
For OSM school activities, see Education.
For tagging research campus, see Tag:amenity=research_institute.
For tagging research office, see Tag:office=research.

From a research perspective, OpenStreetMap is deservedly attracting a lot of attention from universities and similar institutions, and from academic scholars in 'geomatics', 'neogeography', 'volunteered geo-information' (VGI), 'digital cartography', 'participatory geoinformatics' etc. OpenStreetMap is fascinating and vast in terms of scale and variety of the data we offer, the technology we build, and uses we find for the data. But most of all, we are a fascinating and vast community. Whether you're interested in studying the community itself, or working with the datasets, we hope you'll become a part of it and share your knowledge, extend the map, improve existing technologies, and explore new horizons.


To learn more about the project itself, the wiki offers a wealth of (sometimes a little disorganised) information. Get a quick overview at About. Dive into some technical details of current Development or if you prefer, take a look at some Books about OpenStreetMap. Resources for scientific processing and analysis of OSM data are reviewed at OSM Scientific Tools. An overview of OSM related reserch by Sukhjit Singh Sehra (Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Identify Research Trends in OpenStreetMap). A VGI Knowledge Portal was developed to collect research on the broader subject of volunteered geodata. Unfortunately, as of June 2021 it seems not available.

Greetings from our community

OpenStreetMap has a vibrant and open community, and we are happy about everyone who takes an interest in us.

There's no reason to study OSM from inside an ivory tower like you would study a colony of ants. You can come out and talk to us, tell us what you're up to, even discuss your methods or preliminary results, and you will generally have full cooperation from the community. As a community, we're sometimes a little sad if the first we hear of an academic project is when the paper is graded or published - maybe we could have offered some advice, or put you in touch with someone else who does similar work. At the conference SotM-EU 2011, Muki Haklay gave a talk with advice to academics interested in OSM and the video is available online.

An easy way to get involved in the community is to join the OSM science mailing list, where mappers interested in science and scientists interested in OSM meet.

Ideas for students

Main article: /Ideas

OpenStreetMap has several open problems which would make good student projects. These are items that need researching and "longer-term" issues which could be worked on by students as a project separate from the core open source development progress happening within the community. Further projects might be on the Google Summer of Code.

Publications about OSM

If you are aware of a publication about OSM, feel free to add it to the list below, if it is missing. Please use the Template:Research publication to do so. Alternatively you can drop a note on Talk:Research.

In addition the WikiCite project inside Wikidata holds offers the possibility for a more structured collection of publication metadata. Those with "OpenStreetMap" as a main subject may be visualised in Scholia, a WikiCite tool. If you know of a paper about OSM that is not yet included in Wikidata, feel free to also add it there or drop a note (or a list!) on the talk page of this page: Talk:Research.

By geography

Below a list of universities and scientific institutions that are involved by different projects. This list is on scientific work only, please paste project specific content on a separate page to keep it short and readable. This is for OSM related GIS projects only!


  • "A comunicação dos mapas : estudo comparado das plataformas Google Maps e OpenStreetMap" (Maps communication: comparative study of Google Maps and OpenStreetMap platforms) Antônio Heleno Caldas Laranjeira - 2019-02-25 -



  • "An intrinsic approach for the detection and correction of attributive inconsistencies and semantic heterogeneity in OSM data" - Martin Loidl; Stefan Keller - 04/2015,
    Possible characteristics towards OSM data quality
  • "OSMapTuner" - 03/2012, OSMapTuner
    An smartphone editor for manipulating tags in the wild
  • "FEMroute" - Salzburg Research (Elisabeth Häusler, Renate Steinmann), TU Wien (Manuela Schmidt, Manuela Holzmayer) - 2009-2011, FEMroute-Website, Wiki
    The aim of FEMroute is to consider gender-relevant factors in location based services like route planners or navigation systems. OpenStreetMap is used to collect gender-related information within a test area.
  • "ways2navigate" - Salzburg Research, TraffiCon, TU Wien, FACTUM, Walk-space - 2010-2011, Ways2navigate
    Ways2navigate examines, which conditions and target groups are suitable for the presentation forms digital map, language and augmented reality technology in order to support pedestrians in an urban environment. OpenStreetMap is used as the database for the developed systems.
  • "Mit GIS an der Grenze unterwegs" - Zentrum für GeoInformatik - 2009
    Zum Einsatz von OpenStreetMap-Daten und Open-Source-Tools zur Zertifizierung von Wanderwegen am Obergermanisch-Rätischen Limes



  • "AmauroMap" - Wolfgang Wasserburger
    a map for blind users


Universität Wien:

  • "Die Open-Source-Plattform "OpenStreetMap", eine Konkurrenz für Geodatenhersteller?" - Wolfgang Kainz - 2009

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology:

  • "Towards an Open Source Analysis Toolbox for Street Network Comparison: Indicators, Tools and Results of a Comparison of OSM and the Official Austrian Reference Graph" Anita Graser, Markus Straub, Melitta Dragaschnig - 2013 - (presentation on Youtube)

Technical University Vienna

  • "A Web-Based System for Comparative Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data by the Use of CouchDB" - Markus Mayr - 2012, search at:
    This thesis evaluates the possibility to construct a web application, which operates solely within a geospatially enabled CouchDB database. Its purpose is the matching of POIs from OpenStreetMap with a random set of points. To do so, a simplified matching algorithm is constructed and evaluated. Furthermore, a way to support legal decisions when using OpenStreetMap data is implemented.
    Tutor: Georg Gartner, Manuela Schmidt
  • "Testing the Usability of OpenStreetMap’s iD Tool" - Jan Behrens - 2014,
    This study investigates the usability of the iD editor. Usability tests have been conducted with users who were given mapping tasks to complete using iD and observed with the thinking aloud method, screen recording and mouse/keyboard logging. The data gathered were analysed with regard to key usability criteria such as learnability, efficiency, error tolerance, and subjective user satisfaction. The outcome of this study is the identification of usability issues from which possible improvements of the tool have been derived.
    Tutor: Georg Gartner, Corné van Elzakker, Manuela Schmidt



Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Department of Computer Science and Engineering



Centre for Topographic Information, Natural Resources Canada:

  • "Community mapping and goverment mapping: potential collaboration?" A. Beaulieu, D. Bégin, D. Genest - 2008 -


The geomatics research lab of Memorial University of Newfoundland conducts different projects on VGI/OSM to assess the quality of VGI data using different approaches (e.g., semantic, users experience).

  • "Is the rise of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) a sign of the end of National Mapping Agencies as we know them?" - Devillers R., Bégin D., A. Vandecasteele A. - 2012,
  • "Semantic Integration of Authoritative and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) using Ontologies" - Ramos J., A. Vandecasteele A., Devillers R. - 2013,
  • "Improving Volunteered Geographic Data Quality Using Semantic Similarity Measurements" - Vandecasteele A., Devillers R. - 2013,
  • "Assessing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) Quality Based on Contributors" - Bégin D., Devillers R., Roche S. - 2013,
  • "Contributors’ enrollment in collaborative online communities: the case of OpenStreetMap" - Bégin D., Devillers R., Roche S. - 2017,
  • "Contributors’ Withdrawal from Online Collaborative Communities: The Case of OpenStreetMap" - Bégin D., Devillers R., Roche S. - 2017,
  • "The life cycle of contributors in collaborative online communities -the case of OpenStreetMap" - Bégin D., Devillers R., Roche S. - 2018,

New Brunswick

University of New Brunswick:

  • "Volunteered Geographic Information: The Nature and Motivation of Human Sensors" David J. Coleman, Yola Georgiadou, Jeff Labonte - 2009 -


University of British Columbia:

  • "Motivation for Open Collaboration: Crowd and Community Models and the Case of OpenStreetMap" Nama R. Budhathoki, Caroline Haythornthwaite - 12/2012 -
  • "Hacker Cartography: Crowdsourced Geography, OpenStreetMap, and the Hacker Political Imaginary" Alan McConchie - 10/2015 -


Please, also see: Research in Finland


  • "Digiroad- ja OpenStreetMap-aineistojen yhteiskäyttö joukkoliikennepysäkeissä" (Cooperation between Digiroad and OpenStreetMap in the case of transit stops.) Peltonen, Teemu - 03/2016 -
    Worldwide trend towards more user engaging services has made possible for services like OpenStreetMap to grow up while public sector has made significant effort towards transparency and open data ... As a result of the work, it was shown that technical methods to merge simple public transport stops between Digiroad and OpenStreetMap can be implemented in a way that the change information can be collected and utilized in maintenance and improvement of both datasets ...
  • "Uncertainty in crowdsourced humanitarian mapping (OSM)" - Lahtinen, Henri (henri.o.lahtinen [a], Pesonen, Petteri (), Kallio, Marko ( - 05/2016
  • "Joukkoliikenteellä, autolla ja kävellen: Avoin saavutettavuusaineisto pääkaupunkiseudulta" (An open spatial data set describing multimodal accessibility patterns in the Helsinki region) Toivonen, T., Salonen, M., Tenkanen, H., Saarsalmi, P., Jaakkola, T., Järvi, J. - 2014 -
    ... Here, we present the creation process and the content of a newly opened dataset called the Helsinki Region Travel Time Matrix, made available via Helsinki Region Infoshare service ... The modelling is made with in-house tools and based on various open data sources, including Digiroad, Journey Planner, and OpenStreetMap, accompanied with ancillary data ...
  • "Social networks for volunteered geographic information - A case study of OpenStreetMap" Välimäki, Suvi - 08/2011 -
    ... The results of the study show that the quality of OpenStreetMap data compared with the data of National Land Survey of Finland can be defined as good ...


Laboratoire COGIT de l'Institut Géographique National:

  • "Quality Assessment of the French OpenStreetMap Dataset" Jean-François Girres, Guillaume Touya - 10/2010 -
    Quality analysis and solutions for data quality improvements in France.

UMR Passages 5319

  • "Des TIC au TOC. Contribuer à OpenStreetMap : entre commun numérique et utopie cartographique" (From ICT to OCD. Contributing to OpenStreetMap: between digital common and mapping utopia) Marina Duféal, Matthieu Noucher - 12/2017 -
    Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI, collaborative mapping, digital common, OpenStreetMap, OSM.

Université Grenoble Alpes:

  • "Calculating spatial urban sprawl indices using open data" Luciano Gervasoni, Martí Bosch, Serge Fenet, Peter Sturm - 7/2017 -
    Open framework for calculating spatial urban sprawl indices and performing disaggregated population estimates (downscaling) using open data. Code:
  • "Convolutional neural networks for disaggregated population mapping using open data" Luciano Gervasoni, Serge Fenet, Régis Perrier, Peter Sturm - 10/2018 -
    Open framework for calculating spatial urban sprawl indices and performing disaggregated population estimates (downscaling) using open data. Code:



RWTH Aachen University

  • "Implementierung eines Navis für E-Fahrzeuge - Auf Basis von OpenStreetMap Daten" - Dzenan Dzafic - 08/2011,
  • "Horizontal curvature estimation of tram tracks using OpenStreetMap" - Tobias Bettinger, Philipp Leibner and Christian Schindler - 06/2022,
    For analysing, understanding and predicting the track/train-dynamics in order to develop comfortable and sustainable vehicles a sufficient description of the track course and conditions are key requirements. Not only the track irregularities but also the horizontal curvature affects the vehicle dynamics strongly. Nearly all cities owning light rail systems have gradually established the light rail traffic. By reasons of building density, road transportation infrastructure, and progress of the overall urban planning, the light rail infrastructure was constrained to the pre-existing environment. Thus, the track course is mainly optimized for efficient space use but not for best possible vehicle dynamics. To be able to analyse the track layout of tram networks at a bigger scale, an appropriate methodology that allows acquiring track course data is needed, which is the main objective of this paper. For this purpose, an open data approach was developed by the authors utilizing OpenStreetMap (OSM) to derive the horizontal track curvature based on geodata.


Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin:

  • "Tourismus-Informationssystem als Web-GIS mit OpenStreetMap" - Thomas "moenk" Mönkemeier - 08/2011,
    The OpenStreetMap gained in importance in the recent years. Beside streets and places, there are also stored “POI” (Points of Interest). This information is available to anyone and has sufficient quality to be used for a tourism information system. By using a free and open source software a simple solution is created that allows even small areas of tourism to inform tourists about the amenities in their region on the web. A Web-GIS allows presenting the information online and in a spatial context.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Immelyn Domnick

Technische Universität Berlin:

  • "Evaluierung der Datennutzbarkeit von OpenStreetMap-Daten für Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)" - Tom Müller - 12/2010,
    Software zur Arbeit findet sich unter:
  • "OpenStreetMap For Traffic Simulation" - Michael Zilske, Andreas Neumann, Kai Nagel - 11/2011,
    A workflow for generating multi-agent traffic simulation scenarios based on OpenStreetMap.

