
Describes the capacity a facility is suitable for 
Group: Properties
Used on these elements
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

The tag describes the capacity a facility is suitable for.

Common use cases

This key is also used in conjunction with man_made=storage_tank to indicate the (non-discrete) volume or mass held by the tank.

To further define the capacity for special interest groups, additional tags can be used to describe them in addition to the tag capacity=*:

capacity number The amount of lots, rooms, seats (or the like) available. (Including all special lots, e.g. parking spaces for disabled drivers)
capacity:disabled=* yes/no/number Defines whether or not dedicated lots, rooms, seats or other spaces for the disabled are available. If known, the number of spaces can be specified. See more...
capacity:women=* yes/no/number Defines the amount of dedicated women's spaces available. See the wiki page for Key:capacity:women.
capacity:parent=* yes/no/number Mostly parking areas: Defines whether or not dedicated parent and child parking spaces are available. If known, the number of spaces can be specified.
capacity:charging=* yes/no/number Defines whether or not dedicated charging spaces are available when used with amenity=parking. If known, the number of spaces can be specified. capacity=* should be used in conjunction with amenity=charging_station.
yes/no/number A transportation mode (a.k.a vehicle category) can be added as subkey to mark the number of trucks or buses a parking lot can accommodate.

Or, e.g. in bicycle parking, number of spots, designed explicitly for cargo bikes.

capacity:persons=* number Defines how many persons can be carried, used for example together with highway=elevator. If it's obvious that the maximum number of persons of a feature is meant, just use capacity=* for it.
number On campsites capacity=* is ambiguous thus use the suitable subkeys to distinguish between number of persons and number of pitches. For a tourism=guest_house you may use Simple_Indoor_Tagging.
number Undocumented keys - Number of pupils/students and teachers a school is built for. Almost all occurrences are from few imports of data.

See also

  • seats=* - the number of seats on a bench
  • aerialway:capacity=*: different definition, about the number of passengers that can be transported by the whole aerialway=* system.

Possible tagging mistakes

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!
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