
An active monastery or convent, occupied by a community of monks or nuns living under religious vows 
Group: Religion
Used on these elements
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

The tag amenity=monastery denotes the site of an active monastery (or canonry, convent, comandry or hermitage), sometimes just a building, or a complex of buildings, that houses a room reserved for prayer (e.g. an oratory) as well as the domestic quarters and workplaces of monastics, whether monks or nuns, and whether living in community or alone (hermits).

How to map

Use the tag amenity=monastery on a closed way (area) drawn around the perimeter of a site (preferred), or on a node placed at the centrepoint of a site.

Tags to use in combination

Any tag you like, in particular consider to add these:

Monastics, mendicants or canons regular

  • monastery:type=monastery to tag a place operated by a community of monastics.
  • monastery:type=convent to tag a place operated by a community of mendicants.
  • monastery:type=canonry a place operated by canons regular. not sure if this should be a subtype of monastery, maybe an attribute which can be combined with churches would be better.
  • monastery:type=commandry to tag a place operated by Military order.
  • monastery:type=hermitage to tag a hermitage.
  • monastery:type=clerks_regular to tag a place operated by clerics regular.

Monks or nuns

If you want to be explicit about the gender of the community you can use these subtags:

See also

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