< Refugee

Refugee/Displaced Site Mapping

A displacement site, usually known as a refugee camp, is a human settlement sheltering people who have been displaced due to violence, conflict, persecution or disasters. When displaced people cross an international border to seek safety, they are referred to as refugees and/or asylum-seekers. Displaced people can also flee to other locations within a country’s border, in this case, they are referred to as internally displaced people (IDPs).  

To reflect this diversity of profiles, including often within the same facility, and the variety of types of locations (from a formal camp to distributed residences in an urban area), the proper terminology  is therefore “displacement site”. However, in everyday vocabulary “refugee camp” being used much more widely, this article refers to both.

Though meant to be temporary, many sites around the world have existed for years, or even decades. sites hosting over a hundred thousand displaced people are not uncommon. They are usually built and run by governments, United Nations agencies or other international organizations and NGOs, but spontaneous sites also exist, and, in some situations may even consist of the majority of displacement sites in a country. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN agency mandated to aid and protect refugees, internally displaced communities, and stateless people, plays a key role in the overall coordination and referencing of refugee sites.

With multiple actors supporting humanitarian response in some locations, having a common reference for addressing can aid communication and coordination. Using OSM is a low-tech, low-investment option for humanitarian actors. It offers a shared base reference system, but also allows decentralization. Actors and agencies can maintain and verify their own information, while still benefiting from a shared collective data repository from which to draw, and hence participating in the improvement of the overall efficiency and sustainability of information management of sites hosting displaced populations.

Before mapping any refugee site, ensure coordination with other actors within the humanitarian community, as to avoid duplication of efforts, assessment fatigue, safety and security issues, unnecessary burden on affected communities or any other risk of doing harm. While maps provide numerous advantages to delivering aid, the safety of the residents must come first. In some situations, managing data locally and not collecting it in OSM is the safest.

Why mapping sites hosting displaced populations on OSM?

Improving availability and quality of OSM data on displacement sites around the world, helps support humanitarian response:

  • OSM allows for open data on refugee sites to be quickly shared between humanitarian actors at the field and global levels as well as with local communities.
  • OSM can serve as a base map for agencies to download for field use with their own local data or specific site management tools and processes offline.
  • OSM database can serve as a common data repository, increasing data availability and access for the production of maps and spatial analysis that support decision-making and programming, ultimately contributing to the improvement of living conditions of displaced populations. Use cases for OSM data with high positive impact on displaced populations include planning camp extensions, filling the gap of access to basic services, identifying the most suitable area for the construction of new facilities, etc.


Below is a recommended data model built from past experiences of site mapping (cf. case studies section) which has been crosschecked and validated by UNHCR. The following set of tags is not exhaustive, but covers the most common and useful information and objects present in a displacement site. Not all are needed, but as many as possible (when known) should be used.

Refugee site location

Human settlement sheltering refugees and/or internally displaced persons The site should be a polygon covering the perimeter of the camp. If perimeter is unknown, use a point instead, or a polygon with a fixme="Check site boundary" with the best estimation of the site.

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
Displaced people site locationrefugee siteamenityrefugee_siteapprovedtag:amenity=refugee_site
landuseresidentialde factotag:landuse=residential
name (usually in local language)name<value>de factoKey:name
Site descriptionenglish name (Use ISO code for other languages (fr, el, ar, etc.))name:en<value> de factoKey:name
alternate namealt_name<value> de factoKey:alt_name
operatoroperator<value> in useKey:operator
operator type (government, ngo, military, etc)operator_type<value> de factoKey:operator:type
year of constructionstart_date<value> de factoKey:start_date
number of hosted populationpopulation<value> approvedKey:population
capacity of the sitecapacity<value> in useKey:capacity


shelters are structures ranging from simple tent structures to caravan and solid construction.

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
Sheltershelter (if mapping remotly, prefer the use of generic tag)buildingyesapprovedKey:building
shelter (if field mapping or clear remote shelter identification)buildinghouseapprovedKey:building
Type of constructionlocally built dwelling/structurebuildinghutde factoTag:building=hut
tentbuildingtentin useTag:building=tent
caravan traillerbuildingstatic_caravanin useTag:building=static_caravan
Building materialwall materialbuilding:material<value> in useKey:building:material
roof materialroof:material<value> in useKey:roof:material

WASH Facilities

Water, sanitation and hygiene facilities

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
Water extractionwellman_madewater_wellin useTag:man made=water well
springnaturalspringin useTag:natural=spring
Water storagebladder/tankman_madestorage_tankde factoTag:man made=storage tank
contentwaterde factoKey:content
storage capacitycapacityin useKey:capacity
Water distributiontap standamenitywater_pointin useTag:amenity=water point
man_madewater_tapapprovedTag:man made=water tap
Water systemepipelineman_madepipelineapprovedTag:man made=pipeline
pipeline's locationlocationsurface/underground/overgroundapprovedKey:location
flush latrinetoilets:disposalflushapprovedTag:amenity=toilets
pit latrinetoilets:disposalpitlatrineapprovedTag:amenity=toilets
chemical toilettoilets:disposalchemicalapprovedTag:amenity=toilets
showeramenityshowerin useTag:amenity=shower
wash standamenitylavoirin useTag:amenity=lavoir
facilitie accessfemale/maleyes/noTag:amenity=toilets
Waste Managementtrash binamenitywaste_basketin useTag:amenity=waste basket
waste collection pointamenitywaste_disposalde factoTag:amenity=waste disposal
landfilllanduselandfillin useTag:landuse=landfill
recycling centeramenityrecyclingapprovedTag:amenity=recycling

