
A medical person, facility, service or amenity  
Group: Health
Used on these elements
Useful combination
See also
Status: proposed

Usage of the type=health-relation

To represent complex medical object relationships type=health-relations are used. This is useful to represent e.g. complex hospitals such as the university hospital "Charité" in Berlin/Germany, which consists several, former independent, hospitals spread over whole Berlin. An other example is e.g the university hospital in Greifswald/Germany, where the hospital buildings also spread over the whole city and are not in an single area.

There is no change of the tag meaning if they are used inside a type=health-relation. Health relations should only be used if they are needed, if possible, the node/area should be tagged.

You can use any valid subset of tags from Healthcare 2.0 in a health-relation, but it should always be non-ambiguous clear, to which type of health object the tags in the relation apply and in what medical system the object is located.

Tags in sub relations always apply to their parent object, also for health_person:type=*, so that you can get relation chains which are hard to handle. For example of physicians which are also therapists and maybe something other, but I don't want rely on things as a they have e.g the same name.

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