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Date Geofizice


highway este eticheta (tag-ul) folosit cel mai mult pentru drumuri. Foarte frecvent este singura etichetă. Există diverse convenții de folosire a acesteia, dependent de țară. A se vedea paginile despre metodele de utlizare a etichetei highway și despre drumuri.

Cheie Valoare Element Descriere Randare Poză

Drumuri rutiere și pietonale

These are the principal tags for the road network. They range from the most to least important.

highway motorway Autostradă - drumul național de mare capacitate și viteză, semnalizat special, rezervat exclusiv circulației autovehiculelor, cu sau fără remorci, care nu servește proprietății riverane, prevăzut cu două căi unidirecționale, separate printr-o zonă mediană sau, în mod excepțional, prin alte modalități, cu excepția unor locuri speciale sau cu caracter temporar, având cel puțin două benzi de circulație pe sens și banda de urgență, intersecții denivelate și accese limitate, intrarea și ieșirea fiind permise numai prin locuri special amenajate; Conform regulamentului de circulație rutieră din România acest drum incepe cu semnul .
highway trunk Drum important parte din rețeaua natională principală de drumuri. În România, highway=trunk se folosește pentru orice drum național parte din culoar european sau drumurile express (care nu există în România); pe lângă indicativul de drum național (alb pe fundal roșu) are și plăcuțe de forma Tag-ul ref=* va fi de forma DNn, DNnn sau DNnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z), în timp ce tagul int_ref=* va fi de forma Enn sau Ennn.
(Exemplu: DN6/E70, DN2/E85).
highway primary Drum principal este acela care leagă două orașe importante. De cele mai multe ori acesta este compus din 2 benzi pe sens. O altă caracteristică a drumurilor principale o reprezintă lipsa balizelor de delimitare a sensurilor de circulație. În România highway=primary se folosește pentru orice drum național care nu este parte din culoarele europene; bornele kilometrice și indicatoarele care le identifică sunt pe fundal roșu cu scris alb ; Atât drumurile naționale primare (ex. DN1) cât și cele secundare (ex. DN7C) sunt etichetate ca highway=primary dacă nu sunt drumuri europene. Tagul ref=* va fi de forma DNn, DNnx, DNnn sau DNnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z).
highway secondary Drum secundar este, în general, un drum care leagă orașe mici, comune sau sate. În Romania highway=secondary se folosește în exteriorul localităților pentru drumuri județene - numărul drumului este scris pe borne și indicatoare pe fundal albastru . Aceste drumuri sunt etichetate ca highway=secondary. Tagul ref=* va fi de forma DJnnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z ). Ex. ref=DJ30, ref=DJ200F.
highway tertiary Drum terțiar este, un drum care leagă comune sau sate. În Romania highway=tertiary se folosește în exteriorul localităților pentru drumuri comunale - numărul drumului este scris pe borne și indicatoare pe fundal galben . Aceste drumuri sunt etichetate ca highway=tertiary. Tagul ref=* va fi de forma DCnnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z ). Ex. ref=DC102, ref=DC101A.
highway unclassified The least important through roads in a country's system – i.e. minor roads of a lower classification than tertiary, but which serve a purpose other than access to properties. (Often link villages and hamlets.)

The word 'unclassified' is a historical artefact of the UK road system and does not mean that the classification is unknown; you can use highway=road for that.

highway residential Roads which serve as an access to housing, without function of connecting settlements. Often lined with housing.
highway motorway_link Drum de legătura (pentru autostrada) (rampă) ce face legătura dintre autostradă și un drum de o categorie inferioară. De cele mai multe ori se aplică același seturi de restricții.
highway trunk_link Drum de legătura (pentru drum important) ce face legătura cu drumuri de categorii inferioare.
highway primary_link The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a primary road from/to a primary road or lower class highway.
highway secondary_link The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a secondary road from/to a secondary road or lower class highway.
highway tertiary_link The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a tertiary road from/to a tertiary road or lower class highway.

Special road types

highway living_street For living streets, which are residential streets where pedestrians have legal priority over cars, speeds are kept very low and where children are allowed to play on the street.
highway service For access roads to, or within an industrial estate, camp site, business park, car park, alleys, etc. Can be used in conjunction with service=* to indicate the type of usage and with access=* to indicate who can use it and in what circumstances.
highway pedestrian For roads used mainly/exclusively for pedestrians in shopping and some residential areas which may allow access by motorised vehicles only for very limited periods of the day. To create a 'square' or 'plaza' create a closed way and tag as pedestrian and also with area=yes.
highway track Roads for mostly agricultural or forestry uses. To describe the quality of a track, see tracktype=*. Note: Although tracks are often rough with unpaved surfaces, this tag is not describing the quality of a road but its use. Consequently, if you want to tag a general use road, use one of the general highway values instead of track.
highway bus_guideway A busway where the vehicle guided by the way (though not a railway) and is not suitable for other traffic. Please note: this is not a normal bus lane, use access=no, psv=yes instead!
highway escape For runaway truck ramps, runaway truck lanes, emergency escape ramps, or truck arrester beds. It enables vehicles with braking failure to safely stop.
highway raceway A course or track for (motor) racing
highway road A road/way/street/motorway/etc. of unknown type. It can stand for anything ranging from a footpath to a motorway. This tag should only be used temporarily until the road/way/etc. has been properly surveyed. If you do know the road type, do not use this value, instead use one of the more specific highway=* values.
highway busway A dedicated roadway for bus rapid transit systems

Cărări și poteci

highway footway For designated footpaths; i.e., mainly/exclusively for pedestrians. This includes walking tracks and gravel paths. If bicycles are allowed as well, you can indicate this by adding a bicycle=yes tag. Should not be used for paths where the primary or intended usage is unknown. Use highway=pedestrian for pedestrianised roads in shopping or residential areas and highway=track if it is usable by agricultural or similar vehicles. For ramps (sloped paths without steps), combine this tag with incline=*.
highway bridleway For horse riders. Pedestrians are usually also permitted, cyclists may be permitted depending on local rules/laws. Motor vehicles are forbidden.
highway steps For flights of steps (stairs) on footways. Use with step_count=* to indicate the number of steps
highway corridor For a hallway inside of a building.
highway path A non-specific path. Use highway=footway for paths mainly for walkers, highway=cycleway for one also usable by cyclists, highway=bridleway for ones available to horse riders as well as walkers and highway=track for ones which is passable by agriculture or similar vehicles.
highway via_ferrata A via ferrata is a route equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, and bridges in order to increase ease and security for climbers. These via ferrata require equipment : climbing harness, shock absorber and two short lengths of rope, but do not require a long rope as for climbing. not rendered in OSM-Carto

When sidewalk/crosswalk is tagged as a separate way

footway sidewalk Sidewalk that runs typically along residential road. Use in combination with highway=footway or highway=path
footway crossing Crosswalk that connects two sidewalks on the opposite side of the road. Often recognized by painted markings on the road, road sign or traffic lights. Use in combination with highway=footway or highway=path. Useful information is presence of tactile_paving=*, wheelchair=* suitability and kerb=* represented as a node on the crosswalk way.

When sidewalk (or pavement) is tagged on the main roadway (see Sidewalks)

sidewalk both | left | right | no Specifies that the highways has sidewalks on both sides, on one side or no sidewalk at all

When cycleway is drawn as its own way (see Bicycle)

highway cycleway For designated cycleways. Add foot=*, though it may be avoided if default-access-restrictions do apply.

Cycleway tagged on the main roadway or lane (see Bicycle)

cycleway lane A lane is a route that lies within the roadway
cycleway opposite Used on ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions. Used together with oneway:bicycle=no.
cycleway opposite_lane Used on ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling lane going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" lane). Used together with oneway:bicycle=no.
cycleway track A track provides a route that is separated from traffic. In the United States, this term is often used to refer to bike lanes that are separated from lanes for cars by pavement buffers, bollards, parking lanes, and curbs. Note that a cycle track may alternatively be drawn as a separate way next to the road which is tagged as highway=cycleway.
cycleway opposite_track Used on ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling track going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow. Used together with oneway:bicycle=no.
cycleway share_busway There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use.
cycleway opposite_share_busway Used on ways with oneway=yes that have a bus lane that cyclists are also permitted to use, and which go in the opposite direction to normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" bus lane). Used together with oneway:bicycle=no.
cycleway shared_lane Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, but there are markings indicating that they should share the lane with motorists. In some places these markings are known as "sharrows" ('sharing arrows') and this is the tag to use for those.
busway lane Bus lane on both sides of the road. (See also: Parallel scheme for bus/psv lane tagging lanes:bus=* / lanes:psv=*)

Street parking tagged on the main roadway (see Street parking)

parking :left / :right / :both
(hereafter: parking:side)
lane | street_side | on_kerb | half_on_kerb | shoulder | no | separate | yes Primary key to record parking along the street. Desribes the parking position of parked vehicles in the street.
parking:sideorientation=* parallel | diagonal | perpendicular To specify the orientation of parked vehicles if there is street parking.

Lifecycle (see also lifecycle prefixes)

highway proposed For planned roads, use with proposed=* and a value of the proposed highway value.
highway construction For roads under construction. Use construction=* to hold the value for the completed road. different colours