Education facilities

Schools and other educational facilities can be for early childhood, primary, or secondary education

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
primary schoolamenityschoolde factoTag:amenity=school
isced:level1de factoKey:isced:level
secondary schoolamenityschoolde factoTag:amenity=school
isced:level2de factoKey:isced:level
high Schoolamenityschoolde factoTag:amenity=school
isced:level3de factoKey:isced:level
school's capacitycapacity<value>in useKey:capacity

Health facilities

Facilities relevant to provide healthcare and treatment

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
hospitalamenityhospitalde factoTag:amenity=hospital
health centeramenityclinicde factoTag:amenity=clinic
health postamenitydoctorsin useTag:amenity=doctors

Logistic facilities

Facilities relevant to the transportation, storage, and distribution of relief items, food aid, commodities, etc

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
distribution points
warehousebuildingwarehousein useTag:building=warehouse
helipadaerowayhelipadin useTag:aeroway=helipad
airstripaerowayaerodromein useTag:aeroway=aerodrome

Agency-use facilities

Facilities relevant to the administrative and programmatic activities of humanitarian organizations

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
site's entryentranceyesapprovedTag:entrance=yes
registrationamenitysocial_facilityapprovedTag:amenity=social facility
social_facilityoutreachapprovedTag:social facility=outreach
reception centreamenitysocial_facilityapprovedTag:amenity=social facility
social_facilitygroup_homeapprovedTag:social facility=group_home
government's officeofficegovernmentapprovedTag:office=government
ngo officeofficengoapprovedKey:office
outreachamenitysocial_facilityapprovedTag:amenity=social facility
social_facilityoutreachapprovedTag:social facility=outreach
administrative areaofficeyesKey:office

Social facilities

Facilities used by displaced population itself for economic, religious, and community purposes

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
shopsbuildingretailin useTag:building=retail
craft and workshopcraft<value> approvedKey:craft
farming perimeterlandusefarmlandapprovedTag:landuse=farmland
religiousmosque, church, templeamenityplace_of_worshipde factoTag:amenity=place of worship
religion<value> de factoKey:religion
recreation and community purposecommunity centeramenitycommunity_centreapprovedTag:amenity=community centre
communal kitchenamenitykitchenin useTag:amenity=kitchen
outreachamenitysocial_facilityapprovedTag:amenity=social facility
social_facilityoutreachapprovedTag:social facility=outreach
sport groundleisurepitchde factoTag:leisure=pitch
recreation arealeisurerecreation_groundin useTag:landuse=recreation_ground
targeted group (children, young, women, etc)*:for<value>in useKey:community_centre:for


Facilities often used by local law enforcement from the site’s host nation, internal camp security personnel, and international protection forces, such as UN peacekeepers.

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
checkpointsmilitarycheckpointde factoKey:military
camp perimeter fencingbarrierfenceapprovedTag:barrier=fence
police stationamenitypolicein useTag:amenity=police
fire stationamenityfire_stationin useTag:amenity=fire station
lamp post / Street lightinghighwaystreet_lampde factoTag:highway=street_lamp

Facilities additional description

CategoriesNameKeyValueTag statusWiki hyperlink
Identificationnamename<value> de factoKey:name
alternative namealt_name<value> de factoKey:alt name
operatoroperator<value> in useKey:operator
operator typeoperator_type<value> de factoKey:operator:type
year of constructionstart_date<value> de factoKey:start date
Status (information to be added only if can be updated on a regular basis)operationaloperational_statusoperationalproposed but in use (more than 60 000 use)Proposed features/Tag:operational status
defectiveoperational_statusdefectiveproposed but in use (more than 60 000 use)Proposed features/Tag:operational status
closedoperational_statusclosedproposed but in use (more than 60 000 use)Proposed features/Tag:operational status
under constructionoperational_statusunder_constructionproposed but in use (more than 60 000 use)Proposed features/Tag:operational status
condition of facilitiesdamage_statusKey:damage_status (Taginfo)
outside lightinglityes/node factoKey:lit
capacitycapacity<value> in useKey:capacity
building materialbuilding:material<value> in useKey:building:material
targeted group (children, young, women, etc)*:for<value> in useKey:community_centre:for

Contributing and Editing the map

There are two ways to contribute to the map, 1/ you can complete a base map remotely using satellite imagery or 2/ collect data on the field with OSM based applications. If you are a beginner on OSM we suggest you start reading the LearnOSM documentation.

