JA:Tag:highway=living street

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グループ: 道路

highway=living_street タグは歩車共存道路・コミュニティー道路をタグ付けするのに使います。これはふつう速度制限がとても低く、 residential を使ってタグ付けされた道路と比べて、特殊な交通や駐車のルールがある道路です。このような道路は世界中で様々な概念があり、 Home Zone (イギリス)、 Erf/Woonerf (オランダ/フランダース)、 Verkehrs­beruhigter Bereich (ドイツ)などがあります。


単純なウェイを作成し highway=living_street および name=* でタグ付けしてください。 maxspeed=* タグは国の法令によって暗黙に決まります。例えば、ドイツの生活道路で maxspeed=7 タグを追加する必要はありません





名称 maxspeed= 特別な交通規則 参照
オーストリアWohnstraßeSchrittgeschwindigkeit[1]Give way to pedestrians and bicyclists; no transit traffic except for bicycles; exceptions e.g. for fire brigade or waste disposal; parking only in marked spaces; if exiting the "Wohnstraße" you have to give way (yield sign not present); it is always legal to cycle against the oneway direction Wohnstraße
ベラルーシЖилая зона (Zhilaya zona)20[2]Give way to pedestrians and bicyclists. No transit traffic. No 'name' tag
Неименованный проезд к домам. Пешеходы имеют преимущество. Транзитный проезд запрещен. Жилая зона − территория, въезды на которую и выезды с которой обозначены дорожными знаками ”Жилая зона“ и ”Конец жилой зоны“, а также дворовая территория, прилегающая к жилой застройке.[3]
Правила дорожного движения Республики Беларусь
ベルギーWoonerf/Zone résidentielle20Drivers must give way to pedestrians; pedestrians can use the entire road; special rules for parking a car Woonerf
ブルガリア'Жилищна зона' (Zhilishtna zona)20Drivers must give way to pedestrians. Pedestrians can use the entire road. Pedestrians should not unreasonably hinder motor traffic. Parking allowed only on marked places. If exiting the "Zhilishtna zona" you have to give way.
クロアチアPodručje smirenog prometa10
チェコ共和国Obytná zóna20doesn't exist yet
デンマーク'Opholds- og legeområde' / Sivegade15Pedestrians may use the entire road; drivers must give way to pedestrians; parking only in marked spacesBekendtgørelse om Vejafmærkning
エストニアÕueala20 (or walking speed if pedestrians are nearby)Give way to pedestrians. The engine must be turned off after two minutes of parking. Pedestrians should not unreasonably hinder motor traffic. Pedestrians can use the entire road. No transit traffic.
フィンランドPihakatu20Favors pedestrians, cars must give way. Parking allowed only on marked places. Speed "adapted to pedestrians and not exceed 20". Pihakatu
フランス'Zone de rencontre'
'Cour urbaine'
20Drivers must give way to pedestrians; pedestrians can use the entire road. Introduced in 2008. Zone de rencontre
ドイツVerkehrsberuhigter Bereich (colloquial Spielstraße)SchrittgeschwindigkeitGive way to pedestrians. Parking only allowed in marked places. On exiting the road drivers have to give way (yield sign not present) Verkehrsberuhigter Bereich
ハンガリーLakó-pihenő övezet20Give way to pedestrians. Parking only allowed in marked places; no transit traffic.Hungarian highway code (KRESZ)
アイスランドVistgata15 (or walking speed if pedestrians are nearby)Give way to pedestrians. Parking only allowed in marked spaces, except for bicycles. Pedestrians should not unreasonably hinder motor traffic.
アイルランドN/AN/ANo special legal category corresponding to Living Streets exists in Ireland. Tag as residential with maxspeed of either 50 or 30 as indicated by signs
イタリアZona residenzialeNo defaultLiving streets are rarely found in Italy. Use the living_street tag only if this specific sign is present.Codice della strada art. 3 comma 58
日本なしなし日本では生活道路に関する特別な分類はありません。 residential としてタグ付けし、最高速度(maxspeed)は標識で示されている通りの値(ふつうは20~30)としてください。
ラトビアDzīvojamā zona20Give way to pedestrians and bicycles, who may move freely, but not unnecessarily hinder traffic. Parking only allowed in marked places, or, if none present, in places that don't hinder traffic. No trucks >5 t or buses >6 m. Upon exiting the zone, give way to everyone.Ceļu satiksmes noteikumi 13.
