< WikiProject Haiti

WikiProject Haiti/Earthquake map resources

WikiProject Haiti Mapping coordination · New mapper · Status · Earthquake maps data · Imagery · Data sources · Tasks and ideas · Street names · Public transport · Weekly meetings · News · Press mentions · Press info
  • WikiProject revisions: Revisions to front page of WikiProject completed = everything consolidated into a single table or moved to different pages. --Ceyockey 16:34, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  • WikiProject revisions: Revisions are underway (slowly) to revise the WikiProject from crisis-response to mapping-as-usual mode. --Ceyockey 16:34, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  • On-the-ground: Fourth deploy write-up - 2010-09-08
  • On-the-ground: HOT Mission 3 complete - 2010-06-28
  • Hot website launched with blog category 'Haiti' - 2010-05-??
See also blog, twitter

OpenStreetMap has fantastic map coverage of the worst hit cities of Port-Au-Prince and Carrefour, and the neighbouring countryside thanks to the Haiti earthquake response mapping project. Using the free data, OpenStreetMap developers and others around the web have created a set of earthquake map resources in addition to our basic online map.

Uses of OpenStreetMap data by crisis responders

People on-the-ground in Haiti (and related organisations) are using (or used) our maps :

  • Thanks message from Colombian Mission in Haiti. (2010-02-10)
  • "This is where OpenStreetMap is a godsend" in How to Deploy Long-Distance WiFi in Haiti (2010-02-10) by Inveneo, an NGO whose mission is connecting those who need it most, on how they were able to bring high-speed Internet access - critical communication capacity - to eleven relief agency locations with minimal equipment and installation time.
  • Fairfax County Urban Search & Rescue Team Using Garmin downloads. Message of thanks.
  • Unitar / UNOSAT use OpenStreetMap street data in their damage report
  • "I'm told OSM is on the big monitors at SOUTHCOM." unofficial report can anyone confirm?
  • On 18/91/2010 ITHACA and WFP released maps for Gressier, Jacmel and Leogane using "roads, places, natural elements and assessments" from OpenStreetMap.
  • NOAA's Environmental Response Management Application ERMA
  • The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in the Haiti Earthquake 2010 page of its OneResponse web portal (http://oneresponse.info/Disasters/Haiti/Pages/default.aspx) lists the OSM Haiti Project WIki as a resource (Social Media Links category) for the responding community. "Basically it's the best source of transportation information that we have for Haiti" says Catherine from OCHA. video blog
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Remarks on Internet Freedom "The technology community has set up interactive maps to help us identify needs and target resources"
  • Kjeld Jensen, Red Cross (IFRC): "Hello guys, I just wanted to let you know that your work on improving the Haiti maps is really appreciated here. A few days ago I installed a version on my Garmin Oregon GPS and the result is impressive. It has already saved me and my driver from getting lost twice, and the alternative would have been long delays. In the coming days I will try to update our Red Cross relief GPS receivers with your map.

Again thanks a lot guys, we are really running fast here in Haiti trying to help the people here, and your work makes it easier. Keep up the good work!"

Other earthquake related websites using our maps :

There are many alternative renderings/map views too. (Often sites set up by OpenStreetMap people)

Mobile apps

There are plenty of mobile apps on various platforms which will display OpenStreetMap maps of Haiti. Notably useful for earthquake response:

  • OffMaps - The most widely used of the OSM iPhone apps. This allows you to download Haiti maps while you have a connection, for use later offline.
  • GaiaGPS (App store) - a free version of the GaiaGPS app for the iPhone which gives users access to the disaster-specific imagery and renderings of Haiti.
  • GPSMid - A J2ME app. Also listed below. Special customisations to help users work with the Haiti data.

But check out Software/Mobilephones to find an app for your platform. Think about how you will work with map data without a connection. "Stores map-data off-board" is probably a useful feature. Test out the app before you need it, and be aware of your battery limitations.


PlatformDescriptionUpdate FrequencyProviderLink(s)
multiple downloadsFrequently updated downloads of haiti extracts in multiple formats: .osm, Shapefile, Garmin imgfrequentlyGeofabrikhttp://labs.geofabrik.de/haiti/
NaviPOWMmaps for NaviPOWM 0.2.4Last Updated May 27thOSM User:StefanDausRhttp://dev.openstreetmap.de/navipowmmaps/navipowm/
GarminMaps and instructions for uploading to GPS devicesunspecifiedCrisisCommonshttp://haiti.crisiscommons.org/gps/
(for J2ME-enabled mobile devices)
display collapses/damages, camp_sites, hospitals
routing respects impassable=yes
send SMS with lat/lon/comment
N/AGpsMid SourceForge Projecthttp://gpsmid.sourceforge.net/prebuild/

Printable and Static Maps

DimensionsFormatDescriptionUpdate FrequencyProviderLink(s)
Large: ~15k x 10k pixelsPNGLast update 1/26Geofabrikhttp://labs.geofabrik.de/haiti/large-png-maps
Largish: 6k x 3k pixelsPNGLast update 1/18User:Harry Woodhttp://harrywood.co.uk/maps/haiti/hi-res/
unspecifiedPNG, SVGZ, PDFMaps with street indexes
Create map > Area selection mode : bounding box
or enter the name of the city needs a valid relation:administrative, level 8
unspecifiedPDFmap of Port-au-Prince. To get a more detailed print or of another area it's easy to pan around the map and make a new one.</ref>
useful for photocopying
latestWalking Papershttp://walking-papers.org