abutters commercial | industrial | mixed | residential | retail etc. See Key:abutters for more details.
bicycle_road yes A bicycle road is a road designated for bicycles. If residential streets get the status of bicycle roads, normally, by special signs, motor traffic is admitted with limited speed, often only for residents.
bus_bay both | left | right A bus bay outside the main carriageway for boarding/alighting
change yes | no | not_right | not_left | only_right | only_left Specify the allowed/forbidden lane changes
destination <place name of destination> Destination when following a linear feature
embankment yes | dyke A dyke or a raised bank to carry a road, railway, or canal across a low-lying or wet area.
embedded_rails yes | <type of railway> A highway on which non-railway traffic is also allowed has railway tracks embedded in it but the rails are mapped as separate ways.
ford yes The road crosses through stream or river, vehicles must enter any water.
ice_road yes A highway is laid upon frozen water basin, definitely doesn't exist in summer.
incline Number % | ° | up | down Incline steepness as percents ("5%") or degrees ("20°"). Positive/negative values indicate movement upward/downwards in the direction of the way.
junction roundabout This automatically implies oneway=yes, the oneway direction is defined by the sequential ordering of nodes within the Way. This applies on a way, tagged with highway=* already.
lanes <number> The number of traffic lanes for general purpose traffic, also for buses and other specific classes of vehicle.
lit yes | no Street lighting
maxspeed <number> Specifies the maximum legal speed limit on a road, railway or waterway.
motorroad yes | no The motorroad tag is used to describe highways that have motorway-like access restrictions but that are not a motorway.
mountain_pass yes The highest point of a mountain pass.
mtb:scale 0-6 Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A classification scheme for mtb trails (few inclination and downhill).
mtb:scale :uphill 0-5 A classification scheme for mtb trails for going uphill if there is significant inclination.
mtb:scale :imba 0-4 The IMBA Trail Difficulty Rating System shall be used for bikeparks. It is adapted to mtb trails with artificial obstacles.
mtb:description Text Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A key to input variable infos related to mtbiking on a way with human words
oneway yes | no | reversible Oneway streets are streets where you are only allowed to drive in one direction.
overtaking yes | no | caution | both | forward | backward Specifying sections of roads where overtaking is legally forbidden. Use overtaking:forward=yes/no/caution and overtaking:backward=yes/no/caution when it depends on driving direction.
parking:lane parallel | diagonal | perpendicular | marked | no_parking | no_stopping | fire_lane. Deprecated variant to map parking along streets. See section on street parking above or the street parking page for more details.
parking:condition free | ticket | disc | residents | customers | private Deprecated variant to map parking conditions along streets. See section on street parking above or the street parking page for more details.
passing_places yes A way which has frequent passing places (See also: highway=passing_place)
priority forward | backward Traffic priority for narrow parts of roads, e.g. narrow bridges.
priority_road designated | yes_unposted | end Specifying roads signposted as priority roads.
sac_scale hiking | mountain_hiking | demanding_mountain_hiking | alpine_hiking | demanding_alpine_hiking | difficult_alpine_hiking Applies to highway=path and highway=footway. A classification scheme for hiking trails.
service alley | driveway | parking_aisle etc. See Key:service for more details.
smoothness excellent | good | intermediate | bad | very_bad | horrible | very_horrible | impassable See Key:smoothness for more details.
surface paved | unpaved | asphalt | concrete | paving_stones | sett | cobblestone | metal | wood | compacted | fine_gravel | gravel | pebblestone | plastic | grass_paver | grass | dirt | earth | mud | sand | ground See Key:surface for more details.
tactile_paving yes | no A paving in the ground to be followed with a blindman's stick. Not to be rendered on standard maps.
tracktype grade1 | grade2 | grade3 | grade4 | grade5 To describe the quality of the surface. See Key:tracktype for more information.
traffic_calming bump | hump | table | island | cushion | yes | etc. See Key:traffic calming for more details.
trail_visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no Applies to highway=path, highway=footway, highway=cycleway and highway=bridleway. A classification for hiking trails visibility
trailblazed yes | no | poles | cairns | symbols Applies to highway=*. Describing trail blazing and marking. See Key:trailblazed for more information.
trailblazed:visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no Applies to trailblazed=*. A classification for visibility of trailblazing. See Key:trailblazed:visibility for more information.
turn left | slight_left | through | right | slight_right | merge_to_left | merge_to_right | reverse The key turn can be used to specify the direction in which a way or a lane will lead.
width <number> The width of a feature.
winter_road yes A highway functions during winter, probably can't be driven in summer.

Alte caracteristici

highway bus_stop A small bus stop. Optionally one may also use public_transport=stop_position for the position where the vehicle stops and public_transport=platform for the place where passengers wait.
highway crossing A.k.a. crosswalk. Pedestrians can cross a street here; e.g., zebra crossing
highway elevator An elevator or lift, used to travel vertically, providing passenger and freight access between pathways at different floor levels.
highway emergency_bay An area beside a highway where you can safely stop your car in case of breakdown or emergency.
highway emergency_access_point Sign number which can be used to define your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN. See also emergency=access_point
highway give_way A "give way," or "Yield" sign
emergency phone A calling device can be used to tell on your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN
highway milestone Highway location marker
highway mini_roundabout Similar to roundabouts, but at the center there is either a painted circle or a fully traversable island. In case of an untraversable center island, junction=roundabout should be used.

Rendered as anti-clockwise by default direction=anticlockwise. To render clockwise add the tag direction=clockwise.

highway motorway_junction Indicates a junction (UK) or exit (US). ref=* should be set to the exit number or junction identifier. (Some roads – e.g., the A14 – also carry junction numbers, so the tag may be encountered elsewhere despite its name)
highway passing_place The location of a passing space
highway platform A platform at a bus stop or station.
highway rest_area Place where drivers can leave the road to rest, but not refuel.
highway services A service station to get food and eat something, often found at motorways
highway speed_camera A fixed road-side or overhead speed camera.
highway stop A stop sign
highway street_lamp A street light, lamppost, street lamp, light standard, or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night
highway toll_gantry A toll gantry is a gantry suspended over a way, usually a motorway, as part of a system of electronic toll collection. For a toll booth with any kind of barrier or booth see: barrier=toll_booth
highway traffic_mirror Mirror that reflects the traffic on one road when direct view is blocked.
highway traffic_signals Lights that control the traffic
highway trailhead Designated place to start on a trail or route
highway turning_circle A turning circle is a rounded, widened area usually, but not necessarily, at the end of a road to facilitate easier turning of a vehicle. Also known as a cul de sac.
highway turning_loop A widened area of a highway with a non-traversable island for turning around, often circular and at the end of a road.
highway User Defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo


Eticheta barrier este folosită, de obicei, pentru noduri de-a lungul căilor în locurile în care circulația este restricționată de un obstacol. Este oferit ca o alternativă mai elegantă decât folosirea lui highway=gate etc. Este aplicabil și pentru căi (de ex. garduri) care sunt ele însele obstacole.

Cheie Valoare Element Descriere Randare Poză

Bariere liniare

barrier cable_barrier Also called guard cable. This is a road side or median barrier made of steel wire ropes mounted on weak posts. See also the more extensive wikipedia description.
barrier city_wall A fortification used to defend a city or settlement from potential aggressors.

From ancient to modern times, they are used to enclose settlements.

  • Right side is bottom, left side is top.
  • If both sides are same height then add "two_sided=yes".

See also historic=city_gate, historic=citywalls and defensive_works=*.

barrier ditch A trench, ditch or ravine, that is not easily crossed, especially not on foot. Possibly water can flow at the bottom, so it can be used in combination with waterway=stream or waterway=drain.
barrier fence A structure supported by posts driven into the ground and designed to prevent movement across a boundary. It is distinguished from a wall by the lightness of its construction. Use fence_type=* to add details.
barrier guard_rail A guard_rail, also called a crash barrier. Right side is inner, left side is outer.
barrier handrail Is designed to be grasped by the hand so as to provide stability or support.
barrier hedge reprezintă o serie de tufe și boscheți care sunt foarte apropiate, plantate și crescute în așa fel încât să formeze o barieră sau să marcheze granița unei zone.
barrier retaining_wall Retaining walls serve to retain the lateral pressure of soil. Right side is bottom, left side is top.
barrier wall A freestanding solid structure designed to restrict or prevent movement across a boundary. Usually made from solid brick, concrete or stone and almost always built so that it is opaque to vision. Add wall=noise_barrier to tag an acoustic screens located along streets or roads

Bariere punctuale

barrier block A large, solid, immobile block that can be moved only with heavy machinery or great effort.

Typically big solid things made of concrete for stopping larger vehicles.

Sometimes natural boulders are used for the same purpose.

barrier bollard One or more solid (usually concrete or metal) pillar(s) used to control traffic.
barrier border_control This is a control point at an international border between two countries. Passports or other forms of ID will be checked.
barrier bump_gate For description see wikipedia:Bump gate, for another photo see flickr example: .
barrier bus_trap See wikipedia:Bus trap.
barrier cattle_grid Bars in the road surface that allow wheeled vehicles but not animals to cross.

Sometimes known as a Texas Gate, even outside of Texas.

barrier coupure () A cut through a flood protection feature (e.g., (flood)wall, levee, or dyke) for a road or railway, that is readily made flood tight if required.
barrier cycle_barrier Barriers to bicycle traffic, most typically a pair of staggered steel bars perpendicular to the way itself whose gaps allow pedestrians to pass. Cyclists may pass, but only at very reduced speed. May be installed ahead of a hazard, such as a road or rail crossing.
barrier debris A road is blocked by debris with or without ground. This might be for short or long time. Often used as first step in blocking an abandoned road.
barrier entrance A gap in a linear barrier with nothing that limits passing through.

access=yes is implied.

The limitations are the same of the way that crosses it, if there is such.

barrier full-height_turnstile A full-height turnstile, also called HEET-turnstile (high entrance/exit turnstile), like the ones to access security areas. Note the mix of hyphen and underscore.
barrier gate () An entrance that can be opened or closed to get through the barrier. For a permanent opening in the barrier, see barrier=entrance.

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

barrier hampshire_gate A section of wire fence which can be removed temporarily.

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

barrier height_restrictor Combine with maxheight=*.
barrier horse_stile A horse stile allows pedestrians and horses to cross a gap through a fence, but prevents or makes it very difficult for motorcycles and live stock to cross.
barrier kent_carriage_gap A Kent carriage gap is used by local authorities in the UK to prevent motorised vehicles from accessing public rights of way whilst allowing most horse drawn carriages to pass.

These are now becoming common on byways in the UK

barrier kissing_gate A gate which allows people to cross, but not livestock.
barrier lift_gate A lift gate (boom barrier) is a bar, or pole pivoted in such a way as to allow the boom to block vehicular access through a controlled point.

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

barrier motorcycle_barrier Barriers along paths that prevent access by motorcycles.
barrier planter A plant box, or simply a planter, is a structure containing plants for decoration, which (in this context) has the primary purpose of preventing large vehicles from passing.
barrier sally_port A sally port is used to pass through thick or city walls, and is a type of covered gate with two doors.
barrier sliding_beam Something between barrier=sliding_gate and barrier=lift_gate: it has a quite thin bar like in lift gate, but the bar slides aside to allow through.
barrier sliding_gate Gates open sideways. Usually automatic

Combine with access=* where appropriate.

barrier spikes Spikes on the ground that prevent unauthorized access. Can also be removable; e.g., after payment in a garage.
barrier stile A stile allows pedestrians to cross a wall or fence, but never actually "opens" the barrier

(Unlike a gate, a stile has few or no moving parts).

barrier sump_buster A sump buster is a concrete slab or steel structure that prevents passing of two-tracked vehicles with less than a minimum track and ground clearance. (Typically stops normal cars.)
barrier swing_gate Similar to a lift gate but rotates sidewards to open. It is usually made out of metal bars (wood or other material possible) and is intended to prevent cars from access but can usually be crossed by pedestrians and cyclists.
barrier toll_booth A road usage toll or fee is collected here. Used with toll=* and charge=*.
barrier turnstile A turnstile (also called baffle gate) is used to allow one person at a time to pass. Use this for small turnstiles like the ones in supermarkets or some subways.
barrier wedge A wedge-shaped barrier that rises out of the ground to block traffic.
barrier wicket_gate A wicket gate, or simply a wicket, is a pedestrian door or gate, particularly one built into a larger door or into a wall or fence.
barrier yes A barrier which nature cannot be determined; typically only used in mapping using aerial imagery. Should be replaced by a specific value.

