
Used to mark streets (or parking areas) which are part of a zone  
Group: Restrictions
Used on these elements
Status: in use

Traffic related zone concepts bound a specific traffic restriction to an area and not just to a road (segment). Therefore, the restrictions are often not signed on every single street within that area, but only at the streets that lead into the zone. However, in OSM we add zone tags to all highway=* lines or features that are part of a zone or influenced by the zone restriction.

A common restriction that is signed as a zone are maxspeed=* restrictions. Zones can also apply to e.g. Street parking limitations or maxweight=* and no overtaking=* restrictions:

Using zone=* for residential parking zones

Residential zoned parking is a common phenomenon in some cities. Typically, residents in the zone pay a small fee to the government in exchange for a placard or sticker placed on their automobile(s) that indicates the zone designation (signified by a number or letter). In residential parking zones you need this parking permit for residents or, possibly, need to pay otherwise. This can be recorded according to the street parking scheme by recording the parking zone code on parking lanes:

  • parking:side:zone=* (e.g. A, 20 or blue, depending on the local zone code concept. side means left, right or both and refers to the side of the street where parking is possible – e.g. parking:right:zone=C1).
  • If street parking is mapped separately with amenity=parking + parking=*, just add zone=* to the area without any prefixes (e.g. amenity=parking + parking=street_side + zone=C1).
  • If multiple zones overlap, they can be recorded separated by semicolons (e.g. parking:side:zone=21;31).

Depending on whether parking in the parking zone is for residents only or also for non-residents if they pay, also add:

  • parking:side:access=private, if residents' parking is exclusive, i.e. truly only for residents with the corresponding permission. (don't use permit, since this does not match our OSM definition: A resident parking permit is not "routinely granted to everyone requesting it". parking:side:private=residents can be added to specify the e.g. residential use.)
  • parking:side:fee=yes, if parking requires either a residential permit or a ticket and is therefore possible for all who pay a fee.

See also

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