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin:

  • "Design und Evaluation eines Offline-Kartendienstes auf der Grundlage von Openstreetmap unter Verwendung von Precachingverfahren" - Christian Otto - 12/2009,
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Redlich

Freie Universität Berlin:

  • "MoNoTrac: A Mobile Node Trace Generator" - Bastian Blywis, Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Christian Graff,
  • "mapsforge: free mapping and navigation tools" - Jürgen Broß, Thilo Mühlberg, Heinz Schweppe,
    The overall goal of mapsforge is to provide a free and open toolbox that enables the community to easily create new OpenStreetMap-based applications. Provided tools and APIs include solutions for map rendering, route planning and navigation, POI indexing and search, map overlays and more.
  • "xappy.js - XAPI JavaScript implementation" - Philipp Borgers - 05/2011, xappy.js,
    A reimplementation of the XAPI in JavaScript with PostGIS backend


Universität Bonn:

Main staff Prof. Zipf and Pascal Neis, A. Schilling, M. Auer et al. moved to Heidelberg! See below: #Heidelberg

  • "OpenStreetMap Daten - Ein Instrument zur partizipativen Planung in Entwicklungsländern?" Alfredo Jakob - 2010 - [
  • "Abbildung von Straßendaten für Qualitätsuntersuchungen - Ein Vergleich von OpenStreetMap mit Navteq" Ina Ludwig - 2010 - ,
  • "Developing SDIs Based on Volunteered Geographic Information" Alexander Zipf - 2009 -
  • "Verbesserung der Datengrundlage für die Routenplanung im Bereich landwirtschaftlicher Logistik auf Basis offener Geodaten" Johannes Lauer, Alexander Zipf - 2009 -
  • "Virtuelle 3D Stadt- und Landschaftsmodelle auf Basis freier Geodaten" M. Over, A. Schilling, S. Neubauer, S. Lanig, A. Zipf - 2009 -
  • "OpenStreetMap 3D Germany und Stadtmodell NRW3D: Erfahrungen bei der Realisierung landesweiter interoperabler 3D-Stadt- und Landschaftsmodelle im Internet auf Basis amtlicher und Nutzer-generierten Geodaten" N. Neubauer,M. Over, A. Schilling, R. Kulawik, Pascal Neis, A. Zipf - 2009 -
  • "Interoperable Location Based Services for 3D cities on the Web using user generated content from OpenStreetMap" Schilling A., Over M., Neubauer S., Neis P., Walenciak , Zipf, A. - 2009 -
  • "LBS 2.0 - Realisierung von Location Based Services mit user-generated, collaborative erhobenen freien Geodata" Pascal Neis, Alexander Zipf - 2008 - ISSN 1867-5433
  • "New Applications based on Collaborative Geodata - the Case of Routing" S. Schmitz , Pascal Neis, Alexander Zipf - 2008 -
  • "Integrating Terrain Surface and Street Network for 3D Routing" Schilling, A.; Lanig, S.; Neis, P.; Zipf, A. - 2008 -
  • "Zur Kopplung von OpenSource, OpenLS und OpenStreetMaps in" Neis, P., Zipf, A. - 2008 -
  • "OpenStreetMap – Grundlagen und Potentiale der freien Wiki-Weltkarte" Neis, P., Zipf, A. - 2008 -


University of Bremen:

  • "Segmentation of OpenStreetMap Data - Generating, Merging, and Distributing Tiles" - Jan Behrens - Sep. 2011, , OSMT
    The goal of the thesis is to evaluate existing splitting and merging tools for OSM data and derive an implementation of a new tool capable of tiling the world into stand-alone (every tile contains the relevant data) and mergeable (seamless merging of neighbouring tiles must be possible) chunks. Mechanisms for peer-to-peer distribution of the tiles shall be discussed. Inspired by this project idea.
    Tutor: Frieder Nake
  • "OSMonto - An Ontology of OpenStreetMap tags" - Mihai Codescu, Gregor Horsinka, Oliver Kutz, Till Mossakowski, Rafaela Rau - Jul. 2011,
    OSMonto is an ontology of OpenStreetMap tags, created with the purpose to ease maintenance and overview of existing tags and to allow enriching the semantics of tags by relating them to other ontologies.
  • "OpenScienceMap", ,
    OpenScienceMap is a platform to enable researchers to implement their ideas, to cooperate with others, and to share their results with everybody. We currently work on implementing a vector-tile service, OpenGL map rendering on mobile devices, generalization of OpenStreetMap data and developing new methods for map interactions.


TU Chemnitz:

  •  - Falko Thomale,
    div. projects


Hochschule Darmstadt:

  • "Ansätze zur präziseren Positionsbestimmung mit GPS-Empfängern aus dem Niedrigpreissegment und deren prototypische Anwendung in einem automatisierten, mobilen Kartographie-Szenario" - Tobias Eckerth - 2010-03-29,
    Describes a method and proof-of-concept for automatically recording geometries and uploading them to OpenStreetMap. Has a well-written and illustrated introduction to geodesy, cartography, and OSM.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Wietzke


Hochschule Anhalt:

  • "Potenziale von Open Geodata im Kontext von Open Innovation" - Thomas Kandler - 2013-12-17,
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Lothar Koppers


TU Dresden:

  • "Fusion von Geodaten unterschiedlicher Quellen in Geodateninfrastrukturen am Beispiel von ATKIS und OpenStreetMap" - Stefan Wiemann - 11/2009,
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Lars Bernard, Prof. Dr. Dirk Burghardt
  • "Integration von Generalisierungsfunktionalität für die automatische Ableitung verschiedener Levels of Detail von OpenStreetMap Webkarten" "(Integration of generalization functionality to derivate automatic different levels of detail in OpenStreetMap webmaps)" - Ralf Klammer - 06/2011, Link
    TU Dresden - Institut für Kartographie
    Tutor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Burghardt, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stefan Hahmann
  • "Vergleichsanalyse des Gebäudedatenbestandes aus OpenStreetMap mit amtlichen Datenquellen" "(Comparative analysis of building data from OpenStreetMap with official sources)" - Carola Kunze - 06/2012, Link
    TU Dresden - Institut für Kartographie
    Tutor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Burghardt, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stefan Hahmann, Dipl.-Ing. Robert Hecht
  • "Ein Bewertungssystem für OpenStreetMap" "(An Evaluation System for OpenStreetMap)" - Christoph Wagner - 12/2010, Link
    TU Dresden - Fakultät für Informatik
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Dr. h. c. Alexander Schill, Dr.-Ing. Stephan Groß, Dr.-Ing. Sandra Steinbrecher


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg:

  • "De/colonizing OpenStreetMap? Local mappers, humanitarian and commercial actors and the changing modes of collaborative mapping" Schröder-Bergen, S., Glasze, G., Michel, B. and Dammann, F. - 2021 - https://10.1007/s10708-021-10547-7
  • "Konzeption und Implementierung eines Binärformats zur effizienten Übertragung von OpenStreetMap- Daten auf mobile Endgeräte zur dynamischen Generierung individueller Karten" Alexander Münch - 2009/2010 -


Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg:

  • "Online-Befragung der OSM Community" - Marco Lechner - 2010-10/2011,
  • "OpenStreetSLAM: Global Vehicle Localization Using OpenStreetMaps" Georgios Floros, Benito van der Zander, Bastian Leibe - 2013 -
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany


HafenCity Universität Hamburg:

  • "Weiterentwicklung von OpenStreetMap-Farbschemata für Nutzer mit Farbsinnstörungen" Johannes Kröger - 2012 -
    Bachelorarbeit. In dieser Arbeit wird die farbliche Darstellung von Straßenklassen in der Karte von auf ihre Eignung für Menschen mit Farbsinnstörungen untersucht. Ein verbessertes Farbschema wird präsentiert. Farbsinnstörungen werden erklärt und die resultierenden Probleme in der Kartografie sowie entsprechende Lösungsansätze vorgestellt. Um Betroffenen eine erfolgreichere Identifikation und Unterscheidbarkeit der Straßenklassen zu ermöglichen, wird das bestehende Farbschema der verändert. Testaufgaben werden entwickelt, um die Eignung beider Farbschemata mit Betroffenen prüfen zu können. Die Durchführung einer öffentlichen Onlineumfrage wird beschrieben, anschließend werden die Ergebnisse vorgestellt.
  • "Analysis and improvement of the OpenStreetMap street color scheme for users with color vision deficiencies" Johannes Kröger, Jochen Schiewe & Beate Weninger - 2013 -
    In this paper we analyze the street class color scheme of the "Standard" map style in regards to users with color vision deficiencies. We describe the process of adjusting the existing color scheme to accommodate these users whilst trying to preserve the overall appearance. The results of an online user study to test both the original and the adjusted color scheme are presented.


Hochschule Hannover:

  • "Gauch M. (2013):Extraktion ausgewählter Objekte aus OpenStreetMap und Verküpfung mit den Fachdaten einer BI-Anwendung" Gauch M. - 2013 -
    OSM GeoBI

Polytechnical College Hannover:

RTS Uni Hannover:

  • "Autonomous Robot Navigation Based on OpenStreetMap Geodata" Matthias Hentschel, Bernardo Wagner - 2010 -


See also Bonn cause Prof. Zipf and staff moved from there in 2009 University of Heidelberg GIScience (Geoinformatics) Research Group