Linear barriers or access control on highways (e.g. along or for blocking a path or road)

Cheie Valoare Element Descriere Randare Randare Poză
barrier bar A fixed horizontal bar which blocks motor vehicles but can usually be bypassed on foot or bike. Often placed at trailheads.
barrier barrier_board A barrier board to restrict the passage of a way or to block off an area.
barrier bollard Solid (usually concrete or metal) pillar or pillars in the middle of the road to prevent passage by some traffic. See key bollard=*
barrier chain A chain used to prevent motorised vehicles.
barrier jersey_barrier A Jersey barrier consists of heavy prefabricated blocks to create a barrier. Use material=plastic or material=concrete to express the used material.
barrier kerb A kerb (or curb) is a short solid barrier, usually found at the edge of a road, path or sidewalk, which prevents entrance by vehicles and wheelchair users. The height of the kerb is tagged additionally as height=*, if available. Right side is bottom, left side is top.
barrier log Use this when the passage is closed by lumber (trunk of a tree). This kind of barrier is often useful to sit on. This barrier partially blocks cyclists but can be crossed by lifting the bike over.
barrier rope A flexible barrier made of fibres, twisted or braided together to improve strength. As a barrier it is often more symbolic than actually physically preventing pedestrians from accessing.
barrier tank_trap Static anti-tank obstacles that can take various forms, such as Czech hedgehog (barrier=tank_trap; tank_trap=czech_hedgehog).
barrier tyres A crash barrier made from tyres stacked on top of each other, commonly found at motor racing circuits.
barrier user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Drumuri și piste pentru cicliști

Drumuri sau piste pentru cicliști. Din păcate, în România astfel de piste și drumuri sunt aproape absente cu câteva excepții în orașe mari precum București și Brașov.

Cheie Valoare Element Descriere și comentarii Randare Poză
cycleway lane Two cycle lanes, one on each side of the road. Cyclist map
lane A cycle lane only on one side of the road. Left or right depend on the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap. Cyclist map
cycleway opposite Used on ways with oneway=yes where it is permitted to cycle in both directions.

Note - such streets are common in Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark, for example, but are rare in the UK (although they do exist): often, instead, actually the street is two-way as normal for its whole length except for the very short section past the no-entry sign at the end, where cycles are excepted from the no-entry by means of a short lane separated by an island. This is called a "cycle plug". In some places this has been represented as very short oneway Way at the end with an adjacent cycleway, forming a little triangle with the road they join to, or sometimes with a short oneway Way with cycleway=opposite_lane or opposite_track.

Cyclist map
cycleway opposite_lane Used on ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling lane going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" lane). Cyclist map
cycleway track A track is a route that is separate from the road.+oneway=yes if needed. Cyclist map
track A track only on one side of the road. You can drive in both directions. Left and right depend on the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap. Cyclist map
cycleway opposite_track Used on ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling track going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow. Cyclist map
cycleway shared Cyclists share space with other traffic on this highway.
cycleway share_busway There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use.
share_busway A bus lane permitted to use only on one side of the road. Left and right depend on the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap.
cycleway shared_lane Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, but there are markings indicating that they should share the lane with motorists. The road markings are usually there to highlight a cycle route or to remind drivers that you can cycle there. Also used for the on-road shared-lane marking called a "sharrow".
shared_lane A shared lane only on one side of the road. Left and right depend on the direction in which the way is drawn in OpenStreetMap.
cycleway asl A cycleway advanced stop line (ASL), also known as a bike box or an advanced stop box, is a marked area for cyclists in front of the stop line for motor traffic. CyclOSM
cycleway user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo.

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Used to describe the surface quality of the track, path or road.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
tracktype grade1 Solid[1].
Usually a paved surface (called also  Sealed road).
tracktype grade2 Mostly solid.
Usually an unpaved track with surface of gravel mixed with a varying amount of sand, silt, and clay. See Gravel road on Wikipedia.
May be applicable to heavily degraded and crumbled roads which was paved in past.
tracktype grade3 Even mixture of hard and soft materials.
An unpaved track.
tracktype grade4 Mostly soft.
An unpaved track prominently with soil/sand/grass, but with some hard or compacted materials mixed in.
tracktype grade5 Soft.
An unimproved track lacking hard materials, uncompacted, with surface of soil/sand/grass.
tracktype <no value> If no tracktype tag is present, the track is rendered with a dot-dash line style (as shown right).
Photo not applicable

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This is used to described different types of waterways. When mapping the way of a river, stream, drain, canal, etc. these need to be aligned in the direction of the water flow. See the page titled Waterways for an introduction on its usage.

Natural watercourses


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Man-made waterways


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Barriers on waterways


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Other features on waterways


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Acest articol sau secțiune poate conține informații nevalabile: Please use the english template Template:Map Features:railway, read more on Template:Map Features:railway/doc. thanks --Reneman (talk) 23:51, 15 November 2015 (UTC)
Dacă știți despre situația actuală, vă rugăm să vă informați pe toți informându-i prin actualizarea acestor informații. (Discussion)

Căi ferate

Cheie Valoare Element Comentariu Rendering Imagine
railway rail Cale pentru trenuri de pasageri sau de marfă cu ecartament standard pentru ţara respectivă.
railway tram Linie de tramvai. Vehicule de unu sau două vagoane pe cale ferată, de obicei construită pe o stradă. (În alte limbi.)
railway light_rail Tren (urban) uşor de suprafaţă. Metrou de suprafaţă.
railway subway Metrou. Cale ferată pentru pasageri, în cea mai mare parte subterană.
railway preserved Linie ferată conservată. Folosită pentru trenuri de epocă, de obicei obiectiv turistic. (A fost redenumită preserved în loc de preserved_rail deoarece "rail" e redundant).
railway disused Cale ferată scoasă din uz. O secţiune de cale ferată care nu mai este utilizată, dar calea şi infrastructura mai există. Vezi disused=yes pentru etichetare alternativă.
railway abandoned Cale ferată abandonată. Cursul unei foste căi ferate care a fost abandonată şi a cărei infrastructură a fost înlăturată.
railway narrow_gauge Cale ferată îngustă, mocăniţă.
railway monorail Cale ferată cu o singură șină.
Caracteristici suplimentare
  • contact_line
  • rail
  • yes
  • no
  • contact_line: Linie de contact, linie de tensiune deasupra trenului
  • rail: Şină, o a 3a şină aflată lîngă şinele de transport, prin care se alimentează trenul cu energie
  • yes: linie electrificată, dar fără detalii
  • no: linie neelectrificată
frequency Frecvenţa tensiunii de alimentare. Folosiţi 0 pentru curent continuu. Vezi şi eticheta "voltage".
voltage Tensiunea de alimentare a liniei. Vezi și eticheta "frequency".
Atributele serviciului
service yard Triaj. Stație tehnică de cale ferată în care se garează materialul rulant, se descompun și se recompun trenurile de marfă sau de călători.
service siding Porţiuni relativ scurte de cale, desfășurate paralel cu (și conectate la) o cale principală.
service spur Porţiuni relativ scurte de cale, construite pentru a asigura accesul unei companii la calea principala.
Puncte de oprire
railway station Gară (feroviară) (În alte limbi).
railway halt Haltă. Gară mică, posibil fără peron sau fără casă de bilete.
railway tram_stop Staţie de tramvai.
railway crossing Traversare a căii ferate pentru pietoni.
railway level_crossing Trecere la nivel cu calea ferată, loc unde se intersectează un drum şi o cale ferată.
railway subway_entrance Intrare la metrou, de obicei de la suprafaţă în subteran.
Alte caracteristici feroviare
railway turntable Platformă rotativă. Folosită pentru a întoarce locomotivele (sau alt material rulant) spre una dintre liniile aranjate radial.
railway platform Peron. Paralel cu calea ferată. Marchează de asemeni locurile pe unde se poate schimba peronul ca și intrările în gară, deci folosiţi căi pietonale pentru a le conecta. Asta este foarte folositor și pentru rutare.
landuse railway Teren de pe lîngă calea ferată şi de lîngă gări.
railway User Defined

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Acest tabel este un şablon wiki cu descriere în română. Editabil aici: .


These are mainly related to aerodromes, airfields other ground facilities that support the operation of airplanes and helicopters. See the page Aeroways for an introduction on mapping these features.


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This is used to tag different forms of transportation for people or goods by using aerial wires. For example these may include cable-cars, chair-lifts and drag-lifts. See the page Aerialway for more information on the usage of these tags.


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These are used to map electrical power generation and distributions systems. See Power for an introduction on its usage.


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Man made

A tag for identifying man made (artificial) structures that are added to the landscape. See man_made=* for an introduction on its usage.


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This is used to tag leisure and sports facilities. See the page titled Leisure for an introduction on its usage.


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Used to map facilities used by visitors and residents. For example: toilets, telephones, banks, pharmacies, cafes, parking and schools. See the page Amenities for an introduction on its usage.

