< Public Transport Network Analysis

Public Transport Network Analysis/Analysis

PTNA offers two different analysis' of public transportation relations.

Daily network analysis (results)

The daily network analysis, also named results, gathers all public transport type=route_master and type=route of one or some specific network=* values.

There are three levels. While the highest level is just a link-list to the summary per country, these summaries already include valuable information and links to the real analysis per network on the lowest level.

Country summary

The table has the following columns:

  • Name - internal name of the network and its page plus corresponding link to the analysis
  • City / Region - names of the covered area and a link to Overpass turbo with an overpass-query visualising the area
  • Network - name of the network and link to its website
  • Date of Analysis - date of the analysis
  • Latest Changes - date of the latest changes including a link to the diff version of the analysis with orange background for new changes, otherwise white
    • This link is included in the header of each network analysis page, too.
  • Configuration - link to the current settings of the analysis
  • Lines - link to the OSM-wiki-CSV-list-page, the configuration page for the analysis

Network analysis

The network analysis is usually run once at night of the network's time zone, see statistics. For the analysis the network's OSM-wiki-CSV-list-page is parsed and its configuration is used.

The network analysis page mainly consists of tables with some text on top of the page and, optionally, text in between the tables. As the content of the CSV list influences the structure, the layout is similar but not always identical. The first paragraph Date of Data and several parts at the bottom are automatically created, outside of the scope of the CSV list, see below.

CSV list

At the top of each table all included lines are listed with a link to the line and of its colour=* value as background. Each line with all variants forms a block within the table with an own header. This header includes an link to a Overpass Api Sketchline hidden under the ref=*, again, with background colour, and the content of the CSV list (comment; from; to; operator; GTFS as link).

Each line of the table represents one relation and has the following fields:

  • Name - the name=*
  • Type - the type=*
  • Relation - the OSM object id as link to the relation's webpage and links to edit it in iD or JOSM with Remote control. For type=route relation a link to the On demand relation analysis (see below) is added and in general links to all GTFS trips if appropriate tags are present.
  • PTv - the public_transport:version=*, empty if not set.
  • Errors - errors found by the analysis which should to be fixed, plus fixme=* and note=*.
  • Notes - operator, network and GTFS tags plus warnings and notes from the analysis.

Some options to directly link to a specified part exists.

Automatically created sections

These sections can be referenced by their id. Some are only present if needed.

As addition to the fields above, tables might have the following fields:

Table of automatically created paragraphs and tables
Name Id Type Optional Description
Date of Data #dates paragraph no First paragraph of the page with dates of the data.
Not clearly assigned routes #unassigned table yes Route relations which cannot be assigned to one line of the CSV list.
Other Public Transport Lines #otherlines table yes
Public Transport Lines without 'ref' #withoutref table yes Public transport relations without ref=*
More Relations #morerelations table yes Further relations of the environment of the routes:
Details for 'network'-Values #networkdetails paragraph no All network=* values searched for.
Considered 'network'-Values #considerednetworks table no Network values which have been considered; i.e. matching one of the values above.
Additionally considered `network`-Values #addednetworks table yes Network values which have been additionally considered; i.e. route with multiple network values
Not considered `network`-Values #notconsiderednetworks table yes Network values which have not been considered. They might include typos in values which otherwise should have been considered.
References to GTFS feeds and releases #gtfsreferences paragraph yes
(config option)
This paragraph lists references to GTFS feed information (gtfs:feed=*, or if missing alternatively network:guid=* or operator:guid=*, plus gtfs:release_date=*) found in the CSV list and in Route-Master and Route relations.
References to GTFS from CSV list #gtfsreferences_csv table yes The name of the GTFS feed and the related release date information as found in the CSV list. An empty release date means: reference to the latest GTFS information available at PTNA.
References to GTFS from relations #gtfsreferences_relations table yes The name of the GTFS feed and the related release date information as found in the Route-Master and Route relations. An empty release date means: reference to the latest GTFS information available at PTNA. It is differed by present keys and the table has an own line for each combination of keys from which the values were taken from.

On demand relation analysis

This analysis focuses mainly on (PTv2) type=route relations for public transport. Nevertheless every type=* relation is analysed and useful details may also be shown, but there is no guarantee.

The url for the analysis is https://ptna.openstreetmap.de/relation.php?id= with the OSM object id at the end, e.g. https://ptna.openstreetmap.de/relation.php?id=4246469 for  4246469.
Once the relation is completely downloaded a page similar to this screenshot will be displayed:

Tags and Members

On the right half all kind of information is displayed.

  • On top the id of the relation with a link to the relation's webpage on the OSM server and links to open the relation in iD or remotely in JOSM are present.
  • Just below, little user info about the download time and the analysis progress is displayed.
  • Last comes the table with five tabs. While the first one, "Details", shows all tags of the relation, all other list relations members.
    • Details - List of all keys and their value of the relation
    • Platforms - All Members with the role platform*
    • Stops - All Members with the role stop*
    • Ways - Way members with empty role or forward/backward
    • Others - Other members not fitting in one of the three categories above
The different member lists all have the same columns namely:
  • # - the internal number in the list
  • Member # - the position number of the member in the relation's memberlist
  • Role - the role of the member
  • Name / Ref / Description - one of the values of name=*, ref=* or description=*, in this order, and which is not empty
  • ID - an icon for the member's type of object, the OSM object id as link to its OSM webpage and additional links to open the object with iD or remotely in JOSM


On the left half, a map is displayed with up to six individual overlays.
Between different maps and overlays to be displayed can be chosen in the top right corner at the layer icon. The overlays are:

  • Route (red) - corresponding to Ways tab
  • Platform (blue) - corresponding to Platforms tab, with internal list number, #
    • Member #, Role and Name / Ref / Description as left click pop up
  • Platform route (blue) - direct lines between the platforms according to their position in the Platforms tab
  • Stop position (green) - corresponding to Stops tab with internal list number, #
    • Member #, Role and Name / Ref / Description as left click pop up
  • Stop position route (green) - direct lines between the stop positions according to their position in the Stops tab
  • Other (black) - corresponding to Other tab
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.