Alternate Haiti Renders and Views

DescriptionUpdate FrequencyProviderLink(s)
Mapnik tile mirror specifically for Haiti.
Custom rendering style showing damage + Imagery transparency.
Also roads superimposed over sat pics.
minutelyUser:Ldphaiti.openstreetmap.nl (down)
transparent (down)
ArcGIS Tile Service
only for ArcGIS 9.3
30 minutesOpen Solutions Group
link not active for browser access:
Google Earth OSM layer30 minutesGoogle
KML file download: http://geocache.opensgi.net/haiti/1.0.0/haiti/overlay.kml
WMS of OSM in WGS84 using Mapnik
Custom rendering style showing damage and camps (more soon)
30 MinutesUser:Springmeyerexample request (down)
Hillshading Map
Layers: Mapnik, OpenCycleMap, Osmarender, Hike&Bike style
Includes Ldp's Damage layer and lit=* overlay
Transparent Map
Google, Yahoo and OSM data with variable layer transparency
Select the points-of-interest to display
unspecifiedUser:Plenzlenz-online.de (does not show POIs)
Shows geotagged Flickr photos on OSM map
(more than 5000 photos as of 19 Jan 2010)
unspecifiedMapPIN'on OSMmappin.hp2.jp (down)

See https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2010-January/047410.html for advanced uses

Shows geotagged Flickr photos on OSM map
(no photos as of 17 Jan 2010)
unspecifiedunspecifiedhaiti.broadbox.de (down)
JRC Map Viewer
with Haiti overlays (e.g. Points of Interest Port-au-Prince)
unspecifiedEuropean Unionhttp://dma.jrc.it/map/
OpenStreetBrowserunspecifiedUser:Skunkhaiti.openstreetbrowser.org (down)
alternate (down)
Google Earth OSM overlayunspecifiedMGMaps.comOpenStreetMap - mapnik overlay: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zmyz20wzyat/maps_osm_m.kml... Simple instructions is just hide all other layers in google earth and just show this one.
GeoPDF of Haiti with OpenStreetMap + NASA ASTER + GeoEye imageryunknownunknownMississippi Delta State Maps (down)
Haiti Crisis MapTelascience Hypercube map (down) (please be aware of the personal and corporate contributors which can be viewed by the "contributors" tab)
http://haiticrisismap.org/ ... aggregates many OSM, pdfs, services and satellite renderings ( co-opted sometime between March 2010 and July 2011 for advertising; Internet Archive does not provide valid copy)
OpenOrienteeringMapunspecified (last update at time of writing, Jan 2010)User:OllieView encompassing most of Haiti: oobrien.com/oom/uk.php (old) oomap.co.uk/global.php (new); zoom to see details.
Waterways networkhourlyUser:Jocelyn / OSM France / CRANSTributaries relations (down) (based on this convention), with related map extract views (down)

Routing and Other Services

from GIScience @ Uni Heidelberg
now also supporting routing and geocoding in Dominican Republic
now also supporting the UNOSAT data -> Please turn on the layer in the layerswitcher. A legend is on the left side near the "Avoid Areas" feature ... Click on "UNOSAT Layer Legend"
now also supporting the http://haiti.openstreetmap.nl/ - Minutely updating mapnik tile mirror specifically for Haiti
now also supporting OSM Layers showing impassable and barriers on streets from http://zvenzzon.mine.nu:81/map.html
now also supporting GeoEye TileCache -> Please use the layerswitcher to change the map
updated hourly
api documentation as: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/nominatim (substitute https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/haiti for https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/
  • http://projekte.eiops.de/osm-matrix/ TraceMatrix. A Tool to coordinate the tracework of the aerial images from GeoEye or DigitalGlobe. Zoom in and select what is already mapped in Openstreetmap.
  • OSM-Emergencies (a web site available at ose.petschge.de) - Click on the map, and enter your message, for the World to see. (In this experimental phase, it can be used for any need that seems relevant. Test it with Haiti Symbolic Project: click on the purple line around the coast of Haiti.) (could automatically forward to Ushahidi in the near future.)


Created by Lübeck. Send him an email if you need more special purpose maps.

Note: you can choose the base layer in these maps. Click on the + symbol in the upper right corner. In particular, the base layer haiti-best-wms-image is interesting because for any area in Haiti it shows the best available aerial or satellite imagery.

I did not update this maps ! --Lübeck 19:59, 14 March 2011 (UTC)

Descriptionselection tagsPort-au-PrinceHaitiComment
Cemeteries landuse=cemetery
Map Map
Education amenity=school
Map Map
Health Facilities paho:id=* Map Map Special purpose map for the health facilities imported from the PAHO master list. Different icons visualize different types of health facilities, see the key on the map and WikiProject_Haiti/Status/Hospitals#Rendering the rendering rules
Media amenity=studio
Map Map Special purpose map for radio and tv studios imported from a master list maintained and provided by CartOMG.
Police amenity=police Map Map
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.