Key Value Element Comment Carto rendering Photo


amenity bar Bar is a purpose-built commercial establishment that sells alcoholic drinks to be consumed on the premises. They are characterised by a noisy and vibrant atmosphere, similar to a party and usually don't sell food. See also the description of the tags amenity=pub;bar;restaurant for a distinction between these.
amenity biergarten Biergarten or beer garden is an open-air area where alcoholic beverages along with food is prepared and served. See also the description of the tags amenity=pub;bar;restaurant. A biergarten can commonly be found attached to a beer hall, pub, bar, or restaurant. In this case, you can use biergarten=yes additional to amenity=pub;bar;restaurant.
amenity cafe Cafe is generally an informal place that offers casual meals and beverages; typically, the focus is on coffee or tea. Also known as a coffeehouse/shop, bistro or sidewalk cafe. The kind of food served may be mapped with the tags cuisine=* and diet:*=*. See also the tags amenity=restaurant;bar;fast_food.
amenity fast_food Fast food restaurant (see also amenity=restaurant). The kind of food served can be tagged with cuisine=* and diet:*=*.
amenity food_court An area with several different restaurant food counters and a shared eating area. Commonly found in malls, airports, etc.
amenity ice_cream Ice cream shop or ice cream parlour. A place that sells ice cream and frozen yoghurt over the counter
amenity pub A place selling beer and other alcoholic drinks; may also provide food or accommodation (UK). See description of amenity=bar and amenity=pub for distinction between bar and pub
amenity restaurant Restaurant (not fast food, see amenity=fast_food). The kind of food served can be tagged with cuisine=* and diet:*=*.


amenity college Campus or buildings of an institute of Further Education (aka continuing education)
amenity driving_school Driving School which offers motor vehicle driving lessons
amenity kindergarten For children too young for a regular school (also known as preschool, playschool or nursery school), in some countries including afternoon supervision of primary school children.
amenity language_school Language School: an educational institution where one studies a foreign language.
amenity library A public library (municipal, university, …) to borrow books from.
amenity toy_library A place to borrow games and toys, or play with them on site.
amenity research_institute An establishment endowed for doing research.
amenity training Public place where you can get training.
amenity music_school A music school, an educational institution specialized in the study, training, and research of music.
amenity school School and grounds - primary, middle and seconday schools
amenity traffic_park Juvenile traffic schools
amenity university An university campus: an institute of higher education


amenity bicycle_parking Parking for bicycles
amenity bicycle_repair_station General tools for self-service bicycle repairs, usually on the roadside; no service
amenity bicycle_rental Rent a bicycle
amenity boat_rental Rent a Boat
amenity boat_sharing Share a Boat
amenity bus_station May also be tagged as public_transport=station.
amenity car_rental Rent a car
amenity car_sharing Share a car
amenity car_wash Wash a car
amenity compressed_air A device to inflate tires/tyres (e.g. motorcar, bicycle)
amenity vehicle_inspection Government vehicle inspection
amenity charging_station Charging facility for electric vehicles
amenity driver_training A place for driving training on a closed course
amenity ferry_terminal Ferry terminal/stop. A place where people/cars/etc. can board and leave a ferry.
amenity fuel Petrol station; gas station; marine fuel; … Streets to petrol stations are often tagged highway=service.
amenity grit_bin A container that holds grit or a mixture of salt and grit.
amenity motorcycle_parking Parking for motorcycles
amenity parking Car park. Nodes and areas (without access tag) will get a parking symbol. Areas will be coloured. Streets on car parking are often tagged highway=service and service=parking_aisle.
amenity parking_entrance An entrance or exit to an underground or multi-storey parking facility. Group multiple parking entrances together with a relation using the tags type=site and site=parking. Do not mix with amenity=parking. Underground Multi-storey
amenity parking_space A single parking space. Group multiple parking spaces together with a relation using the tags type=site and site=parking. Do not mix with amenity=parking.
amenity taxi A place where taxis wait for passengers.


amenity atm ATM or cash point: a device that provides the clients of a financial institution with access to financial transactions.
amenity bank Bank or credit union: a financial establishment where customers can deposit and withdraw money, take loans, make investments and transfer funds.
amenity bureau_de_change Bureau de change, money changer, currency exchange, Wechsel, cambio – a place to change foreign bank notes and travellers cheques.


amenity baby_hatch A place where a baby can be, out of necessity, anonymously left to be safely cared for and perhaps adopted.
amenity clinic A medium-sized medical facility or health centre.
amenity dentist A dentist practice / surgery.
amenity doctors A doctor's practice / surgery.
amenity hospital A hospital providing in-patient medical treatment. Often used in conjunction with emergency=* to note whether the medical centre has emergency facilities (A&E (brit.) or ER (am.))
amenity nursing_home Discouraged tag for a home for disabled or elderly persons who need permanent care. Use amenity=social_facility + social_facility=nursing_home now.
amenity pharmacy Pharmacy: a shop where a pharmacist sells medications
dispensing=yes/no - availability of prescription-only medications
amenity social_facility A facility that provides social services: group & nursing homes, workshops for the disabled, homeless shelters, etc.
amenity veterinary A place where a veterinary surgeon, also known as a veterinarian or vet, practices.

Entertainment, Arts & Culture

amenity arts_centre A venue where a variety of arts are performed or conducted
amenity brothel An establishment specifically dedicated to prostitution
amenity casino A gambling venue with at least one table game(e.g. roulette, blackjack) that takes bets on sporting and other events at agreed upon odds.
amenity cinema A place where films are shown (US: movie theater)
amenity community_centre A place mostly used for local events, festivities and group activities; including special interest and special age groups. .
amenity conference_centre A large building that is used to hold a convention
amenity events_venue A building specifically used for organising events
amenity exhibition_centre An exhibition centre
amenity fountain A fountain for cultural / decorational / recreational purposes.
amenity gambling A place for gambling, not being a shop=bookmaker, shop=lottery, amenity=casino, or leisure=adult_gaming_centre.

Games that are covered by this definition include bingo and pachinko.

amenity love_hotel A love hotel is a type of short-stay hotel operated primarily for the purpose of allowing guests privacy for sexual activities.
amenity music_venue An indoor place to hear contemporary live music.
amenity nightclub A place to drink and dance (nightclub). The German word is "Disco" or "Discothek". Please don't confuse this with the German "Nachtclub" which is most likely amenity=stripclub.
amenity planetarium A planetarium.
amenity public_bookcase A street furniture containing books. Take one or leave one.
amenity social_centre A place for free and not-for-profit activities.
amenity stripclub A place that offers striptease or lapdancing (for sexual services use amenity=brothel).
amenity studio TV radio or recording studio
amenity swingerclub A club where people meet to have a party and group sex.
amenity theatre A theatre or opera house where live performances occur, such as plays, musicals and formal concerts. Use amenity=cinema for movie theaters.

Public Service

amenity courthouse A building home to a court of law, where justice is dispensed
amenity fire_station A station of a fire brigade
amenity police A police station where police officers patrol from and that is a first point of contact for civilians
amenity post_box A box for the reception of mail. Alternative mail-carriers can be tagged via operator=*
amenity post_depot Post depot or delivery office, where letters and parcels are collected and sorted prior to delivery.
amenity post_office Post office building with postal services
amenity prison A prison or jail where people are incarcerated before trial or after conviction
amenity ranger_station National Park visitor headquarters: official park visitor facility with police, visitor information, permit services, etc
amenity townhall Building where the administration of a village, town or city may be located, or just a community meeting place


amenity bbq BBQ or Barbecue is a permanently built grill for cooking food, which is most typically used outdoors by the public. For example these may be found in city parks or at beaches. Use the tag fuel=* to specify the source of heating, such as fuel=wood;electric;charcoal. For mapping nearby table and chairs, see also the tag tourism=picnic_site. For mapping campfires and firepits, instead use the tag leisure=firepit.
amenity bench A bench to sit down and relax a bit
amenity dog_toilet Area designated for dogs to urinate and excrete.
amenity [[ Too many Data Items entities accessed. | dressing_room ]] Area designated for changing clothes.
amenity drinking_water Drinking water is a place where humans can obtain potable water for consumption. Typically, the water is used for only drinking. Also known as a drinking fountain or bubbler.
amenity give_box A small facility where people drop off and pick up various types of items in the sense of free sharing and reuse.
amenity mailroom A mailroom for receiving packages or letters.
amenity parcel_locker Machine for picking up and sending parcels
amenity shelter A small shelter against bad weather conditions. To additionally describe the kind of shelter use shelter_type=*.
amenity shower Public shower.
amenity telephone Public telephone
amenity toilets Public toilets (might require a fee)
amenity water_point Place where you can get large amounts of drinking water
amenity watering_place Place where water is contained and animals can drink

Waste Management

amenity sanitary_dump_station A place for depositing human waste from a toilet holding tank.
amenity recycling Recycling facilities (bottle banks, etc.). Combine with recycling_type=container for containers or recycling_type=centre for recycling centres.
amenity waste_basket A single small container for depositing garbage that is easily accessible for pedestrians.
amenity waste_disposal A medium or large disposal bin, typically for bagged up household or industrial waste.
amenity waste_transfer_station A waste transfer station is a location that accepts, consolidates and transfers waste in bulk.


amenity animal_boarding A facility where you, paying a fee, can bring your animal for a limited period of time (e.g. for holidays)
amenity animal_breeding A facility where animals are bred, usually to sell them
amenity animal_shelter A shelter that recovers animals in trouble
amenity animal_training A facility used for non-competitive animal training
amenity baking_oven An oven used for baking bread and similar, for example inside a building=bakehouse.
amenity childcare A place where children of different ages are looked after which is not an amenity=kindergarten or preschool.
amenity clock A public visible clock
amenity crematorium A place where dead human bodies are burnt
amenity dive_centre A dive center is the base location where sports divers usually start scuba diving or make dive guided trips at new locations.
amenity funeral_hall A place for holding a funeral ceremony, other than a place of worship.
amenity grave_yard A (smaller) place of burial, often you'll find a church nearby. Large places should be landuse=cemetery instead.

amenity hunting_stand A hunting stand: an open or enclosed platform used by hunters to place themselves at an elevated height above the terrain
amenity internet_cafe A place whose principal role is providing internet services to the public.
amenity kitchen A public kitchen in a facility to use by everyone or customers
amenity kneipp_water_cure Outdoor foot bath facility. Usually this is a pool with cold water and handrail. Popular in German speaking countries.
amenity lounger An object for people to lie down.
amenity marketplace A marketplace where goods and services are traded daily or weekly.
amenity monastery Monastery is the location of a monastery or a building in which monks and nuns live.
amenity photo_booth A stand to create instant photos.
amenity place_of_mourning A room or building where families and friends can come, before the funeral, and view the body of the person who has died.
amenity place_of_worship A church, mosque, or temple, etc. Note that you also need religion=*, usually denomination=* and preferably name=* as well as amenity=place_of_worship. See the article for details.
amenity public_bath A location where the public may bathe in common, etc. japanese onsen, turkish bath, hot spring
amenity public_building A generic public building. Don't use! See office=government.
amenity refugee_site A human settlement sheltering refugees or internally displaced persons
amenity vending_machine A machine selling goods – food, tickets, newspapers, etc. Add type of goods using vending=*
amenity user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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The shop tag is used as a place of business that has stocked goods for sale or sells services. See the page titled Shop for an introduction on its usage.

