

ここでは、あなたがどのように OpenStreetMap を利用することができるかをご紹介します。オープンなプロジェクトなので、ここに書かれていない新しい方法を気軽に開発してください。

もし OpenStreetMap に基づいた利用可能なサービスを探している場合や、 OpenStreetMap で人々が何をしてきたのかの概要を見たいのであれば、 Applications of OpenStreetMap をご覧ください。

インターネット接続なしでの OpenStreetMap の利用方法については、特別なページがあります。


You can use OpenStreetMap mapping and data without charge subject to two conditions; firstly that you attribute your use of OpenStreetMap appropriately and secondly that you share any corrections or improvements back with the project as appropriate.

OpenStreetMap is not a complete or accurate map of the world and should not be used in such a manner that deficiencies, omissions, inaccuracies or errors could result in death, loss or injury. See here: Disclaimer.

It is particularly important to realize that the maps might not be reliable. The maps are an iterative ongoing work-in-progress. We are aiming to produce maps which can be relied upon, equally well, or better than other maps. The openly-editable wiki nature of this mapping system may help us towards this goal, however it may also mean that there will always be some inaccuracies. You should make your own judgement about the accuracy of our maps. Always use our maps in conjunction with your senses, official sources and your common sense.


To get a snapshot from the OpenStreetMap world map as an image file, use the export function.


You can use the OpenStreetMap world map on your website, either as a static map image or with embedded HTML. If you deploy your own slippy map, things can get much more customized.


GPS搭載機器でOpenStreetMapを表示したいならGPS Maps From OSM Dataを読んでください。

もしその機器が Garmin ならば OSM Map On Garmin を読んでください。


See Offline Openstreetmap.


To create your own map, you need to get much more technical. The Software development section below gives you more details.


You can get three dimensional city models from OpenStreetMap.


See subpage map examples.

GIS ソフトウェア


OpenStreetMapとの特別な相互運用性があるGISソフトウェアは、そのことを記録するようにしています。このページの右上にある検索フォームでGISソフトを検索するか、Category:GIS softwareを参照してみてください。OpenStreetMapと連携しているオープンソースのGISソフトもあります。

また、ESRI ShapefilesPostGIS形式を含む、OpenStreetMapのデータの変換ツールも多数あります。

OpenStreetMapの生データの一部(.osm)をダウンロードすることができ、GISソフトウェアでの使用を含む様々な目的のために、多様なフォーマット(SHP, POSTGIS, geojsonを含む)にエクスポートすることが可能です。


There is a wide variety of software available using OSM data and services. See ソフトウェア page.



There are general help pages for software developers using OpenStreetMap:

If you have questions, ideas or just want to meet fellow developers, contact the OpenStreetMap development community. We also listed some books related to software development with OpenStreetMap.

You may also wish to see the list of other projects collecting free geodata.


Developers that want to use OpenStreetMap in their web applications can see the list of JavaScript libraries. There are additional libraries in other programming languages. JA:独自のスリッピーマップの提供 lists corresponding JavaScript libraries and Content Management Systems supporting OpenStreetMap. Maybe you need WMS and TMS, or to create your own tiles.



OpenStreetMap has created a unique curriculum that is focused on introducing the topics that OSM addresses: mapping, open source technologies, crowd sourcing and community efforts. It is geared towards university level students. Further, OpenStreetMap has several open problems which would make good student projects. These are items that need researching and "longer-term" issues which could be worked on by students as a project separate from the core open source development progress happening within the community.



At the conference SotM-EU 2011, Muki Haklay gave a talk with advice to academics interested in OSM and the video is available online. See our Research page for details of academic research work.

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.