  • "Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegypt" Knoblauch S, Li H, Lautenbach S, Elshiaty Y, Rocha A, Resch B, Arifi D, Jänisch T, Morales I, Zipf A. - 2023-04-19 -
    The disease transmitting mosquito Aedes Aegypti is an increasing global threat. It breeds in small artificial containers such as rainwater tanks and can be characterized by a short flight range. The resulting high spatial variability of abundance is challenging to model. Therefore, we tested an approach to map water tank density as a spatial proxy for urban Aedes Aegypti habitat suitability. Water tank density mapping was performed by a semi-supervised self-training approach based on open accessible satellite imagery for the city of Rio de Janeiro. We ran a negative binomial generalized linear regression model to evaluate the statistical significance of water tank density for modeling inner-urban Aedes Aegypti distribution measured by an entomological surveillance system between January 2019 and December 2021. Our proposed semi-supervised model outperformed a supervised model for water tank detection with respect to the F1-score by 22%. Water tank density was a significant predictor for the mean eggs per trap rate of Aedes Aegypti. This shows the potential of the proposed indicator to enrich urban entomological surveillance systems to plan more targeted vector control interventions, presumably leading to less infectious rates of dengue, Zika, and chikungunya in the future.
  • "Assessing Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Using MapSwipe" Ullah T, Lautenbach S, Herfort B, Reinmuth M, Schorlemmer D. - 2023-03-27 -
    Natural hazards threaten millions of people all over the world. To address this risk, exposure and vulnerability models with high resolution data are essential. However, in many areas of the world, exposure models are rather coarse and are aggregated over large areas. Although OpenStreetMap (OSM) offers great potential to assess risk at a detailed building-by-building level, the completeness of OSM building footprints is still heterogeneous. We present an approach to close this gap by means of crowd-sourcing based on the mobile app MapSwipe, where volunteers swipe through satellite images of a region collecting user feedback on classification tasks. For our application, MapSwipe was extended by a completeness feature that allows to classify a tile as “no building”, “complete” or “incomplete”. To assess the quality of the produced data, the completeness feature was applied to four regions. The MapSwipe-based assessment was compared with an intrinsic approach to quantify completeness and with the prediction of an existing model. Our results show that the crowd-sourced approach yields a reasonable classification performance of the completeness of OSM building footprints. Results showed that the MapSwipe-based assessment produced consistent estimates for the case study regions while the other two approaches showed a higher variability. Our study also revealed that volunteers tend to classify nearly completely mapped tiles as “complete”, especially in areas with a high OSM building density. Another factor that influenced the classification performance was the level of alignment of the OSM layer with the satellite imagery.
  • "Private Vehicles Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation at Street Level for Berlin Based on Open Data" Ulrich V, Brückner J, Schultz M, Vardag SN, Ludwig C, Fürle J, Zia M, Lautenbach S, Zipf A. - 2023-03-24 -
    As one of the major greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters that has not seen significant emission reductions in the previous decades, the transportation sector requires special attention from policymakers. Policy decisions, thereby need to be supported by traffic emission assessments. Estimations of traffic emissions often rely on huge amounts of actual traffic data whose availability is limited, hampering the transferability of the estimation approaches in time and space. Here, we propose a high-resolution estimation of traffic emissions, which is based entirely on open data, such as the road network and points of interest derived from OpenStreetMap (OSM). We estimated the annual average daily GHG emissions from individual motor traffic for the OSM road network in Berlin by combining the estimated Annual Average Daily Traffic Volume (AADTV) with respective emission factors. The AADTV was calculated by simulating car trips with the open routing engine Openrouteservice, weighted by activity functions based on statistics of the German Mobility Panel. Our estimated total annual GHG emissions were 7.3 million t CO2 equivalent. The highest emissions were estimated for the motorways and major roads connecting the city center with the outskirts. The application of the approach to Berlin showed that the method could reflect the traffic pattern. As the input data is freely available, the approach can be applied to other study areas within Germany with little additional effort.
  • "Initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic on real-life well-being, social contact and roaming behavior in patients with schizophrenia, major depression and healthy controls: A longitudinal ecological momentary assessment study" Benedyk, A., Moldavski, A., Reichert, M., Reinhard, I., Lohr, S., Schwarz, K., Berhe, O., Höflich, A., Lautenbach, S., von der Goltz, C., Ebner-Priemer, U., Zipf, A., Tost, H., Meyer-Lindenberg, A. - 2023-02-02 -
    The COVID-19 pandemic strongly impacted people's daily lives. However, it remains unknown how the pandemic situation affects daily-life experiences of individuals with preexisting severe mental illnesses (SMI). In this real-life longitudinal study, the acute onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany did not cause the already low everyday well-being of patients with schizophrenia (SZ) or major depression (MDD) to decrease further. On the contrary, healthy participants’ well-being, anxiety, social isolation, and mobility worsened, especially in healthy individuals at risk for mental disorder, but remained above the levels seen in patients. Despite being stressful for healthy individuals at risk for mental disorder, the COVID-19 pandemic had little additional influence on daily-life well-being in psychiatric patients with SMI. This highlights the need for preventive action and targeted support of this vulnerable population.
  • "Szenarien zur Landnutzung in dynamischen Stadtregionen – Ansätze und Potenziale für agri urbane Entwicklungen am Beispiel der Region Köln" (Scenarios for Land Use in Dynamic Urban Regions - Approaches and Potentials for Agri Urban Developments Using the Example of the Cologne Region) Blinn, M., Fischer, A., Lautenbach, S., Weiß, D., Grade, J., Heyn, T., Abraham, T., Lennartz, F., Kötter, T. - 2022 -
    The continuing growth of settlement and traffic areas in the dynamic urban regions continues to take place primarily at the expense of agricultural areas. In the BMBF funded project NACHWUCHS, the possibilities for a change of perspective and paradigm in development are being investigated for the metropolis of Cologne and its surrounding area on the left bank of the Rhine. The focus is on alternative scenarios for sustainable, land-efficient and climate-sensitive land use with special consideration of agricultural land and its diverse strategic significance and functions. For this purpose, the new land use model NACHWUCHS is used to model the development of settlement areas in the cities and municipalities of the region. Using different scenarios, potential development paths for the entire region are shown, analyzed and evaluated with a consistent indicator system from the areas of housing, agriculture as well as landscape ecology on the basis of raster-based spatial data. The approach thus provides valid bases for land use decisions on different spatial and temporal scales.
  • "An investigation of the temporality of OpenStreetMap data contribution activities" Novack, T.; Vorbeck, L.; Zipf, A. - 2022-10-12 -
    OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a dataset in constant change and this dynamic needs to be better understood. Based on 12-year time series of seven OSM data contribution activities extracted from 20 large cities worldwide, we investigate the temporal dynamic of OSM data production, more specifically, the auto- and cross-correlation, temporal trend, and annual seasonality of these activities. Furthermore, we evaluate and compare nine different temporal regression methods for forecasting such activities in horizons of 1–4 weeks. Several insights could be obtained from our analyses, including that the contribution activities tend to grown linearly in a moderate intra-annual cycle. Also, the performance of the temporal forecasting methods shows that they yield in general more accurate estimations of future contribution activities than a baseline metric, i.e. the arithmetic average of recent previous observations. In particular, the well-known ARIMA and the exponentially weighted moving average methods have shown the best performances.
  • "A text and image analysis workflow using citizen science data to extract relevant social media records: Combining red kite observations from Flickr, eBird and iNaturalist" Hartmann, M.C., Schott, M., Dsouza, A., Metz, Y., Volpi, M., Purves, R. - 2022-09-06 -
    There is an urgent need to develop new methods to monitor the state of the environment. One potential approach is to use new data sources, such as User-Generated Content, to augment existing approaches. However, to date, studies typically focus on a single date source and modality. We take a new approach, using citizen science records recording sightings of red kites (Milvus milvus) to train and validate a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) capable of identifying images containing red kites. This CNN is integrated in a sequential workflow which also uses an off-the-shelf bird classifier and text metadata to retrieve observations of red kites in the Chilterns, England. Our workflow reduces an initial set of more than 600,000 images to just 3065 candidate images. Manual inspection of these images shows that our approach has a precision of 0.658. A workflow using only text identifies 14% less images than that including image content analysis, and by combining image and text classifiers we achieve almost perfect precision of 0.992. Images retrieved from social media records complement those recorded by citizen scientists spatially and temporally, and our workflow is sufficiently generic that it can easily be transferred to other species.
  • "Improving OpenStreetMap missing building detection using few-shot transfer learning in sub-Saharan Africa" Li, H., Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Chen, J., Zipf, A. - 2022-05-04 -
    OpenStreetMap (OSM) has been intensively used to support humanitarian aid activities, especially in the Global South. Its data availability in the Global South has been greatly improved via recent humanitarian mapping campaigns. However, large rural areas are still incompletely mapped. The timely provision of map data is often essential for the work of humanitarian actors in the case of disaster preparation or disaster response. Therefore, it has become a vital challenge to boost the speed and efficiency of existing humanitarian mapping workflows. We address this challenge by proposing a novel few-shot transfer learning (FSTL) method to improve the accuracy of OSM missing building detection. We trained two popular object detection models (i.e., Faster R-CNN and SSD) in a training area in Tanzania and transferred the model to target areas in Cameroon and Mozambique. The FSTL method significantly improved the base model performance even with only one training shot. Moreover, we successfully produced a grid-based OSM missing building map (DeepVGI) of 10 m spatial resolution with over 96% overall accuracy (ACC) and 0.85 Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) in both Cameroon and Mozambique. Such maps show great potential to assess and estimate the overall completeness of OSM buildings to support humanitarian mapping activities, especially in places where other (e.g., buildings, roads) datasets are not available.
  • "Assessing road criticality and loss of healthcare accessibility during floods: the case of Cyclone Idai, Mozambique 2019" Petricola, S., Reinmuth, M., Lautenbach, S., Hatfiel, C., Zipf, A. - 2022 -
    The ability of disaster response, preparedness, and mitigation efforts to assess the loss of physical accessibility to health facilities and to identify impacted populations is key in reducing the humanitarian consequences of disasters. Recent studies use either network- or raster-based approaches to measure accessibility in respect to travel time. Our analysis compares a raster- and a network- based approach that both build on open data with respect to their ability to assess the loss of accessibility due to a severe flood event. As our analysis uses open access data, the approach should be transferable to other flood-prone sites to support decision-makers in the preparation of disaster mitigation and preparedness plans.
  • "SocialMedia2Traffic: Derivation of Traffic Information from Social Media Data" Zia, M.; Fürle, J.; Ludwig, C.; Lautenbach, S.; Gumbrich, S.; Zipf, A. - 2022-09-13 -
    Traffic prediction is a topic of increasing importance for research and applications in the domain of routing and navigation. Unfortunately, open data are rarely available for this purpose. To overcome this, the authors explored the possibility of using geo-tagged social media data (Twitter), land-use and land-cover point of interest data (from OpenStreetMap) and an adapted betweenness centrality measure as feature spaces to predict the traffic congestion of eleven world cities. The presented framework and workflow are termed as SocialMedia2Traffic. Traffic congestion was predicted at four tile spatial resolutions and compared with Uber Movement data. The overall precision of the forecast for highly traffic-congested regions was approximately 81%. Different data processing steps including ways to aggregate data points, different proxies and machine learning approaches were compared. The lack of a universal definition on a global scale to classify road segments by speed bins into different traffic congestion classes has been identified to be a major limitation of the transferability of the framework. Overall, SocialMedia2Traffic further improves the usability of the tested feature space for traffic prediction. A further benefit is the agnostic nature of the social media platform’s approach.
  • "Sugarcane abandonment mapping in Rio de Janeiro state Brazil" de Castro, P.I.B., Yin, H., Teixera Junior, P.D., Lacerda, E., Pedroso, R., Lautenbach, S., Vicens, R.S. - 2022-07-28 -
    The mapping of sugarcane plantations and their changes is relevant to the economy and the environment, notably due to sugarcane's interface in the biofuel industry through ethanol. The necessary mapping of sugarcane crop changes is especially challenging when plantation occurs under smallholders' land ownership structures used for heterogeneous crop management. We evaluated two approaches to address this challenge with the example of sugarcane abandonment in the Norte Fluminense Region, Northeastern Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The region is characterized by a large share of smallholders. We trained a random forest classifier for sugarcane for 2018 based on all available Landsat imagery. Based on the concept of temporal generalization, we applied the classifier trained in 2018 for the period from 1986 until 2020. The resulting annual sugarcane probability maps were used as input for two abandonment mapping methods: LandtrendR and muti-temporal cropland abandonment mapping. The performance of both approaches was evaluated based on a stratified sampling approach. We detected three distinct trajectories for sugarcane farmland: i) permanently abandoned sugarcane, ii) fallow sugarcane, and iii) and stable sugarcane. The multi-temporal cropland abandonment mapping performed better for the sugarcane abandonment class (F1 = 0.84) than the LandtrendR approach (F1 = 0.21). The LandtrendR results revealed a higher omission (PA = 0.12) in mapping the sugarcane abandonment class. For the multi-temporal cropland abandonment mapping, we found that 66% (67,353 ha) of the stable sugarcane areas were abandoned between 1990 and 2016. The highest abandonment rates occurred between 1990 and 1994 and between 2010 and 2016. The spatial distribution of abandonment was heterogeneous. The earliest abandonment was concentrated in the northern part of the study area. The most recent abandonment was more extensive in the southern part of the study site. Our results highlight the advantages and challenges of using Landsat time series to map sugarcane abandonment in a heterogeneous management system. Our results also highlight the spatially and temporal heterogeneous pattern of sugarcane abandonment in the region and provide the necessary database for subsequent studies to identify underlying and proximate causes for the abandonment.
  • "Flood risk governance in Brazil and the UK: facilitating knowledge exchange through research gaps and the potential of citizen-generated data" Marchezini, V., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Pitidis, V., Rudorff, C.d.M., Lima-Silva, F., Klonner, C. and Martins, M.H.d.M. - 2022-07-11 -
    The study aims to identify the gaps and the potentialities of citizen-generated data in four axes of warning system: (1) risk knowledge, (2) flood forecasting and monitoring, (3) risk communication and (4) flood risk governance.
  • "Understanding spatiotemporal trip purposes of urban micro-mobility from the lens of dockless e-scooter sharing" Li, H., Yuan, Z., Novack, T., Huang, W., Zipf, A. - 2022-06-20 -
    Over the last two years, we have witnessed the ever-fast growth of micro-mobility services (e.g., e-bikes and e-scooters), which brings both challenges and innovations to the traditional urban transportation systems. For example, they provide an opportunity to better address the “last mile” problem due to their convenience, flexibility and zero emission. As such, it is essential to understand why and how urban dwellers use these micro-mobility services across space and time. In this paper, we aim to understand spatiotemporal trip purposes of urban micro-mobility through the lens of dockless e-scooter user behavior. We first develop a spatiotemporal topic modeling method to infer the underlying trip purpose of dockless e-scooter usage. Then, using Washington, D.C. as a case study, we apply the model to a dataset including 83,002 valid user trips together with 19,370 POI venues and land use land cover data to systematically explore the trip purposes of micro-mobility across space and time in the city. The results confirm a set of uncovered 100 Trips Topics as an informative and effective proxy of the spatiotemporal trip purposes of micro-mobility users. The findings in this paper provide important insights for city authorities and dockless e-scooter companies into more sustainable urban transportation planning and more efficient vehicle fleet reallocation in future smart cities.
  • "Leveraging OpenStreetMap and Multimodal Remote Sensing Data with Joint Deep Learning for Wastewater Treatment Plants Detection" Li, H., Zech, J., Hong, D., Ghamisi, P., Schultz, M., Zipf, A. - 2022-05-15 -
    Humans rely on clean water for their health, well-being, and various socio-economic activities. During the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a constant reminder of about the importance of hygiene and sanitation for public health. The most common approach to securing clean water supplies for this purpose is via wastewater treatment. To date, an effective method of detecting wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) accurately and automatically via remote sensing is unavailable. In this paper, we provide a solution to this task by proposing a novel joint deep learning (JDL) method that consists of a fine-tuned object detection network and a multi-task residual attention network (RAN). By leveraging OpenStreetMap (OSM) and multimodal remote sensing (RS) data, our JDL method is able to simultaneously tackle two different tasks: land use land cover (LULC) and WWTP classification. Moreover, JDL exploits the complementary effects between these tasks for a performance gain. We train JDL using 4,187 WWTP features and 4,200 LULC samples and validate the performance of the proposed method over a selected area around Stuttgart with 723 WWTP features and 1,200 LULC samples to generate an LULC classification map and a WWTP detection map. Extensive experiments conducted with different comparative methods demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our JDL method in automatic WWTP detection in comparison with single-modality/single-task or traditional survey methods. Moreover, lessons learned pave the way for future works to simultaneously and effectively address multiple large-scale mapping tasks (e.g., both mapping LULC and detecting WWTP) from multimodal RS data via deep learning.
  • "Der Zusammenhang zwischen Stress und körperlicher Aktivität: Mind the ecological fallacy" (The association of stress and physical activity: Mind the ecological fallacy) Reichert, M., Brüßler, S., Reinhard, I. et al. - 2022-05-06 -
    Psychological stress and physical activity are interrelated, constituting a relevant association to human health, especially in children. However, the association’s nature remains elusive, i.e., why psychological stress predicts both decreased and increased physical activity. To test whether effects vary as a function of the level of analyses, we derived intensive longitudinal data via accelerometers and stress questionnaires from 74 children across 7 days as they went about their daily routines (n = 513 assessments). Multilevel modelling analyses revealed that between children, higher psychological stress predicted decreased physical activity (standardized beta coefficient = −0.14; p = 0.046). Concurrently, within those children, higher psychological stress predicted increased physical activity across days (standardized beta coefficient = 0.09; p = 0.015). Translated to practice, children who experienced more stress than others moved less, but children were more active on days when they experienced heightened stress. This suggests that the analyses level is crucial to the understanding of the association between psychological stress and physical activity and should be considered to receive unequivocal results. If replicated, e.g., including high-frequency sampling and experimental manipulation in everyday life for in-depth insights on underlying mechanisms and causality, our findings may be translated to individually tailored (digital) prevention and intervention strategies which target children’s distress-feelings despite impairing their heightened physical activity in stressful situations and identify tipping points of chronic stress phases. Therefore, we especially call for more intensive longitudinal data approaches to tackle thus far neglected within-subject issues in the field of physical activity, sport and exercise research.