Key Value Comment Rendering on default layer (osm-carto) Photo

Food, beverages

shop alcohol Shop selling alcohol to take away
shop bakery Shop focused on selling bread
shop beverages Shop focused on selling alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. See also shop=alcohol.
shop brewing_supplies Shop focused on selling supplies for home brewing of beer, wine and spirits (where permitted).
shop butcher Shop focused on selling meat
shop cheese Shop focused on selling cheese.
shop chocolate Shop focused on selling chocolate.
shop coffee Shop focused on selling coffee.
shop confectionery Shop focused on selling sweets or candy
shop convenience A small local shop carrying a small subset of the items you would find in a supermarket
shop deli Shop focused on selling delicatessen (fine foods, gourmet foods), possibly also fine wine. Not to be confused with the US delis.
shop dairy Shop focused on selling dairy products.
shop farm Shop or roadside stand focused on selling freshly harvested farm produce
shop frozen_food Shop focused on selling frozen food.
shop greengrocer Shop focused on selling vegetables and fruits.
shop health_food A health food shop; selling wholefoods, vitamins, nutrition supplements and meat and dairy alternatives.
shop ice_cream Shop selling ice cream. See also amenity=ice_cream.
shop pasta Shop focused on selling (fresh) pasta, ravioli, etc.
shop pastry Shop focused on selling baked sweets like cakes, biscuits, strudel and pies.
shop seafood Shop focused on selling fish/seafood.
shop spices Shop focused on selling spices.
shop tea Shop focused on selling tea.
shop wine Shop selling wine.
shop water Shop focused on selling drinking water.

General store, department store, mall

shop department_store A single large store – often multiple storeys high – selling a large variety of goods (see also shop=mall)
shop general A store that carries a general line of merchandise. (see also shop=convenience if it sells food).
shop kiosk A small shop on the pavement that sells magazines, tobacco, newspapers, sweets and stamps.
shop mall A shopping mall – multiple stores under one roof (also known as a shopping centre)
shop supermarket Supermarket – a large store with groceries and other items
shop wholesale Wholesale/warehouse club or cash and carry - a store that sells items in bulk to retailers. The branch of industry can be defined with wholesale=*.

Clothing, shoes, accessories

shop baby_goods Shop focused on selling objects for babies (clothes, prams, cots, toys).
shop bag Shop focused on selling bags.
shop boutique A small shopping outlet, especially one that specializes in elite and fashionable items
shop clothes Shop focused on selling clothes and/or underwear (other related value in use is fashion)
shop fabric Shop focused on selling fabric and other materials for the purpose of making clothes and other products, eg dress making.
shop fashion Shop focused on selling fashion. This is deprecated, please use shop=clothes.
shop fashion_accessories Shop focused on selling fashion accessories.
shop jewelry Jewellers shops.
shop leather Shop focused on selling products made out of leather.
shop sewing A shop that sells sewing supplies (fabric, thread, yarn, knitting needles, sewing machines, etc.)
shop shoes Shop focused on selling shoes.
shop tailor A place where clothing is made, repaired, or altered professionally, especially suits and men's clothing
shop watches Shop focused on selling watches.
shop wool Shop selling wool for making of clothes or other products.

Discount store, charity

shop charity A charity shop is a shop operated by a charity, for the purposes of fundraising.
shop second_hand A shop buying and selling used clothes and other things. See also shop=pawnbroker
shop variety_store A variety store retailer is a retail store that sells inexpensive items, sometimes with a single price point for all items in the store.

Health and beauty

shop beauty A non-hairdresser beauty shop, spa, nail salon, etc.. See also shop=hairdresser.
shop chemist Shop focused on selling articles of personal hygiene, cosmetics, and household cleaning products (for a shop that potentially dispenses prescription drugs, cf. pharmacy. U.S. drug store, see amenity=pharmacy)
shop cosmetics Shop focused on selling cosmetics
shop erotic Shop focused on selling erotic toys, -clothes or other erotic stuff.
shop hairdresser Here you can get your hair cut, coloured, … See also shop=beauty
shop hairdresser_supply A shop, where you can buy hairdressing supplies.
shop hearing_aids Shop focused on selling hearing aids devices
shop herbalist Shop focused on selling herbs, often for medical purposes. (See also: healthcare:speciality=herbalism and healthcare=alternative).
shop massage A massage shop
shop medical_supply Shop focused on selling medical supplies.
shop nutrition_supplements Shops that sells one or more nutritional supplements (of vitamins, minerals and/or herbs)
shop optician Shop focused on selling eyeglasses, contact lenses (may also check your eyes).
shop perfumery Shop focused on selling perfumery
shop tattoo A tattoo parlour.

Do-it-yourself, household, building materials, gardening

shop agrarian Shop focused on selling agrarian products, like seeds, agricultural machinery, animal feed, etc.
shop appliance Shop focused on selling large electrical items (aka white goods) washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, fans, etc.
shop bathroom_furnishing Shop focused on selling bathroom furniture and accessories
shop doityourself Shop focused on selling tools and supplies to do-it-yourself householders, gardening, …
shop electrical Shop focused on selling electrical supplies and devices
shop energy Shop focused on selling energy
shop fireplace Shop focused on selling electric fireplaces, stoves or masonry heaters and required fuels
shop florist Shop focused on selling bouquets of flowers (see shop=garden_centre for potted flowers).
shop garden_centre Shop focused on selling potted flowers, maybe even trees (see also shop=florist for flower bouquets).
shop garden_furniture Shop focused on selling garden furniture (sheds, outdoor tables, gates, fences, ...). See shop=garden_centre if also plants are sold.
shop gas Shop focused on selling technical gas, such as argon, oxygen, acetylene, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. in pressurized containers
shop glaziery Shop focused on selling and installing glazing for windows and doors.
shop groundskeeping Shop focused on selling outdoor groundskeeping equipment (lawnmowers, chainsaws, small tractors, ...
shop hardware Shop focused on selling building supplies including screws, bolts & paints, … See also shop=doityourself
shop houseware Shop focused on selling crockery, cutlery, kitchenware, small household appliances.
shop locksmith Shop focused on selling keys, see also craft=locksmith and craft=key_cutter
shop paint Shop focused on selling paints.
shop pottery Shop focused on selling earthenware, stoneware and porcelain and other ceramic ware.
shop security Shop focused on selling security items like burglar alarms, vaults, locking systems, video surveillance cameras, firefighting equipment, alarm systems, warning systems, etc.
shop trade Shop focused on selling one or more building supplies such as timber/wood, cement etc. See also shop=doityourself
shop windows This tag is deprecated. Please use craft=window_construction instead.

Furniture and interior

shop antiques Shop focused on selling antiques.
shop bed Shop focused on selling beds, mattresses and other bedding products.
shop candles Shop focused on selling candles and candle accessories (holders, etc)
shop carpet Shop focused on selling carpets
shop curtain Shop focused on selling curtains or drapes (see also shop=fabric)
shop doors Shop focused on selling doors
shop flooring Shop focused on selling floorings
shop furniture Shop focused on selling furniture, might range from small decorational items to a whole flat interior
shop household_linen Shop focused on selling household linen.
shop interior_decoration Shop focused on selling interior decorations.
shop kitchen A shop where you can plan and buy your kitchen. (Sometimes called "kitchen studio" and the like, but plain kitchen is the most frequently used tag so far.)
shop lighting A shop selling lighting fixtures and lamps.
shop tiles Shop focused on selling tiles.
shop window_blind Shop focused on selling window blinds.


shop computer Shop focused on selling computers, peripherals, software, …
shop electronics Shop focused on selling consumer electronics (TV, radio, …). Larger ones may also sell computers, fridges, …
shop hifi Shop focused on selling High Fidelity or High End environment to listen music or watch films at home
shop mobile_phone Shop focused on selling mobile phones and accessories
shop radiotechnics Shop focused on selling electronic components, electrical products, radio measuring devices, supplies for radio and electronics.
shop telecommunication Shop selling internet, television or similar services, and related hardware.
shop vacuum_cleaner Shop focused on selling vacuum cleaners and associated products.

Outdoors and sport, vehicles

shop atv Shop focused on selling  atvs (quads), atv equipment and may rent or repair them
shop bicycle Shop focused on selling bicycles, bicycle equipment and may rent or repair them
shop boat Shop focused on selling boats, boat equipment and may rent or repair them
shop car Car store – a place to buy cars or to get your car repaired
shop car_repair Shop focused on car repair (usually independent of a specific car brand).
shop car_parts Shop focused on selling auto parts, auto accessories, motor oil, car chemicals, etc.
shop caravan A shop for caravans, motorhomes & similar recreational vehicles.
shop fuel Shop selling fuels (motor fuel, wood, coal, gas) that can't be considered a amenity=fuel (fuel station). Use fuel:*=yes/no to indicate which fuels are available.
shop fishing Shop focused on selling fishing equipment.
shop golf Shop focused on selling golf equipment.
shop hunting Shop focused on selling gun and hunting equipment.
shop jetski Shop focused on selling jetskis, jetski equipment and may rent or repair them
shop military_surplus Shop selling used military equipment
shop motorcycle Shop focused on selling motorcycles and/or related accessories, clothes, parts, and rental services.
shop outdoor Shop focused on selling camping, walking, climbing, and other outdoor sports equipment (GPSes, etc.)
shop scuba_diving Shop focused on selling scuba diving equipment.
shop ski Shop focused on selling skis, ski equipment and may rent or repair them
shop snowmobile Shop focused on selling snowmobiles, snowmobile equipment and may rent or repair them
shop sports Shop focused on selling sporting goods.
shop swimming_pool A store that sells swimming pool equipment and supplies.
shop trailer Shop focused on selling trailers and parts and/or repairing / renting them
shop tyres Shop focused on selling tyres.

Art, music, hobbies

shop art Shop which sells works of art. May be paintings, sculpture, or other types of art
shop camera A shop mainly selling cameras and lenses
shop collector A shop for different collector's items like stamps, coins, action figures, etc.
shop craft An arts and crafts supply store. Commonly sold items are paper, canvas, paint, pencils, crafting wood, crafting tools, etc. - look at craft=*
shop frame Shop focused on selling frames.
shop games Shop focused on selling board games, card games and/or role-playing games.
shop model Shop specialising in the sale of scale models.
shop music Shop focused on selling recorded music (vinyl/CDs/...)
shop musical_instrument Shop focused on selling musical instruments, lyrics, scores. If focused on a specific instrument, specify with musical_instrument=*
shop photo Shop focused on selling products or services related with photography.
shop trophy Store selling trophies, awards, plaques etc.
shop video Shop focused on selling or renting out videos/DVDs.
shop video_games Shop focused on selling video games.