Remote mapping

For beginner mappers, the best way to contribute to the effort of camp mapping is to participate in a mapathon, a collaborative mapping event where you will be trained on how to map.

CartONG regularly maps displacement sites as part of our partnership with UNHCR: you can check the places & dates of future mapathons on our wiki page!

For intermediate and expert mappers, here are some additional tips and resources:

Field mapping

It's recommended to contact an experienced organization (see next section) who can help you plan and configure your mobile data collection strategy and methodology. There are many OSM based solutions, also working offline to collect GPS coordinates and attributes directly integrated on OSM (OsmAnd, OSM Tracker, Maps.me, OpenMapKit, etc.).

Importance to map the environment of the site

It's highly recommended to map the nearby areas of the site, especially host villages, spontaneous settlement around and significant natural features. Special attention must also be given when connecting minor roads to a larger scale road network. When possible, it is very helpful to identify nearby facilities, such as schools or health centers, even if they are not located within the perimeter of the site.

Such macro level information can help shape decisions on where to plan new extensions , where to position new basic services facilities and infrastructure, but also to define plot arrangement and the type of shelter construction.

Identifying refugee sites

The UNHCR Site Map allows to quickly identify the location of refugee sites, as well as data available in OSM on their location (as well as existing UNHCR data). It is referencing sites maintained by UNHCR as a GIS layer and comparing it with the OSM database. Sites are classified based on the presence in OSM of structural data (roads, rives, residential areas, etc.) and/or Points of Interest (health centres, schools, water taps, latrines, etc.), as well as on the presence of UNHCR data, either gathered from external sources (e.g. REACH) or collected through a site mapping exercise.

The site map only displays refugees camps & settlements and IDP camps & settlements listed by UNHCR, it does not include the full list of sites with displaced populations (inc. returnees, urban settings, etc.) which can be accessible on this REST portal.

Active humanitarian organizations contributing to improve refugee sites mapping on OSM


CartONG is one of UNHCR’s implementing partners for mapping and information management (IM) projects, supporting the agency in a large range of activities, in particular linked with OpenStreetMap The details of the project’s objectives, activities and examples of case studies are available on the dedicated project wiki page.

CartONG has also contributed to emergency activations following refugee crisis, in particular during the Rohyingia Crisis, and launched mapping projects on selected locations for other partners, in particular Solidarités International and Terre des Hommes.

Case study: refugee site mapping in Ethiopia

CartONG provided support to the Shelter and Settlement Section of UNHCR in 5 refugee camps in northern Ethiopia: MaiAini, Shimelba, Berahle, Aysaitta and Kebribeyah during the month of July 2019.

The first phase of the support occurred remotely with the organization of a dozen of Mapathons in France. In the second phase, the outputs of the Mapathons were used as a basis for the mobile data collection conducted in the field in order to gather exact locations and attribute information for camp infrastructure as well as additional information necessary for the shelter gap analysis. The third phase of the mission focused on providing data visualization tools to the end-users and sharing collected data back to OSM The objective was to help UNHCR, local communities and the government make more informed decisions by giving them a sense of the percentage of shelters in need of repair or the number and location of water points which are not functioning, the time required by refugees to reach the closest health facility within the camp and therefore clarify if new infrastructure needs to be added in the camp and where they should be positioned so they are built where it is most needed, or if a full camp extension needs to be planned. Read more details on the news on CartONG’s website.


Case Study:Refugee Settlement Mapping in Uganda

The Crowdsourcing Non-Camp Refugee Data is a HOT project on Mapping (non-camp) Refugee Data Through OpenStreetMap in Uganda, starting in July 2017 and scheduled to run until September 2018 with support from the United States Government - Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration - US Department of State. The project aims to improve program planning and service delivery to refugee communities, develop better integration with host communities, and build refugee self-reliance through open map data. The program trains and equips community leaders in refugee communities to map vulnerabilities and assets in the places they live, filling in key data gaps and “blank spots” on the map. These maps are created using techniques including crowdsourced data collection on mobile phones. The resulting multilanguage maps and map data are made openly available online in OpenStreetMap, on mobile phones for navigation, in printed form in refugee social/community centers, and provided to host country governments, PRM, UNHCR, and NGOs.

The data model can be found here.


Case Study: Refugee Camp in Jordan

In Jordan, Refugee camp are designed and planned by a dedicated unit. Surveyors are using the "Palestine 1923 / Israeli CS Grid" to draw the camp master plans in Autocad.

For the initial data collection, REACH used use OpenDataKit http://opendatakit.org/. Tags were selected from pre-existing tags from the Humanitarian OSM Tags/HDM preset.

UNHCR Jordan imported the first dataset for Zaatari Camp on 25 of June 2013 . UNHCR Jordan then contracted REACH to further map facilities within Za'atari Refugee Camp.

In April 2014, the map for Azraq has been pushed in OSM.

The two camps can be monitored through the following links:

CampView in OSMCompare different rendering from this locationData ExtractRSS Feed to monitor editsDedicated page on UNHCR portal

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.