  • "Improving OpenStreetMap missing building detection using few-shot transfer learning in sub-Saharan Africa" Li, H., Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Chen, J., Zipf, A. - 2022-05-04 -
    OpenStreetMap (OSM) has been intensively used to support humanitarian aid activities, especially in the Global South. Its data availability in the Global South has been greatly improved via recent humanitarian mapping campaigns. However, large rural areas are still incompletely mapped. The timely provision of map data is often essential for the work of humanitarian actors in the case of disaster preparation or disaster response. Therefore, it has become a vital challenge to boost the speed and efficiency of existing humanitarian mapping workflows. We address this challenge by proposing a novel few-shot transfer learning (FSTL) method to improve the accuracy of OSM missing building detection. We trained two popular object detection models (i.e., Faster R-CNN and SSD) in a training area in Tanzania and transferred the model to target areas in Cameroon and Mozambique. The FSTL method significantly improved the base model performance even with only one training shot. Moreover, we successfully produced a grid-based OSM missing building map (DeepVGI) of 10 m spatial resolution with over 96% overall accuracy (ACC) and 0.85 Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) in both Cameroon and Mozambique. Such maps show great potential to assess and estimate the overall completeness of OSM buildings to support humanitarian mapping activities, especially in places where other (e.g., buildings, roads) datasets are not available.
  • "Greenwashing in the US metal industry? A novel approach combining SO2 concentrations from satellite data, a plant-level firm database and web text mining" Schmidt, S,, Kinne, J., Lautenbach, S., Blaschke, T., Lenz, D., Resch, B. - 2022-04-27 -
    This study deals with the issue of greenwashing, i.e. the false portrayal of companies as environmentally friendly. The analysis focuses on the US metal industry, which is a major emission source of sulfur dioxide (SO2), one of the most harmful air pollutants. One way to monitor the distribution of atmospheric SO2 concentrations is through satellite data from the Sentinel-5P programme, which represents a major advance due to its unprecedented spatial resolution. In this paper, Sentinel-5P remote sensing data was combined with a plant-level firm database to investigate the relationship between the US metal industry and SO2 concentrations using a spatial regression analysis. Additionally, this study considered web text data, classifying companies based on their websites in order to depict their self-portrayal on the topic of sustainability. In doing so, we investigated the topic of greenwashing, i.e. whether or not a positive self-portrayal regarding sustainability is related to lower local SO2 concentrations. Our results indicated a general, positive correlation between the number of employees in the metal industry and local SO2 concentrations. The web-based analysis showed that only 8% of companies in the metal industry could be classified as engaged in sustainability based on their websites. The regression analyses indicated that these self-reported ”sustainable” companies had a weaker effect on local SO2 concentrations compared to their “non-sustainable” counterparts, which we interpreted as an indication of the absence of general greenwashing in the US metal industry. However, the large share of firms without a website and lack of specificity of the text classification model were limitations to our methodology.
  • "Zooming-in for climate action—hyperlocal greenhouse gas data for mitigation action?" M. Jungmann, S. N. Vardag, F. Kutzner, F. Keppler, M. Schmidt, N. Aeschbach, U. Gerhard, A. Zipf, S. Lautenbach, A. Siegmund, T. Goeschl & A. Butz - 2022-04-08 -
    While the international community has made progress in adopting goals and agreements in the field of climate change mitigation, efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are significantly lacking behind global ambitions for acceptable climate change. In this perspective, we discuss whether a window of opportunity for more effective climate action is emerging due to the convergence of new scientific and technological opportunities to provide high-resolution information on GHG emissions and emerging polycentric governance forms. We hypothesize that scientific and technological developments in the geophysical sciences and geoinformatics could provide the information policy makers need to put in place effective policies on climate change mitigation and to have measures to verify the effectiveness of their mitigation policies. To contribute to a better understanding of these developments and the requirements for effective climate action, new forms of inter- and transdisciplinary research become urgently necessary.
  • "Using crowdsourced images to study selected cultural ecosystem services and their relationships with species richness and carbon sequestration" H. Lee, B. Seo, A. F. Cord, M. Volk, S. Lautenbach - 2022-02-08 -
    Due to the difficulty of capturing spatially explicit information on cultural ecosystem services (CES), previous studies have paid less attention to their relationships with other services. In this study, we quantified the relationships between selected CES using crowdsourced photographs, carbon storage and species richness of plants and butterflies for a case study in Saxony, Germany. The relationships were quantified based on the mutual information metric and using principal component analysis. We further conducted a regression analysis to control for environmental and infrastructure factors such as the share of land use classes, landscape diversity and the presence of viewpoints and picnic sites. Our results showed overall positive relationships between CES indicators and carbon sequestration as well as species richness. However, the magnitude of the relationships varied: the CES indicators showed a stronger relationship with butterfly species richness than with plant species richness. Both CES indicators showed the strongest positive relationship with carbon sequestration. This positive relationship was likely driven by forest cover, which was strongly associated with carbon storage. However, our regression analysis also showed that too much forest cover reduces the perceived CES, in particular for landscape aesthetics. Our findings provide additional information for spatial planning in the study region.
  • "Influence of Spatial and Temporal Resolution on Time Series-Based Coastal Surface Change Analysis using Hourly Terrestrial Laser Scans" C. Geiss, E. Brzoska, P. Aravena Pelizari, S. Lautenbach, H. Taubenböck - 2021-06-17 -
    Near-continuously acquired terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data contains valuable information on natural surface dynamics. An important step in geographic analyses is to detect different types of changes that can be observed in a scene. For this, spatiotemporal segmentation is a time series-based method of surface change analysis that removes the need to select analysis periods, providing so-called 4D objects-by-change (4D-OBCs). This involves higher computational effort than pairwise change detection, and efforts scale with (i) the temporal density of input data and (ii) the (variable) spatial extent of delineated changes. These two factors determine the cost and number of Dynamic Time Warping distance calculations to be performed for deriving the metric of time series similarity. We investigate how a reduction of the spatial and temporal resolution of input data influences the delineation of twelve erosion and accumulation forms, using an hourly five-month TLS time series of a sandy beach. We compare the spatial extent of 4D-OBCs obtained at reduced spatial (1.0 m to 15.0 m with 0.5 m steps) and temporal (2 h to 96 h with 2 h steps) resolution to the result from highest-resolution data. Many change delineations achieve acceptable performance with ranges of ±10 % to ±100 % in delineated object area, depending on the spatial extent of the respective change form. We suggest a locally adaptive approach to identify poor performance at certain resolution levels for the integration in a hierarchical approach. Consequently, the spatial delineation could be performed at high accuracy for specific target changes in a second iteration. This will allow more efficient 3D change analysis towards near-realtime, online TLS-based observation of natural surface changes.
  • "The Impact of Community Happenings in OpenStreetMap — Establishing a Framework for Online Community Member Activity Analyses" Schott, M, Grinberger, A.Y., Lautenbach, S. & Zipf, A. - 2021-03-14 -
    The collaborative nature of activities in Web 2.0 projects leads to the formation of online communities. To reinforce this community, these projects often rely on happenings centred around data creation and curation activities. We suggest an integrated framework to directly assess online community member performance in a quantitative manner and applied it to the case study of OpenStreetMap. A set of mappers who participated in both field and remote mapping-related happenings was identified. To measure the effects of happenings, we computed attributes characterising the mappers’ contribution behaviour before and after the happenings and tested for significant impacts in relation to a control group. Results showed that newcomers to OpenStreetMap adopted a contribution behaviour similar to the contribution behaviour typical for the respective happening they attended: When contributing after the happening, newcomers who attended a remote mapping event tended to concentrate on creating new data with lower quality but high quantity in places foreign to their home region; newcomers who attended a field mapping event updated and enhanced existing local data with high accuracy. The behaviour of advanced mappers stayed largely unaffected by happenings. Unfortunately, our results did not reveal a positive effect on the community integration of newcomers through happenings.
  • "An analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of large‐scale data production events in OpenStreetMap" Grinberger, A.Y., Schott, M., Raifer, M. & Zipf, A. - 2021-03-19 -
    Organized mapping activities within OpenStreetMap frequently lead to the production of massive amounts of data over a short period. In this article we utilize a novel procedure to identify such large‐scale data production events in the history of OpenStreetMap and analyze their patterns. We find that events account for a significant share of OpenStreetMap data and that organizational practices have shifted over time towards local knowledge‐based events and well‐organized data imports. However, regions in the “Global South” remain dependent on remote mapping events, pointing to uneven geographies of representation. We also find that events are frequently followed by periods of increased activity, with the exact nature of effects depending on contextual elements such as previous events. These findings portray organized activities as a significant and unique component which requires consideration when using OpenStreetMap data and analyzing their quality.
  • "Towards Using the Potential of OpenStreetMap History for Disaster Activation Monitoring" Auer, M.; Eckle, M.; Fendrich, S.; Griesbaum, L.; Kowatsch, F.; Marx, S.; Raifer, M.; Schott, M.; Troilo, R.; Zipf, A. - 2018-05 -
    Over the last couple of years, the growingOpenStreetMap(OSM) database repeatedly proved its potential for varioususe cases, including disaster management. Disaster mapping activations show increasing numbers of contributions,but oftentimes raise questions related to the quality of the providedVolunteered Geographic Information. In orderto better monitor and understand OSM mapping and data quality, we developed theohsomesoftware platform thatapplies big data technology to OSM full history data. OSM full history data monitoring allows detailed analysesof the OSM data evolution and the detection of remarkable patterns over time. This paper illustrates the specificpotential of our platform for disaster activations by means of two case studies. Initial results demonstrate thatour flexible and scalable platform structure enables fast and easy information extraction and supports mappingprocesses and data quality assurance.
  • "A Comprehensive Framework for Intrinsic OpenStreetMap Quality Analysis" Barron, C.; Neis, P.; Zipf, A. - 2013 -
    Intrinsic OpenStreetMap Quality Analysis
  • "osmAGENT" padeshahekhoban, Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani - 2013 -
    survey on OSM user motivation
  • "Towards Automatic Vandalism Detection in OpenStreetMap" Neis, P.; Goetz, M.; Zipf, A. - 2012 -
    Vandalism Detection
  • "Analyzing the Contributor Activity of a Volunteered Geographic Information Project — The Case of OpenStreetMap" Neis, P, Zipf, A. - 2012 - , ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2012; 1(2):146-165
    OSM User Analsis
  • "Using Crowdsourced Indoor Geodata for the Creation of a Three-Dimensional Indoor Routing Web Application" Goetz, M. - 2012 - ,Future Internet, 4 (2), 575-591
    OSM 3D Indoor Routing
  • "Creating a worldwide 3D globe from user-generated data" Uden, M., Schilling, A., Li, M., Goetz, M., Zipf, A - 2012 -
    OSM 3D Global at DGFK Workshop on "Map creation from user generated data", Hannover, Germany (together with Deutscher Kartographentag)
  • "OpenBuildingModels und die Herausforderungen beim Crowdsourcing von 3D-Stadtmodellen" Uden, M., Zipf, A. - 2012 - , AGIT 2012. Symposium für Angewandte Geoinformatik. Salzburg, Austria.
  • "Indoor Evacuation using IndoorOSM and MatSim" - Markus Götz - 02/2012, [IndoorOSM]
    uses IndoorOSM for indoor evacuation simulation wit MatSIM traffic simulation package
  • "OpenStreetMap in D-A-CH - Welche Auswirkungen hat(te) der Lizenzwechsel auf den Datenbestand?" Neis, P. - 2012 -
    AGIT 2012. Symposium für Angewandte Geoinformatik. Salzburg, Austria.
  • "GRIPS" - 2011-2013,
    uses OSM for traffic simulation and evacuation simulation wit MatSIM trafic simulation package
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "OpenStreetMap in 3D – Detailed Insights on the Current Situation in Germany" Goetz, M, Zipf, A. - 2012 -
    at AGILE 2012. Avignon, France
  • "Visualizing spatio-temporal quality metrics of Volunteered Geographic Information – A case study for OpenStreetMap" Roick, O.; Loos, L; Zipf, A. - 2012 -
  • "OpenBuildingModels - Towards a platform for crowdsourcing virtual 3D cities" Uden, M, Zipf, A. - 2012 -
    7th 3D GeoInfo Conference. Quebec City, QC, Canada. VGI 3D
  • "HComparative Spatial Analysis of Positional Accuracy of OpenStreetMap and Proprietary Geodata" Helbich, M., Amelunxen, C., Neis, P., - 2012 -
    Spatial Analysis of Positional Accuracy, Int. GI_Forum 2012. Salzburg. Austria.
  • "Mining urban land use patterns from volunteered geographic information by means of genetic algorithms and artificial neural networks" Hagenauer Julian and Helbich Marco, - 2012 -
    using machine learning to improve OSM in International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS)
  • "The Evolution of Geo-Crowdsourcing: Bringing Volunteered Geographic Information to the Third Dimension" Goetz, M. and A. Zipf - 2012 -
    in Sui, D.Z., Elwood, S. and M.F. Goodchild (eds.), 2012. Volunteered Geographic Information, Public Participation, and Crowdsourced Production of Geographic Knowledge. Berlin: Springer.
  • "The Street Network Evolution of Crowdsourced Maps: OpenStreetMap in Germany 2007–2011" Pascal Neis, Dennis Zielstra, Alexander Zipf - 2011 -
    About historical evolution of road data network in Germany. Contains a lot of indices and meters about data quality by a comparison to TomTom data sets.
  • "An Algorithm Based Methodology for the Creation of a Regularly Updated Global Online Map Derived From Volunteered Geographic Information" Goetz, M., Lauer, J., Auer, A. - 2012 -
    at The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications and Services. GEOProcessing 2012. Valencia, Spain.
  • "Abgrenzung urbaner Räume mittels OpenStreetMap und maschinellen Lernenverfahren." (Hagenauer J und Helbich M, (2011): Deriving urban areas from Open Street Map using machine learning. In Schilcher M: Geoinformationssysteme. Beiträge zum 16. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar, abcverlag, Heidelberg, S. 78-81.) Hagenauer Julian and Helbich Marco, - 2011 -
    using machine learning to improve OSM in Schilcher M: Geoinformationssysteme. Beiträge zum 16. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar, abcverlag, Heidelberg, S. 78-81.
  • "Towards Defining a Framework for the Automatic Derivation of 3D CityGML Models from Volunteered Geographic Information" Marcus Götz -
    Joint ISPRS Workshop on 3D City Modelling & Applications and the 6th 3D GeoInfo Conference. Wuhan, China
  • "Extending OpenStreetMap to Indoor Environments: Bringing Volunteered Geographic Information to the Next Level" Marcus Goetz, Alexander Zipf - 2011 -
    About the OSM-3D project
  • "OSMatrix" - Oliver Roick, Julian Hagenauer,
    analyse OSM, preview available (OSMatrix)
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "Visualizing spatio-temporal quality metrics of Volunteered Geographic Information – A case study for OpenStreetMap" Oliver Roick, Lukas Loos, Alexander Zipf - 2011 -
    OSM data quality analysis, visualization, spatial analystics (OSMatrix) at Geoinformatik 2012. Mobilität und Umwelt. Braunschweig.
  • "OSMatrix - Grid based analysis and visualization of OpenStreetMap" Oliver Roick, Julian Hagenauer, Alexander Zipf - 2011 -
    OSM data quality analysis, visualization, european comparison (OSMatrix) at SOTM-EU 2011. State of the Map EU. Scientific Track. Wien.
  • "Crowdsourced Cartography" - Michael Auer,
    Auer, M. (2011): User generated Cartography by crowd sourcing web map styling.- 25th International Cartographic Conference (ICC). 3rd-8th of July 2011- Paris, France.
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "OSM Web Map Service for Europe" - Michael Auer et al., OSM-WMS-EUROPE
    Public WMS with SRTM Hillshading based upon OSM data, SLD based map styling
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "OpenStreetMap meets Open Geospatial Consortium - Zum Anwendungspotential einer Geodateninfrastruktur mit freiwillig gesammelten Geodaten" Michael Auer, Alexander Zipf - 2011 -
    OSM & GDI in: Schilcher, M. (Hrsg.): Geoinformationssysteme. Beiträge zum 16. Münchner Fortbildungsseminar, S. 106-113
  • "Quality Improvement of OpenStreetMap" - Julian Hagenauer, Marco Helbich et al.,
    use machine learning (Artifical Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms for Improving OSM quality
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "FocusMaps with OSM" - Julian Hagenauer,
    Focus Maps and Landmarks
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "Zur Nutzung von TMC Verkehrsmelde informationen mit OpenStreetMap" Pascal Neis and Georg Walenciak - 2011 -
    TMC at AGIT 2011, Symposium Angewandte Geoinformatik, Salzburg, Österreich.
  • "Analysis of user behaviour in OSM, Diploma Thesis" - Helena Stroh
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "Routing for Elderly people (60+)" - Neis et al,
    Routing for Elderly people (60+)
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "Ein Routenplaner für Rollstuhlfahrer auf der Basis von OpenStreetMap-Daten" Astrid Müller, Pascal Neis, Michael Auer, Alexander Zipf - 2010 -
    About the Rollstuhl-Routing project
  • "Empirische Untersuchungen zur Datenqualität von OpenStreetMap – Erfahrungen aus zwei Jahren Betrieb mehrerer OSM-Online-Dienste" Pascal Neis, Dennis Zielstra, Alexander Zipf, Alexander Strunck - 2010 -
  • "A Comparative Study of Proprietary Geodata and Volunteered Geographic Information for Germany" Dennis Zielstra, Alexander Zipf - 2010 -
  • "Improve Geocoder and Reverse Geocoder through Interpolation" - Christof Amelunxen - 2010,
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "HistOSM - Historic Objects in OSM" - Michael Auer et al. - 2010,
    Historic Objects in OSM, WMS & WFS
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "Emergency Route Service for Haiti" Pascal Neis . - 2010 -
    Emergency Route Service for Haiti after earthquake 2010
  • "AgroRouting and rural OSM data improvement" - Johannes Lauer - 2010,
    Agricultural Routing and Logistics, Use Agricultural Telematics System for semi-automated improvement of rural OSM data: A workflow for improving the availability of routable data (OSM) for logistics in agriculture - using data from Telematics-systems and community-based quality management. AGILE 2010. The 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science. Guimarães, Portugal.
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "Investigations on Locational Accuracy of Volunteered Geographic Information Using OpenStreetMap Data" Helbich M., Amelunxen C. , Neis P., Zipf A - 2010 -
    Investigations on Locational Accuracy of Volunteered Geographic Information Using OpenStreetMap Data
  • "Emergency Route Service portal for Africa for the United Nations Logistics Cluster, WFP" - Singler, P. Neis, P., Zipf A - 2010,
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "Collaborative mapping and Emergency Routing for Disaster Logistics - Case studies from the Haiti earthquake and the UN portal for Afrika" Pascal Neis, Peter Singler, Alexander Zipf - 2010 -
  • "Emergency Route Service for Haiti" - Pascal Neis .,
    Emergency Route Service for Haiti after earthquake 2010
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "Accessibility Analysis for Fire Brigades" - Pascal Neis,
  • "Accessibility Analysis for E-Mobility" - Pascal Neis - April 2010, April 2010
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "BehindertenRouting" "(Wheelchair routing)" - since 2009, DE:Rollstuhlfahrer-Routing
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "OpenRouteService" - Pascal Neis - since 2008, OpenRouteService
    several LBS services, routing and accessibility analysis (AAS)
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "OpenStreetMap 3D" - Arne Schilling - since 2008, OSM-3D
    Visualising OSM data in the third dimension using SRTM DEM dataset as Web Service (W3DS)
    Tutor: Alexander Zipf
  • "" "(" - Maxim Rylov - since 2012, OpenMapSurfer
    Global OSM Map Service


