buoy in waters where strong streams or currents are experienced, or when a greater elevation than that of a light buoy is necessary
Light vessel LITVES light_vessel colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity A distinctively marked vessel anchored or moored at a charted point, to serve as an aid to navigation.
Lock basin LOKBSN lock_basin A lock basin is a wet dock in a waterway, permitting a ship to pass from one level to another.
Marine farm/culture MARCUL marine_farm category, restriction, water_level An assemblage of cages, nets, rafts and floats or posts where fish, including shellfish, are artificially cultivated.
Military practice area MIPARE military_area category, restriction An area within which naval, military or aerial exercises are carried out. Also called an 'exercise area'.
Mooring/Warping facility MORFAC mooring category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, height, reflectivity, shape, visibility, water_level The equipment or structure used to secure a vessel.
Marine Protected Area MPAARE protected_area Any area of the intertidal or sub-tidal terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment.
Navigation line NAVLNE navigation_line category, orientation A straight line extending towards an area of navigational interest and generally generated by two navigational aids or one navigational aid and a bearing.
Notice mark notmrk notice addition, category,

condition, distance_start, distance_end, distance_up, distance_down, function, impact, system

A signboard used to indicate prohibitions, regulations, restrictions, recommendations and general information which apply to a waterway or a section of a waterway.
Obstruction OBSTRN obstruction category, water_level In marine navigation, anything that hinders or prevents movement, particularly anything that endangers or prevents passage of a vessel.
Oil barrier OILBAR oil_barrier A construction to dam oil flow on water.
Offshore platform OFSPLF platform category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, condition, height, product, reflectivity, visibility A permanent offshore structure, either fixed or floating, used in the production of oil or natural gas.
Offshore production area OSPARE production_area category, condition, height, reflectivity, restriction, visibility An area at sea within which there are production facilities.
Pilot boarding place PILBOP pilot_boarding category, channel The meeting place to which the pilot comes out.
Pile PILPNT pile category, colour, colour_pattern, condition, height, visibility A long heavy timber or section of steel, wood, concrete, etc. forced into the earth which may serve as a support, as for a pier, or a free standing pole within a marine environment.
Pipeline area PIPARE pipeline_area category, condition, restriction An area containing one or more pipelines.
Pipeline, overhead PIPOHD pipeline_overhead category An overhead pipeline is a pipeline supported by pylons and passing over or nearby navigable waters.
Pipeline, submarine/on land PIPSOL pipeline_submarine category, condition, depth_buried, product A pipeline lying on or buried under the seabed or the land.
Pontoon PONTON pontoon A floating structure, usually rectangular in shape which serves as landing, pier head or bridge support.
Precautionary area PRCARE precautionary_area restriction A routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits where ships must navigate with particular caution and within which the direction of traffic flow may be recommended.
Pylon/bridge support PYLONS pylon category, water_level A vertical construction consisting, for example, of a steel framework or pre-stressed concrete to carry cables, a bridge, etc.
Radar line RADLNE radar_line A track along which ships may be guided by coastal radar stations in the event of bad visibility. Also known as a radar guided track. -/-
Radar range RADRNG radar_range Indicates the coverage of a sea area by a radar surveillance station. Inside this area a vessel may request shore-based radar assistance, particularly in poor visibility.
Radar reflector RADRFL radar_reflector height A device capable of, or intended for, reflecting radar signals.
Radar transponder beacon RTPBCN radar_transponder category, group, range, sector_start, sector_end, sequence, wavelength A transponder beacon transmitting a coded signal on radar frequency, permitting an interrogating craft to determine the bearing and range of the transponder. Also called racon.
Radar station RADSTA radar_station category, channel, height, range A station with a transmitter emitting pulses of ultra-high frequency radio waves which are reflected by solid objects and are detected upon their return to the sending station.
Radio calling-in point RDOCAL calling-in_point channel, orientation, traffic_flow On passing a radio calling-in point or crossing a defined line vessels are required to report on VHF to a Traffic Control Centre.
Radio station RDOSTA radio_station category, callsign, channel, frequency A place equipped to transmit radio waves.
Recommended route centerline RCRTCL recommended_route_centreline A recommended route centerline indicates the 'centerline' of a recommended route.
Recommended track RECTRC recommended_track traffic_flow, orientation That portion of a 'navigation line' that a ship should use for navigation.