Stationery, gifts, books, newspapers

shop anime Shop focused on selling anime stuff.
shop books Shop focused on selling books (for a library that lends books, see amenity=library)
shop gift Shop focused on selling gifts, greeting cards, or tourist gifts (souvenirs)
shop lottery A shop of which the main or only purpose is the sale of lottery tickets.
shop newsagent Shop focused on selling newspapers, cigarettes, other goods
shop stationery Shop focused on selling office supplies
shop ticket Shop focused on selling tickets for concerts, events, public transport, …


shop bookmaker A shop that takes bets on sporting and other events at agreed upon odds.
shop cannabis a shop primarily and legally selling non-medical cannabis products
shop copyshop Shop focused on selling photocopying and printing services.
shop dry_cleaning Shop or kiosk offering a clothes dry cleaning service. The actual cleaning may be done elsewhere.
shop e-cigarette Shop focused on selling electronic cigarettes.
shop funeral_directors Providing services related to funeral arrangements, may also be known as a "funeral parlour" or "undertakers".
shop insurance A shop selling insurance services from one or more insurance carriers.
shop laundry A shop to get your normal clothes washed. Might be self service coin operated, with service staff for drop off, …
shop money_lender A money lender offers small personal loans at high rates of interest.
shop outpost Shop primarily used to pick-up items ordered online.
shop party A shop for party and festival supplies, like costumes, etc.
shop pawnbroker A pawnbroker (or pawnshop) is an individual or business that offers secured loans to people. See also shop=second_hand
shop pest_control Shop selling pest control goods to exterminate rats, insects etc.
shop pet A shop for pets, animals and toys or food for them.
shop pet_grooming A shop offering grooming services for pets (most frequently dogs)
shop pyrotechnics Store of pyrotechnics: fireworks, firecrackers, sparklers etc.
shop religion Shop focused on selling religious articles, church shop. See also religion=*
shop storage_rental self storage
shop tobacco Shop focused on selling tobacco, cigarettes and their related accessories.
shop toys Shop focused on selling toys.
shop travel_agency Shop focused on selling tickets for travelling. Also known as a tour operator.
shop weapons Shop focused on selling weapons like knives, guns etc.
shop vacant An unused vacant shop. Can be used for an empty or abandoned retail space that seems to be available for lease or purchase where a retail store (or similar businesses) may be opened. No store is being operated in a vacant shop, and neither goods nor services are being offered. This tag can be used after a store was closed or for a newly built shop before any busisness was operated in the shop.
shop yes - use more specific value if possible A shop of unspecified type - it is always better to use another value that gives info about shop type, if possible. Used also as indicator that feature such as fuel station has shop.
shop user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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This is used to map places and things of specific interest to tourists. For example these may be places to see, places to stay and things and places providing support. See the page titled Tourism for an introduction on its usage.


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This is used to describe various historic places. For example: archaeological sites, wrecks, ruins, castles and ancient buildings. See the page titled Historic for an introduction on its usage.


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This is used to describe the purpose for which an area of land is being used. See the page Landuse for an introduction on its usage.

Key Value Element Description Rendering Photo

Common landuse key values - developed land

landuse commercial Predominantly commercial businesses and their offices. Commercial businesses which sell goods should be categorised as landuse=retail. Commercial businesses can sell services on site and may include private Doctor's Surgeries, and those non-government services for mental and physical health, such as a Counselor's or Physiotherapist's practice or Veterinary. Commercial businesses can also include office buildings and business parks which have limited interface with the public and sell their services either on site, or externally. Commercial businesses have low amounts of public foot traffic.

Government services and businesses predominantly mapped as commercial too and used as such by data consumers! See more information on operator:type to set it as government to distinguish from private or others.
civic_admin is an abandoned proposal, civic has no documentation, institutional is to ambiguous and all three only find minimal support in the mapping community.

landuse construction A site which is under active development and construction of a building or structure, including any purposeful alteration to the land or vegetation upon it. Abandoned construction projects and sites should not use this tag.
landuse education An area predominately used for educational purposes/facilities.
landuse fairground A site where the fair takes place
landuse industrial Predominantly industrial landuses such as workshops, factories, or warehouses.
landuse residential Land where people reside; predominantly residential detached (single houses, grouped dwellings), or attached (apartments, flats, units) dwellings. For "Mixed-Use" areas where more than half of the land is residential, tag as residential.
landuse retail Predominantly retail businesses such as shops. Retail businesses sell physical goods such as food (prepared or grocery), clothing, medicine, stationary, appliances, tools, or other similar physical items. Retail businesses have high amounts of public foot traffic. Retail businesses do not exclusively provide or sell their services. For businesses which sell services see landuse=commercial.

Generally a member of the public could freely walk into and access a retail business. Retail is a subset of commercial, but should be used and treated as mutually exclusive in OpenStreetMap.

landuse institutional Land used for institutional purposes, see  Institution (disambiguation). Institutional land may include buildings like an office=government, office=ngo, office=association, amenity=social_facility and their associated infrastructure (car parks, service roads, yards and so-on)

The meaning of this tag is ambiguous and unclear. Consider using another tag that better describes the object. For instance landuse=commercial. See talk page for discussion.
Key Value Element Description Rendering Photo

Common landuse key values - rural and agricultural land

landuse aquaculture  Aquaculture is the farming of freshwater and saltwater organisms such as finfish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. currently not rendered by osm-carto
landuse allotments A piece of land given over to local residents for growing vegetables and flowers.
landuse farmland An area of farmland used for tillage (cereals, vegetables, oil plants, flowers).
landuse farmyard An area of land with farm buildings like farmhouse, dwellings, farmsteads, sheds, stables, barns, equipment sheds, feed bunkers, etc. plus the open space in between them and the shrubbery/trees around them.
landuse flowerbed An area designated for flowers
landuse forest Managed forest or woodland plantation (Other languages). Some use this to map an area of trees rather than the use of the land. See Forest.
landuse greenhouse_horticulture Area used for growing plants in greenhouses
landuse meadow A meadow or pasture: land primarily vegetated by grass and non-woody plants, mainly used for hay or grazing
landuse orchard intentional planting of trees or shrubs maintained for food production
landuse plant_nursery intentional planting of plants maintaining for the production of new plants
landuse vineyard A piece of land where grapes are grown.
Key Value Element Description Rendering Photo

Common landuse key values - waterbody

Warning: currently, there is no convention on the exact meaning of this tag. Therefore, it makes sense to treat it like "boundary of aquaculture" (without implication of water body), which means, water body should be tagged by its own, using natural=water etc.}}}

landuse basin An area artificially graded to hold water.

Together with basin=* for stormwater/rainwater infiltration/detention/retention basins.

Other languages.

landuse reservoir A reservoir on Wikipedia. Deprecated variant of natural=water + water=reservoir. See Proposed features/Reservoir for details.
landuse salt_pond A place where salt (saline) water is evaporated to extract its salt.
Key Value Element Description Rendering Photo

Other landuse key values

landuse brownfield Describes land scheduled for new development where old buildings have been demolished and cleared
landuse cemetery Place for burials. You can add religion=* (values listed in the place of worship page). Smaller places (e.g. with a church nearby) may use amenity=grave_yard instead.
landuse conservation Protected areas (deprecated) Alternate tagging of same thing: boundary=protected_area, protected_area=*
landuse depot An area used as a depot for e.g. vehicles (trains, buses or trams). Consider using rather standard landuse tags like landuse=railway, landuse=commercial, landuse=industrial, with subtag like industrial=depot. currently not rendered by osm-carto
landuse garages One level buildings with boxes commonly for cars, usually made of brick and metal. Usually this area belong to garage cooperative with own name, chairman, budget, rules, security, etc.
landuse grass An area of mown and managed grass not otherwise covered by a more specific tag. Some view this as not a landuse, see the main page landuse=grass for discussion.
landuse greenfield Describes land scheduled for new development where there have been no buildings before. A greenfield is scheduled to turn into a construction site

(not rendered)

landuse landfill Place where waste is dumped.
landuse military For land areas owned/used by the military for whatever purpose
landuse port coastal industrial area where commercial traffic is handled. Consider using landuse=industrial + industrial=port for this type of industrial area. currently not rendered by osm-carto
landuse quarry Surface mineral extraction
landuse railway Area for railway use, generally off-limits to the general public
landuse recreation_ground An open green space for general recreation, which may include pitches, nets and so on, usually municipal but possibly also private to colleges or companies
landuse religious An area used for religious purposes
landuse village_green A village green is a distinctive area of grassy public land in a village centre. Not a generic tag for urban greenery. It is a typical English term – defined separately from 'common land' under the Commons Registration Act 1965 and the Commons Act 2006.
landuse winter_sports An area dedicated to winter sports (e.g. skiing)
landuse user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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This is used for facilities and on land used by the military. These may include the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines. See the page titled Military for an introduction on its usage.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
[[ Too many Data Items entities accessed. | military ]] airfield A place where military planes take off and land.
military ammunition Military ammunition storage area.
military barracks Buildings where soldiers live and work.
military bunker Buildings, often build from concrete, to stand even heavier fire. Also WW2 pillboxes.
military checkpoint Place of a possible access to a restricted or secured area, where civilian visitors and vehicles will be controled by a military authority.
military danger_area Usually a large marked area around something like a firing range, bombing range, etc which can be an exclusion zone.
military launchpad Launchpads used for military purposes, see tag:aeroway=launchpad for civilian use
military naval_base A naval base
military nuclear_explosion_site Nuclear weapons test site
military obstacle_course A military obstacle course.
military office Military offices, e.g. general staff office, military recruitment office etc
military range Where soldiers practice with their weapons (firing, bombing, artillery, …).
military training_area An area where soldiers train and weapons or other military technology are experimented with or are tested.
military trench Trenches used for military purposes
military user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo

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This is used to describe natural and physical land features. These also include features that have been modified by humans.



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Non Physical


Articolul principal: relation:route

This is used to describe routes of all different kinds.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
route bicycle Cycle routes or bicycles route are named, numbered or otherwise signed. May go along roads, trails or dedicated cycle paths
route bus The route a public bus service takes. See Buses.
route canoe Signed route for canoeing through a waterway.
route detour Route for fixed detour routes. Examples are Bedarfsumleitung in Germany and uitwijkroute in the Netherlands
route ferry The route a ferry takes from terminal to terminal Please make sure to add at least one node per tile (zoom level 12), better at least one every few km, so offline editors catch it with bbox requests.
route foot Walking Route - is used for routes which are walkable without any limitations regarding fitness, equipment or weather conditions.
route hiking Hiking explains how to tag hiking routes.
route horse Riding routes
route inline_skates Inline has more information on the subject.
route light_rail Route of a light rail line.
route mtb Mountain biking explains how to tag mtb routes.
route piste Route of a piste (e.g., snowshoe or XC-Ski trails) in a winter sport area.
route railway A sequence of railway ways, often named (e.g., Channel Tunnel). See Railways.
route road Can be used to map various road routes/long roads.
route running For running (jogging) routes.
route ski For ski tracks (e.g., XC-Ski Trails User:Langläufer/Loipemap).
route subway Route of a metro service
route train Train services (e.g., London-Paris Eurostar) See Railways.
route tracks Railroad track as rail infrastructure.
route tram See Trams for more information on tagging tram services.
route trolleybus The route of a trolleybus service.
route User defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo.