オランダErf15Pedestrians can use the entire road, parking only in designated spaces. Not necessarily a residential area. Woonerf
ノルウェーGatetun8Vehicles must give way to all pedestrians. Walking speed for all vehicles. No parking exept in designated places.
Trafikkreglene §9.2. Kjørende [...] har vikeplikt for gående [...] [i] gågate eller gatetun.
§13. 3. På gågate eller gatetun må det ikke kjøres fortere enn i gangfart.
§17. 2. Det er forbudt å parkere [...] d) på gatetun utenom særskilt anviste plasser.
メキシコCalle residencial10/15/20Doesn't exist on federal law, is used adapted Non Regulated by law
ポーランドStrefa zamieszkania20Pedestrians (including playing children, even without parental supervision) can use entire street and have absolute precedence over vehicles. Parking is only allowed in marked places. Speed calming devices don't have to be marked using road signs. Also give way when leaving the zone[4] Strefa zamieszkania
ロシアЖилая зона (Zhilaya zona)20[5]Give way to pedestrians. No transit traffic.
Пешеходы имеют преимущество. Транзитный проезд запрещен. Жилая зона − территория, въезды на которую и выезды с которой обозначены дорожными знаками ”Жилая зона“ и ”Конец жилой зоны“[6]. Правила движения в жилых зонах распространяются также и на дворовые территории[7].
Правила дорожного движения Российской Федерации
スロバキアObytná zóna20Pedestrians (including playing children, even without parental supervision) can use entire street and have absolute precedence over vehicles. Parking is only allowed in marked places. Obytná zóna
スペインCalle residencial20Identified by traffic sign .
Indica las zonas de circulación especialmente acondicionadas que están destinadas en primer lugar a los peatones y en las que se aplican las normas especiales de circulación siguientes: los conductores deben conceder prioridad a los peatones. Los vehículos no pueden estacionarse más que en los lugares designados por señales o por marcas. Los peatones pueden utilizar toda la zona de circulación. Los juegos y los deportes están autorizados en ella. Los peatones no deben estorbar inútilmente a los conductores de vehículos.
スウェーデンGårdsgata/GångfartsområdeWalking speed (10?)Favors pedestrians, cars must give way. Parking allowed only on marked places. When exiting a "Gångfartsområde" you have to give way (yield sign normally not present) Gångfartsområde
スイスBegegnungszone20People can stay, walk and play on the road. Begegnungszone,  Zone de rencontre
TurkeyYaya öncelikli yol20Give way to pedestrians. Parking only allowed in marked spaces, except for bicycles. Pedestrians should not unreasonably hinder motor traffic.
イギリスHome Zone10-15mphHighway Code point 218 Home zone, List of Home Zones



The colloquial word Spielstraße is commonly used for the legal term Verkehrsberuhigter Bereich. But in administrative regulations (VwV-StVO) the legal word Spielstraße is used for a rare combination of an exclusion of all vehicles combined with an additional sign for playing children.

No numeric speed value is set by law for Schrittgeschwindigkeit (walking pace speed). The value of around 7 km/h resulted from several judgements, most within the range of 7 to 12 km/h. A Tempo 30-Zone is not a living street.





  1. StVO § 76b
  2. ПДД РБ. Глава 11. Пункт 88
  3. ПДД РБ. Глава 1. Пункт 2.21
  4. “Internetowy System Aktów Prawnych” (in Polish). Dz. U. 1997 nr 98 poz. 602 (with further changes - the unified text). 2012. Retrieved 2013-03-12. 
  5. ПДД РФ. Пункт 10.2
  6. ПДД РФ. Пункт 17.1
  7. ПДД РФ. Пункт 17.4





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