Recommended traffic lane RCTLPT recommended_traffic_lane orientation Indicates the recommended traffic flow e.g., between two TSS, in the entrance areas of a TSS, beside a deep water route.
Rescue station RSCSTA rescue_station category A place at which life saving equipment is held.
Restricted area RESARE restricted_area category, restriction A specified area designated by an appropriate authority within which navigation is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions.
Retro-reflector RETRFL retro_reflector A means of distinguishing unlighted marks at night. Retro-reflective material is secured to the mark in a particular pattern to reflect back light.
Sand waves SNDWAV sand_waves A large mobile wave-like sediment feature in shallow water and composed of sand. The wavelength may reach 100 metres, the amplitude may be up to 20 metres.
Seabed area SBDARE seabed_area surface, surface_qualification, water_level An area of the sea where the nature of bottom is homogeneous. The nature of bottom includes the material of which it is composed and its physical characteristics.
Sea area/named water area SEAARE sea_area category A geographically defined part of the sea or other navigable waters. It may be specified within its limits by its proper name.
Sea-plane landing area SPLARE seaplane_landing_area restriction A designated portion of water for the landing and take-off of sea-planes.
Silo/tank SILTNK tank category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, visibility An enclosed container, used for storage.
Shoreline construction SLCONS shoreline_construction category, construction, height, reflectivity, visibility, water_level A fixed (not afloat) artificial structure between the water and the land, i.e. a man-made coastline.
Signal station, traffic SISTAT signal_station_traffic category, channel Traffic signal stations regulate the movement of traffic.
Signal station, warning SISTAW signal_station_warning category, channel A signal station is a place on shore from which signals are made to ships at sea.
Small craft facility SMCFAC small_craft_facility category A place at which a service generally of interest to small craft or pleasure boats is available.
Spring in seabed SPRING spring A natural issue of water or other substances from the earth. One on the bottom of the sea is called a 'submarine spring'.
Submarine transit lane SUBTLN submarine_transit_lane restriction An area where submarines may navigate under water or at the surface.
Topmark TOPMAR topmark colour, colour_pattern, shape A characteristic shape secured at the top of a buoy or beacon to aid in its identification.
Traffic separation scheme boundary TSSBND separation_boundary category The outer limit of a traffic lane part or a traffic separation scheme roundabout.
Traffic separation scheme crossing TSSCRS separation_crossing category, restriction A defined area where traffic lanes cross.
Traffic separation scheme lane part TSSLPT separation_lane category, restriction An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic flow is established
Traffic separation line TSELNE separation_line category, orientation, restriction A line separating lanes in which ships are travelling in opposite or nearly opposite directions; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of ships proceeding in the same direction
Traffic separation scheme roundabout TSSRON separation_roundabout category, restriction A roundabout is a traffic separation scheme in which traffic moves in a counter-clockwise direction around a specified point or zone.
Traffic separation zone TSSZNE separation_zone category, restriction A zone separating the lanes in which ships are proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of ships proceeding in the same direction.
Turning basin trnbsn turning_basin An area of water or enlargement of a channel used for turning vessels.
Two-way route part TWRTPT two-way_route A two-way route part is an area of a two-way route within which traffic flow is generally along one bearing (and possibly its reciprocal).
Underwater/awash rock UWTROC rock surface, surface_qualification, water_level A concreted mass of stony material or coral which dries, is awash or is below the water surface.
Vegetation VEGATN vegetation category Collections of, or individual plants.
Virtual aids to navigation - virtual_aton category An Automatic Identification System (AIS) message 21 transmitted from an AIS station to simulate on navigation systems an Aid to Navigation which does not physically exist.
Vehicle transfer vehtrf vehicle_transfer category A place where vehicles can be loaded or unloaded from the inland vessel with onboard or on-shore facilities.
Water turbulence WATTUR water_turbulence category The disturbance of water caused by the interaction of any combination of waves, currents, tidal streams, wind, shoal patches and obstructions.
Waterway gauge wtwgag waterway_gauge category A waterway gauge is an instrument for measuring water levels
Weed/Kelp WEDKLP weed category Seaweed, any macroscopic marine alge or seagrass. Kelp is one of an order (laminariales) of usually large, blade-shaped or vine-like brown algae.
Wreck WRECKS wreck category, depth, reflectivity, visibility, water_level The ruined remains of a stranded or sunken vessel which has been rendered useless.
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