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These are used to describe administrative and other boundaries. See the page Boundaries for an introduction on its usage.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering example Photo

Boundary types

boundary aboriginal_lands A boundary representing official reservation boundaries of recognized aboriginal / indigenous / native peoples.
boundary administrative An administrative boundary. Subdivisions of areas/territories/jurisdictions recognised by governments or other organisations for administrative purposes. These range from large groups of nation states right down to small administrative districts and suburbs, as indicated by the 'admin_level=*' combo tag.
boundary border_zone A border zone is an area near the border where special restrictions on movement apply. Usually a permit is required for visiting.
boundary forest A delimited forest is a land which is predominantly wooded and which is, for this reason, given defined boundaries. It may cover different tree stands, non-wooded areas, highways… but all the area within the boundaries are considered and managed as a single forest.
boundary forest_compartment A forest compartment is a numbered sub-division within a delimited forest, physically materialized with visible, typically cleared, boundaries.
boundary hazard A designated hazardous area, with a potential source of damage to health, life, property, or any other interest of value.
boundary maritime Maritime boundaries which are not administrative boundaries: the Baseline, Contiguous Zone and EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone).
boundary marker A boundary marker, border marker, boundary stone, or border stone is a robust physical marker that identifies the start of a land boundary or the change in a boundary, especially a change in direction of a boundary. See also historic=boundary_stone
boundary national_park Area of outstanding natural beauty, set aside for conservation and for recreation (Other languages).
boundary place boundary=place is commonly used to map the boundaries of a place=*, when these boundaries can be defined but these are not administrative boundaries.
boundary political Electoral boundaries
boundary postal_code Postal code boundaries
boundary protected_area Protected areas, such as for national parks, marine protection areas, heritage sites, wilderness, cultural assets and similar.
boundary special_economic_zone A government-defined area in which business and trade laws are different.
boundary disputed An area of landed claimed by two or more parties (use with caution). See also Disputed territories.
boundary user defined All commonly used values according to Taginfo


admin_level (number) Applies to boundary=administrative and is usually in the range 1 to 10, except for several countries (Bolivia, Germany, Mozambique, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Turkmenistan, Venezuela) where it is in the range 1 to 11 – see boundary.
border_type * To distinguish between types of boundary where admin_level isn't enough. Used in several different ways e.g in maritime contexts.
start_date (date) Useful if the boundary is very recent (or if it will become effective in a near future).

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Acest articol sau secțiune poate conține informații nevalabile: Please use the english template Template:Map Features:sport, read more on Template:Map Features:sport/doc. thanks --Reneman (talk) 21:52, 16 November 2015 (UTC)
Dacă știți despre situația actuală, vă rugăm să vă informați pe toți informându-i prin actualizarea acestor informații. (Discussion)


This key is intended as an additional key. Render effect is a logo associated with the given sport. To get a differently colored area you'll need something like landuse=* or leisure=* in addition.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
sport 9pin Popicărie cu 9 popice (vezi Wikipedia) - bowling game played in Europe with only 9 pins
sport 10pin Popicărie cu 10 popice (vezi Wikipedia)
sport archery The different variations of this sport can be specified by also adding a type=* tag. Values for this type=* tag are e.g.: FITA, field, 3D, ... See also Archery on Wikipedia
sport athletics Atletism (de pistă şi de teren). Grup de manifestări sportive incluzînd alergări, aruncări, sărituri... (vezi Wikipedia).
sport australian_football Fotbal australian. A team sport played between two teams of 18 players with a ball on large oval shaped grass fields (often also used as a cricket ground), with four goal posts at each end.(on Wikipedia)
sport baseball Baseball, oină americană. An outdoor bat-and-ball sport contested by two teams of nine players each on a large grass pitch (vezi Wikipedia).
sport basketball Baschet. (vezi Wikipedia)
sport beachvolleyball Volei pe plajă. vezi Wikipedia
sport boules A collective name for games played with metal balls, popular in France (on Wikipedia). The different variations of this sport can be specified by also adding a type=* tag. Values for this type=* tag are e.g.: petanque, lyonnaise, extreme, ...
sport bowls Lawn bowls (on Wikipedia)
sport canoe Canoe (vezi Wikipedia) I think this should also include kayaking (on Wikipedia) when used as a general tag? MikeCollinson 08:16, 6 July 2008 (UTC)
sport chess Chess (on Wikipedia) - here mostly intended: big chess-boards in the open air
sport climbing Rock climbing - natural or artificial climbs (climbing walls) (on Wikipedia)
sport cricket A bat-and-ball sport contested by two teams, usually of eleven players, each on a large grass pitch (on Wikipedia)
sport cricket_nets Cricket nets for practice used by batsmen and bowlers to warm up and/or improve their cricketing techniques. (on Wikipedia)
sport croquet A game played between 2 or more players on a small grass pitch hitting wooden or plastic balls with a mallet through hoops embedded into the grass. (on Wikipedia)
sport cycling
sport dog_racing Curse de cîini.
sport equestrian Echitaţie, călărie, sports involving the skill of riding or driving horses (on Wikipedia) . Often associated internationally with show jumping and dressage, but also including endurance riding, eventing, reining, tent pegging, vaulting, polo, horse racing, driving, rodeo and more. See also sport=horse_racing
sport football Fotbal american. (Clarification is needed here; does this refer to the game known as "soccer" in North America, or to something like American/Canadian football? Given that sport=soccer is also listed, I'm inclined towards the latter interpretation... Dshpak 23:10, 4 August 2007 (BST)). A less ambiguous way would be to use the true (internationally recognised) names for these sports, i.e. Association Football, Rugby Union Football, American Football, Rugby League Football, Australian Rules Football, FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association), etc.
sport golf for golf courses, use leisure=golf_course
sport gymnastics
sport hockey Hochei.
sport horse_racing Curse de cai.
sport motor
sport multi
sport orienteering (orienteering on Wikipedia) Orienteering club or centre
sport paddle_tennis (paddle_tennis on Wikipedia)
sport pelota Pelotă. (vezi Wikipedia)
sport racquet
sport rowing (rowing on Wikipedia)
sport rugby Rugby, rugbi.
sport shooting outdoor or indoor shooting range
sport skating Patinaj.
sport skateboard
sport skiing Schi.
sport soccer Fotbal ("soccer"), a team sport played between two teams of eleven players (vezi Wikipedia). Note: While called "football" (fussball, fotball, ...) in many countries, it is best to tag it as "soccer" to avoid confusion with other usages of "football": In USA, American Football; in Australia, any of soccer, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Australian Rules Football; etc.
sport swimming Înot, nataţie.
sport table_tennis Tenis de masă.
sport team_handball (Team) handball on Wikipedia
sport tennis Tenis de cîmp.
sport volleyball Volei. vezi Wikipedia

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Acest articol sau secțiune poate conține informații nevalabile: Please use the English template Template:generic:Map Features:abutters with parameters documented in Template:Map Features:abutters/doc.
Dacă știți despre situația actuală, vă rugăm să vă informați pe toți informându-i prin actualizarea acestor informații. (Discussion)

Abutters, Spaţii acoperite

This key applies to ways only when, for instance, aerial views are not available. See landuse=* for areas.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
abutters residential în special, locuinţe (case şi apartamente)
abutters retail în special, magazine
abutters industrial în special, ateliere, fabrici, depozite
abutters commercial clădiri de birouri, parcuri de afaceri etc.
abutters mixed unde nu există predominanţă clară, de exemplu, spaţii combinate de magazine şi locuinţe