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT):

  • "Fast and Exact Mobile Navigation with OpenStreetMap Data" - Christian Vetter - 2010, , MoNav
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Peter Sanders

Hochschule Karlsruhe:

  • "Vergleich Auswirkungen des Lizenzwechsels..." - Jakob A. - 2010,
    Simulates possible consequences of different license change policies
    Tutor: Frederik Ramm
  • "OpenStreetMap in ArcGIS: Automatisierte Datenaufbereitung für Netzwerkanalysen" - Eva Zimmermann - 2010, ,
    Im Rahmen der Bachelor-Thesis wurde untersucht, ob die OSM-Daten für Netzwerkanalysen in ArcGIS geeignet sind und wie die Integration und Nutzung vereinfacht werden kann. Dazu wurde eine prototypische Anwendung entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, OSM-Daten automatisiert für die Anwendung im Network Analyst vorzubereiten. Diese Anwendung wurde so konzipiert, dass sie Verkehrsnetzwerke für beliebige Fahrzeugtypen und Länder erzeugen kann.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anne Rauner
  • "Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr in OpenStreetMap - Entwurf, Implementierung und Erprobung eines Schemas für die Modellierung vielseitig nutzbarer Daten" "(Public transport in OpenStreetMap – Design, implementation and testing of a schema for the modelling of versatile data)" - Sebastian Schwarz - 06/2009, , User:Oxomoa/Public transport schema
    This diploma thesis focuses on the modeling of public transport (PT) related geodata in OpenStreetMap. The main objective is to motivate the community to collect PT related geodata more consistently and comprehensively, and to model it more efficiently than before.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gertrud Schaab
  • "Quality analysis of OSM-data for the usage of 3D-city-models applied for an energy analysis of residential buildings in London" - Joel Orsinger - 08/2013
    This bachelor thesis analysed the quality of OSM data in Hackbridge, London for their suitability for the usage of a 3D-city-model. The data was compared with governmental and one metre accurate geographic data of Ordnance Survey (MasterMap). The 3D-model was applied to a project which strives to achieve a suburb without CO2-emission
    Tutor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Saler (HsKA); Prof. Dr. Mark Deakin (Edinburgh Napier University)


Hochschule Kempten:

  •  - 2011, ,
    (informell) Matching und Profiling von Elektromobilen auf OSM Straßennetz
    Tutor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rupp


Universität Leipzig:

  • "LinkedGeoData – Collaboratively Created Geo-Information for the Semantic Web" - Sören Auer, Jens Lehmann - 2009, LinkedGeoData,
    About RDFing the OSM data
  • "Adding a Spatial Dimension to the Web of Data" Sören Auer, Jens Lehmann and Sebastian Hellmann - 2009 -
  • "Map highlighting the ODbL data..." - F.Schmidt - 2010,


Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (LMU):

  • "TrafficMining - A framework to easily test route search algorithms in OpenStreetMap data." - Franz Graf - 2010, Code Base
    An open source routing framework to compare different routing algorithms on OSM data. The project is kept quite simple so that students and PhDs can test new algorithms on real geospatial data easily. Results can be visualized without dealing with GUI libraries.
  • "PAROS: Pareto Optimal Route Selection" F. Graf and H.-P. Kriegel and M. Renz and M. Schubert - 06/2010 - publication page, DOI link, Paper, Poster, (code base)
  • "MARiO: Multi Attribute Routing in Open Street Map" F. Graf and H.-P. Kriegel and M. Renz and M. Schubert - 08/2011 - publication page, Paper, (code base)
  • "Maximum Gain Round Trips with Cost Constraints" F. Graf and H.-P. Kriegel and M. Schubert - 2011 - abstract, Paper, ArXiv
    An open source routing framework to compare different routing algorithms on OSM data. The project is kept quite simple so that students and PhDs can test new algorithms on real geospatial data easily. Results can be visualized without dealing with GUI libraries.

Technische Universität München (TUM)

  • "Webbrowserbasierte Indoor-Navigation für mobile Endgeräte auf Basis der OpenStreetMap" - Andreas Hubel - 2011,
    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine Web-Anwendung entwickelt, die Indoor- Navigation auf Basis des Daten des OpenStreetMap Projekts demonstriert und in den Webbrowsern aktueller Smartphones läuft. Die Routenberechung und Kartendarstellung wird direkt auf dem Gerät in JavaScript durchgeführt. Insbesondere wird eine Lösung zur Darstellung von unterschiedlichen Stockwerken auf einer 2D Karte aufgezeigt. Da noch kein Schema für Indoor-Daten in OpenStreetMap definiert war, wurde ein Vorschlag entwickelt und Teile eines Gebäudes darin umgesetzt.


