
A marca de construção pode ser usado para qualquer estrada ou via férrea em construção. 
Grupo: Rodovias
Usado nos elementos
Valores documentados: 6
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Situação: de facto
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Principais estradas e sistemas de construção ferroviária tipicamente ter bem mais de um ano para ser concluído. Podemos, portanto, queremos mostrar os regimes em construção no mapa. Muitas empresas de mapeamento comercial também mostram estradas em construção e planeadas estradas.

Usage - general notes

A highway=construction tag or railway=construction is necessary for any of the construction values to render.

For building sites, the tag landuse=construction should be used instead. Another option is to set the tag construction=yes. This allows to use "construction" much more universal for any kind of main keys without need to change the main key.


Values of construction=* can be all values from highway=*, railway=*, waterway=* and landuse=*.

Additionally construction=minor can be used for existing highways which will be modified or repaired without being closed. In this case we don't set highway=construction but leave it at its default value.

Example-values for highways under construction

construction=yes will render on Osmarender (currently not in Mapnik) without changing its main tag;
highway=construction will render on Osmarender at zoom levels 14 (Mapnik at zoom level 12) and above if used in conjunction with any of the following;

Value Element Comment Example
motorwayMotorway under construction 
motorway_linkMotorway sliproad under construction 
trunkImportant non-motorway road under construction 
trunk_linkSliproad to an important non-motorway road under construction 
primaryPrimary road under construction 
primary_linkSliproad to a primary road under construction 
secondarySecondary road under construction 
tertiaryTertiary road under construction 
unclassifiedUnclassified road under construction (alternatively tag <construction=minor>) 
residentialResidential road under construction 
pedestrianPedestrianised road under construction 
serviceService road under construction 
unsurfacedUnsurfaced road under construction 
trackTrack under construction 
bywayByway under construction 
bridlewayBridleway under construction 
cyclewayCycleway under construction 
footwayFoot path under construction (alternative tag <construction=footpath>) 
stepsSteps under construction 

In all cases, the tag will render as a dashed version of the corresponding <highway=.....> tag. See the highway tag for a full description of the rendering style.

Example-values for railways under construction

railway=construction will render on Osmarender at zoom levels 14 and above if used in conjunction with any of the following;

Value Element Comment Example
railStandard gauge railway under construction 
narrow_gaugeNarrow gauge railway under construction 
light_railLight-railway under construction 
tramTramway under construction 
preservedPreserved railway under construction e.g. for steam trains 
subwaySubway under construction 
monorailMonorail under construction 

In all cases, the tag will render as a dashed version of the corresponding <railway=.....> tag. See the railway=* tag for a full description of the rendering style.


It might be tough to get detailed GPS tracks of roads which have not yet opened to the public, but it'll usually be possible to gather a few points along the route, and the route probably doesn't need to be massively detailed. We might miss several schemes - but then again - so do most commerical mapping organisations.

Future considerations

  • a further tag could be added to illustrate the expected opening date.

e.g. <tag k="opening_date" v="YYYY-MM-DD"/>

  • No text is currently rendered on Osmarender, but this may be fixed later.
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