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This is used to give additional information of a general nature about another element.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
area yes Means a feature that is normally linear is an area. You should not add this to features that are already defined as an area type.
brand user defined Brand of the feature.
bridge yes / aqueduct / viaduct / cantilever / movable / covered / … A bridge, use together with the tag layer=*. Value yes is generic, or you can specialize.
capacity amount Used for specifying capacity of a facility.
charge amount Used for specifying how much is charged for use/access to a facility. See toll=* or fee=*.
clothes see key's page Tagged on shops and other features to denote if they sell clothes or not and what type of clothes they sell.
covered yes Used to denote that a node, way or area is covered by another entity (or in some cases the ground), when the use of layers is inappropriate, or additional clarification is needed. Various, depending on the covered entity
crossing no / traffic_signals / uncontrolled / island / unmarked Further refinement for nodes already tagged with highway=crossing or railway=crossing
crossing:island yes / no Specifies whether a pedestrian crossing has a refuge island
cutting yes / left / right A cut in the land to carry a road or tram. Mostly in hilly landscape. See Cutting on Wikipedia
disused yes For features that are useful for navigation, yet are unused. See abandoned=* if infrastructure is removed.
drinking_water yes / no Describes whether a drinking water is available
drive_through yes / no Used to indicate if a pharmacy, bank, atm, or fast_food, or post_box offers drive_thru service. drive_through=* is different than drive_in=*}
drive_in yes / no Used to indicate if a cinema is a drive-in cinema or a restaurant offers drive-in service. drive_in=* is different than drive_through=*
electrified contact_line / rail Indicates infrastructure to supply vehicles with electricity on rail tracks
ele Number Elevation (also known as altitude or height) above mean sea level in metre, based on geoid model EGM 96 which is used by WGS 84 (GPS). (see also Altitude)
embankment yes A raised bank to carry a road, railway, or canal across a low-lying or wet area. See Embankment on Wikipedia
end_date Date Date feature was removed
est_width Number A rough guess of the width of way in metres
fee yes / no Used for specifying whether fee is charged for use/access to a facility. See also toll=*.
fire_object:type poo / szo Potentially dangerous and socially significant objects
fire_operator Name Fire station, which serves the object
fire_rank 1bis / 2 to 5 Rank fire, defined for a particular object
frequency Number Frequency in Hz
hazard see hazard Indicates of the hazards.
hot_water yes / no Describes whether a hot water is available
inscription User Defined The full text of inscriptions, which can be found on buildings, memorials and other objects.
internet_access yes / wired / wlan / terminal / no This tag is for indication that a map entity such as a building, a shop, restaurant, etc. offers internet access to the public, either as a paid service or even for free.
layer -5 to 5 0: ground (default); -1..-5:under ground layer; 1..5 (not +1):above ground layer
This is intended to indicate actual physical separation, shouldn't be used just to influence rendering order.
leaf_cycle evergreen / deciduous / semi_evergreen / semi_deciduous / mixed Describes the phenology of leaves
leaf_type broadleaved / needleleaved / mixed / leafless Describes the type of leaves
location underground / overground / underwater / roof / indoor Location
narrow yes Relative indication that a way (waterway, highway, cycleway) gets narrower.
nudism yes / obligatory / designated / no / customary / permissive Indicates if the described object provides the possibility of nudism
opening_hours 24/7 or mo md hh:mm-hh:mm. (read described syntax) opening_hours describes when something is open.
opening_hours:drive_through 24/7 or mo md hh:mm-hh:mm. (read described syntax) opening_hours describes when something is open for drive-through services.
operator User Defined The operator tag can be used to name a company or corporation who's responsible for a certain object or who operates it.
power_supply yes / no Describes whether a power supply is available
produce User Defined Describes a feature's agricultural output produced though a natural process of growing or breeding.
rental see key's page Tagged on shops and other features to denote if they rent something or not and what they rent.
sauna yes / no Describes whether a sauna is available
service_times see opening_hours Times of service of a given feature e.g. church service
shower yes / no Describes whether a shower is available
start_date Date Date feature was created
tactile_paving yes /no Indicate if a specific place can be detected or followed with a blindman's stick.
tidal yes Area is flooded by the tide
toilets yes / no Describes whether a toilets is available
topless yes / no Indicates if the described object provides the possibility of female topless practice
tunnel yes A tunnel, use together with a tag layer=*.
toilets:wheelchair yes / no States if a location has a wheelchair accessible toilet or not.
wheelchair yes / no / limited Indicates if a place is accessible using a wheelchair.
width Number Width of way in metres
wood coniferous / deciduous / mixed Applies to landuse=forest and natural=wood detailing the sort of trees found within each landuse. Makes most sense when applied to areas.
Be careful : this tag is now deprecated, please use instead leaf_cycle=*
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This is used to define restrictions that apply to the associated element. See the page titled Restrictions for an introduction on its usage.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
Vehicle types
access agricultural / delivery / designated / destination / forestry / no / official / permissive / private / yes General access permission.
  • agricultural – Only for agricultural traffic
  • delivery – Only when delivering to the element.
  • designated – A preferred or designated route for a specific vehicle type or types. Not compulsory but often marked by a traffic sign
  • destination – Used for ways in designated local traffic areas, where traffic should only enter if its destination is within the area
  • forestry – Only for forestry traffic
  • no – No access for the general public. Consider using another tag indicating who can use the element
  • official – The way is dedicated to a specific mode of travel by law. Usually marked by traffic signs and exclusive. In Germany use is also compulsory. clarification needed
  • permissive – Open to general traffic until such time as the owner revokes the permission which they are legally allowed to do at any time in the future.
  • private – Only with permission of the owner on an individual basis
  • yes – The public has an official, legal right of access, i.e. it's a right of way (default value)
agricultural yes / no Access permission for agricultural vehicles, e.g. tractors.
atv For values see access above Access restricted to wheeled vehicles 1.27m (50 inches) or less in width, for example  ATV
bdouble For values see access above Access permission for  Road Train B-double. A B-double (B-Train) consists of a prime mover towing a specialised trailer (known as a "lead" or "A"-trailer) that has a fifth-wheel mounted on the rear towing another semi-trailer, resulting in two articulation points.
bicycle For values see access above + dismount Access permission for bicycles. Usage of bicycle=dismount and bicycle=no will vary in different countries. If according to local traffic rules a bicycle is no longer seen as a bicycle when there's no one driving it, then there's no need for using bicycle=dismount. If the local legislation still sees an undriven bicycle as a bicycle then you may need to use both bicycle=dismount and bicycle=no.
boat For values see access above Access permission for small boats and pleasure crafts, including yachts
electric_bicycle For values see access above Access permission for electric bicycles (mostly defined as having a maximum speed of 25 km/h)
emergency yes Access permission for emergency motor vehicles; e.g., ambulance, fire truck, police car
foot For values see access above Access permission for pedestrians.
forestry yes / no Access permission for forestry vehicles, e.g. tractors.
golf_cart For values see access above Access permission for golf carts and similar small, low-speed electric vehicles
goods For values see access above Access permission for  light commercial vehicles (LCV) or goods vehicles of category N1 with a maximum allowed mass of up to 3.5 tonnes. In the USA, combined weight 26,000 lbs or less.
hazmat For values see access above Access permission for vehicles carrying hazardous materials.
hgv For values see access above Access permission for  Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) (UK), e.g. for goods vehicles of category N2 and N3 (trucks, lorries) with a maximum allowed mass over 3.5 tonnes. In the USA, combined weight 26,001 lbs or greater.
horse For values see access above Access permission for horse riders.
inline_skates yes / no Access permission for  Inline Skates
lhv For values see access above Access permission for  Longer Heavier Vehicle (LHV), e.g. for vehicles with 6 axles and can carry up to 44 metric tons
mofa For values see access above Access permission for  mofas
moped For values see access above Access permission for  mopeds
motorboat For values see access above Access permission boats and yachts using motor
motorcar For values see access above Access permission for (motor) cars
motorcycle For values see access above Access permission for motorcycles
motor_vehicle For values see access above Access permission for any motorized vehicle
psv For values see access above Access permission for Public Service Vehicles (UK), e.g. buses and coaches
roadtrain For values see access above Access permission for  Road train, A road train consists of a relatively conventional tractor unit, but instead of pulling one trailer or semi-trailer, the road train pulls two or more of them.
ski For values see access above Access permission for  skiers
speed_pedelec For values see access above Access permission for electric bicycles (mostly defined as having a maximum speed of 45 km/h)
tank For values see access above Access permission for (military) tanks
vehicle For values see access above Access permission for all vehicles
4wd_only yes A road signed as only suitable for 4WD (offroad) vehicles
charge Number Amount of toll or fee. See toll=* as well
female yes Female-only or gender segregated (with male=yes) feature
male yes Male-only or gender segregated (with female=yes) feature
max_age age The legal maximum age
maxaxleload Weight The legal maximum axleload – units other than tonnes should be explicit
maxheight Height Height limit – units other than metres should be explicit
maxlength Length Length limit – units other than metres should be explicit
maxspeed Speed Maximum speed – units other than km/h should be explicit
maxstay Number Maximum stay, in units given (hour/hours/day/days)
maxweight Weight Weight limit – units other than tonnes should be explicit
maxwidth Width Width limit – units other than metres should be explicit
min_age age The legal minimum age
minspeed Speed Minimum speed – units other than km/h should be explicit
noexit yes A dead end road/cul de sac with only one access road
oneway yes / no / -1
oneway=yes for traffic direction same as the sequence of nodes of the way.
oneway=no for bidirectional traffic.
oneway=-1 for traffic direction opposite to the sequence of nodes of the way (if the way cannot be reversed).
Some road types are assumed to be one-way (e.g. highway=motorway), others are assumed to be two-way (most others).
Relation:restriction Used for a set of tags and members to represent a turn restriction.
toll yes Toll or fee must be paid to access way. See also barrier=toll_booth
traffic_sign city_limit Start/end sign of city limits, in most countries implies a specific "city maxspeed".
unisex yes Unisex feature

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Denumiri și nume


The name=* tag is the primary tag used for mapping the name of an element. See the page titled Names for an introduction on its usage.

Cheie Valoare Element Descriere
name User defined Numele comun implicit în limba română. Variantele în limbile minorităților naționale se scriu la eticheta name:lg corespunzătoare.

Pentru drumuri în localități este de forma "Strada Plopului", nu de forma "Plopului". Aproape întotdeauna, pentru drumurile ce leagă localități, acest câmp NU este prezent, dar există o referință. Execepții pot fi considerate cazuri precum A2 care are nume="Autostrada Soarelui", ref=A2.

Exemple de valori: Strada Plopului, Aleea Polpului, Calea Plopului, Podul Plopului, Pasajul Plopului, Autostrada Soarelui

Notă: Pentru zonele dicutabile, folosiți numele așa cum e afișat pe cele mai noi tăblițe din teren cu diacritice. Puneți toate alternativele fie în formele localizate pentru name (ex.: name:hu/name:de) sau în variante (ex: loc_name/old_name/alt_name).
name:<lg> User defined Numele în diferite limbi. Folosit frecvent în zonele cu componență etnică mixtă.
Ex.: name=Timișoara, name:hu=Temesvár, name:de=Temeschwar
name:left , name:right User defined Used when a way has different names for different sides (e.g., a street that's forming the boundary between two municipalities).
int_name[:<lg>] User defined Numele internațional
loc_name[:<lg>] User defined Numele local
nat_name[:<lg>] User defined Numele național. Foarte rar prezent în România
official_name[:<lg>] User defined Official name. Useful where there is some elaborate official name, while a different one is a common name typically used. Example: official_name=Principat d'Andorra (where "name" is name=Andorra).
old_name[:<lg>] User defined Numele istoric.
Ex.: name=Timișoara, old_name=Tibiscus
reg_name[:<lg>] User defined Numele regional
short_name[:<lg>] User defined Should be a recognizable commonly-used short version of the name, not a nickname (use alt_name for that), useful for searching (recognized by Nominatim).
sorting_name[:<lg>] User defined Name, used for correct sorting of names — This is only needed when sorting names cannot be based only on their orthography (using the Unicode Collation Algorithm with collation tables tailored by language and script, or when sorted lists of names are including names written in multiple languages and/or scripts) but requires ignoring some parts such as:
  • ignoring leading articles, or
  • lowering the relative importance of first names cited before a last name,
  • ignoring the generic part of a street name when it occurs before the specific name (e.g., in French with "rue", "boulevard", "place", etc.),

all of them being ignored at the primary sort level and not easily inferable by a preprocessing algorithm.

alt_name[:<lg>] User defined Un alt nume sub care acel element/drum e cunoscut; (ex.: name=Strada Nicolae Titulescu și alt_name=Bulevard , sau name=Complexul Studențesc and alt_name=Studenți)
name_1 , name_2 , ... Do not use this tag, suffixed name tagging for multiple values is deprecated.

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În România, referințele sunt trecute pe bornele kilometrice în partea superioară colorată a acestora. Culoarea dă tipul de referință: roșu pentru drumuri naționale, galben pentru cele județene si albastru pentru cele comunale. Referințele internaționale/europene sunt trecute doar pe plăcuțe adiționale.

Tipul de referință se precizează cu prefixele corespunzătoare (DN, DJ, DC, E).

Referințele se scriu cu majuscule și fără spații (ex. DN6, DJ411, E80, DC4). Pe porțiunile de drum comune mai multor drumuri de aceeași categorie sunt trecute toate referințele din categoria respectivă, fără spații și separate cu ";", neamestecând niciodată referințe din categorii diferite.


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See Generic:Map Features:place.

This is used mainly to give details about settlements. See the page titled Places for an introduction on its usage.

Administratively declared places


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Populated settlements, urban


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Populated settlements, urban and rural


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Other places


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Additional attributes


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Providing further information about tag values for other mappers and in some cases also for users. See the page titled Annotations for an introduction on its usage.


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This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.