Universität Münster:

  • "Tracking Editing Processes in Volunteered Geographic Information: The Case of OpenStreetMap" Carsten Keßler, Johannes Trame, Tomi Kauppinen - September 2011 -
  • "Provenance and Trust in Volunteered Geographic Information: The Case of OpenStreetMap" Carsten Keßler, Johannes Trame, Tomi Kauppinen - September 2011 -
  • "Semantic Referencing of Geosensor Data and Volunteered Geographic Information" Simon Scheider, Carsten Keßler, Jens Ortmann, Anusuriya Devaraju, Johannes Trame, Tomi Kauppinen, Werner Kuhn - July 2011 -
  • "Exploring the Lineage of Volunteered Geographic Information with Heat Maps" Johannes Trame, Carsten Keßler - March 2011 -
  • "Quality Of Geographic Information Patchworks" Patrick Maué, Sven Schade -


Fachhochschule Neubrandenburg:

  • "Analyse der kommunalen und regionalen Geodateninfrastrukturen in Deutschland unter dem Gesichtspunkt der öfentlichen Darstellung von Geodaten" - Jörg Bischof - 2009,
    Tutor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kresse, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wehrenpfennig


Universität Osnabrück:

  • " - Der Radrouten-Planer für Osnabrück" - Team,
  • "OsnaGo (" - Kai Behncke,
    A (now commercial) map service for tourism services in Osnabrück. The source-code for www.osnago-karte and will be published under GNU LGPL in january 2011.A dissertation to that subject is still be written.
  • "Bachelorthesis: ATKIS-Basis-DLM und OpenStreetMap - Ein Datenvergleich anhand ausgewählter Gebiete in Niedersachsen" - Mareike Schoof - 10/2010,
    In dieser Bachelorarbeit wird ein Vergleich der Basis-DLM-Daten des Amtlichen Topographisch-Kartographischen Informationssystems (ATKIS) mit den frei verfügbaren Open-StreetMap-Daten durchgeführt. Die Datensätze werden in erster Linie im Hinblick auf die Qualitätsmerkmale Vollständigkeit und Positionsgenauigkeit untersucht. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die OpenStreetMap-Daten, vor allem in größeren Städten, eine gute Positionsgenauigkeit und teilweise höhere Vollständigkeit aufweisen als die ATKIS-Basis-DLM-Daten, welche jedoch eine konstant hohe Datendichte und Genauigkeit besitzen und somit verlässlicher sind.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Ehlers
  • " - Tracking, Routing and Information Service" - Team,


Universität Paderborn:

  • "Explorative Evaluierung von Navigationsassistenz für Menschen mit Behinderungen auf Basis von OpenStreetMap" - Peter Wendorff - 10/2011,
    This thesis is about an examination of navigational systems for blind people. Main focus is on the question whether data from OpenStreetMap is useful for this kind of applications.
    Tutor: Dr. Michael Tauber


Universität Passau:

  • "OSMAR - Augmented Reality Framework für OpenStreetMap" - Benedikt Lang - 2015,
    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der augmentierten Darstellung von OpenStreetMap-Daten auf Android-Smartphones. Neben der theoretischen Betrachtung und detailierten Beschreibung entstand mit OSMAR auch ein Framework, das für eigene Anwendungen verwendet werden kann um beliebige Teilaspekte der OpenStreetMap-Daten im Kamerabild des Smartphones einzublenden.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Tomas Sauer
  • "Qualitätssicherung von Kartendaten anhand von OpenStreetMap" - Sebastian Brunner - 2013,
    Die Arbeit befasst sich mit Qualitätssicherung von OpenStreetMap-Daten. Es wird eine Web-Applikation bereitgestellt, die es den Teilnehmern von OpenStreetMap leichter machen soll, von ihnen erstellte Strukturen zu überwachen und Änderungen, die andere Teilnehmer daran vornehmen, nachvollziehen zu können. Die Prototypimplementierung (, ) wird evaluiert und Feedback der Community eingeholt.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Tomas Sauer
  • "Untersuchung und Evaluierung verschiedener Methoden der metrischen Distanzmessung" - Reimar Stier - 2013,
    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Methoden zur metrischen Distanzmessung. Diese verwenden preisgünstige Hilfsmittel zur Bestimmung von Gebäudehöhen und können bei der Verbesserung von OpenStreetMap helfen. Als Messgerät wird hierbei entweder ein Laser oder ein Smartphone verwendet. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf einer Methode, die die Gebäudehöhe in einem errechneten 3D-Modell misst. Dieses Modell wird aus mehreren Bildern einer Smartphone-Kamera rekonstruiert.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Tomas Sauer
  • "Merging Elevation Raster Data and OpenStreetMap Vectors for 3D Rendering" - Tobias Knerr - 2013,
    The free OpenStreetMap database contains valuable data for 3D rendering, but elevation needs to be extracted from an external source such as NASA's SRTM raster data. Among several possible algorithms for approximating a terrain surface, natural neighbor interpolation and especially piecewise approximation using least squares yield good experimental results. A proposed framework of connectors and constraints may serve to further refine the terrain surface by inserting information from OpenStreetMap's vector data. Linear programming can be applied to the problem of performing this refinement. A prototype implementation based on the open-source 3D renderer OSM2World produces examples for advantages and disadvantages of that approach.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Franz J. Brandenburg
  • "Automatisierung der Kartographierung von Straßenschildern" - Philipp Unger - 2013,
    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit mit der automatischen Erkennung von Objekten im Straßenverkehr. Die Aufzeichnung mithilfe einer speziell entwickelten Android Applikation wird später am PC automatisch ausgewertet. Exemplarisch wurde eine Straßenschilderkennung und -verfolgung evaluiert. Zur Weiterverarbeitung der gefundenen Informationen, werden die extrahierten Informationen als Waypoints in der aufgezeichneten GPX-Datei abgespeichert (, ).
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Tomas Sauer
  • "Graphdarstellung von OpenStreetMap-Wegedaten" - Tobias Knerr - 2009,
    Die Arbeit präsentiert einen Ansatz für die Qualitätssicherung im OpenStreetMap-Projekt: Visualisierung eines aus Wegedaten des Projekts erzeugten Routinggraphen. Die zentralen Aspekte der Datenstruktur des OpenStreetMap-Datensatzes für Zwecke des Routings werden beschrieben und mögliche Löungsalgorithmen für verschiedene Herausforderungen bei der Verarbeitung der Daten vorgestellt. Eine Umsetzung des Konzepts erfolgt in Form des Plugins GraphView für den OpenStreetMap-Dateneditor JOSM.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Franz J. Brandenburg


Universität Potsdam:

  • "Eine fußgängerbezogene Datenaufbereitung" "(Pedestrian related data preparation)" - 2010, PedestrianProject
  • "Adaption mobiler Kartendienste auf Basis von OpenStreetMap Daten" "(Adaption of map-based mobile services with OpenStreetMap)" - user:robson06 - 01/2013, MyMobileMap
    Master thesis about an adaptable System using a Webservice, Mapsforge and OSM

Hasso Plattner Institut:

  • "eWorld - a traffic simulator" "(eWorld - a traffic simulator)" - 2010,


Universität Rostock:

  • "Verteilte Berechnung von Kartenkacheln in Desktop-Grids, am Beispiel von OpenStreetMap" "(Distributed tiles-rendering in a desktop-grid using the example of OpenStreetMap)" - M.Meisser - start: 01/2013, User:!i!/Boinc
    Master thesis about evaluating if the OSM rendering stack could be efficient distributed on a grid platform maintained by volunteers. Will try to start a prototype for presenting a proof of concept.
    Tutor: Prof. Cap, Dipl. Inf. Martin Garbe
  • "Videomapping im OpenStreetMap Umfeld" - M.Meisser - 06/2011, JOSM/Plugins/VideoMapping
    Bachelor thesis about extending the JOSM editor to link videos against GPS Tracks and optimize Video mapping
    Tutor: Dr. Korduan

Frauenhofer IGD:

  • "IMOTRIS – Nutzung des Open Street Map-Ansatzes im Rahmen eines Intermodalen Transport Routing Informationssystems" - Herr Ruth - 2009,


Saarland University / DFKI

  • "Offene Geodaten durch OpenStreetMap" - Roland Ramthun - 05/2012,
    Kapitel aus "Open Initiatives: Offenheit in der digitalen Welt und Wissenschaft"
  • "Master's thesis: Extending OpenStreetMap with indoor maps." - Frederic Kerber - 2011/2012,
  • "Internet technologies for future geo-related web apps" Rainer Jochem - 2012 -
  • "XML3D – Interactive 3D Graphics for the Web" - Kristian Sons, Felix Klein, Dmitri Rubinstein, Sergiy Byelozyorov, Philipp Slusallek - 2010,
    Web technologies provide the basis to distribute digital information worldwide and in realtime but they have also established the Web as a ubiquitous application platform. The Web evolved from simple text data to include advanced layout, images, audio, and recently streaming video. Today, as our digital environment becomes increasingly three-dimensional (e.g. 3D cinema, 3D video, consumer 3D displays, and high-performance 3D processing even in mobile devices) it becomes obvious that we must extend the core Web technologies to support interactive 3D content. Instead of adapting existing graphics technologies to the Web, XML3D uses a more radical approach: We take today’s Web technology and try to find the minimum set of additions that fully support interactive 3D content as an integral part of mixed 2D/3DWeb documents. XML3D enables portable cross-platform authoring, distribution, and rendering of and interaction with 3D data. As a declarative approach XML3D fully leverages existing web technologies including HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), the Document Object Model (DOM), and AJAX for dynamic content. All 3D content is exposed in the DOM, fully supporting DOM scripting and events, thus allowing Web designers to easily apply their existing skills. The design of XML3D is based on modern programmable graphics hardware, e.g. supports efficient mapping to GPUs without maintaining copies. It also leverages a new approach to specify shaders independently of specific rendering techniques or graphics APIs. We demonstrated the feasibility of our approach by integrating XML3D support into two major open browser frameworks from Mozilla and WebKit as well as providing a portable implementation based on JavaScript and WebGL.
  • "XML3D Physics: Declarative Physics Simulation for the Web" - Kristian Sons and Philipp Slusallek - 2011,
    As interactive 3D graphics has become an integral part of modern Web browsers via the low-level WebGL API, it now becomes apparent that higher-level declarative approaches integrated with HTML5 are needed in order to make 3D graphics broadly and easily accessible to Web developers. A key component of interactive 3D scenes are physics simulations. However, specifying the physics properties required major changes to the scene graph in the past. In this paper, we present a declarative and orthogonal physics annotation framework that nicely separates the generic 3D scene description from its physics properties. The approach is based on the declarative XML3D format as an extension to HTML5, has been implemented as a plug-in that runs in three browsers that support XML3D and is demonstrated with a number of examples and performance evaluations.


Fachhochschule Münster:


HFT Stuttgart:

  • "Bachelorthesis: Entwicklung eines deutschen Kartenstils" - Beate Braun - 2010/2011
    Rendern von OpenStreetMap-Daten zu einer deutschlandkonformen Darstellung mit Hilfe von Mapnik. Der Kartenstil steht seit Februar 2011 auf zur Verfügung.
    Tutor: Dr. Franz-Josef Behr, Frederik Ramm
  • "OpenDTM",
    Höhenlinien basierend auf SRTM DEM Datensatz
  • "Visualization of OpenStreetMap data using SUAS MapServer based on WMS" - Qian Min - 2008, GSoC_Applications_2008#Support_for_OSM_data_in_SUAS_MapServer_Qian_Min
    The objective of our project is to provide OpenStreetMap (OSM) data using SUAS MapServer. ut the level of feature classes is not sufficient enough for us because we expect of deriving more feature classes in detail. In order to solve the problem, we found a way to separate the feature classes into more detailed feature classes firstly, and then import new shape format files into SUAS MapServer for visualization of OSM data.
    Tutor: Dr. Franz-Josef Behr
  • "Replizierung der Geonames-Datenbank"
  • "Simulation von Fahrzeugbewegungen"
  • "Simulation von Fahrzeugbewegungen II"
    The aim is to create a simulation of car movements on the Open Street Map.
    In order to achieve a realistic simulation (as possible) all cars possess individual properties influencing the behaviour of accelerating, braking and the detection of other moving actors. Using a modified version of Osmosis, the application is able to read Open Street Map XML files, writing them into a MySQL database and finally optimizing the data structure of this database for improved and faster calculating of road junctions and parsing of the map. Actually all moving vehicles are driving, Open Street Map is being read, parsed and used as the fundament of the simulation. The detection of road junction and collision is still in development, but in a quite advanced state.
    All actors already do have certain properties for braking, accelerating and their final speed. The final goal of the project is to link other Systems with this simulation of abstract moving vehicles. Adding the ability of influence to each linked system, a complex system is created out of various abstract systems making empirical research and applications with today's computers possible.
  • "OSM-Routenextrahierer"
  • "OSM: MySQL- und PostGreSQL-Datenbank im Vergleich"
  • "Imageslicer I+II",
  • "Datenbank für Health Care Facilities" "(Health Care Facility Database)" - Holger Schlepple, Daniel Loch, Filipe Maia, Michael Paulmann - 2012
    Erstellung einer Datenbank die die Kontaktinformationen sowie die Koordinaten von Health Care Facilities umfasst.
    Tutor: Dr. Franz-Josef Behr
  • "Fußgängerrouting mit OSM" "(Pedestrian Routing with OSM)" - Nathanael Lang - 2016,
    Berechnung eines Routing-Graphen mit synthetischen Bürgersteigen und Straßenübergängen, ohne daß diese als eigene Fußwege in OSM erfasst sind.
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Volker Coors

Universität Stuttgart:

  • "Quality Inspection and Quality Improvement of Large Spatial Datasets" Hainan Chen, Volker Walter - 2008 -
    In this paper we present an approach for quality inspection and quality improvement of spatial data that is based on map matching and map fusion. Two different datasets (GDF/TeleAtlas and OpenStreetMap) are used in this study.


Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen:

  • "Transit Database for OpenStreetMap Routing" - Stefan Pflumm - 2008,


FH Wedel:

  • "AntScout - Navigieren auf Open Street Map wie die Ameisen" - Alexander Bertram - 2012,
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Iwanowski
  • "OpenStreetMap im Vergleich zu anderen Geodatenanbietern" - Josias Polchau - 07/2009,
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Iwanowski
  • "Vespucci: Entwicklung eines Geodateneditors für das OpenStreetMap-Projekt auf der Android-Plattform" - Matthias Brandt - 2009,
    Development of Vespucci
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Häauslein
  • "Fußwegrouting - Aufbau und Integration eines Fußwegroutings in das Fahrgastinformationssystem GEOFOX" - Josias Polchau - 2010/2011
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Iwanowski



  • "Robotautó Világbajnokság" "(Robocar World Championship)" - Norbert Bátfai, PhD. - 12/2014,
    Robocar World Championship is intended to offer a common research platform for developing urban traffic control algorithms and for investigating the relationship between smart cities and robot cars with particular attention to spread of robot cars of the near future. Each competition is assigned to a city. Competitions are played on a rectangular area of the OSM (OpenStreetMap) map of the given city.



  • "Evaluation of OpenStreetMap Data in Indonesia" - Trias Aditya, PhD. - 03/2012,
    A joint report between Department of Geodetic & Geomatics Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team on the evaluation of OpenStreetMap Data in Indonesia with case study in Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Jakarta, Bandung, Padang, and Dompu).



National University of Ireland Maynooth:

  • "Characteristics of Heavily Edited Objects in OpenStreetMap" - Dr. Peter Mooney - 02/2012,
  • "Comparison of the accuracy of OpenStreetMap for Ireland with Google Maps and Bing Maps" - Ciepłuch , Błażej and Jacob, Ricky and Mooney, Peter and Winstanley, Adam - 03/2011,


  • "Automated highway tag assessment of OpenStreetMap road networks" - Musfira Jilani, Padraig Corcoran, Michela Bertolotto - 2014,
  • "Semantically Enriching VGI in Support of Implicit Feedback Analysis" - Andrea Ballatore, Michela Bertolotto - 2011, Springer
  • "Geographic Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Similarity in OpenStreetMap" - Andrea Ballatore, David C. Wilson, Michela Bertolotto - 2012,


  • "OpenStreetMap Contribution to Local Data Ecosystems in COVID-19 Times: Experiences and Reflections from the Italian Case" - Marco Minghini, Alessandro Sarretta, Maurizio Napolitano - 2022-03-31,


Politecnico di Bari:

  • "T².O.M.T.O.M. : Techniques and Technologies for an Ontology-based Mobility Tool with Open Maps" - Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia, Saverio Ieva, Eugenio Di Sciascio - 2010,
  • "Semantic Annotation of OpenStreetMap Points of Interest for Mobile Discovery and Navigation" - Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia, Saverio Ieva, Giuseppe Loseto, Eugenio Di Sciascio - 2012,
  • "A semantic-enhanced augmented reality tool for OpenStreetMap POI discovery" - Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia, Danilo De Filippis, Saverio Ieva, Mario Binetti, Eugenio Di Sciascio - 2014,
  • "Indoor/outdoor mobile navigation via knowledge-based POI discovery in augmented reality" - Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia, Saverio Ieva, Danilo De Filippis, Eugenio Di Sciascio - 2015,


Free University of Bozen-Bolzano:

  • "Adding Completeness Information to Query Answers over Spatial Data" Simon Razniewski, Werner Nutt - 11/2014 -
    This paper shows how completeness metadata from the OSM Wiki (as e.g. here) can be used to assess the completeness of query answers over the OSM data.


Università degli Studi di Genova, Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Architettura del Paesaggio

  • "Cartografia libera a supporto dell'escursionismo e per la conoscenza del paesaggio" "(Free cartography in support of hiking and landscape knowledge)" - Sebastiano Di Rosa - 2013,
    Tutor: Gerardo Brancucci, Valentina Marin, Paola Salmona


University of Siena:

  • "ENERGIC - European Network Exploring research into geospatial information crowdsourcing" - Maurizio Napolitano, Dr. Peter Mooney - 2015,
    OSM in the field of VGI
    Tutor: Muki Haklay


Fondazione Bruno Kessler:


University of Trieste:

  • "La rappresentazione delle città di confine nella cartografia libera: il caso di Gorizia-Nova Gorica" - Mauro Giovanni - 2011,
  • "Digital Divide e mappe partecipative: OpenStreetMap e la rappresentazione della viabilità. Un'analisi comparata tra le Province di Benevento e Trento" - Mauro Giovanni - 2013,
  • "Mapping land use impact of photovoltaic farms via crowdsourcing in the Province of Lecce (Southeastern Italy)" - Mauro Giovanni, Vanni Lughi - 2017,



Geodan and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have a VGI research program that focuses on quality and trust aspects of volunteered geospatial information.

  • "The impact of crowdsourcing on spatial data quality indicators" M. van Exel, E. Dias, S. Fruijtier - 2010 -
  • "Proposing a redefinition of the social geographic information domain -- Why perpetuating the use of “VGI” will lead to misconceptions and information clutter" M. van Exel, E. Dias, S. Fruijtier - 2011 -
  • "Towards A Methodology For Trust Stratification in VGI" M. van Exel, E. Dias - 2011 -


Section GIS Technology and the 3D Geoinformation Research Group at TU Delft have a couple of research projects involving OpenStreetMap and GPS tracks.

1) A research project on the automatic classification of GPS trajectories for transportation modes using data from OpenStreetMap, resulting in a MSc thesis and a journal paper in the International Journal of Geographical Information Science:

  • "Transportation mode-based segmentation and classification of movement trajectories" F. Biljecki, H. Ledoux, P. van Oosterom - 2013 -

2) Research on the automatic enrichment (update) of attributes of roads in OSM obtained by data mining GPS tracks. Published in the journal Transactions in GIS:

  • "Automatic Update of Road Attributes by Mining GPS Tracks" K. van Winden, F. Biljecki, S. van der Spek - 2016 - [10.1111/tgis.12186]


  • "Quality assessment of OpenStreetMap water mask using LANDSAT 8 imagery and Google Earth Engine" Gennadiy Donchyts; Jaap Schellekens; Jaap Schellekens; Hessel Winsemius; Hessel Winsemius; Nick van de Giesen; Nick van de Giesen - 2015 -


University of Twente:

  • "Neogeography Map Users and Uses" Mosa T. Moseme & Corné P.J.M. van Elzakker - 2012 -
  • "Conflicts in Neogeography maps" Tanmoy Das, Corné P.J.M. van Elzakker, Menno-Jan Kraak - 2012 -


  • "The discourse surrounding open-source mapping technologies in disaster relief: Negative implications of ideological projections in the discourse around OpenStreetMap in the aftermath of disasters" Caro Roeffen - 2015 - link
    keywords: New Media, Journalism, Critical Discourse Analysis, Disaster Response, Utopianism, Disaster relief, mapping technologies, Technology Imaginary, Wired Magazine, OpenStreetMap, Nepal earthquake, Haiti earthquake, aid agencies, discourse

New Zealand


Auckland University, University Without Conditions

  • "The Digital Commons: Escape from Capital?" (The Digital Commons: Escape from Capital?) Robin Paulson - February 2013 -


National University of Singapore

Urban Analytics Lab:

  • "Quality of crowdsourced geospatial building information: A global assessment of OpenStreetMap attributes" F. Biljecki, YS Chow, K. Lee - 2023 -
  • "Global Building Morphology Indicators" F. Biljecki, YS Chow - 2022 -
  • "Exploration of open data in Southeast Asia to generate 3D building models" F. Biljecki - 2020 -
  • "InstantCITY: Synthesising morphologically accurate geospatial data for urban form analysis, transfer, and quality control" AN Wu, F. Biljecki - 2023 -
  • "Assessing the quality of OpenStreetMap building data in Singapore" E.W.H. Chen - 2020 -
  • "Assessing global OpenStreetMap building completeness to generate large-scale 3D city models" F. Biljecki and L.M. Ang - 2020 -


  • "Low-Cost Mapping and Publishing Methods for Landscape Architectural Analysis and Design in Slum-Upgrading Projects" Philip Paar, Jörg Rekittke - 2011 -

South Africa

University of Cape Town

  • "Assessing the Accuracy of OpenStreetMap Data in South Africa for the Purpose of Integrating it with Authoritative Data" Lindy-Anne Siebritz - 2014 -


Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

  • "Comparativa entre OpenStreetMap y Cartociudad: caso de estudio de Valencia" Naiara Fernandez Terrones, Jesus de Diego Alarcón, Antoni Pérez-Navarro - 2012 -
  • "Calidad cartográfica de OpenStreetMap: Caso de estudio de Cerdanyola del Vallés" - Joana Agelet Fernández - 2012
    Tutor: Naiara Fernández Terrones
  • "Determinación de la calidad de OpenStreetMap frente a Cartociudad para la ciudad de Barcelona" - Samuel Blázquez Sánchez - 2012
    Tutor: Naiara Fernández Terrones
  • "Calidad cartográfica en OpenStreetMap en la Comunidad de Madrid. Estudio comparativo entre OpenStreetMap y CartoCiudad" - Belén Cobaleda Esteban - 2012
    Tutor: Naiara Fernández Terrones
  • "Calidad cartográfica en OpenStreetMap" - Jordi Juncosa Gallego - 2012
    Tutor: Naiara Fernández Terrones
  • "Comparativa entre OpenStreetMap y Cartociudad: caso de estudio de Valencia" - Naiara Fernández Terrones - 2011
    Tutor: Jesús de Diego Alarcón

DeustoTech (Universidad de Deusto)


  • "GIS and MAS tight coupling for Spatial Load Forecasting" A.Pijoan, O.Kamara, C.E.Borges and Y.Penya - 2014 -
  • "Multi-Agent GIS System for Improved Spatial Load Forecasting (Demonstration) (Best Demo Award)" C.E.Borges, O.Kamara, A.Pijoan and Y.Penya - 2014 -
  • "Uso de algoritmos de enrutamiento para el cálculo de indicadores de sostenibilidad" A.Pijoan, C.E.Borges, Y.Penya and A.Alonso-Vicario - 2014 -
  • "Uso de fuentes de información geográfica voluntarias en proyectos de ingeniería" C.E.Borges, A.Pijoan,G.Sorrosal, I.Oribe-Garcia, M.González and O.Kamara - 2013 -
  • "Agent Based Spatial Load Forecasting" (Agent Based Spatial Load Forecasting) C.E. Borges, Y.K. Penya and A.Pijoan - 2012 -

Research projects

  • "BizkaiSense" "(BizkaiSense)" - A. Pijoan, I. Oribe-Garcia, G. Sorrosal and C.E. Borges - 2013
    BizkaiSense is an intelligent sensory Infrastructure for Improvement of the Sustainability, financed by Diputación Foral de Bizkaia through Bizkailab program. Its goal is to collect environment variables data, through the deployment of sensors in order to enable to take strategical decision related to sustainability. It aims to integrate environmental indicators calculation, improve it and make all that information accessible for the citizens. Some of the main indicators are "Citizens with access by foot to green areas" (Indicator 2), "Local air quality" (Indicator 3), "Citizens exposed to high noise levels" (Indicator 6), "Sustainable land use" (Indicator 7), "Villages with accessibility plan" (Indicator 23)... The necessary data is taken from OpenStreetMap Overpass API and GeoEuskadi, the Harmonized Topographic Database of the Basque Government.
  • "SAILEA: Sistema Automático de Inspección de Líneas Eléctricas Aéreas" "(SAILEA: Overhead Power Line Automatic Inspection System)" - G. Sorrosal and M. González - 2013
    The inspection of overhead power lines plays an essential factor in maintaining an electricity transmission. Surveillance and maintenance of electrical infrastructures is the key to ensuring and improving the quality of service. An inspection system can prevent and predict future damages. Within this project, an automatic overhead power line inspection system by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) has been developed. The UAV flies along the power lines gathering images and data, which are processed by different computer vision algorithms to obtain the inspection reports. The inspection system must have outstanding information about the key elements for the inspection of the power lines defined in the legislation, such as electric pylons, buildings, roads, railroads, power line crossings or vegetation. The objective is to obtain the coordinates and characteristic distances of these elements to the power lines. The necessary cartographic data have been obtained from OpenStreetMap and GeoEuskadi, the Harmonized Topographic Database of the Basque Government.
  • "Long Term Load Forecasting" "(Long Term Load Forecasting)" - C.E. Borges, Y.K. Penya, I. Fernández, O. Kamara and A. Pijoan - 2013
    Long-term load forecasting aims at predicting the evolution of the energy consumption in a certain area. The study of load forecasting can be divided into two areas in relation to the type of demand growth: vertical growth (related to the increment in the electric consumption of already existing customers) or horizontal growth (related to the appearance of new customers on a certain location). Focusing on the horizontal growth, the objective of the system developed is to forecast the apparition of new electrical clients and estimate their future demand within a certain area in the next 5 to 10 years. The agent system needs information regarding the location, layout and type of infrastructures, which is obtained from OpenStreetMap and the public cadastre (Cat2Osm2). With these inputs, the system predicts and provides a geospatial view of the city growth in terms of both number of customers and energy needs. This approach would let the utility manager analyze whether the grid needs to be upgraded in order to give a reliable response to future energy needs.



