
Informações adicionais sobre um serviço rodoviário/ferroviário/hidroviário ou sobre serviços oferecidos em uma empresa 
Grupo: Properties
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Valores documentados: 20
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To map service road types add the highway=service tag.
Add additional tags:

Add a oneway=yes/no tag if appropriate.



To detail railway tracks on stations, marshalling yard, industry sites, usually dead ends or minor tracks. Would probably not be rendered at lower levels of detail.

Eventual name of the tag is open for discussion.


railway=rail is not really suitable as there will be large numbers of these in marshalling yards and industrial areas, and renderers probably want a distinction so they can ignore them at all but the closest zoom levels

landuse=railway - this proposal is for marking the areas around railway tracks, that are generally no-go areas for the public, such as the rail corridor, marshalling yards, rail vehicle maintenance yards, etc.


All railway service tags should be applied in addition to the relevant railway=* value.


for tracks within railway company operated (as opposed to separate companies, see 'spur' for this) marshalling yards

ref=<index number of the track>

Some yards have visible index numbers/letters to allow workers to easily identify lines (some yards have dozens of parallel lines, very close together. making this indexing important)

A line within the yard should selected as the "main route", and the service tag should not be applied to it. This is to allow renderers to show the track at a higher zoom, and so that yards which are connected to a main line at both ends may be rendered unbroken.


for short lengths of track, running parallel to (and connected to) a through-route. Generally used as a "passing zone" for trains, or as a storage area for rail cars (short or long term). In some cases, may be difficult to distinguish from two parallel main tracks.



for short lengths of track, generally built to give one company or entity, access to the main lines. for example a coal-fired power station, a coal mine, a timber-mill, a cement works, etc.
operator=<name of the operator that the spur serves> (e.g. Portland Cement, BHP Mining, etc.)

tagging examples

the tag will be added to any existing railway, so it can apply to railway=rail, or narrow_gauge, etc

for example:

for a standard gauge track in a marshalling yard, reference 14

operator=Southern Timber

for a narrow gauge track that branches off the mainline in to the yard of Southern Timber


dark grey solid line, not shown unless user is zoomed in closely


See shop=car

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