
A facility where a trained health professional (nurse) provides healthcare, who is not a physician  
Group: Health
Used on these elements
Useful combination
See also
Status: in use

This tag is used to map a facility where one nurse or several nurses provided healthcare services for patients, but where a physician is not regularly available.

  • See amenity=doctors or amenity=clinic for outpatient medical facilities where a physician (medical doctor) is available.
  • See amenity=health_post for a healthcare facility where there is no nurse or doctor available.
  • See healthcare=midwife for a health professional who provides prenatal care and delivers babies.

A nurse is a trained health professional who cares for people who are ill, injured or infirm, but who is not a physician.

How to map

Set a node placed at the centrepoint of the building, or draw as an area drawn around the perimeter of the building.

Add healthcare=nurse and name=*.

Tags to use in combination

Rendering and editors

See also

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