  • "Resolving Spatial References using Crowdsourced Geographical Data" Jana Gotze and Johan Boye - 2015 - pdf

Research projects




  • "Bridges and Barriers: An Exploration of Engagements of the Research Community with the OpenStreetMap Community" A. Yair Grinberger, Marco Minghini, Godwin Yeboah, Levente Juhász, Peter Mooney - 2022-01-12 -


École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne:

  • "Campus Orientation tool",
    A highly detailed map of the university campus


Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz:

  • "Quality Assessment of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)" - Hans-Jörg Stark - 2010,
    Tutor: Prof. Hans-Jörg Stark
  • "Map your World - Schüler erfassen Geodaten" - Hans-Jörg Stark, Carmen Treuthard - 2010, , Map your world
    Tutor: Prof. Hans-Jörg Stark
  • "Phänomen der Beteiligung von Freiwilligen bei der Erhebung von Geodaten in den Projekten OpenAddresses und OpenStreetMap" - Hans-Jörg Stark, Judith Uhlmann, Fabio Tommasini - 2009,
    Tutor: Prof. Hans-Jörg Stark


University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (HSR):

  • "Accessible Map" - Schmucki/Rothauser - 12/2013, Accessible Map
    Mobiles Web App für Blinde (English: Mobile web app for the visually impaired).
    Tutor: Prof. Stefan Keller
  • "OpenPOIMap" "(TagFinder)" - Michel Ott - 03/2012,
    Finding tags of OpenStreetMap data using information retrieval techniques.
    Tutor: Prof. Stefan Keller
  • "OpenPOIMap" "(OpenPOIMap)" - Michel Ott - 03/2012,
    Web application for the presentation and exploitation of Points-of-Interests from OpenStreetMap.
    Tutor: Prof. Stefan Keller
  • "Openstreetmap in a box" - since 2009,
    A easy to deploy OSM WMS setup
    Tutor: Prof. Stefan Keller


ETH Zürich:

  • "Kartenkritik an OpenStreetMap - Eine systematische Beurteilung der durch Mapnik visualisierten freien Weltkarte mit Fokus auf die Schweiz" - Stefan Zollinger - 2008,
    Tutor: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hurni



Academia Sinica

  • "The One and Many Maps: Participatory and Temporal Diversities in OpenStreetMap" Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Dong-Po Deng, Chun–Chen Hsu, Rob Lemmens - 2013 -




The University of Warwick
Warwick Business School, Information Systems & Management Group
  • "On the Emergence of Generativity in OSM - A Computational Approach" - Philipp Hukal - 2015-(ongoing)
    research in progress; contact author for details or questions via Twitter(@Hukalski) or email (
    Tutor: Ola Henfridsson, Maha Shaikh
Institute for Global Sustainable Development (IGSD) at the University of Warwick, UK.


  • "Projected Hill Map" - Gregory Marler,
    Is geographic understanding of an area easier to gain and share through use of a system that combines a physical terrain model and a computer-controlled map display, in comparison to traditional flat maps.


University College London:

  • "The Life of the Party: Impact of Social Mapping in OpenStreetMap" Desislava Hristova, Giovanni Quattrone, Afra Mashhadi, Licia Capra - 2013 -
  • "OpenStreetMap: User-Generated Street Maps" Haklay - 2008 -
  • "Completeness in volunteered geographical information the evolution of OpenStreetMap coverage in England" Mordechai (Muki) Haklay1, Claire Ellul1 - 06/2010 -
  • "How good is volunteered geographical information? A comparative study of OpenStreetMap and Ordnance Survey datasets" Mordechai Haklay - 2010 -
  • "A Quality Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data" - A. Ather - 2009,
    Tutor: Muki Haklay
  • Interview with Dr. Haklay on OSM data quality

Royal Holloway

  • "Mapping a blankspot: Introducing OpenStreetMap to Ugunja, Western Kenya" - Ben Parfitt, Olly Parsons, Jamie Gregory - 2012,
    Evaluating how interactive and community mapping can be used to enhance rural development in and around Ugunja, western Kenya.


Loughborough University:

  • "An exploration of Volunteered Geographic Information stakeholders" Christopher J. Parker, Andrew May, Val Mitchell - 2010 -
  • "Characteristics of VGI Stakeholders" Christopher J. Parker, Andrew May, Val Mitchell -
  • "Information Value of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) Systems" - Christopher J. Parker, Department Profile Research Blog
    Is reading a PhD at Loughborough University, UK (2008 - Present). Put simply this is assessing how adding volunteer generated content to a map (either by a mashup or making a whole map from scratch) along with other professional information may produce applications of higher user value. Focusing on information value from a human factors perspective


Middlesex University:

  • "Crowdsourcing is radically changing the geodata landscape: case study of openstreetmap" Steve Chilton -


  • "Quantifying gendered participation in OpenStreetMap: responding to theories of female (under) representation in crowdsourced mapping" Z. Gardner et. al. - 2019-06-29 -


  • "How does OSM inflect cartographic theory and practice..." - Joe Gerlach, Departmental Profile, Research Blog
    Is a doctoral student at the School of Geography, University of Oxford, researching the politics, cultures and technologies of virtual and open-source mapping groups such as OpenStreetMap. Drawing on traditions in cultural geography, I'm interested in exploring what politics and spaces are generated by the OpenStreetMap community. Key questions include; how does OSM inflect cartographic theory and practice - moreover, how do the likes of OSM impact upon the way we produce and navigate through space?
  • "Vernacular mappings and the ethics of what comes next" J. Gerlach - 2010 -


US Geological Survey

Center for Excellence in GIScience/National Geospatial Technical Operations Center


University of Delaware

  • "OpenStreetMap Capability prototype" "(Campus map of the university with OSM)" - 2011,
    Multilayer Map of the campus


University of South Florida

  • "Enabling Cost-Effective Multimodal Trip Planners through Open Transit Data" - Edward L. Hillsman, Sean J. Barbeau - May, 2011,
    Assessment of the feasibility of developing a multimodal trip planner using open-source software and open sources of data, including OpenStreetMap and transit GTFS data.
  • "Comparative Study of Pedestrian Accessibility to Transit Stations Using Free and Proprietary Network Data" - Dennis Zielstra, Hartwig H. Hochmair - Dec, 2011,
  • "Comparison of Shortest Path Lengths for Pedestrian Routing in Street Networks Using Free and Proprietary Data" - Dennis Zielstra, Hartwig H. Hochmair - March, 2012,
    Assessment of the feasibility of developing a multimodal trip planner using open-source software and open sources of data, including OpenStreetMap and transit GTFS data.
  • "Areal Delineation of Home Regions from Contribution and Editing Patterns in OpenStreetMap" - Dennis Zielstra, Hartwig H. Hochmair, Pascal Neis, Francesco Tonini - November, 2014,
    This research explores the editing history of nodes and ways for 13 highly active OSM members within a two-tiered clustering process to delineate an individual mapper’s home region from remotely mapped areas.


  • "OpenStreetMap–Overview and Motivational Factors" Nama Budhathoki, Dr. Muki Haklay - 2010 -
  • "Participant's motivations to contribute geographic information in an online community" - Budhathoki, Nama R. - 2010,
    Tutor: Bruce, Bertram C.; Hopkins, Lewis D.; Haythornthwaite, Caroline A.; Haklay, Mordechai


Santa Barbara
  • "Citizen as Sensors: The World of Volunteered Geography" Goodchild, M.F. -
  • "Citizens as voluntary sensors: spatial data infrastructure in the world of Web 2.0." Goodchild, M.F. -
  • "NeoGeography and the nature of geographic expertise" Goodchild, Michael -
San Diego
  • "Ongoing training of homeland security personnel through the use of open-source, geospatial tools such as OpenStreetMap and walking papers" - Barbara W. Batterson-Rossi - 2011
    SDSU Digital Research Collection listing has link to the full PDF.

Thesis for Master of Science in Homeland Security. "Through the collaborative efforts of crowd-sourced, publically available data to OpenStreetMap and Walking Papers, first responders in both governmental and community- based agencies are able to obtain real or near-real time data specific to their needs"


  • "Using small cities to understand the crowd behind OpenStreetMap" - Sterling Quinn - 2015,
    As businesses and governments integrate OpenStreetMap (OSM) into their services in ways that require comprehensive coverage, there is a need to expand research outside of major urban areas and consider the strength of the map in smaller cities. A place-specific inquiry into the OSM contributor sets in small cities allows an intimate look at user motives, locations, and editing habits that are readily described in the OSM metadata and user profile pages. Full PDF of author's accepted version
  • "A geolinguistic approach for comprehending local influence in OpenStreetMap" - Sterling Quinn - 2016,
    Using South America as a test area, explores the geography of OSM contributors by applying automated language identification to the free-form comments that contributors make when saving their work. By cross-referencing these languages with users' self-reported hometowns from their profiles, the author evaluates the effectiveness of language detection as a method for inferring the percentage of local contributors versus the percentage of armchair mappers from elsewhere. Full PDF of author's accepted version
  • "What motivates OpenStreetMap users?" "(Small-scale crisis response mapping: comparing user contributions to events in OpenStreetMap)" - Erika Kamptner, Fritz C. Kessler - 2018,
    Analysis determined whether there was an increase in OSM contributions in the immediate aftermath of an incident and characterized these contributors as serious or casual mappers, local to or remote from the incident, and what kinds of features or attributes are being updated. Results from this research showed an increase in user contributions for most incidents in the 30 days after the incident, with 41–98% of contributions occurring in the first 10 days after an event for some study areas. Based on each contributor editing history, most contributors were classified as being serious, remote mappers. This research contributes to a growing body of evidence that investigates potential motivation factors for contributions to OSM.


University of Maryland:

  • "TerpNav" - Faster Team
    A OSM based highly detailed OSM map
    TerpNav is a pedestrian map of the University of Maryland at College Park (Go Terps) and is built on the OSM base. A successful student project, it was adopted as the official campus pedestrian map several years ago, and today sees heavy use by campus residents and visitors alike. Heaviest use is in the first days of class each semester as students hunt for the best paths to find their classes! One of the important and driving features of TerpNav is its support for handicap accessibility, and an option is to present best paths based on absence of stairs and availability of curb cuts.
    The latest version of TerpNav is TN3 which evidences our experiences with usage patterns and provides better searching capabilities. The work continues in support of social networking capabilities that naturally hang on a geo-aware tool like TerpNav.


  • "Tropes 2.0: Mobilization in OpenStreetMap" - Josef Eckert
    You can now access the completed thesis here: "Tropes 2.0: Strategic Mobilizations of the Geoweb"
    Completed a 2 years master's thesis at the University of Washington, Seattle. Explores how social movement theory may offer a component of the answer to why people choose to contribute data to the OpenStreetMap project. Blending ethnographic tools of participant observation and semi-structured interviews, Joe seeks a more nuanced explanation of participant motivation. He identifies 3 tropes: "you", "the community", and "the map" that are unpacked as mobilizing frameworks and situated understandings on the part of user-participants. Josef's influences include his own past work in public participatory GIS for underrepresented demographics, as well as feminist critiques of science and technology studies, critical GIS, socio-legal studies, and geopolitics. He continues working with OpenStreetMap data in his Ph. D. work that hopes to examine the means by which some data are privileged for collection over others, and how this might be leveraged to correct data with poor accuracy.
  • "Design of a new GIS for ADAS oriented applications" Samer Ammoun, Fawzi Nashashibi, Alexandre Brageton - 2010 -
    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, San Diego, CA, USA

See also

    This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.