Key:bicycle parking

For describing the type of bicycle parking.  
Group: Bicycles
Used on these elements
Documented values: 3
Useful combination
Status: de facto

The type of bicycle parking, always used together with amenity=bicycle_parking.


This tag is used for describing the type of bicycle parking.

Key Value Element Comment Photo
bicycle_parking stands A bent piece of metal against which you can lean your entire bicycle. Makes it possible to lock the frame and a wheel to it. Moderate security. Rectangular stands are sometimes called "staple racks" in North America due to their shape, and "Sheffield stands" in the UK. Use this tag for non-rectangular stands as well (e.g. round ones, fancy artistic ones, long ones allowing to attach more than two vehicles).
bicycle_parking wall_loops Mostly attached to walls or fixed into the ground. Often scathingly referred to as "wheelbenders" by cyclists. Secures only the front wheel (or possibly back wheel), the front bit or lower bit. With application of force, the bike's wheels can be damaged in some types. Low security.
bicycle_parking safe_loops A modern, improved variation of wall-loops. The bicycle is supported by an additional frame. Makes it possible to lock the frame and a wheel to it.
bicycle_parking rack A rack is similar to a stand above, but typically larger and holds many more bikes. One type is a coathanger rack (pictured at right). An inferior type lacks side-support altogether. In many cases difference between this bicycle parking type and bicycle_parking=stands or bicycle_parking=wall_loops is very small, with some mappers preferring to use this more specific type. For example this bicycle parking is a case bicycle_parking=wall_loops - but some consider it as a rack.
bicycle_parking anchors A mere anchor hammered into a wall, the ground, or boulders. Low security.

It may refer to rare devices like https://www.panzerhü or
(A more precise description would be appreciated since some people don't understand what it is.)

bicycle_parking shed A custom-built closed shed in which many bikes can be stored, possibly with individual stands inside. Good security. Use supervised=* to indicate whether bikes are guarded. Alternatively, you can tag it with covered=yes and set the value of bicycle_parking=* to the type of bicycle parking that is inside. Consider using locked=* to specify if a key, card or other authentication device is needed to use the shed.
bicycle_parking bollard A special kind of bollard designed for bike locking. Generally, the bike is locked to the central pole and "arms" of some sort prevent thieves from simply lifting the bike over the pole. If it doubles as a barrier, add barrier=bollard. Ones with ring so big that it can be used to lean entire bicycle qualifies also for tagging as bicycle_parking=stands
bicycle_parking lockers Parking takes the form of lockers which enclose bicycles fully and individually, typically secured with some form of key or combination system. Good security. Often used at train stations.
bicycle_parking wide_stands A superior type of stand with a wide bent piece of metal against which you can lean your entire bicycle. It's wider than the stand described above : one can park bicycles on each side without handlebars standing in the way. It's usually longer than the regular stand. As there are two pieces of metal, there's more room to lock the bicycle. Note that this tag value appeared relatively recently and many people continue to use bicycle_parking=stands also for this type of stand. This value would be likely better as subtype stands=wide) or additional tag like long_stand=yes rather than attempting to redefine widely used tag.
bicycle_parking ground_slots Slots in the ground for a wheel. No security.

bicycle_parking building Like shed above, but with a proper building, which means that bicycles are protected from wind, heavy rain etc. Good security. Use supervised=* to indicate whether bikes are guarded. Use opening_hours=* if applicable. Alternatively, if the bicycle parking is not part of another building, you can tag it with building=yes and set the value of bicycle_parking=* to the type of bicycle parking that is inside.
bicycle_parking informal Notably large or well-used railings, fences, or other street furniture which nobody objects to having bikes chained to for short periods of time. Don't use for every railing or street sign, but only for long-ish runs used by lots of people. Judgement required!
bicycle_parking streetpod A combination of container and stand in which many bikes can be stored, the front wheel being encased to prevent removal. Good security. Use supervised=* to indicate whether bikes are guarded.
bicycle_parking tree A bicycle tree
bicycle_parking crossbar A bar attached to a wall and designed as a bike parking (for example, equipped with a sign). As a rule, separate places for bikes are not marked.
bicycle_parking rope Tense rope. Makes it possible to lock the frame and a wheel to it.
bicycle_parking two-tier A two-tier rack, where two bicycles can be stored above each other.
bicycle_parking floor An area designated for the parking of bicycles (which may or may not be marked as such), but without any kind of racks/stands/etc. No security (but you may tag it with supervised=yes if applicable).
bicycle_parking handlebar_holder A metal structure with holders where the handlebar of a bicycle may be mounted in order to park the bicycle. The bicycle is usually not standing on the ground when parked.
bicycle_parking lean_and_stick A lean-to bracket with possibility to use a lock through eyelet. The seat tube can be stick to the stand.
bicycle_parking wave A single metal tube bent into multiple "loops", to which multiple bikes can be locked at a single point, perpendicular to the stand. Please, never use this value. Usage is low and it is recommended to use stands or racks or wall_loops value instead. Note that large number of such parkings is fortunately tagged using more widely values. Main problem with that value is that it mixes big spiral allowing to attach bicycle by frame (stands) and small ones forcing to attach just wheel (wheelbenders, tagged as wall_loops)
bicycle_parking saddle_holder A bar where you place the tip of your saddle on.
bicycle_parking user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo / If the values listed above don't describe what you want to tag, feel free to make up your own values. But please document them here.

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